Additional help to already existing guides and videos.Help with game crashing after a few minutes of playing.
This guide contains everything I went through playing and 100% this game.
Answers to nearly everything YOU have to go through to also 100% this AWESOME game.
I tried to do it as spoiler free as possible. I even separated the achievements for you.
EVERYTHING under the SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!! tag contains… You guessed it SPOILERS! In any type of form but all of them are covered with a black bar so hopefully you won’t get spoiled anything.
Challenges and some achievements only contain certain types of spoilers for example:
Locations, the whole map or items you acquire later in the game, etc.
Don’t forget to favourite this guide so you can use it in the future !
And also don’t forget to comment if I missed anything or something is wrong with the guide.
I hope this guide helps you and good luck!
AMD crash fix
- Start the game
- Load story
- Play story for like 30 minutes
- Then your screen freezes and you hear a windows device unplug notification
- Screen says : No HDMI Output
- Screen goes completely black and you can’t do anything
- You restart your pc by holding the power button because that’s the only thing you can do
- Your pc loads up but it’s extremely slow
- You check the Hz of your monitor and find out its set to 60 Hz ( It was 100 Hz before )
- You also find out that your AMD Adrenalin doesn’t work meaning you have to download it again
- While downloading it it says that the drivers are broken and if you want to repair them
- You repair them, restart your pc and start RDR2 everything works well again BUT after a few minutes you crash again
- Frustrated you try to find solutions online
- Find nothing except that It could be an Windows 11 error because of its weird forced driver update thingy, you also find out that its very hard to fix.
- I figured out that the game was working perfectly fine before updating drivers
- I downgrade the drivers
- Start RDR2 and 1,5 hours in I crash again BUT there is some progress cuz the time I could play went up
- I downgrade again
- Can play for like 4 hours but still crash at some point
- I downgrade to the drivers I had before updating: 24.8.1 ( 23/08/2024 )
- Game works perfectly fine again only crashes when im in Fullscreen Windowed for too long
So basically downgrading should be the solution for this problem !
My game started crashing right after updating my drivers to 24.10.1.
Everything was fine before this.
Maybe I was the only one experiencing this problem but who knows.
My specs:
- Windows 11 Home
- AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT
- AMD Ryzen 5 5600
Link for the drivers that work ( Drivers are for the RX 6700 XT graphics card! )
Missable Achievements
These achievements are basically just:
- Completing all side missions ( White letters on map )
- Completing at least one companion activity in every place you go to
- Delivering 5 item requests to your crew
- Donating $250
Some people also say that: Breaking and Entering is also missable, don’t know if thats true but you should get this when going for 100% achievement ( Required to find at least 5 different shacks [Houses] )
Story achievements + non-spoiler ones
I won’t be naming them because they can spoil something that happens in the story.
Collector’s Item
Complete one of the Collectable strands
There are four collectable strands:
-30 dinosaur bones,
-10 rock carvings,
-144 cigarette cards No need to find all 144 cards since you only need 1 set ( 12 ) for 100%
-20 dreamcatchers.
Easiest ones are probably the dreamcatchers.
Guide for dreamcatchers:
Extreme Personality
Reach maximum or minimum Honor level
Basically just don’t do stupid things… Try to help people and be good
Fastest way to do this is probably just saving the game to another file and start killing people then when you get it just load back your normal save.
Gold Rush
Earn 70 Gold Medals in Story missions
Very hard and very time consuming..
Do this after playing through the whole game. I don’t think there are any tips for this you just have to grind, also you have to do all of the tasks in ONE TAKE meaning one run.
Look at the tasks and play the missions that seem to be the easiest to you.
You can find all the missions in Menu – Progress – Story
Hobby Horse
Play all mini games
- Poker
- Dominoes
- Five Finger Fillet
- Blackjack
If you are going for 100% you will be sick of these games and I mean it.
But for this achievement you just need to play one round no need to win.
Locked and Loaded
Upgrade each available component for a single sidearm or longarm weapon
Go to the gunsmith and just upgrade the weapon of your choice. You have to customize all the components. If you did not unlock the achievement after that, try to upgrade components for some other weapon.
Self Sufficient
Craft 30 unique items in Story Mode
You’ll also get this when going for 100% so no need to worry. Everything counts ammo, food, horse stimulants everything.
Trusty Seed
Reach max bonding level with a horse
Just take good care of your horse and reach level 4 bonding.
