This guide will give some advice on how to get all of the Achievements in Vox Populi.
As seen on TV
This is a very simple and you are likely to get it during your first game, the only advice I have is to not decline an invitation to a debate, i guess.
Political breakthrough
Again, a very easy one to get on your first game but some general advice I have is to give a custom character the Conciliation, Benevolence, and Tribune traits. this will maximise your popularity weight gain. I also recommend to put your ideologies right in the centre to maximise your Ideological Proximity to voters. [The Benevolence trait is Science Fiction scenario only, so use that scenario.]
Once you are loaded in, put your candidate onto New California and put the extra two characters [when recruited] onto the Middle Aged Middle Class and Middle Aged Working Class demographic squares.
Direct democracy
This is where it gets slightly harder, make sure to build up enough political points to run a referendum campaign until it has over 75% chance of passing.
In order to increase the weight that your campaign has on the referendum results, only launch the referendum when you have at least 30% voting intention, the ideology of the voters also impact the result. [For example, deregulation is more likely to pass if a large section of the population has the Total Deregulation ideology]
Electoral success
I recommend using the demographic grid only after you’ve turned at least two of the following, California, Texas, Florida, and New York. The best priority for your characters on the grid are
1. Middle Class Middle Aged,
2. Working Class Middle Aged
3. Middle Class Youth
4. Middle Class Seniors
5. Working Class Youth
6. Working Class Seniors
7. Upper Class Groups [They are mostly unimportant due to their low population.
If your character has a trait that boost their abilities with certain groups, such as Blue Collar Worker, then put them on the group that the boost will apply most to, such as putting a Tumultuous character on the Working Class Youth group.
Reshuffled cards
Basically the same advice as the last one but also set your custom character’s ideology to be as centrist as possible in order to get maximum voter proximity.
Landslide victory
Load into the direct vote scenario [The one that gets rid of the Electoral College] and select one of the two main party candidates to start off in an already good position.
Use the tips I’ve describe previously to rise your voting intention to 50% or higher and keep it like that until the first round of voting.
[Pro-tip, always select the event option that increases popularity weight, it’s very good and can normally increase vote share by 1% per event.
Growing ambition
Easiest achievement in the game, just play the tutorial.
Media victory
Alright, so the debate system in this game is kinda random and can be a bit frustrating but my tips are:
build as much rhetoric points up before the great debate and use it to but specialised cards in any category, they are all equally good in their own way.
Once you have the best structure in a round, go on the full offensive and only build up if you’re close to being caught up with.
Before you build up your next level, make sure to have at least 2 structures on all levels [or 4 if they are weakened and 1 if they are strengthened]
Be prepared for some complete unfair card pulls from your opponents by the way, i suggest you save your game before entering the debate so you can easily try again.
First they ignore you…
This is the same advice as Reshuffled Cards, set your ideology to centrist, focus on the demographic grid, etc.
In serried ranks
You can get this achievement simply by setting all your characters to generate political points but yo get it quickly, make sure to get 5% voting intention before you begin accumulating political points, this will remove the Minor Candidate trait which halves your Political Point gain.
The ‘In Advance’ penalty can be quite steep, but it’s still better to power through it instead of waiting for it to go away.
Side Note: You need to actually recruit a character for the last slot to get the achievement.
Ally of the people
Give your custom character the radicalism trait, which lets them sway the voters’ ideologies better.
Place them on the Regime ideology section in order to tilt it towards Revolutionary, this will increase support for the referendums required to achieve victory.
Use the tactics from Reshuffled Cards to gain 30% voting intention and maintain it.
Switch most of your characters to generate political points in order afford the referendums and the campaign level required to guarantee it passing.
Advanced Rhetoric
Simply set all your characters to generate political points until you have enough to unlock 3 categories, which is around 1350 points.
Chosen destiny
Pretty simple, just win with the Science Fiction scenario, it can be hard to adjust to the smaller number of states, but just remember that the priority on the demographic grid is still the same despite the higher population, also all states award their seats proportionally, not Winner Take All.
Uncharted Territories
While the tactics for the standard scenario apply to this one too, you may have to reload if your ideological proximity is too low due to the randomness, it’s subjective but I suggest restarting if your initial ideological proximity is lower than 75%
Long live the King!
Same advice as the Ally Of The People achievement, dedicate a radical (trait) character to tipping public opinion in favour of Constitutional monarchy, build up political power, and then win via referendum.
