A guide to getting all the achievements from both chapters, including Ghost Hunter.
- Story achievements – you won’t miss them, they’re given out as you progress through the game’s story
- Secret achievements – something you might accidentally miss
- Collection achievements – given not for a single action, but for several actions during the course of the game
Survive the library
Unlock the rose door
Ventilate the Webber building
Repair the stone face
Put a close to the final chapter
Cross the last T and dot the last I
Thoroughly examine the occult collection
Explore all the items on display in the occult showcase in the library.
Arrive at the seance unprepared
After Amy leaves to find a place to perform the ritual and sits down at the table, approach her without bringing the Ouiji board and listen to the dialog.
Crack the code on pure instinct
Open the toolbox without knowing the code. The toolbox is in a room locked with a card lock. Do not read any notes inside this room and enter the code immediately: 001
Avoid the spotlight’s stare
After getting the coins in the boys’ locker room, don’t get caught by Spotlight. To do this, go around the lockers on the left, the trash can on the left side and go straight to the window past the table. Do everything squatting down so that Spotlight can’t hear you. If there are problems, you can go for a new circle around the lockers, hide in the tank or under the table by the window.
If you are caught, exit to the menu and start again – the game is saved when you change locations.
Dare to follow the mysterious shadow
When you get the glue from the machine, the Specter will appear from the corner on the left, but he will disappear when you approach him. Run to the place where he went and look for him at the toilet stalls. Then go back to the vending machine.
Attempt a rescue call
When you get to the phone and Vivian wants to call Amy, dial 911.
Give the tumbler an extra whirl
After getting the handle from the lottery drum at the gym, spin it until you get the achievement (a long time).
Navigate the classrooms unaided
When you get to the hall in front of the theater, don’t look at the map! You need to go through the entire location without using it once.
Take a bow on stage
Once in Drama Class, go to the stage and squat in the center of it. Sit until you get the achievement.
Play a broad sweeping melody
Press from left to right all the interactive buttons on the piano in the music classroom.
Decipher the poem flawlessly
Solve the riddle with the box and the poem the first time:
Repair the sprinkler while a melody plays
Fix the water system while the music is playing. Before you start fixing the water system, turn on the music. If the song ends and you haven’t had time – wait a little while and the song will start again.
Fixed system:
Perform perfectly in the final showdown
Defeat the final boss without taking damage.
Action principle:
Your task is to turn on generators so that puddles of current hit the Spotlight that landed in them. Spotlight has two types of attacks: jumping in your direction and the familiar beam of light. Hide from the beam under furniture, and run away from the attacks so that the Spotlight lands in electrified puddles. Use pliers for the first time, and a screwdriver the next times..
If you are caught, exit to the menu and start again – the game is saved when you change locations.
Explore the entire game with breath intact
In fact, to get the achievement you need to never use the inhaler once. But considering what the consequences will be (unpleasant visual and audio effects), it’s easier not to take damage at all.
If you are caught, exit to the menu and start again – the game is saved when you change locations.
See every Elusive Specter
To get this achievement, you need to see all of the Elusive Spectres. These are dark figures with glowing eyes that will appear near you throughout the game. You need to see 10 specific ones to get the achievement:
- After the ritual, take the candle and explore the library. The path is actually one, and you will come across a closet where many books are missing and one will fall down as you approach. Look through the opening, see an old desk, and after you step back and quickly look to the left – Amy will run through there. Careful, you might miss her! It’s the first Specter.
- Go to the door with the golden statue with stretched out arms and interact with it. After that, go to the corridor on the right – there will be a Specter peeking out from around the corner, which will disappear when you get closer.
- Once in the women’s locker room, where there is a vending machine, go to the toilet stalls on the right side. Squat down near the far stall, where you can see Specter’s foots, but then they will hide.
- In the gym storage in the beam of light from the flashlight will stand a Specter. You can’t miss it.
- In the gym’s restroom, where you will pass through the vent, a noise can be heard coming from the far stall. Interact with this stall and don’t leave until the noise stops.
- In the gym, when you switch the power to the vent, go to the main room of the gym and head towards the exit. There will be three Specters standing in the center, starring on you. You can just watch them and head in their direction, don’t need to chase them.
- When you remove the mirror from the wall, take a part of the statue’s face – behind it there will be a hole in the wall where the Specter is looking at you. Hover your cursor over it.
- After placing the first part of the statue’s face in the sewer, look behind and look at the grate on the right wall – the Specters will be looking at you from there.
- After picking up the tape, go back to the classroom door – it will be locked. Go to the closet that has fallen at the far end of the room and pick up the strange key near it. When you do this, there will be Specters all around the class on top of the closets – look at them and specifically at the one in front of the fallen closet.
- After you pick up the floppy disk, the last Specter will be waiting for you behind the closet towards the stairs.
Begin again through new eyes
Complete the seance from Amy’s perspective
Step into familiar halls
Place the first medallion
Return to the start
Escape the school together
Finish the game for good
Call for help a bit too early
Call 911 from Amy’s phone in preparation for the ritual from the school library.
Crack the statue poem flawlesslyr
Destroy the statues in the backyard with the hammer in the right order on the first try:
Scan every station
Listen to all the stations on the radio (don’t just scroll, linger on each one). There are 12 stations in total, you have to turn the left controller. They change in ascending order, so if the station number does not change anymore, turn the other way until the achievement falls out.
Bring down the lights
After climbing up to the second floor, you will need to go down to the basement during the passage. Back on the downstairs, you will find that the spotlight is held up from the ceiling by three ropes attached in different places in the living room. Untie them and the spotlight will fall down.
Survive without a scratch
An achievement similar to Deep Breaths аrom the chapter 1 – you have to get through the chapter without using incense (in this case). Again, it’s easier to not take damage at all.
If you are caught, exit to the menu and start again – the game is saved when you change locations.
Difficult moment (watch under the spoiler if you don’t know what to do to avoid taking damage):
When you set the clock hands and accept the phone call, opening the door will reveal the Lady of Black Waters. There are no options to make it so that she doesn’t notice you initially. So immediately after opening the door, run past her down the hallway with the railing (it’s on the right of the door). Even though it sounds like she’s running really fast, she won’t catch up to you unless you stop. Run into brother’s room, then into his bathroom and out the window. When you run across the roof and climb into the room where the chase started, the Lady will disappear (but I’m not sure about that, because I behaved quietly, going to the cages, but you”l be in safe).
Hear every voicemail
You have to find and listen to all five voicemail. Four of them are given after interacting with “noisy” objects (looks like the picture, sounds like white noise from the TV):
- MP3-player in the kitchen
- Project in the basement
- After going up the stairs
- Vivian’s library card in the brother’s bathroom
- The rose in the basement
Witness every scene through Amy’s eyes
To get the achievement you need to look through the door peephole on the door with the disks without missing a single scene. There are four of them:
- Once you get into the house (see the door with the moon and sun)
- After installing the first disk
- When returning to the downstairs to flush the water
- Before installing the second disk
And that wraps up our share on Fear the Spotlight: ALL achievement guide (CHAPTER 1 + CHAPTER 2). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Jumkot, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!