Should be easy and there is a high chance you’ll get it by the time you complete the story.
Challenges are very hard like VERY HARD and pretty time consuming especially the Gambler and Herbalist.
You can check your progress in ESC – PROGRESS – CHALLENGES
But all of these are needed for 100%
Bandit – CHALLENGE –
Rank 2: Rob any 2 coaches or return any 2 stolen coaches to the Fence.
You can find coaches near the wagon fence so just look around.
Rank 3: Rob the cash register in any 4 shops in one day.
Rank 4: Rob any 3 coaches or return any 3 stolen coaches to the fence in a day.
Same as Rank 2.
Rank 5: Amass $250 bounty in one state.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
Rank 6: Steal 5 horses and sell them to the Horse Fence at Clemens Cove.
Horse fence is unlocked by completing “Horse Flesh for Dinner” in Chapter 3.
Rank 7: Rob $50 worth of cash and valuables from townsfolk and travelers.
Rank 8: Steal 7 wagons and sell them to the Fence at Emerald Ranch.
Same as Rank 2 and 4.
Rank 9: Hogtie someone and leave them on the railroad 3 times.
Pretty easy. You can cut them loose right after putting them on the tracks so you don’t feel bad, or you can pick them up and throw them away from the railroad tracks.
Rank 10: Complete 5 train robberies without dying or being caught.
Seems hard but its probably the easiest one on here. Buy a train ticket, after the cutscene run to the back of the train and either loot a box or steal canned vegetables and jump of. Do this 5 times
Skip to 9:35 for Rank 10
Explorer – CHALLENGE –
Rank 2: Find a treasure.
Rank 3: Find a treasure.
Rank 4: Find a treasure.
Rank 5: Find a treasure.
Rank 6: Find a treasure.
Rank 7: Find a treasure.
Rank 8: Find a treasure.
Rank 9: Find a treasure.
Rank 10: Find a treasure.
You can use a video guide or a interactive map.
Interactive map with everything in-game
Or just treasures
Gambler – CHALLENGE –
Rank 2: In Blackjack, double down and win the hand 5 times.
Double down when you have a low number ( 16 or less )
Rank 3: Win 3 games of Five Finger Fillet.
Rank 4: Bust one poker location out in each location (Flatneck Station, Saint Denis, Valentine).
Fastest way to do this is basically just going All-in.
Rank 5: Win 3 rounds of dominoes without drawing any tiles against 2 or fewer opponents.
Might be confusing. You only need to win 3 rounds. That’s all. Doesn’t need to be in a row.
Rank 6: Beat the Blackjack dealer in two locations (Rhodes and Van Horn).
Rank 7: Beat the five finger fillet player in every location (Strawberry, Valentine, Van Horn).
Rank 8: Win three hands of Blackjack with three hits or more.
Dealer has to give you 3 more cards. Your total can’t go higher than 21. Very boring and time consuming.
Rank 9: Win three games of dominoes in a row.
Very hard BUT can be made easier with this trick. Basically win 1 game, exit the game and play again . Do this 3 times like in the video.
Rank 10: Win three hands of Poker in a row.
Pretty easy. Again just go All-in.
There really is no help with these ones. Pretty much luck based, hate this.
Herbalist – CHALLENGE –
Located nearly everywhere around Valentine.
Rank 2: Pick and eat 4 species of berry.
Red Raspberry location
Blackberry location
Wintergreen Berry location
Evergreen Huckleberry
Rank 3: Craft 7 items using sage as an ingredient.
Pretty easy. Just craft Potent Horse Stimulant 7 times.
Rank 4: Pick 5 mushrooms and feed them to your horse.
Rank 5: Craft 9 items using Indian Tobacco as an ingredient.
Painted Sky has a lot of herbs needed for the herbalist challenge which also includes the Indian Tobacco.
Another location you can find Indian Tabacco is in front of the Rhodes train station.
Rank 6: Pick 15 different species of herb.
As I was saying Painted Sky is THE place for herbs
Rank 7: Craft and use 5 special miracle tonics.
Find or buy the pamphlet. You don’t need to craft the Legend of the East satchel.
Rank 8: Use oleander to craft 6 poison weapons.
Either find or buy the Poison throwing knife pamphlet, Poison Arrow pamphlet and find Oleander sage nearly everywhere in Saint Denis swamps.
