100% Steam achievements guide for all four decision games.This guide is a work in progress.
There are two hidden achievements:
- ‘Scouting the Area‘: Start all four games.
- ‘Mega-Completionist‘: Complete all of the in-game achievements for all four games.
There is no steam cloud available for this game! All game files are stored locally.
For the achievement ‘Scouting the Area‘ I opened the first two games on one computer and the second two games on another, and did not receive the achievement! I have not tested this, however I assume the same applies for the ‘Completionist‘ and ‘Mega-Completionist‘ achievements. I intend to test this at some point, and also whether moving a save file from one computer to another activates these achievements.
Until I test the above, I highly suggest you only play decision on one computer.
The rest of this guide will detail my tips for how to complete each in-game achievement.
This guide will not detail in-game achievements that are self explanatory, are required to complete each game, or where I otherwise do not have a specific tip to share.
Decision 1 Achievements
IMPORTANT: you can soft-lock yourself with this one since it is time based! Make sure you complete it within 40 days.
IMPORTANT: you can soft-lock yourself with this one since levels are not repayable! Make sure you complete it.
Specifically, the ‘Clean-up’ level becomes unavailable once you fully complete an area, so make sure you do that once for each area before completing it.
IMPORTANT: you can soft-lock yourself with this one since levels are not repayable! Make sure you complete it.
See this guide for locations.
This one was very annoying for me. I suggest you chip away at it while you play: After you kill each zombie, shoot it again to ‘rend’ its body.
Since each barrel gives you $100 if you explode it, I suggest you always shoot them all anyway. Levels that are repayable could be farmed for barrels (but this would be very painful to do).
Tip: If you are fast enough you can hit barrels close together quickly to get the $100 for each barrel, rather than once for the whole group.
I was only able to achieve this by rounding up a bunch of low level zombies (at least 10). And using a fully upgraded minigun to mow them down. I suggest doing this on a ‘Clean-up’ mission in an area with low threat level (and thus low level zombies).
I did not need to wound the zombies before I did this, however you could try this if you are not successful with the above. I did not try using the rocket launcher to achieve this, so its possible this achievement is easy if you use it.
I managed to get this twice, once using the minigun and a second time with the rocket launcher. This is probably only possible toward the late game with fully upgraded guns and lots of zombies. I did not have any problem with this one, but if you are having trouble I suggest you look at my tip for ‘Strike‘
I believe that you cannot get headshots with the rocket launcher or hand grenade, however I have not tested this. Since these are chance-based, I suggest you stick to the other weapons until you achieve this.
This is very easy to get if you fully upgrade the skill. (I tried to do it with the skill on level 1 and it took much longer than it needed to).
Decision 2 Achievements
This one was very annoying for me. I suggest you chip away at it while you play: After you kill each zombie, shoot it again with a shotgun, hand grenade, or rocket launcher to ‘rend’ its body. Unfortunately, using towers does not count toward this achievement.
Unfortunately, the detector upgrade in this game does not detect ATMs, hiding places, nor warehouses.
Fortunately, all areas can be revisited, and a detailed map of all points of interest can be found here:
Decision 2 map[armorgames.com]
ATMs can be destroyed by explosions so be careful! If you restart your mission, they will re-spawn, and ATMs that have already been hacked will stay hacked (meaning you will not get their loot!). If you need to restart a mission, I suggest restarting your game such that all ATMs you have hacked for that mission are able to be hacked once again.
There is a small chance to hack $30,000 from an ATM.
- I assume you need to max out the ATM skill for this to happen (though I have not tested this).
- Loot amount is randomised. However, if you close and re-open your game before you complete the mission, the random amount changes! (This will also reset your mission progress).
- To avoid grinding this, or soft-locking yourself, I suggest maxing the skill for ATMs before attempting to hack any.
‘Place‘ 200 mines, does not mean ‘Detonate‘ 200 mines. You can easily grind this at any point.
These respawn when you revisit an area, so you can grind this if need be.
TODO: Is there a way of soft-locking this?
TODO: Is this for 1 weapon, or all weapons?
Decision Medieval Achievements
Decision 3 Achievements
There are more than 50 stashes in the map. Use the detector skill to find them. All levels in the game can be revisited at any time.
You can revisit areas to rescue more people. I find that areas that have been recently visited tend to have less people, but have not empirically tested this.
And that wraps up our share on Decision Legacy Collection: Decision Legacy Collection 100% Achievements Guide (WIP). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Jon Bonham, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!