Starfield: Veer’s Class A Ship Building Tutorial Walkthroughs

This Guide is intended to be a beginner’s tutorial on Ship building complete with video walkthroughs of 5 Class A ships, one at each of the 5 major shipyards in Starfield. Each of the 5 ship tutorials occupies its own Section in this guide which also includes a complete parts list.No mod should be necessary for the building of these ships, but one mod may make the ship building more convenient and easier and that is a All ship parts unlocked mod of which we have links to in this guide.

Found Horror Game 11.exe: FHG11 Complete Walkthrough (W.I.P.)

This is intended to be a walkthrough for anyone who wants to play the games or find the shapes.It can be difficult to find every secret, and finding the information can also be frustrating, so I’m attempting to compile it all here.Big thanks to Majora787 for letting me use their notes. They were much more complete than mine.They will be used for most of this guide, with minor corrections where needed.If you have anything to add or recommend, please let me know.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition: 100% Achievement Guide: Skyrim

This is a comprehensive 100% Achievement guide detailing a step-by-step walkthrough to take you from 0 all the way to 100%. If you are looking for a particular Achievement or Collectible, use Ctrl+F & type it into the search bar for more direct help. I run support & debug help on all my guides. If you have any questions, problems, or find errors in the guide itself, do not hesitate to leave me a comment & I will get back to you as soon as I am able to. Happy Hunting!

Factorio: [Easy Mode] Factorio Dedicated Server using Windows Batch

This guide walks you through setting up a dedicated Factorio server on Windows, then let’s a simple Batch manage it. By following these straightforward instructions, you’ll have your server running smoothly with minimal effort. Everything from installation to configuration is covered, and an easy-to-use batch file simplifies the process.

Mad Max: 🦫 Mad Max (ENG) – 100% Achievements 🦫

Guide, created by me after completing the game and getting 100% of the achievements.This information is up to date as of 01.2025 and contains all the important information and videos to make it easier to get the achievements.This guide will be written in two languages (RU/ENG).RU version –

Valheim: Valheim Food Calculator

This Google Sheet will enable you to calculate the amount of materials necessary to craft certain food or mead items. You can use it as a shopping list for materials when you want to craft food or mead for Health, Stamina or Eitr buffs. Ease of use with drop-downs for biome progression with two modes: Up-To and Only.It will be updated once Deep North is available.

ARMS DOLL: ARMS DOLL 100% Achievement Guide

100% Achievement guide for ARMS DOLLThis was my first guide on Steam, so apologies for any wonky formatting.If any one has any tips or suggestion of their own feel free to comment them.Images are directly ripped from the achievements themselves, they are not mine.

NEBULOUS: Fleet Command: Making a “Puppy Map”: Handling Player Feedback

I’m PuppyFromHell and I’m a mapmaker for Nebulous: Fleet Command. The maps I make are generally first of a kind and incorporate features that have never been seen in a map, including the stock maps, before mine were created. My hope is that by making these maps with never before seen features I can inspire other mapmakers to incorporate them into their own creations and come up with even more new features. To that same end I’m writing this series of articles to document the process of creating my new map, explaining in detail how I do what I do with the aim of educating fledgling and veteran mapmakers alike. This article will go over the process of refining and iterating a map concept based on player feedback. See the list below for an overview of what’s planned and completed.

NEBULOUS: Fleet Command: Making a “Puppy Map”: The Beginning

I’m PuppyFromHell and I’m a mapmaker for Nebulous: Fleet Command. The maps I make are generally first of a kind and incorporate features that have never been seen in a map, including the stock maps, before mine were created. My hope is that by making these maps with never before seen features I can inspire other mapmakers to incorporate them into their own creations. To that same end I’m writing this series of articles to document the process of creating my new map, explaining in detail how I do what I do with the aim of educating fledgling and veteran mapmakers alike. This first article will go over the most important planning step when starting a complicated project and some examples of its usage. See the list below for an overview of what’s planned and completed.