Full Spectrum Warrior was initially developed for the U.S. Army as a tool to help train soldiers for high-intensity urban combat. Now, Pandemic has adapted it for general audiences, and while it may be a bit less hardcore than the original US Army version, it’s still likely to be the most realistic military sim you’ll have ever played.In FSW, you take control of eight soldiers split up into two fire teams, and are responsible for guiding them through the dangerous streets of Zekistan, which are overrun with enemy combatants desperate to stop you from discovering evidence of their war crimes and from locating their charasmatic leader, Mohammed Jabbour Al-Afad. In order to complete your objectives, you’ll need to learn how to utilize suppression fire, frag and smoke grenades, air strikes, and, perhaps most basic of all, how to simply coordinate your teams so that they can overcome obstacles that would stop a single team in its tracks.