Rank 9: Pick one of each species of herb.
Time consuming, story needs to be completed to find all herbs.
Rank 10: Season and cook all 11 types of meat.
Horseman – CHALLENGE –
Rank 2: Jump over 3 obstacles in 15 seconds.
Rank 3: Ride from Valentine to Rhodes in less than five minutes.
Rank 4: While mounted, drag a victim for 3300 feet using your lasso.
An animal doesn’t work for this challenge, you need to lasso a person.
Rank 5: Trample 5 animals while on horseback.
Basically run over animals with your horse.
Rank 6: Ride from Strawberry to Saint Denis in less than 9 minutes without touching any water.
Can be done with any horse with enough stimulants or you could go for the fastest horse in the game called Arabian White. Located around Lake Isabella. Just look for a horse thats fully white like pure snow.
The dotted line is an alternative path you can take.
Rank 7: Kill 7 enemies from horseback without dismounting.
Can be done in some mission, on bounty hunters or in any gang hideouts.
Rank 8: Kill 9 predators from horseback.
Alligators, Cougars, Panthers, Wolves and Grizzly bears.
Rank 9: Ride from Van Horn to Blackwater in less than 17 minutes without touching any water.
You don’t need to go into Blackwater, just the end of the beach.
Basically just follow the railroad tracks from Van Horn. You may need to sometimes stop so your horse can recharge stamina, I would do this when at Flatneck station so you won’t get hit by a train when crossing the big bridge.
Rank 10: Break every wild horse breed.
Best way to do this is just running up and down the pretty purple field.
You don’t need to break Arabian White. Break means riding it, slowly approach the horse while calming it down then pet it and mount it. When mounted, the horse will panic, calm it down and the horse is yours.
- American Paint
- American Standardbred
- Appaloosa
- Hungarian Halfbred
- Kentucky Saddler
- Morgan
- Mustang
- Nokota
- Tennessee Walker
Master Hunter – CHALLENGE –
Rank 2: Collect 3 perfect quality rabbit pelts.
Varmint Rifle is needed. Shoot them in the head for instant kill. If you shoot them more than once you’re rating will go down.
Rank 3: Track 10 different animal species using your binoculars.
Run around with your binoculars and track random animals.
Rank 4: Call an animal and get a clean kill 5 times.
Sneak up on an animal, aim at it, click call then shoot it in the head.
Deer work best for this.
Rank 5: Skin 3 black or grizzly bears.
Grizzly bear spawn locations explained here Grin and Bear It
Rank 6: Kill 5 cougars with your bow, then skin them.
Rank 7: Use bait to lure and kill both a herbivore and predator.
This challenge can reset when you kill something in between.
Rank 8: Catch 3 small fish without using a fishing rod.
Can be done in every river.
Rank 9: Kill an opossum playing possum.
You need to find an opossum that’s playing dead. Opossum spawn only at night. If you can’t get it to spawn, either save game and reload save or sleep. Can be time consuming.
Rank 10: Find and kill the legendary panther “Giaguaro”.
Sharpshooter – CHALLENGE –
Rank 1: Kill 3 flying birds.
Rank 2: Kill 2 different species of animal in the same Dead Eye use.
Can be done everywhere. Best way to do it is with a repeater.
Rank 3: Kill 5 flying birds while on a moving train.
Buy a train ticket anywhere. When you arrive jump on the roof and wait for the train to start moving again, when it does wait until you see a group of birds and start shooting. Dead Eye can be used.
Rank 4: Kill someone at 80 feet away with a tomahawk.
Can also be done at the O’Driscoll camp in Cumberland Forest I mentioned earlier.
Rank 5: Kill 6 animals without switching or reloading your weapon.
Evan’s Repeater has the most amount of ammo I think, so if you are really bad at killing animals in one shot then that should be the option for you.
Rank 6: Kill someone at least 660 feet away with a long scoped rifle.
Rank 7: Get 7 headshots in a row.
Rank 8: Disarm 3 enemies without reloading or switching your weapon.
Can be done this way, or again with Evan’s Repeater at some camp. But the video guide is very helpful, I didn’t even know you could do it this way.
Rank 9: Shoot 3 people’s hats off in the same Dead Eye use.
Shotgun at long range and dead eye. That’s the answer. Can also be done at Valentine’s train station.
