Welcome to our Dead Island 2 gaming guide! In this article, we will cover all the achievements in the game, including the two related to multiplayer. The good news is, there are no missable achievements, so you don’t have to worry about missing out on any. To get 100% completion, you will need to complete all challenges on the first tier and half of the side quests. Some achievements are tied to completing challenges, which can be affected by your character choice. Each character has their own unique cards and attributes, but for a quick 100% completion, we suggest using Bruno for high damage, Ami for stamina regeneration, or Dani for overall balance. If you’re not concerned about speed, feel free to choose any character. As you progress in the game, your character’s weaknesses can be overcome with good gear and skill cards. Keep in mind that you can use [CTRL]+[F] to quickly find a specific achievement. Our guide only covers unmiss
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Side-quest

⠀▴ Internet Famous ▴
Complete the 3 side quests:
- #Clickbait
- Like And Follow!
- Going Viral
⠀▴ Go Bobcats ▴
Complete two side quests:
- Boz Makes a Bang
- Dez and the Mother of Satan
⠀▴ Make it so ▴
Complete “Beacon of Hope” side-quest. To unlock this quest you must complete the following chain of side quests:
- #Clickbait
- It Came From Monarch Studios
- The Terror Of Sound Stage 7
- Like And Follow!
- Going Viral
⠀▴ Gore Horse ▴
Quests are taken at the Beverly Hills location. In total, you need to complete a series of 7 quests. Completing one quest unlocks the next one. The point of the quests is to bring different things that you get by killing zombies. You get items by killing zombies, you can keep these items in your inventory until the quest starts and just drop items you already have.
- Body Art: The Visionary – Bring 10 infected flesh;
- Body Art: Heft – Bring 5 oversized arm bones;
- Body Art: Moist -Bring 5 chthonic ichor;
- Body Art: Uproar – Bring 5 infected spines;
- Body Art: Vigor – Bring 3 blade arms;
- Body Art: Dread – Bring 3 mutated hearts;
- Body Art: The Unveiling – Talk to Francesca in the backyard of her house.
⠀▴ La Influential ▴
A total 33 side quests in the game, 6 lost weapon quests and 9 missing persons quests. The achievement requires the completion of 40 of any quests. Completing one sidequest unlocks access to the next.
You need to complete the following quests to get all the achievements:
- #Clickbait
- Like And Follow!
- Going Viral
- Boz Makes a Bang
- Dez and the Mother of Satan
- It Came From Monarch Studios
- The Terror Of Sound Stage 7
- Beacon of Hope
- Body Art: The Visionary
- Body Art: Heft
- Body Art: Moist
- Body Art: Uproar
- Body Art: Vigor
- Body Art: Dread
- Body Art: The Unveiling
- Lost & Founds – Missing: Laura
- Lost & Founds – Missing: Davis
- Lost & Founds – Missing: Jamal
- Lost & Founds – Missing: Pablo
- Lost & Founds – Missing: Greg
- Lost & Founds – Missing: Steve
- Lost & Founds – Missing: Rainer
- Lost & Founds – Missing: Nadia
- Lost & Founds – Missing: Shane
- Any 5 out of 6 Lost & Founds – weapons quest.
You will be left to complete any 11 remaining side quests. The guide will describe any side-quests that you may have trouble completing.
In the fast travel menu, you can view the statistics of sidequests (bottom right) for each location. Even if you take a sidequest in one location but complete it in another, the sidequest is counted for the location in which it was completed. In the fast travel menu, you will see a notification that a side job is available with the location. At the below is a list of side quests based on in-game statistics (a quest can be taken in a different location, not just the one described in the guide).
- The Ballad of Rikky Rex – Chopper is the guitar on the top floor. The door to the room will be closed, you can get to the room from one balcony to another.
- It Came from Monarch Studios
- Body Art: The Visionary – Bring 10 infected flesh;
- Body Art: Heft – Bring 5 oversized arm bones;
- Body Art: Moist -Bring 5 chthonic ichor;
- Body Art: Uproar – Bring 5 infected spines;
- Body Art: Vigor – Bring 3 blade arms;
- Body Art: Dread – Bring 3 mutated hearts;
- Body Art: The Unveiling – Talk to Francesca in the backyard of her house.
- Resurrect the Rex – For the objctive “Search Farouk the producer’s house for Gods and Whiskey master tapes [0/3]” you need to find 3 master tapes. The first on the kitchen floor, the second on the stairs and the last on the balcony on the top floor.
- The Rav-Ages of Caustic-X
- The Death of the Party
- #Clickbait – In the “Boot some brain-eating butts off the roof [0/6]” objctive, you need to knock 6 zombies off the roof into the pool.
- It’s Not Your Fault
- Creature Comforts
- The Terror of Sound Stage 7 – For the objctive “The Terror is a butcher! Lure zombies to the city set & kill them to bait it out [0/5]” it is not necessary to buy and use a lure. It’s enough to go outside and lure 5 zombies to the studio and kill them there. The screenshots below show all the locations for the objctive “A hidden Terror lurks within these streets. Investigate its victims [0/3]”.
- Going Viral
- Beacon of Hope
- Message in a Bottle
- Boz Makes a Bang
- Dez and the Mother of Satan
- Like And Follow!
- The Hero’s Journey – The side quest will trigger automatically when you get close to the survivors who are hiding under the pier.
- Red Tide – In the objective “Did they catch Cooper in time? Search the beach for his boat” refers to the boat under the pier, not on the beach. In the objective “Pillage Cooper’s shipwrecked boat” you need to open 2 chests near the boat.
- Cold Pork – Completing this side quest grants access to the armory at the police station.
- Organ Donor
- Coast Guardian – The side quest is automatically activated when you get near the lifeguard booth on the beach (left booth).
- Cremains of the Day – To complete this side quest, you will need a Molotov cocktail or a weapon with an ignition effect. This is required to activate the 3 traps.
- Diaries of the Dead
- Scooped – The side quest is activated automatically when you enter the LA 24 News office in Ocean Avenue. In the screenshot below you can see the scaffolding where you can climb into the office.
- More Than The Badge – The screenshot shows the location of the first clue. You will have no problem finding the rest of the clues.
- The Art of War
- Lending a Hand – The bag is in the fourth room with the dumpsters. You can get there through the hole at the top of the third room.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Missing persons

