Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Enhanced Edition: Thematic builds: Crimson Verdict (Devil Mantis Zealot)

My thematic/roleplaying guide for a Mantis Zealot (Warpriest) main character with the Devil mythic path. Features a complete guide for the Aeon-Devil mythic quests and commented leveling progression. DLC “A Dance of Masks” required! Suitable for Core difficulty or below.

Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®: How to level up weapons quickly [RUS] [ENG]

ENG: In this guide, I will share with you my experience in leveling up weapons.RUS: В этом руководстве я с Вами поделюсь своим опытом по прокачке уровня оружия

Yakuza Kiwami 2: Completion Checklist

This is not a Full Guide, just a checklist with some tips i made for myself and decided to upload since there’s no guide for this game in Steam. You can copy and paste it to the Notes in the Overlay and use it from there.If you want to use it as a base for you own guide, feel free to as long as you give credits were they are due.The credits for all the tips goes to CyricZ on Gamefaqs, you can check his full guide on the following link:

Necromunda: Underhive Wars: Operations Mode & Advice

Let’s talk a bit about Operations Mode. The game mode where you create and develop your own gangs. I’ll just try to get you started with Operations, Infamy Points, Ranks and rewards etc. So that you have an idea of what this game offers aside from the story mode.And I’ll try to give some advice about priorities and missions.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: 100% Achievement Guide | Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

[GUIDE IN PROGRESS]Full list of all 43 Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Achievements.If you are interested in a specific achievement, then I recommend you to use the search option. Hold down the Ctrl key, and then press⠀F and write the exact name of the achievement in the search box.This guide contains STORY SPOILERS – I recommend reading this guide AFTER COMPLETING at least the Main Story.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Part of You: Part of You Puzzle Answers!

Basic guide with explicit answers to the puzzles in the game! This guide is meant as a last resort. If you would like some softer hints, try talking to Marshal in the Diner about relevant characters for the puzzle you are stuck on!

Full Spectrum Warrior: Full Spectrum Warrior – Walkthrough

Full Spectrum Warrior was initially developed for the U.S. Army as a tool to help train soldiers for high-intensity urban combat. Now, Pandemic has adapted it for general audiences, and while it may be a bit less hardcore than the original US Army version, it’s still likely to be the most realistic military sim you’ll have ever played.In FSW, you take control of eight soldiers split up into two fire teams, and are responsible for guiding them through the dangerous streets of Zekistan, which are overrun with enemy combatants desperate to stop you from discovering evidence of their war crimes and from locating their charasmatic leader, Mohammed Jabbour Al-Afad. In order to complete your objectives, you’ll need to learn how to utilize suppression fire, frag and smoke grenades, air strikes, and, perhaps most basic of all, how to simply coordinate your teams so that they can overcome obstacles that would stop a single team in its tracks.