Rank 10: Kill 3 flying birds with 3 consecutive long scoped rifle shots.
Consecutive means without missing.
Survivalist – CHALLENGE –
Use cheese as bait.
Rank 2: Hand 5 animals into camp or trapper.
No words needed
Rank 3: Kill 5 animals with a varmint rifle.
Rank 4: Craft a dynamite, fire, improved, poison, and small game arrow.
All of these pamphlets can be bought at the fence. You can get Flight feathers from medium sized birds such as Ravens.
Rank 5: Catch a fish in the Bayou from a riverboat and while standing on train tracks.
Rank 6: Kill a scavenging animal while it is feeding a corpse 5 times.
The video guide method takes quite a lot of time.
Easier way to do it is by putting herbivore bait out and shooting the deer when it is going for it.
Rank 7: Kill 8 small game animals with consecutive shots, using small game arrows.
Can be done this way or also shooting frogs in Saint Denis.
Rank 8: Craft a homing tomahawk, improved tomahawk, volatile dynamite, and volatile fire bottle.
All pamphlets can be bought or found.
You also need a owl feather, eagle feather and hawk feather. Owls can be found flying at night above Emerald Ranch, hawks can also spawn there or could be attracted by a dead carcass. Eagles are mostly found near Owanjila Lake and Dam, they also spawn near high mountains ( Mount Shawn ) or can just normally fly in the air.
Rank 9: Catch a fish that weighs at least 19 lbs. ( You should get an achievement for this )
Easiest way to do this is with a legendary fish.
If you already caught them all you can head to the pier on the Kamssa River in Lemoyne, west of Lagras.
Rank 10: Catch one of each type of fish throughout the world.
- 0:37 O´creag´s run location (Bluegill, Chain Pickerel, Perch, Rock Bass, Sockeye Salmon, Muskie )
- 2:58 Cattail Pond (Northern Pike)
- 3:38 Bard´s Crossing (Redfin Pickerel, Largemouth bass, Steelhead Trout)
- 4:43 Sisika Island (Bullhead catfish, Channel Catfish)
- 5:36 Lagras (Longnose Gar, Smallmouth bass, Lake Sturgeon)
Weapons Expert – CHALLENGE –
Rank 1: Kill 3 enemies with a knife.
Rank 2: Kill 3 enemies in 10 seconds using only throwing knives.
Rank 3: Kill 3 birds of prey using only a tomahawk.
Basically Ravens, Eagles, Vultures, Hawks should count too.
Kill a deer or something, skin it and wait for some birds to come feast.
Rank 4: Kill 10 enemies with a shotgun using crafted ammo.
Find a pamphlet, craft the ammo and KILL.
Rank 5: Kill 5 mounted enemies, using 1 throwing knife per kill.
Bounty Hunters, in a mission or in a restricted area where you are wanted.
Rank 6: Kill 4 enemies at the same time with a single stick of dynamite.
Rank 7: Kill 4 consecutive enemies by throwing and retrieving the same tomahawk.
Idk why but you actually need to kill 5 people. It starts counting after you kill 1 enemy.
Rank 8: Kill 15 enemies using a long-barreled sidearm.
Long-barrel upgrade on a weapon.
Rank 9: Kill 9 unaware enemies from behind, using the bow.
Rank 10: Kill a grizzly bear without taking damage, using only throwing knives.
Errand Boy ( MISSABLE )
Deliver 5 camp companion item requests
People in your gang can come up to you and ask you to bring them some items. There are lots of these item requests but you only need 5. ( You can do all of the 5 needed in Chapter 2 )
1. Abigail can ask you for $5 to buy Jack some clothes. Abigail will sit on the ground and play with Jack. I could only get it at the end of chapter 2 with only Micahs mission on the map. Available during 8am – 8pm
2. Jack can ask you when going fishing during the “A Fisher Of Men” mission, the kid laments that he left a book at their camp near Blackwater.
Otis Miller And The Arabian Prince:
You can pick up this comic from a place northwest of Valentine called Clawson’s Rest. It’s a small shack with a skull above the entrance.
Wild West Heroes, No. 132:
The Wild West heroes No. 132 resides at the Downes Ranch, southwest of Valentine. More specifically, it’s located in the main house. When you enter, you will notice a bed directly in front of you.