⠀▴ Sole Survivor▴
You need to complete all 9 side missions to find missing people. All 9 side quests are taken on the board in the safe zone at the Ocean Avenue location. Completing one side quest with the search for missing people, opens access to the next one.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Weapon quests

⠀▴ Sole Survivor▴
You need to complete 5 quests out of 6 for this achievement. It is recommended to complete the quests at 30 character level, because for completing side quests with the finding weapons you will obtain unique legendary equipment. Legendary equipment is given by the same level as your character.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Legendary loot

⠀▴ Ooh, Shiny! ▴
You get a weapon of the same level as your character. It is recommended that you get legendary weapons when you have a level 30 character.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Lockboxes

⠀▴ Jumbo Keyring ▴
There are a total of 47 lockboxes in the game, you only need to unlock 10 for the achievement. The guide describes all 47 locations. To open a lockbox, you will need a key, keys are dropped from special zombies. These zombies are differentiated by their vitality and unique name. Some lockboxes require completion of side quests to open it. The safe will automatically be marked on your map if you are near it.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Journals

⠀▴ Bookworm ▴
There are a total of 250+ journals in the game, only 50 need to be collected for the achievement. You will collect 50 during the storyline and for completing side quests.
⠀▴ Zombologist ▴
To get this achievement you need to kill all zombies in the game. By completing the story and completing some of the side quests you will get this achievement. But for the zombie killing challenge you will need to kill each type more than 1 times.
You can find all the zombies in many places, not just the ones listed below. Below I’ve listed the places where I’ve farmed kills. After killing the required enemy, exit to the main menu and loading again. You will spawn in the same place you left and all the zombies will respawn.
Burning Runners
Spiky Runners
Hazmat Walkers
Firefighter Walkers
Voltaic Screamers
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Skill Cards

⠀▴ Stacking the Deck ▴
There are more cards in the game than are required for the achievement. You will get 30 cards by completing the storyline. The remaining cards can be obtained:
- Leveling up your character;
- Finding cards as a collectible;
- Completing side quests;
- Randomly dropping for killing zombies.
Each character gets cards in different ways (for example, one character will gain a card during the storyline, and other character the same card for completing a side quest). The guide will describe how to get all the cards.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Multiplayer

