“Attention all Dead Island 2 players! Are you ready to conquer the game and achieve 100% completion? Look no further, as this gaming guide has everything you need to know. From locating blueprints, apex zombies, journals, loot, and skill cards to uncovering side quests, Easter eggs, and more. Use the progress tracker to track your achievements and dominate Dead Island 2. Let’s get started!”
All Side Quests Guide
Beverly Hills (9 Side Quests)
- The Ballad of Rikky Rex
- It Came from Monarch Studios
- Body Art: The Visionary
- Body Art: Heft
- Body Art: Moist
- Body Art: Uproar
- Body Art: Vigor
- Body Art: Dread
- Body Art: The Unveiling
Halperin Hotel (2 Side Quests)
- Resurrect the Rex (starts in Beverly Hills but counts for Halperin Hotel)
- The Rav-Ages of Caustic-X
Bel-Air (4 Side Quests)
- The Death of the Party
- #Clickbait
- It’s Not Your Fault
- Creature Comforts
Monarch Studios (1 Side Quests)
The Terror of Sound Stage 7 (starts in Beverly Hills but counts towards Monarch Studios)
Hollywood Boulevard (2 Side Quests):
- Going Viral
- Beacon of Hope
The Metro (0 Side Quests)
No Side Quests in this area
The Pier (6 Side Quests)
- Message in a Bottle
- Boz Makes a Bang
- Dez and the Mother of Satan
- Like And Follow!
- The Hero’s Journey
- Red Tide
Venice Beach (5 Side Quests)
- Cold Pork
- Organ Donor
- Coast Guardian
- Cremains of the Day
- Diaries of the Dead
Ocean Avenue (4 Side Quests)
- Scooped
- More Than The Badge
- The Art of War
- Lending a Hand
Brentwood Sewer (0 Side Quests)
No Side Quests in this area
That’s all 33 Side Quests in Dead Island 2.
Link to the Source with more information on each side quest if you get stuck.
Interactive Map
All Lost and Found Quests Guide
The Clean and the Snatch (Weapon Quest)
Bel-Air (1 Lost & Found Quest):
My Mailman Was A Zombie! (Weapon Quest)
The Pier (1 Lost & Found Quest):
Fool’s Gold (Weapon Quest)
Venice Beach (2 Lost & Found Quests):
Jo’s Rainy Day Stash (Weapon Quest)
[REDACTED] (Weapon Quest)
Ocean Avenue (10 Lost & Found Quests):
Drunk And Disorderly (Weapon Quest)
Missing: Laura (Missing Person)
Missing: Davis (Missing Person)
Missing: Jamal (Missing Person)
Missing: Pablo (Missing Person)
Missing: Greg (Missing Person)
Missing: Shane (Missing Person)
Missing: Nadia (Missing Person)
Missing: Steve (Missing Person)
Missing: Rainier (Missing Person)
Link to Source with more on each quest
How to Change Daytime
That’s all there is to it. You can only pick DAY or NIGHT. You can’t pick an exact daytime like morning / noon / afternoon. The time of day doesn’t impact the availability of any quests. What zombies spawn in each area is more dependent on story progress rather than daytime. As you advance the story and meet new zombies for the first time, they will start spawning in old areas too. Some uniquely named zombies that drop keys for lockboxes also require story progress before spawning.
Unlike in Dying Light, zombies aren’t more aggressive at night than they are at day. So in general it doesn’t matter if you play at day or night.
Haus DLC Achievement & Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
- Approximate amount of time to 100%: 2-3 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 6
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, you can freely roam the DLC after completing the story
Welcome to the Dead Island 2: Haus DLC Trophy Guide! This is the first DLC for Dead Island 2. Just like the main game, the DLC is also very easy and straightforward to 100% with most of the trophies being story-related. The DLC can be started by looking for the orange icon in Bel-Air, just outside of Emma Jaunt’s mansion, after completing the mission “Room Service for Major Booker”. While you can access the DLC very early on in the game, it’s recommended to do the DLC after finishing the main story since it can spoil a lot of upcoming plot points.
Step 1: Complete all 6 Main Missions
This step will take up the majority of your time since completing all 6 main missions is the bulk of the list. You can also focus on some of the miscellaneous trophies while clearing your way through the story, but you can very easily come back to get them later and just solely focus on clearing the story for now.
Step 2: Clean Up
During this step you’ll want to focus on getting any of the 3 miscellaneous trophies you might have missed while clearing the main missions. The only one that might pose any sort of challenge is Top That, Trisha since you need to be quick with your aim.
One of Us Received Konstantin’s gift.
Pork Chopped Defeat Long Piglet.
Whatever It Takes Complete the Rites of Passage in Haus.
Wilhelm – Send 15 zombies to their doom in the bottomless pits.
During the main mission “The Deeper”, you’ll be tasked with heading into the underground club known as The Deep by going through the house at the end of the Suburban neighborhood and heading through the broken wall where the kitchen would be. In this area, there will be a lot of holes in the ground that if you or a zombie fall into, will die. You’ll need to kick a total of 15 zombies into these pits around the area.
It’s recommended to equip the Drop Kick skill card while going for this trophy since it does less damage than Jump Kick, while also knocking back zombies further. With it equipped, you’ll want to get the zombies’ attention and try to get them as close as possible to the pit and then either do a regular kick or a drop kick to knock them into the pit.
Top That, Tisha! – Get five headshots with the Crossbow in quick succession.