Otis Miller And The Black-Hearted Lady:
To acquire the Otis Miller And The Black-Hearted Lady book, you need to visit Osman Grove. The place is slightly east of Emerald Ranch. At the location is a small stone house that you need to enter. Brace yourself, though, as there’s a grizzly sight waiting for you inside.
3. After giving Jack the book he will also ask you to find a thimble because he lost the one that Abigail gave him. Only way to get it is by looting dead bodies.
4. Mary-Beth can ask you for a fountain pen while talking to her. The player can get one by visiting Osman Grove in Roanoke Ridge, just southeast of Emerald Station. The same location where Jacks: Otis Miller And The Black-Hearted Lady is located
5. Javier can ask you for some Oleander. Javier sits at the rectangular table in the Horseshoe Overlook camp, poisoning his knives. If Arthur then initiates a conversation, Javier will ask for some more oleander sage. There are lots of locations you can get it.
Some additional ones:
Pearson: Naval Compass
Between 8 A.M. and 2 P.M., Arthur can initiate a round of poker with his fellow gang members. During the game, Pearson might reveal that he’s lost a compass he had in the Navy. Getting it back might sound complex, but it can be non-violent.
To get Pearson a replacement compass, players must go to the boathouse of the Braithwaite Manor.
Sean: Kentucky Bourbon
Between noon and 6 P.M. in either chapter 2 or 3, players can see Sean preparing firebombs in camp. After talking with the young man, he offers to make Arthur some, on the condition he brings him a bottle of bourbon. You should have it with you, if you don’t then you can buy it in the general store.
Pearson: Rabbit
Chapter 2-3 or 4
At some point, the cook is in camp preparing food while taking sips of his beer, between the hours of 8 A.M. and 12 P.M. Engage him in conversation, and he’ll ask for a dead rabbit to cook.
There really is a lot of them heres a full list of all of them:
Friends with Benefits ( MISSABLE )
Complete a Companion Activity in each camp
For this achievement you need to complete one companion activity in camp in Chapters II, III and IV.
Here is the list of all available activities:
- Chapter II
-Hunting with Charles,
-Five Finger Fillet with Lenny,
-Home Robbery with Javier
- Chapter III
-Five Finger Fillet with Micah,
-Fishing with Javier or Kieran,
-Home Robbery with Sean
- Chapter IV
-Coach Robbery with Micah or Lenny,
-Hunting with Pearson
Give to the Poor ( MISSABLE )
Donate $250 to the gang tithing box
Basic stuff just get the money and donate it.
Lending a Hand ( MISSABLE )
Complete all optional Honor story missions
This is basically just completing every side mission in the game which are white markers with initials on the map. You can check which ones you’ve done in the menu
ESC – Progress – Story – and choose the chapter you want to see
Some missions will not show up because they don’t have a medal.
Remember which ones you’ve done.
It’s good to save your game every few hours while doing this trophy.
The Honor story missions are special, because we can choose between helping someone or not (always choose to help if you want to get this achievement!).
Here’s the list with all of them:
Chapter II:
- ‘We Loved Once and True’ I, II & III
- ‘Good, Honest, Snake Oil’
- ‘Money Lending and Other Sins’ I, II & III
Chapter III:
- ‘Money Lending and Other Sins’ IV
- ‘The Curse of True Love’ I, II & III
Chapter IV:
- ‘Money Lending and Other Sins’ V
- ‘Help a Brother Out’
- ‘Brothers and Sisters, One and All’
- ‘Fatherhood and Other Dreams’ I & II
Chapter VI:
- ‘Money Lending and Other Sins’ VI & VII
- ‘Of Men and Angels’ I & II
- ‘Do Not Seek Absolution’ I & II
- ‘The Course of True Love’ IV & V
- ‘Honor, Amongst Thieves’
- ‘Archeology for Beginners’
- ‘Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow’ I & II
Artificial Intelligence
Discover the fate of Marko Dragic
You have to complete side missions
There are three side missions about M.Dragic.
- You can meet him for the first time in Chapter IV next to the small lake in Saint Denis between 6am and 6pm.
- After the first mission you can do another one for him in his lab in Doverhill. You have to wait I think 2 in-game nights for it to appear and it must be nighttime. Enter through the back door.
- After you complete the second mission for him visit him again after 48 hours in-game. His mission won’t be visible on the map.
Survive 3 days holding a bounty of $250 in all states
Not that hard
Do it after you complete the story because of honor.