⠀▴ Slayer Squad ▴
Required to complete storyline quests or any side quests (including Lost & Found Quests).
⠀▴ I Am The Resurrection ▴
Revive a dead player in multiplayer.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Character

⠀▴ Humanity Distilled ▴
You unlock the Numen skill card closer to the end of the storyline.
⠀▴ Down with the Sickness ▴
When you equip cards, the Autophage Infection bar fills up (bottom right in the card selection menu). Equip cards that completely fill this bar.
⠀▴ Max Headroom ▴
Level 30 is max level, you get it by completing the challenges, story campaign and side quests.
⠀▴ This is my Weapon ▴
A superior weapon is a pink-colored rarity weapon. Each weapon has 5 slots – mods, perks, fixed perks. You can upgrade weapons with only mods and 3 perks. For the achievement you need to set the upgrade to a pink-colored rarity weapon in all 4 available slots.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Blueprint

⠀▴ Perks of the Job ▴
- Contagious – Hit zombies with Heavy Attacks 100 times
- Hold [LMB] for melee weapons until you have fully charged the attack. The attack is fully charged when the crosshair starts blinking bright red.
- Infectious – Inflict the Bleeding status effect on zombies 50 times
- Weapons have unique effect status modules. You can set them yourself on the workbench, or find a weapon with unique modules already available.
- Infernal Combustion – Inflict the Ignited status effect on zombies 50 times
- Weapons have unique effect status modules. You can set them yourself on the workbench, or find a weapon with unique modules already available.
- Leechblade – Slay 100 zombies with Melee weapons
- Shockwave – Knock down zombies 100 times
- Static Charge – Inflict the Electrified status effect on zombies 50 times
- Weapons have unique effect status modules. You can set them yourself on the workbench, or find a weapon with unique modules already available. Bleeding status effect available on the legendary weapon “Bodycount”
- Vampire – Collect 200 zombie parts
- After killing zombies, orange packages with their body parts dropped. Collect 200 of these packages.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Combat

⠀▴ Zombicidal Maniac ▴
- Serial Killer – Complete [5/10/15/All] Combat Challenges
- Blood Will Have Blood – Slay [50/100/150/250] zombies with Bleed Damage
- Weapons have unique effect status modules. You can set them yourself on the workbench, or find a weapon with unique modules already available.
- Broken Bodies – Maim [50/100/250] zombie limbs
- Cut off zombie limbs using weapons with “Maiming” damage type. In your inventory you can see the type of melee weapon, it can be Maiming, Headhunter, Bulldozer or Frenzy. Maiming weapons – katanas and swords.
- Cooling Off – Make [25/50] zombies Soggy
- Use water canisters.
- Dangerous DNA – Slay 25 zombies while at the max Autophage tier in the Skill Deck
- Read more in the “Down with the Sickness” achievement.
- Dinnertime’s Over – Interrupt [5/15/25] Butchers while they try to feed
- Dissolving Problems – Slay [50/100/150] zombies with Caustic Damage
- Weapons have unique effect status modules. You can set them yourself on the workbench, or find a weapon with unique modules already available.
- Electrifying Personality – Slay [50/100/150/250] zombies with Shock Damage
- Weapons have unique effect status modules. You can set them yourself on the workbench, or find a weapon with unique modules already available.
- Ferocious Firestarter – Slay [50/100/150/250] zombies with Fire Damage
- Weapons have unique effect status modules. You can set them yourself on the workbench, or find a weapon with unique modules already available.
- Finish Them – Slay [25/50] zombies using finishing moves
- If a zombie is low on health, a hint “press [F]” will appear above it to finish it off.
- Furious Fighter – Slay [50/100/150/250] zombies using Fury
- Press [G] to activate Fury mode.
- Hazards Pay – Slay [10/25] zombies using environmental hazards
- Headshot Aficionado – Slay [25/50/75/100] zombies with killing blows to the head
- Hey, Catch! – Slay [5/15/25] zombies with explosive zombies
- Impressive Aim – Throw a melee weapon and hit a zombie 35+ meters away
- “Donk!” achievement.
- Live Long and Propser – Slay [25/50/100] zombies without dying
- Mostly Armless – Maim [5/15] Crusher arms
- Ninja – Dismember 3 zombies with a single Shuriken throw
- It’s easiest to do at the Ocean Avenue location. The hotel has a barricade between the second and third floor that zombies can’t climb. Stack zombies at the barricade to easily complete the challenge.
- It’s easiest to do at the Ocean Avenue location. The hotel has a barricade between the second and third floor that zombies can’t climb. Stack zombies at the barricade to easily complete the challenge.
- No Time to Grow – Slay [1/5] Mutators before they mutate
- “Not Even My Final Form” achievement.
- Perfection – Pull off [25/50/75/100] perfect defense moves
- Pushovers – Knock down [25/50/75/100] zombies
- Shut Up – Interrupt [5/15/25] Screamers while they are screaming
- Speed Freak – Pull off [10/25/50] multikills
- Splash Zone – Slay [5/15/25] Slobbers with melee attacks
- Trick Kick – Knock down 3 zombies with a single Jump Kick
- It’s easiest to do at the Ocean Avenue location. The hotel has a barricade between the second and third floor that zombies can’t climb. Stack zombies at the barricade to easily complete the challenge.
- Zombie Space Program – Launch [25/50/100] zombies
- Use the legendary hammer Emma’s Wrath. You will get it after completing the story.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Exploration

