This guide will take you through the entire gameplay of Teacup, so you can throw a tea party too!A lot of the contents have been inspired by 夏天沫月’s and chanendler_bong’s guides, in Chinese and Ukrainian respectively. While google translate is free, I’ve decided to compile the information from them into something in English, as currently the only English guide for this game only shows minigame puzzle solutions (which is still a great guide that has helped me a lot, check it out too! – missiloon’s guide)Teacup is a game focused on relaxed exploring so you might get the achievements in a slightly different order and your gameplay can take anywhere between an hour to several long days of exploring, but if you get stuck and don’t know where to go next to advance the story – here I come to the rescue!
As you might notice, a lot of the quests start in similar areas, so trying all interactions as you discover them can give you a nice kickstart, allowing for a faster completion. That way you can also alter the order you get some of the achievements. The sections of the guide are listed in the order I found the ingredients, so you can compare how much variability there is to the paths you can take by comparing to the other guides and your own playthrough.
In short, I strongly recommend that you try to interact with everything in the game!
The Tea Encyclopedia
As you explore Teacup’s house, find the encyclopedia on the table before you exit the door.
Mint Tea
In the Market, find Wren – she sells fruit and vegetables. Upon helping her complete a minigame of arranging boxes of produce, she’ll tell you to talk to Salamandro in the Pond. Use the map to go there.
At the Pond, go left to find where the swimming area is and talk to Salamandro – the swimmer standing on the island. Agree to his swimming challenge and beat him in a minigame. That will unlock another location on the map – Meadow, where Salamandro’s house is at. Meet him there.
In the Meadow, talk to Salamandro again. Congrats, you just got some mint, as well as 3 new areas unlocked on the map – Plaza, Villa and East Forest!
Go to the West Forest and climb the ladder up to Otto‘s treehouse. Talk to him, and he’ll give you some honey.
Then, go to the Villa and enter the underground house, all the way to the right – Georgina will be happy to give you some hibiscus.
At the Pond, go right to the Lighthouse. Enter the Lighthouse and go up the stairs, where Rikard is struggling with fixing a mechanism. Help him by completing a minigame and he will give you rooibos in return.
Dream Tea and Jasmine Tea
In the Meadow, go right past Salamandro’s house. Go inside the circus-like tent. As you speak with the Magicians, Vitiano and Iakovu, they will ask you to find some lost objects in a minigame. The objects are covered in a magic substance that teleports you into a dream world. You won’t be able to return there, so enjoy it while it lasts. At the end to the right, you’ll find the Magicians again and return to the normal world. They will share the Dream tea with you!
After that, return to the Plaza. In the Carpet Shop, Pankrati will give you jasmine as thanks for taming the wild carpets in another minigame.
Lemon Verbena
Go to the East Forest. It looks unfinished as if there’s something else you have to unlock, but just head down and to the right and you’ll find your way. Talk with the Racoon Brothers, then head down the path next to them. The lemon verbena grows by the small pond – you can see it shimmering to let you know it’s the one.
As you’re by the pond where lemon verbena grows, make sure to follow the path up to unlock the Field – you won’t be able to get chamomile, sugar nor the basic teas without it!
In the Pond, go right, where the Lighthouse is. You’ll see Lyndon and Bertol, who will take you on a swim in their boat. That’s where Bertol, scared by a bee, drops a basket into the water, starting another minigame where you save the day by fishing the food out of the pond.
Return to the Plaza and go into the Bakery. There, Lyndon will give you the cookies.
Go to the Field, where the Kite festival is being held. There’s an extra achievement here if you talk to Adele and Evangeline on the first blanket. Chamomile grows on the right side of the area, regardless of you speaking to anyone – it’s the glowing bush again.
White, Black and Green Tea + Sugar
In the Field, go all the way to the right. In the second area, you’ll find Kerim selling coffee and tea from his cart. Talk to him, and play a minigame serving coffee to customers as he is busy practicing the recipes you gave him. As a reward, he will share his black, green and white teas, as well as sugar to go with them.
Lemon balm, Ginger and Rosehip
Once you helped Pankrati with taming the carpets, a troupe will start setting up on the stage in the Plaza. One of the Lumberjack Beavers that was working near the Villa will go there after you’ve collected all previous ingredients.
Talk to Ciro sitting on the stage and learn about his issue with a missing character for the play. Here is where you play (in my opinion) the most difficult minigame of them all, being the main character of the play. Once the play has finished, the lumberjack brother will return to finish the work near the Villa.
Go to the Villa, and the path before Olimpia’s house should be cleared now. This is your last chance to go back and explore any last bits of Little Pond – there’s no going back if you choose to sail, other than starting a whole new gameplay. While the path only unlocks after obtaining all ingredients listed in the Tea Encyclopedia, there’s no check for if you already spoke to Adele and Evangeline in the Field – you need to do that to 100% all the achievements. To proceed, sail to Grandma.
At the Grandma’s house, rosehip grows just in the hallway, by the bookcase on the right – it might be a bug, but this is the only free-to-take bush that didn’t have the shimmer like you saw earlier on chamomile and lemon verbena. Find Grandma in the room to the left. Talk to her, then join her in the kitchen on the right side of the house. Congrats, you just obtained the last missing ingredients and achievement!
After you talk with Grandma in her kitchen, you will return in Teacup’s house on the day of the tea party. The guests will arrive when you interact with the door, and the last minigame of serving tea will start. This marks the end of the game. If you relaunch the game and select Continue without starting a new playthrough, you will be always brought to this place – free to interact with Teacup’s house if you want to replay just the last minigame.
Enjoy your tea!
EXTRA: Complete Map
I hope this guide was helpful in finding your way through Teacup’s cute adventure. This is the first Steam guide I’ve written, so I’ll appreciate any feedback in the comments.
And that wraps up our share on Teacup: [ENG] Full Walkthrough and Achievements!. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by froggo37, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!