The Fourth Way
Make a custom character with centrist beliefs but adjust them just enough to get the unclassifiable classification. The Revolutionary or Monarchy ideology is recommended since it’s easier to win via referendum than electoral success.
Trickle-down elections
This is pretty simple, make a custom character and set their economic ideology to Collectivism.
Once you’re in the game, just dedicate all three of your starting team slots to the upper class demographic squares.
Vox Populi, Vox Dei
Set your regime to Constitutional Monarchy and set the rest of your ideologies to the centre, this will maximise your ideological proximity and offset the extra weight voters have towards the Regime ideology.
Then, just follow the steps in Long live the King!
Hard to starboard
Set your ideologies to those described in the achievement along with Reactionary ideology on the Society issue.
Then dedicate radical characters to tip the voters to your ideology if they are currently tipping ‘red’ [The text when you hover over them is red, that’s bad]
After that, use the rest of your characters on the demographic grid, then win.
This one is pretty hard, since every single factor is against you. I’d recommend you lower your expectations and just settle for the third best victory.
Set your ideology to as close as possible to alien supremacy that the scenario allows. After that, set your other ideologies into centrist positions.
Also, give your character the radicalism trait.
Once you’re in the game, set your character to tip the Society issue towards your ideology.
Use the rest of your team to focus on the first four priorities of the demographic grid [check the Electoral Success achievement]
Use the rest of your team on state-based campaigns in descending order of population. [i.e Target New California first, then Texas, then Great Florida, etc]
Again, everyone will be against you so after using campaign structure to get enough political points to unlock your fourth team slot, set your first three members to the bottom three issues on the ideology balance menu.
Then use your 4th member and the next 3 that you unlock to campaign on the demographic grid in the order laid out in the Electoral Success achievement.
Create a custom character with the tumultuous and blue collar worker traits [and the Total Deregulation ideology] set them to campaign on the Working Class Youth Square and then set the two other team members on working class middle ages and working class seniors respectively.
This was the last one I unlocked and took me several attempts, so get ready for pain☺
Campaign enough to remove the minor candidate trait and then win a great debate using advice I gave in the media victory achievement earlier.
After winning, dedicate your entire team to researching rhetoric points and once you’ve gain a few thousand points, spend it all on the superior base card pack which gives a 50% chance of giving either an argument 4 or 5 card each draw.
After spending enough points to gain around 5 of both cards. Then go into the deck building menu and remove excessive cards like hypocrisy and lie, this increases the chances of drawing an argument 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the same round.
After that, set all of your team to arrange debates with other candidates, the specific candidate doesn’t really matter. During the debates, just focus on building up to placing your 5th argument card, it doesn’t matter if it collapses almost instantly after.
Same as the Equality achievement, just make your ideology as left-wing as possible to appeal to the population instead of right-wing.
Cassandra’s victory
I don’t really have to explain much here, just set your ideology to interventionist [Economy] and radical [Environment] and give your character the Recognised expertise and Marginality traits.
Shareholder democracy
Set your ideology to total Deregulation [Economy] and Anarchism [Authority] to achieve the Anarcho-Capitalism corpus, also the Revolutionary [Regime] ideology.
Same as other revolution achievement, build up voting intention to 30%, dedicate your team to produce political points, and then pass all 3 referendums.
“Our” interest
Create a human character with the infiltration trait, obviously. Then set your ideology to Alien Privilege/Supremacy, i can’t remember which one triggers the corpus. and also give them the radicalism trait.
Set your character to shift the society issue in favour of alien supremacy/privilege and use the rest of your characters on the demographic grid/state campaigning.
Master of the Playing Cards
Win a great debate [easier said than done] and then dedicate your whole team to building up rhetoric after unlocking any of the card categories.
Then spam click the superior card draw on the special category you unlocked until you get 10 gold cards, no need to count them since you can just keep clicking until it gives the achievement.
Go into the ‘Red Wave’ scenario with your ideologies set as right-wing as possible, set your character to produce political points and go into the recruitment tab.
Sort the list by least ideological proximity by clicking on the middle arrow twice, there should be a character with 0% ideological proximity, if not, then recreate your character and try again.
Save up enough points to recruit that character and then recruit them.
If you’ve followed this guide in order, then congrats, you now have 100% of the achievements in Vox Populi: USA!
And that wraps up our share on Vox Populi: USA 2024: Achievements. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Peppermint_roll, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!