Basic Guide, Tips, Tricks, and General Help with Achievements (so far) First off – most of the achievements you will get naturally as you play. I highly recommend just sitting back and letting them roll in and figure the game out on your own. That said, I hope this guide may help anyone who might want more info on a specific achievement or is struggling on any aspect in particular. Ill also do my best to update the guide with tips and such as folks leave em in the comments and as the devs update the game. So far they have been actively fixing bugs, adding new cars, and have been very active within the community all within the first week or two of release. Very excited to come back to this in the future!
Event Tiers (Reputation Based)
“Action” Achievements
If you don’t get this in the tutorial, you should be getting this pretty quick. Just make sure your car is in good shape prior to the event, fix what is needed in between sections, and it will pop when you place 1st at the end of the event.
While in the garage, you are able to open the driver door, and interact with the drivers seat. Once seated inside your car, you will be prompted with your keybinding/button to start the car. Your car (or at least the engine) will need to be complete and not broken for the car to actually start.
This requires you to interact with parts in a specific way so that the parts come off in a “set”. The easiest is probably the brakes – instead of taking the calipers and pads off before taking the disc brake off, interact with the disc which will take all three parts off at once. This also works for some transmissions, air filter boxes, fuse boxes, crankshaft/piston assemblies, and plenty of others.
This one will come over time. The easiest are the bolts & part masters which levels up as you take parts on and off. There are others that level up as well but will likely take longer (repairing parts, winning events, and purchasing parts from the store).
Super easy, try to start an event without washing your car. It wont let you, but the achievement will pop.
Take off a few parts that are not at 100%, then head over to the workbench. Fix 5 individual parts without leaving the workbench and this will be awarded.
This one isn’t particularly difficult once you know the in’s & out’s of your car. The events early on for Class C cars typically end up with less invasive repairs such as body work, brakes, minor suspension replacements, etc. As your reputation goes up, and you get more complicated events, this will get harder to complete. Swapping out an entire set of asphalt gear in prep for a gravel track, while also troubleshooting engine issues is a blast… but you’re not likely going to do it all with 4 minutes left on the clock.
In the off chance you do have issues with this one, my recommendation would be to ignore “repairing” any broken parts and instead just replacing anything that is needed right away with parts from the warehouse (the part with the little + sign over it during the assembly). This will cut down on time needed to go fix the part, then navigate back to that parts location.
Part Installation, Tuning, & Maintenance
Prepare your car for a Gravel event. You will need brakes, tires, and suspension to match the new type of event. When you install the gravel equipment you will get this one.
In the shop, there are different body kits and variations for some of the bumpers, scoops, and spoliers. Pick up and install a variation of each available part for your car and this achievement should pop.
Buying a “new” car from the shop does not guarantee that all the parts will be at 100%, in fact quite the opposite. The few cars I have bought never seem to have anything outright broken to the point where the car can’t compete, but i usually end up spending some time fixing things before heading out to the next circuit.
It’s worth mentioning that this achievement doesn’t require you to completely tear down the car or replace every single part; but instead requires the 4 overall “categories” that show up in your car status to all be +95%. Interact with your car, and on the left side of the rotary menu is a clipboard which will give you more intel on the status of your car. The 4 categories are listed on the right twice -once for the overall health of the components that make up that category, and the other for how complete/incomplete that part of the car is. This can be super helpful in figuring out where missing parts might be hiding.
Utilize the car’s status & inspection tools to help ID where the car needs repairs. Once the average of those parts for each section are above 95%.. you’ll get a shiny new achievement for keeping your car in peak condition.
There are certain parts that have different “versions” for your car. These will show up with a “v1 , v2, or v3” in the part name. It isn’t immediately clear, but these parts can be interchanged to increase the performance of the car in some cases.
WARNING: I highly recommend saving up enough cash to be able to afford the dynamo-meter before you start buying performance / tuning parts. Installing these parts will reset your cars performance value & class with “?” marks making it ineligible for events. These can only be reset by testing it on the dyno. I jumped into this too early, rebuilt a whole engine only to realize this and had to sell the car (which you will take a loss on) only to buy another. It is very possible to get “stuck” with a car you cant race and without enough funds to buy the dyno or another car to compete with. This will break your save file & require you to load from an earlier save file.
That aside there are 2 achievements related to improving your car:
Tuning Influence: can be done on any car. Each performance part shows a % value increase when installed. If you install enough of these you will score another achievement for having a total value of 80 or more.
Overall Performance Value: this can be combined with the Tuning Influence achievement above but should be done on a “Class A” car. It is possible to install performance parts onto a Class B car to the point it gets re-classed to an A, but its much harder (if not impossible?) to tune a Class B car to a point where its overall performance value is over 900. Being that Class A cars start in the 800’s – it is much easier to tune a Class A car to +900.
Purchasing New Cars
Garage Expansions
As far as I can tell, there was no way to “call” a car into the paint booth, instead you have to interact with your car in the garage and “send” it to the booth. Once there, there are a great number of options to paint your car, or even sections of your car. Toggle from the paint mode over to the decal mode and have a ball.
Similar to the paint booth – you will need to “send” your car into this add-on by interacting with your car. Testing a car here will re-evaluate your car’s performance value & class. Any performance parts will increase these values but require the dyno to re-assign values to your car. Otherwise they show up as a “?” mark and your car will not be eligible for an event.
Test Track Achievements
- Use a controller instead of M&K – driving is difficult in this game as is, the keyboard made it impossible for me to control the few times i tried;
- Utilize the ability to throttle or have partial inputs (i.e. gas @ 35% rather than full throttle). I found that i could actually have more control and go faster when not flooring it with the triggers on my controller.
- Use soft, small corrections when steering to avoid the car from getting too sideways which will inevitably cause it to spin;
- Brake early – hitting the brakes while turning is almost a guaranteed visit into to the wall. Slow down well in advance with little to no steering input, then “feather” the steering and throttle through the turn;
- Take it slow. By being overly cautious the first few laps, you can get a better feel for the car without the frustration of constantly spinning. Focus on making a full lap without a spin, no matter how slow – then focus on getting faster.
Spend any amount of time on the test track and you’re going to get this one…
This achievement is a cumulative 30 seconds during a test track session rather than needing to drift continuously for that amount of time. You are likely going to get this one automatically while trying to get the Dev time trial achievement
Hands down the hardest achievement in the game. Getting a solid time required a ton of practice and a healthy dose of patience. Using the recommendations above, i started getting a full lap in about 45 seconds without spinning. From there it was just putting on some good tunes and then trimming a second or two off my time each lap until getting the achievement.
A few things i did – but can not confirm if any/all of these actually have an impact:
- All components of the car where 95%+
- Used a tuned (maxed?) class A car (900+ performance score)
- Set up the car for wet gravel with v4 brakes and new tires
I am not sure / cant tell if car alignment, suspension, brake force, and some of the other “fine tuning” actually translates into handling and such on the track. But waiting until you have a faster car is definitely a must.
Good luck Mechanics & Happy Gaming
And that wraps up our share on Rally Mechanic Simulator: 100% Achievement Guide – v1.0. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Keeper of Chaos, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!