Welcome to “Palworld: Console & Command Guide”! In this guide, we will discuss how to bring back the console option in the game, which was unfortunately removed after version This guide will help you navigate the game and play freely with the use of commands. Let’s get started!
Hello, I’m eltorga, and I’m starting to play palworld and I don’t like that the game doesn’t have a command console like ARK or The Forest, I like to use the console to improve my gameplay and I know that many of you are disappointed because that the game does not have a console. The information I share here was found on internet. Credits to cfemen from fearlessrevolution and all the people who are part of the community.
Download & Install

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You can download the file from the following page.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://pasfox.co/CsoL
- When you download the file you will have something like this:
- Paste the file in the game folder where the game .exe is, the location is:
- Now you can start the game:
DLL is made for the Steam version ,but should also work for the GamePass ( just make sure that you choose a custom install path, so the folder is not proteced)
How to use

- When you start the game, press F2 twice to open the console. (You can close the console by pressing the F2 key twice)
Slomo <Amount>
Dropitem <Name> <Amount>
GetRelic <Amount>
AddGameTime_Hours <Amount>
ShowHud <bShow>
SetSpectatorMode <bSpectator>
Set the FOV to 90: FOV 90
Spawn 50 Nails: DropItem MachineParts 50
Spawn 10 Paldium Fragments: DropItem Pal_crystal_S 10
Toggle Free-Cam: ToggleDebugCamera
Add 6 hours: AddGameTime_Hours 6
Spawn Directly Into The Inventory 1 Liffmunk Effigy Relic: GetRelic 1
Capture all enemies that are currently in the area: CaptureAllEnemy
Disable Fog: r.fog 0
Half the game speed: Slomo 0.5
Disable HUD: ShowHud 0
Teleport to next safe point: TeleportToSafePoint_ToServer
Toggle force pause the game: ServerPause
Enable the NoClip Mode (shift = up, ctrl = down): SetSpectatorMode 1
Disable the NoClip Mode: SetSpectatorMode 0
DropItem Wood 1
DropItem Stone 1
DropItem Money 1
DropItem Fiber 1
DropItem CopperOre 1
DropItem Poppy 1
DropItem Venom 1
DropItem Wool 1
DropItem FireOrgan 1
DropItem IceOrgan 1
DropItem ElectricOrgan 1
DropItem Pal_crystal_S 1
DropItem PalCrystal_Ex 1
DropItem PalFluid 1
DropItem PalUpgradeStone 1
DropItem BerrySeeds 1
DropItem Horn 1
DropItem bone 1
DropItem PalItem_ToSell_01 1
DropItem PalItem_ToSell_02 1
DropItem PalItem_ToSell_03 1
DropItem PalItem_ToSell_04 1
DropItem PalItem_ToSell_05 1
DropItem Charcoal 1
DropItem CopperIngot 1
DropItem MachineParts 1
DropItem GunPowder2 1
DropItem PalOil 1
DropItem PalItem_PlantSlime 1
DropItem Coal 1
DropItem Sulfur 1
DropItem Polymer 1
DropItem Cement 1
DropItem IronIngot 1
DropItem CarbonFiber 1
DropItem Quartz 1
DropItem Sapphire 1
DropItem MachineParts2 1
DropItem StealIngot 1
DropItem Berries 1
DropItem BakedMeat_SheepBall 1
DropItem Meat_SheepBall 1
DropItem Meat_ChickenPal 1
DropItem Mushroom 1
DropItem Meat_Boar 1
DropItem Meat_Deer 1
DropItem Herbs 1
DropItem Meat_Kelpie 1
DropItem Pan 1
DropItem TomatoSeeds 1
DropItem GenghisKhan 1
DropItem TreasureBoxKey01 1
DropItem TreasureBoxKey02 1
DropItem TreasureBoxKey03 1
DropItem TechnologyBook_G1 1
DropItem PalSphere_Mega 1
DropItem PalSphere_Giga 1
