The paid DLC is required for getting all the achievements.The starting hall rooms open after completing the game once with a few rooms having other requirements like finding 8 rubiesThis guide is incomplete and missing a few achievements, any help is appreciated! <3
Main game
Started the game.
Got your first achievement.
Settings -> Controls -> Emotional sensitivity, max out the slider
Turned up emotional sensitivity to 100.
Play story
Stay in the elevator for 16 mins
Did absolutely nothing.
painting room after interview potentially Ruby – Painting here?
IQ test, press ESC to pause if needed
Galaxy brain requires playing the game from the start, stage select will soft lock the IQ test
Achieved a perfect score on the IQ test.
After the IQ test and dropping down, choose the button NONE on the left for a favorite color
You don’t play by the rules.
Up ahead will be the teleporter, quickly make it to the corner to get yourself trapped
Found the teleporter’s blind spot.
Then bait out the closing door by stepping only a bit inside and get out from the teleporter before the door closes
Found out that doors close for a reason.
In the next office room, look to the right and find Zara’s Desk and pick up the small key (important for Ruby – Heli)
If this is your first time playing the game, don’t use the chair skip.
Press the button at the end of the corridor
You pressed the button you weren’t supposed to. Good job.
When you give Breadbot it’s bread, follow it quickly inside the closing wall’s room.
Find the ruby by following your father.
Next up is the confession booth, when the flashback starts, move out the open door.
Wander off during the flashback.
A bit ahead, enter the room with a lightning bolt above it, you can find the color combination on the left, pink blue green blue pink blue green yellow
Find the musical ruby.
After that is the visual intelligence test:
5, A roulette table, 8 of Spades, 2, A statue
42 sheep for the counting game
A perfect memory! Or you cheated.
You’ll soon find the Button of Misfortune on the right side, keep pressing it for an achievement.
Pressed the Button of Misfortune far too many times.
In the reflector room, stand in front of the mirror until the story is over.
How can one live without a reflection?
Next you’ll travel through time, don’t leave the receptionist room until you get the achievement.
Made the receptionist quit.
Now’s the time to use the small key from Zara’s Desk at the really nice sound button, jump over the button to land on the small helipad to open the secret room.
Find the ruby by unlocking the really nice sound.
If you are really struggling with the captcha up ahead, pull out an autoclicker to bruteforce it.
Don’t press the button and let the 20 second timer run out.
Completed the game.
Now the other rooms in the first hall can be entered.
DLC room
Keep pressing the button until you get a 1000
Got a 1000 from the 1-10 button.
Opposite of the book of crouching, a room potentially with a secret for waiting?
After getting crouching, you’ll end up in a room with Stairs that lead nowhere, climb them 5 times to find a secret room.
Find the ruby beyond the stairs.
In the next room, pick up the keys on the table to the right
Answers for the quiz ahead:
Another visual intelligence test:
1 rabbit
53 horses
62 geese
Keep staying for more counting games:
The ruby will spawn in front of the exit door.
Find the ruby by counting beyond the geese.
Keep using the compliment machine until it explodes, for real.
Now that’s a compliment.
Use this number combination to open a secret room for a ruby: 54872
Find the ruby by entering the perfect numbers.
Codes for the puzzle doors ahead:
Enter the room with the sign: Major spoiler inside!
Crouch under the spoiler and start the car to reveal a secret room with the ruby
Find the ruby using the sick car.
Code for the next door: 3468
Completed the DLC.
Room 8/8 Having collected 8 rubies
Found the meaning of life.
Hallway room
Potentially unlocking The Hall Less Travelled and Ruby – Hallway here?
And that wraps up our share on Moral Dilemma: The Interview: (Incomplete) Moral Dilemma: The Interview Achievement guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by FrozenShiver, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!