- Shoot in Saint Denis or Rhodes and get the lawmens attention then just kill them to get to $250 bounty
- Do the same in Strawberry, Valentine and Ambarino ( a.k.a snow part of the map )
- Easiest way to get bounty in Ambarino is to stop the train there and just kill all the folks, then wait for the law and kill them too.
- I have no clue if New Austin counts too but I also did that. So if the achievement doesn’t show up try to get $250 bounty in New Austin too. Best way to do it is shooting in Tumbleweed.
Or the way I did it is standing on a cliff near Fort Wallace and shooting the guards in Fort Wallace with a Longscope rifle. The guards will panic run out of the fort try to shoot you with revolvers and then after a minute or so you’ll get the lawmen on you.
Breaking and Entering
Recover the stash from 4 homesteads
There are 7 stash locations in the game, but you only need 4.
I did it by just playing the game normally. Completing side missions and exploring the map.
Grin and Bear It
Survive 18 bear attacks and kill the bear each time in Story Mode
This only works on Grizzly Bears which are pretty rare when casually playing.
When you find one let it attack you and when you are knocked to the ground, spam F to defend yourself by stabbing it with a knife. Get knocked and just spam, when you finally stab it the bear will stop attacking and start to back up. While hes backing up you’ll automatically equip your rifle or the gun on your back and shoot it. The best gun to have with you is either:
- Double-Barreled Shotgun
- Pump-Action Shotgun
- Repeating Shotgun
- Semi-Auto Shotgun
Any of these will one shot the bear.
This achievement took me around 4 hours to do.
This guide is the quickest way to do it:
What the post says:
So I’ve found a Guaranteed 1-4 bear spawn, if you’re interested in getting continually mauled for the trophy. As a reminder, the trophy/achievement requires you to get attacked by 18 bears, and then kill them during the attack.
Here is the routine: You travel with train, to Wallace Station, and go to each of the three marked locations. The guaranteed spot, is the one beneath the bear icon. The other two are “occasional” spawns, so make sure to check them.
After you’ve successfully gotten mauled by a bear, or several bears, you go back to Wallace Station, and travel to Saint Denis, where you will then sleep at the saloon (Sleep until morning). Afterwards, go back to train station in Saint Denis, and catch a train back to Wallace station, and repeat.
If you do this correctly, you will have the trophy in no time! Hope this helps any trophy/achievement hunters out there!
The 4 marked spots, where the Grizzly bear spawns. (The one beneath the bear icon is guaranteed)
When you arrive at the saloon and there’s no Morning option, choose Night and then sleep again and choose Morning.
Be sure to stock up on healing items in case you get more than one bear.
When at the Wallace Station you can also look for the Western Bull Moose probably the rarest animal in game which is needed for Skin Deep and Zoologist achievements ( Skin every animal, study every animal )
So if you get lucky enough to see it, please study it and then skin it.
First location near the station
it can also spawn deeper in the forest
Second spawn is near the lake. Hunting for fishes.
Guaranteed bear doesn’t always spawn but its the most reliable spawn
I don’t have a screenshot of the bear in the location but it spawns right under the hill
And the 4th spawn is right here. The bear should be in an animation where its scratching its back on the tall tree
It’s Art (Hidden achievement)
Find a permanent home for the squirrel statue
I hate this… The most annoying achievement to do…
This trophy can be achieved only after beating the game.
To start you will have to visit the Valentine train station and find a poster on the wall, the hunt begin after you read it. There are 5 hunting requests:
Hunting Request 1:
Perfect Squirrel Carcass
Perfect Rabbit Carcass
Hunting Request 2:
Perfect Cardinal Carcass
Perfect Rat Carcass
Perfect Woodpecker Carcass
Hunting Request 3:
Perfect Chipmunk Carcass
Perfect Oriole Carcass
Perfect Robin Carcass
Perfect Opossum Carcass
Hunting Request 4:
Perfect Sparrow Carcass
Perfect Songbird Carcass
Perfect Toad Carcass
Perfect Bullfrog Carcass
Perfect Skunk Carcass
Hunting Request 5:
Perfect Waxwing Carcass
Perfect Bat Carcass
Perfect Blue Jay Carcass
Perfect Crow Carcass
Perfect Beaver Carcass
Useful tips:
Use bow with small game arrows if you hunt tiny animals like blue jays or rats and varmint rifle for bigger ones (rabbits, skunks, beavers and opossums).