⠀▴ Smorgasbord ▴
- Well-Traveled – Complete [1/2/4/6] exploration challenge
- Private Eye – Complete [3/6/9] Lost & Found missing person quests
- Road Trip – Travel to every Zone
- Open all fast travel points on the map.
- Safe Cracker – Unlock [5/10/25] Lockboxes
- The Heart of the Cards – Collect [5/10/25/35] Skill Cards
- Well-Read – Complete [5/10/25/35] Journal collections
- Zombie Pirate – Complete [1/3/6] Lost & Found weapon quests
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Survival

⠀▴ Survival Skills ▴
- Survival Skills – Complete [1/3/All] survival challenges
- Hollywood Rich List – Amass 1,000,000 cash
- Mod Maker – Fabricate [5/10/25] Mods
- Set any mods to weapons at workbenches.
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Scap [10/100/250] weapons for parts
- In inventory or on workbench, deconstruct any melee/firearm weapon by holding [F3]
- Repo Man – Collect [50/100/500] zombie parts
- After killing zombies, orange packages with their body parts droped. Collect 200 of these packages.
- Resourceful – Collect [100/500/1000/3000] parts used in fabrication
- Collect any kind of loot.
- Revival Act – Revive another Slayer [1/10] times
- Scavenger – Loot [100/500] containers
- Staying Alive – Use [10/50/100] Med Kits
- The Perks of Being A Zombie Slayer – Fabricate [5/10/25] Perks
- At a workbench craft weapon’s perks.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Weapons

⠀▴ Variety is the Spice of Death ▴
- Weapons Expert – Complete [1/3/All] weapon challenges
- Batter Up! – Slay [50] zombies using Curveball items
- Curveball items – any throwing weapon such as shuriken, bombs, or melee weapons (hold [RMB]). This Challenge is stacked with the other Challenges for kills with weapons with unique abilities.
- Crack Shot – Slay [50/100] zombies using Rifles
- Gunslinger – Slay [50/100] zombies using Handguns
- Legendary – Find a Legendary Weapon
- Shotgun Shogun – Slay [50] zombies using Shotguns
- Slice and Dice – Slay [50/100/200] zombies using Maiming weapons
- In your inventory you can see the type of melee weapon, it can be Maiming, Headhunter, Bulldozer or Frenzy. Maiming weapons – katanas and swords.
- Surgeon General – Slay [50/100] enemies using Headhunter weapons
- In your inventory you can see the type of melee weapon, it can be Maiming, Headhunter, Bulldozer or Frenzy. Headhunter weapons – knives and spears.
- Swing Away – Slay [50/100/200] zombies using Bulldozer weapons
- In your inventory you can see the type of melee weapon, it can be Maiming, Headhunter, Bulldozer or Frenzy. Bulldozer weapons – baseball bats and hammers.
- Think Fast – Slay [50/100] zombies using Frenzy weapons
- In your inventory you can see the type of melee weapon, it can be Maiming, Headhunter, Bulldozer or Frenzy. Frenzy weapons – knives and claws.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Zombie

