A guide to getting all the achievements from both chapters, including Ghost Hunter.

A guide to getting all the achievements from both chapters, including Ghost Hunter.
List of all current Strinova achievements | Список всех доступных в Strinova достижений
This guide will give some advice on how to get all of the Achievements in Vox Populi.
100% Steam achievements guide for all four decision games.This guide is a work in progress.
This guide will take you through the entire gameplay of Teacup, so you can throw a tea party too!A lot of the contents have been inspired by 夏天沫月’s and chanendler_bong’s guides, in Chinese and Ukrainian respectively. While google translate is free, I’ve decided to compile the information from them into something in English, as currently the only English guide for this game only shows minigame puzzle solutions (which is still a great guide that has helped me a lot, check it out too! – missiloon’s guide)Teacup is a game focused on relaxed exploring so you might get the achievements in a slightly different order and your gameplay can take anywhere between an hour to several long days of exploring, but if you get stuck and don’t know where to go next to advance the story – here I come to the rescue!
The guide’s primary objective is to thoroughly explain all the available achievements and best possible ways to obtain them.
FAIR WARNING, THIS GAME IS TRASH, IF YOU HAVEN’T SPENT TWO HOURS ON IT, ASK FOR A REFUND AND PRETEND THAT IT NEVER EXISTED.While I’m making this guide for the poor souls having decided to buy this game despite my review, this guide will be of little help to find the cats. As explained in my review, cats will appear and disappear from a spot wherever and whenever they please. If you suddenly see a black cat on a field without anything around it after spending an hour wondering where are the lasts cats, you’re not crazy, it just decided to appear right there right now as a final middle finger for your sanity.Here is a prime example of how this game drains the fun out of itself :If you’re still in the mood to search for the kitties despite my warnings, your best bet is to proceed by fire camp : Look around one, click on all the cats, extinguish the fire camp and move onto the next area. I don’t know if the camp being lit or not has an effect on how the cats decide to come around, but it’s almost certain that you will find more cats next time you’ll go to that area. When you reach under 5 cats left to find, you’ll have clues. However, I can’t tell you how to make them appear and why they don’t appear for those 4 missing cats. Probably because they aren’t there yet. A lot of people restart the game several times to have all the achievements, it isn’t because they suck at finding the missing cats, it’s simply because of this random element of “yeah that cat will be there this time, right ?”.The only thing that has always been there, at least when during the 1.7 hours I spent cursing at it (and at myself) for wanting to help poor souls by writing a guide, was that cursor you can see on my screenshots. It wasn’t mine, it’s just a bonus one which remains there for fun.Why was the game created that way ? Why is there is a cursor constantly on your screen ? Why oh why does that game even exists with all those bugs ?I don’t know, my best bet is that “Bugy Games” is not a developer, but a social psychologist experimenting on how to drive crazy people who just want to be left alone finding kitties in a cute game. That or they should be renamed “Buggy Games” because that’s what they deliver.
My thematic/roleplaying guide for a Mantis Zealot (Warpriest) main character with the Devil mythic path. Features a complete guide for the Aeon-Devil mythic quests and commented leveling progression. DLC “A Dance of Masks” required! Suitable for Core difficulty or below.
If you’re looking for 100% achievements guide for Tails of Iron 2 you came to the right place!
The paid DLC is required for getting all the achievements.The starting hall rooms open after completing the game once with a few rooms having other requirements like finding 8 rubiesThis guide is incomplete and missing a few achievements, any help is appreciated! <3
Basic Guide, Tips, Tricks, and General Help with Achievements (so far) First off – most of the achievements you will get naturally as you play. I highly recommend just sitting back and letting them roll in and figure the game out on your own. That said, I hope this guide may help anyone who might want more info on a specific achievement or is struggling on any aspect in particular. Ill also do my best to update the guide with tips and such as folks leave em in the comments and as the devs update the game. So far they have been actively fixing bugs, adding new cars, and have been very active within the community all within the first week or two of release. Very excited to come back to this in the future!
Additional help to already existing guides and videos.Help with game crashing after a few minutes of playing.
Understanding the key technical mechanics to achieve that no margin of error!
ENG: In this guide, I will share with you my experience in leveling up weapons.RUS: В этом руководстве я с Вами поделюсь своим опытом по прокачке уровня оружия
This guide is designed to help you conquer every single mission in American Conquest.
This guide locates all hidden locations to complete the achievement named Kkokdu. You need first to obtain the fan (weapon) to start working on this.
Quick ‘n’ dirty no frills guide, with advice and hints on how to get the fragments. Spoiler tags are used! Work in progress.
In this guide, you will find the steps to claim the available codes in the game!
This guide shows you all the butterfly locations and where you can find the secret stone tablet rooms.
This is not a Full Guide, just a checklist with some tips i made for myself and decided to upload since there’s no guide for this game in Steam. You can copy and paste it to the Notes in the Overlay and use it from there.If you want to use it as a base for you own guide, feel free to as long as you give credits were they are due.The credits for all the tips goes to CyricZ on Gamefaqs, you can check his full guide on the following link: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps4/218734-yakuza-kiwami-2/faqs/76366
Let’s talk a bit about Operations Mode. The game mode where you create and develop your own gangs. I’ll just try to get you started with Operations, Infamy Points, Ranks and rewards etc. So that you have an idea of what this game offers aside from the story mode.And I’ll try to give some advice about priorities and missions.
A guide showing you how to earn each of the achievements in Everything Ends In 0, including the added “eden” achievement.
Photos and descriptions of all 25 cherry blossom locations on the inn map in Devour.
[GUIDE IN PROGRESS]Full list of all 43 Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Achievements.If you are interested in a specific achievement, then I recommend you to use the search option. Hold down the Ctrl key, and then press⠀F and write the exact name of the achievement in the search box.This guide contains STORY SPOILERS – I recommend reading this guide AFTER COMPLETING at least the Main Story.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