To increase quality of hunted animals, you should use Buck Antler Trinket (kill Legendary Buck, then buy the trinket at the Fence).
You should send the carcass to L. Hobbs on the post office asap.
Don’t skin or pluck hunted animals!
After you have completed all the hunting requests, wait 24 in-game hours for the invitation from L. Hobbs, then visit her in her house near Strawberry. You will receive a squirrel statue dressed like John. Take it to your home and place it on top of the fireplace in the living room, then leave the house and come back after 24 in-game hours. Now you will have to find the statue, place it on the fireplace and wait 24h six times.
Fastest way to skip the 24 in-game hours while waiting for it to move is by fast traveling to Blackwater, in Blackwater rent a room in the saloon, sleep in the room for
The locations are:
- 1. Chest in John’s Bedroom
- 2. Chimney in John’s Bedroom
- 3. Uncle’s Room inside a chest (you can get there by using a ladder in the kitchen)
- 4. Next to the barn, inside the wheelbarrow in the sheep area
- 5. In the chest inside a barn (up a ladder)
- 6. Top of the Mount Shann in West Elizabeth – You will unlock the achievement after you pick it up
If you have problems with finding some animals try to search for the hunting request number and there are lots of videos helping you find what you need
It was THIS Big!
Catch a fish weighing at least 16 lbs (7.3 kg)
You can do it while hunting for Legendary fishes, nearly half of them are big enough to stow them on your horse.
Paying Respects (Hidden achievement)
Find the graves of each of your fallen companions
After beating the game you have to visit 9 graves.
Easy and straight forward map. Have to do this to get 100%.
Pony Up
Spend $5000 across all shops)
When you manage to collect this amount of money, simply save the game and keep buying stuff e.g. horses and clothes.
Best way to do this is by completing the story and you’ll have enough money to dot his 4 times
Zoologist and Skin Deep
Skin every species of animal in Story Mode
Study every animal across all states in Story Mode
Very similar achievements. While playing the story I tried to do as many as I could and was left with 22 missing or so, after the story I found them all. This video guide has all locations of all the animals needed.
If you get to a certain location and the animal is not there you should save and then reload the save to get it to spawn.
Carolina Parakeet, Legendary Animals and Guarma Island animals are NOT needed for this
001. American Alligator
002. American Alligator (small)
003. Nine-Banded Armadillo
004. American Badger
005. Little Brown Bat
006. American Black Bear
007. Grizzly Bear
008. North American Beaver
009. Blue Jay
010. Wild Boar
011. Whitetail Buck
012. Whitetail Deer
013. American Bison
014. Angus Bull
015. Devon Bull
016. Hereford Bull
017. American Bullfrog
018. Northern Cardinal
019. American Domestic Cat
020. Cedar Waxwing
021. Dominique Chicken
022. Dominique Rooster
023. Java Chicken
024. Java Rooster
025. Leghorn Chicken
026. Leghorn Rooster
027. Greater Prairie Chicken
028. Western Chipmunk
029. California Condor
030. Cougar
031. Double-crested Cormorant
032. Neotropic Cormorant
033. Florida Cracker Cow
034. California Valley Coyote
035. Cuban Land Crab
036. Red Swamp Crayfish
037. Whooping Crane
038. Sandhill Crane
039. American Crow
040. American Foxhound
041. Australian Shepard
042. Bloodhound
043. Bluetick Coonhound
044. Border Collie
045. Catahoula Cur
046. Chesapeake Bay Retriever
047. Siberian Husky
048. Laborador Retriever
049. Poodle
050. Mutt
052. Standard Donkey
053. Mallard Duck
054. Pekin Duck
055. Bald Eagle
056. Golden Eagle
057. Reddish Egret
058. Little Egret
059. Snowy Egret
060. Rocky Mountain Bull Elk
061. Rocky Mountain Cow Elk
062. American Red Fox
063. American Gray Fox
064. Silver Fox
065. Banded Gila Monster
066. Alpine Goat
067. Canada Goose
068. Ferruginous Hawk
069. Red-tailed Hawk
070. Rough-legged Hawk
071. Great Blue Heron
072. Tricolored Heron
073. Desert Iguana
074. Green Iguana
075. Collared Peccary