⠀▴ On Safari ▴
- Zombie Hunter – Complete [1/6/12] zombie challenges: Complete other challenges in this category
- A New P.B. – Slay [50/100/1000] Runners while playing the game as any Slayer
- Backdraft – Slay [10/30/50] Firefighter zombies while playing the game as any Slayer
- Boom and Doom – Slay [10/50/100] explosive zombies while playing the game as any Slayer
- Burst at the Seams – Slay [10/30/60] Bursters while playing the game as any Slayer
- Butcher Butcher – Slay [10/25/50] Butchers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Change Is Constant – Slay [10/25] Mutators while playing the game as any Slayer
- Cleaning House – Slay [50/100/1000/5000] zombies while playing the game as any Slayer
- Crust of the Crop – Slay [50/100/1000] Shamblers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Feeling the Burn – Slay [10/25] Inferno rushers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Gastric Bypass – Slay [10/25/50] Slobbers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Heartburn Relief – Slay [10/25] Firestorm Slobbers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Leech Removal – Slay [10/25] Putrefied Slobbers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Not the Bees!! – Slay [10/50] Insect Swarm Walkers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Punching Up – Slay [10/25/50] Crushers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Quiet in the Neighborhood – Slay [10/25/50] Screamers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Sharp-Witted – Slay [10/25/50] Spiky zombies while playing the game as any Slayer
- Shockingly Loud – Slay [10] Voltaic Screamers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Smells Like BBQ – Slay [10/50/100] Burning zombies while playing the game as any Slayer
- Those Who Melt It – Slay [10/50] Caustic-X Walkers or Putrefied Slobbers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Top Zompedia Contributor – Fully update [1/10/20/All] Zompedia entries
- Turtle Soup – Slay [10/50/100] Riot Gear Walkers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Walk on By – Slay [50/100/1000] Walkers while playing the game as any Slayer
- Zap, Crackle, And Pop – Slay [10/50/100] Shocking zombies while playing the game as any Slayer
⠀▴ Donk! ▴
Even though the achievement description said to kill with melee weapons, you can also do it with shuriken. The shuriken has no ballistics, the shuriken flying directly at the target you are aiming at. Easier to do on any open location.
⠀▴ I Got a Zombie Army and You Can’t Harm Me▴
Use [ALT] to dodge enemy attacks.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Haus

⠀▴ Top that Tisha! ▴
Stack enemies in the Ocean Avenue location. The stairs between the second and third floor are barricaded. You can climb the barricade, zombies can’t attack you and they just all go and stand around the barricade.
⠀▴ Wilhelm ▴
Completed during the story mission “The Deeper”.
⠀⠀⠀🎫 Sola

⠀▴ The Direct Approach ▴
First you will need to find and equip Ability skill cards “Ram”. Move into a spaced out location, pull down the zombies. Once you have 5-7 zombies following you, throw bait to make them huddle together. Sprint and activate the Ram card into the zombie crowd.
⠀▴ Rip n tear ▴
You will need 2 legendary weapons that can only be found in the DLC:
- Ripper – you can buy it in a vending machine, it costs $34.125;
- Charge your weapon by making quick hits. The saw on the weapon will spin faster with each hit. Once the saw is spinning to its maximum speed you will be able to slice through bodies with the weapon.
- Sawblade Launcher – awarded for completing DLC.
- You need to fire the weapon so that it cuts the zombie’s body in half. Charge your weapon to maximum and shoot at the body. Or shoot multiple times at the same point.
⠀▴ Festival Clean Up Simulator ▴
The screenshot below shows the location you need to clear to get the achievement.
- On the left, close the tap of the tank from which the toxic waste is leaking;
- In the far-right corner, blow up the barrel with the toxins;
- Find water canisters nearby and use them to clean up the toxic puddles;
- In the far right corner, use the water canister to clean the crates of toxins.
And that wraps up our share on Dead Island 2: [Dead Island 2] All achievements. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by シ, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!