At the very start of the main mission “Dinner Date”, you’ll find the K-Prototype crossbow. From this point on, you can attempt this trophy whenever or wherever you want.
The best way to earn the trophy however, is to find an area where a lot of Shamblers, Walkers, and/or Runners spawn, such as Venice Beach. Before starting, it’s recommended to put the Speedloader perk on your Crossbow so your reload speed is faster, which will give you a bit more window for error.
Fast travel to the Blue Crab and go outside into the parking lot. Turn to the right and jump over the fence to get the attention of as many zombies as possible. Once you think you got enough zombies, jump back over the fence and all the zombies should be lining up along the fence. Doing this method, you can aim your shots easier without risk of getting interrupted by a zombie from behind. Just make sure you’re still quick with your shots.
Lawn and Order – Maim 10 zombies with gardening equipment in the Cul-De-Sac’s tall grass
During the main mission “The Invitation”, you’ll be tasked with heading into a Suburban looking neighborhood by going through the left hallway in the main room of the DLC.
While in this area, if you walk on the grass it will spawn zombies to come attack you. You’ll need to maim a total of 10 zombies while on the grass in this area using a weapon such as a Shovel. You can find a Shovel in this area behind the second house on the left from the entrance of the area. You’ll want to aim for the zombies legs so you don’t accidentally kill them before you can main them. After maiming a zombie for the 10th time in this area, The achievement will unlock.
SoLA DLC Achievement & Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to 100%: 3-4 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 6
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, you can freely roam the DLC after completing the story
Welcome to the Dead Island 2: SoLa DLC Trophy Guide! This is the second DLC for Dead Island 2. Just like the main game, the DLC is also very easy and straightforward to 100% with half of the trophies being story-related. The DLC can be started by looking for the orange icon in Bel-Air, on any of the Fast Travel maps. While this area is accessible early in the game, it’s recommended to do the DLC after finishing the main story since it can spoil upcoming plot points.
Step 1: Complete all 9 Main Missions
This step will take up the majority of your time since completing all 9 main missions is the bulk of the list. You can also focus on some of the miscellaneous trophies while clearing your way through the story, but you can very easily come back to get them later and just solely focus on clearing the story for now.
Step 2: Clean Up
During this step you’ll want to focus on getting any of the 3 miscellaneous trophies you might have missed while clearing the main missions.
Drop The Beat – Defeat The Dirge and silence the Beat
No Encores – Help calm Grace by suppressing the Beat
Three’s a Crowd – Survive your first Clotter encounter
The Direct Approach – Ram into 5 zombies in a single charge
RAM is a special attack skill card ability that can be found next to a zombie corpse on your way to the Main Stage during the main story mission ‘Dance For Me’.
Once you collect it, go into the Skills menu > Abilities > equip RAM as one of your cards.
There are plenty of zombies in various areas where you can achieve this trophy. A good area is during the main mission ‘Dance For Me’ as you are required to enter a large open air area near the main stage and take out quite a few zombies.
Once in the area, lure the zombies to you so they are in a group or line together to begin a running charge that will allow you to rush through a group of zombies. As soon as you hit 5 in one run, the achievement will pop.
Rip ‘n’ Tear – Slay 5 zombies with a supercharged Ripper, and bisect 5 more with a Sawblade Launcher
You will need two different weapons: the Ripper and Sawblade Launcher. You can only complete this after the DLC story as The Sawblade Launcher is given to you as a reward at the end of the last DLC main mission ‘The Sound Of Violence’.
To craft more sawblade disks you need to collect the blueprint for them from the vending machine downstairs in the safe zone after speaking with Grace.
You can purchase the Ripper from the vending machine in the safe area downstairs where Grace resides
Once you have both weapons, head back outside, climb over the fence and look for zombies around the festival to kill.
For the Ripper kills there is a new animation that happens once you initiate the kill. First you need to kill 2-3 zombies to get the Ripper powered up and once the blade is spinning you can then proceed to get the five required kills.
Now switch to the Sawblade Launcher and like the Ripper, charge up the weapon and once you find some zombies, fire 3 sawblade disks at once which will kill or bisect the zombies. Once you have done this 5 times, the achievement will be yours.
Festival Clean Up Simulator – Clean up the large Caustic-X spillage in Utopia
This achievement requires you to clean up a Caustic-X spillage in the Utopia area. As you approach an enclosed area where the acid spill is, there will be a note attached to a sliding gated entrance. Take the note and you can begin the clean up.
In order to stop the Caustic-X spill you will need to pick up water cans and pour water onto the acid.
Enter the small area and turn the nozzle on the acid barrel off, located in the far left corner. You will be attacked here by two Hazmat Suit Walkers, so be ready to take them out before continuing to stop the Caustic-X spill.
Turn around and with the water can, pour water onto the last acid spill which is amongst a small pile of waste in the opposite corner. Once you have done this, you will earn the achievement.
Looking for all 36 Dead Island 2 blueprints for weapon mods? Weapon mod blueprints return from the earlier games in the series and can be used to customise your weapons, giving them a more powerful punch, an explosive impact, or an electrifying touch. These status effects are themselves crucial to taking down the more powerful zombie variants you’ll encounter throughout the game, so you need to know where to find these blueprints and what you need to equip them.
Source’s used to help make this
Hope you found this helpful.
And that wraps up our share on Dead Island 2: DEAD ISLAND 2 Maps, Side Quest etc. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Tsukemonø, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!