076. Common Loon
077. Pacific Loon
078. Yellow-billed Loon
079. Western Bull Moose
080. Western Moose
081. Mule
082. American Muskrat
083. Baltimore Oriole
084. Hooded Oriole
085. Californian Horned Owl
086. Coastal Horned Owl
087. Great Horned Owl
088. Angus Ox
089. Devon Ox
090. Panther
091. Florida Panther
096. American White Pelican
097. Brown Pelican
098. Ring-necked Pheasant
099. Chinese ring-necked Pheasant
100. Berkshire Pig
101. Big China Pig
102. Old Spot Pig
103. Band-tailed Pigeon
104. Rock Pigeon
105. Virginia Possum
106. American Pronghorn Buck
107. American Pronghorn Doe
108. Sonoran Pronghorn Buck
109. Sonoran Pronghorn Doe
110. Baja California Pronghorn Buck
111. Baja California Pronghorn Doe
112. California Quail
113. Sierra Nevada Bighorn Ram
114. Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep
115. Desert Bighorn Ram
116. Desert Bighorn Sheep
117. Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ram
118. Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
119. Black-tailed Jackrabbit
120. North American Raccoon
121. Black Rat
122. Brown Rat
123. Western Raven
125. American Robin
126. Roseate Spoonbill
127. Herring Gull
128. Laughing Gull
129. Ring-billed Gull
130. Merino Sheep
131. Striped Skunk
135. Diamondback Rattlesnake
137. Black-tailed Rattlesnake
138. Timber Rattlesnake
139. Northern Copperhead Snake
140. Southern Copperhead Snake
141. Midland Water Snake
142. Cottonmouth Snake
143. Northern Water Snake
144. Scarlet Tanager Songbird
145. Western Tanager Songbird
146. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
147. American Tree Sparrow
148. Golden Crowned Sparrow
149. American Red Squirrel
150. Western Gray Squirrel
151. Black Squirrel
152. Western Toad
153. Sonoran Desert Toad
154. Eastern Wild Turkey
155. Rio Grande Wild Turkey
156. Alligator Snapping Turtle
157. Eastern Turkey Vulture
158. Western Turkey Vulture
159. Gray Wolf
160. Timber Wolf
161. Red-bellied Woodpecker
162. Pileated Woodpecker
Locations for Western Bull Moose:
Ways to study panthers:
The way I did it: Get on the rock like in the video, shoot behind the panther, the panther will get scared and you can study it while it runs away
Every other info about the achievements are in the guide I mentioned.
Take from the Rich
Rob or loot $250
The easiest way to do it is just looting dead enemies, they usually have ~$2 with them, sometimes more. Just kill some O’Driscolls or any other enemies and loot them.
You should get this by just playing normally.
Western Stranger
Complete 10 Stranger mission strands
During your gameplay, sometimes you will spot black question marks on your map. If you go there and speak to the stranger you just met, you will begin a side quest called stranger mission. There are 24 stranger missions total, but you need only 10 for this achievement.
Here’s a full list of them and when you can find them
Chapter II:
- ‘A Test of Faith’
- ‘The Noblest of Men, and a Woman’
- ‘All That Glitters’
- ‘Arcadia for Amateurs’
- ‘Smoking and Other Hobbies’
- ‘American Dreams’
- ‘A Fine Night for It’
- ‘Geology for Beginners’
- ‘Fundraiser’
- ‘The Smell of Grease and Paint’
Chapter III:
- ‘He’s British, Of Course’
- ‘The Iniquities of History’
- ‘A Fisher of Fish’
- ‘No Good Deed’
- Chapter IV:
- ‘Oh, Brother’
- ‘The Artist’s Way’
- ‘Duchesses and Other Animals’
- ‘A Bright Bouncing Boy’
- ‘The Mercies of Knowledge’
- ‘Idealism and Pragmatism for Beginners’
Chapter V:
- ‘The Wisdom of the Elders’
- ‘The Widow of Willard’s Rest’
Chapter VI:
- ‘The Veteran’
- ‘The American Inferno, Burn Out’
- All collectibles
- Weapons
Just everything
Took big inspiration from this guide just wanted to add some things I stumbled upon. <3
Red Dead Online
No tips needed, some of them will maybe need some tips but I have not played RD Online yet so I will update this guide if needed.
And that wraps up our share on Red Dead Redemption 2: 100% Achievements, Challenges, My tips and AMD crash fix. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by sop, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!