A Game About Digging A Hole: Achievement Guide (WIP)

Welcome to this achievement guide for A Game About Digging a Hole! This guide will help you unlock every achievement in the game, with tips on how to complete them easily.You’ll find descriptions, requirements, and useful tricks for each achievement. If any are missable or tricky, I’ll point them out.Use Ctrl+F to find specific achievements quickly. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.Let’s get started!

100 li’l jumps: Full Gameplay / 100% Achievements ( not completed )

Welcome, fellow froggy adventurers! This guide covers everything you need to know about 100 Lil’ Jumps, from core mechanics and movement strategies to unlockables and achievements. Whether you’re just starting your bouncy journey or mastering the perfect leap, this guide will help you hop your way to success. Get ready to jump, glide, and ribbit your way to victory!Currently in progress, not completed yet

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II: 100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE | Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievementsThank you for you patience!

Teacup: [ENG] Full Walkthrough and Achievements!

This guide will take you through the entire gameplay of Teacup, so you can throw a tea party too!A lot of the contents have been inspired by 夏天沫月’s and chanendler_bong’s guides, in Chinese and Ukrainian respectively. While google translate is free, I’ve decided to compile the information from them into something in English, as currently the only English guide for this game only shows minigame puzzle solutions (which is still a great guide that has helped me a lot, check it out too! – missiloon’s guide)Teacup is a game focused on relaxed exploring so you might get the achievements in a slightly different order and your gameplay can take anywhere between an hour to several long days of exploring, but if you get stuck and don’t know where to go next to advance the story – here I come to the rescue!

Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®: How to level up weapons quickly [RUS] [ENG]

ENG: In this guide, I will share with you my experience in leveling up weapons.RUS: В этом руководстве я с Вами поделюсь своим опытом по прокачке уровня оружия

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: 100% Achievement Guide | Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

[GUIDE IN PROGRESS]Full list of all 43 Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Achievements.If you are interested in a specific achievement, then I recommend you to use the search option. Hold down the Ctrl key, and then press⠀F and write the exact name of the achievement in the search box.This guide contains STORY SPOILERS – I recommend reading this guide AFTER COMPLETING at least the Main Story.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Full Spectrum Warrior: Full Spectrum Warrior – Walkthrough

Full Spectrum Warrior was initially developed for the U.S. Army as a tool to help train soldiers for high-intensity urban combat. Now, Pandemic has adapted it for general audiences, and while it may be a bit less hardcore than the original US Army version, it’s still likely to be the most realistic military sim you’ll have ever played.In FSW, you take control of eight soldiers split up into two fire teams, and are responsible for guiding them through the dangerous streets of Zekistan, which are overrun with enemy combatants desperate to stop you from discovering evidence of their war crimes and from locating their charasmatic leader, Mohammed Jabbour Al-Afad. In order to complete your objectives, you’ll need to learn how to utilize suppression fire, frag and smoke grenades, air strikes, and, perhaps most basic of all, how to simply coordinate your teams so that they can overcome obstacles that would stop a single team in its tracks.