DropItem PalSphere_Legend 1
DropItem PalSphere_Master 1
DropItem PalSphere_Robbery 1
DropItem PalSphere_Tera 1
DropItem Cloth2 1
DropItem ClothArmor 1
DropItem ClothArmor_2 1
DropItem ClothArmor_3 1
DropItem ClothArmor_4 1
DropItem ClothArmor_5 1
DropItem ClothArmorCold 1
DropItem ClothArmorCold_2 1
DropItem ClothArmorCold_3 1
DropItem ClothArmorCold_4 1
DropItem ClothArmorCold_5 1
DropItem FurArmor 1
DropItem FurArmor_2 1
DropItem FurArmor_3 1
DropItem FurArmor_4 1
DropItem FurArmor_5 1
DropItem FurHelmet 1
DropItem FurHelmet_2 1
DropItem FurHelmet_3 1
DropItem FurHelmet_4 1
DropItem FurHelmet_5 1
DropItem Shield_01 1
DropItem Shield_02 1
DropItem Shield_03 1
DropItem Shield_04 1
DropItem FurArmorHeat 1
DropItem FurArmorHeat_2 1
DropItem FurArmorHeat_3 1
DropItem FurArmorHeat_4 1
DropItem FurArmorHeat_5 1
DropItem FurArmorCold 1
DropItem FurArmorCold_2 1
DropItem FurArmorCold_3 1
DropItem FurArmorCold_4 1
DropItem FurArmorCold_5 1
DropItem CopperArmor 1
DropItem CopperArmor_2 1
DropItem CopperArmor_3 1
DropItem CopperArmor_4 1
DropItem CopperArmor_5 1
DropItem CopperHelmet 1
DropItem CopperHelmet_2 1
DropItem CopperHelmet_3 1
DropItem CopperHelmet_4 1
DropItem CopperHelmet_5 1
DropItem CopperArmorHeat 1
DropItem CopperArmorHeat_2 1
DropItem CopperArmorHeat_3 1
DropItem CopperArmorHeat_4 1
DropItem CopperArmorHeat_5 1
DropItem CopperArmorCold 1
DropItem ClothArmorCold_2 1
DropItem ClothArmorCold_3 1
DropItem ClothArmorCold_4 1
DropItem ClothArmorCold_5 1
DropItem Glider_Good 1
DropItem Glider_Legendary 1
DropItem Glider_Super 1
DropItem Spear_2 1
DropItem Spear_1 1
DropItem Axe_Tier_00 1
DropItem Axe_Tier_01 1
DropItem Axe_Tier_02 1
DropItem Pickaxe_Tier_00 1
DropItem Pickaxe_Tier_01 1
DropItem Pickaxe_Tier_02 1
DropItem Bat 1
DropItem Bat2 1
DropItem MeatCutterKnife 1
DropItem WeakerBow 1
DropItem WeakerBow_2 1
DropItem WeakerBow_3 1
DropItem WeakerBow_4 1
DropItem WeakerBow_5 1
DropItem Bow_Fire 1
DropItem Bow_triple 1
DropItem Bow_Poison 1
DropItem BowGun 1
DropItem BowGun_2 1
DropItem BowGun_3 1
DropItem BowGun_4 1
DropItem BowGun_5 1
DropItem BowGun_Fire 1
DropItem BowGun_Poison 1
DropItem Musket 1
DropItem HandGun_Default 1
DropItem HandGun_Default_2 1
DropItem HandGun_Default_3 1
DropItem HandGun_Default_4 1
DropItem HandGun_Default_5 1
DropItem ElecBaton 1
DropItem MakeshiftHandgun 1
DropItem FragGrenade 1
DropItem FragGrenade_Elec
DropItem FragGrenade_Fire 1
DropItem FragGrenade_Ice 1
DropItem SingleShotRifle 1
DropItem DoubleBarrelShotgun 1
DropItem PumpActionShotgun 1
DropItem PumpActionShotgun_2 1
DropItem PumpActionShotgun_3 1
DropItem PumpActionShotgun_4 1
DropItem PumpActionShotgun_5 1
DropItem Sword 1
DropItem AssaultRifle_Default1 1
DropItem AssaultRifle_Default2 1
DropItem AssaultRifle_Default3 1
DropItem AssaultRifle_Default4 1
DropItem AssaultRifle_Default5 1
DropItem Spear_ForestBoss 1
DropItem Spear_QueenBee 1
DropItem Spear_SoldierBee 1
DropItem GrapplingGun 1
DropItem GrapplingGun2 1
DropItem GrapplingGun3 1
DropItem GrapplingGun4 1
DropItem SphereLauncher_Once 1
Dropitem HomingSphereLauncher 1
DropItem Launcher_Default 1
DropItem Launcher_Default_2 1
DropItem Launcher_Default_3 1
DropItem Launcher_Default_4 1
DropItem Launcher_Default_5 1
DropItem Arrow_Fire 1
DropItem RoughBullet 1
DropItem Arrow_Poison 1
DropItem HandgunBullet 1
DropItem SingleShotBullet 1
DropItem RifleBullet 1
DropItem ShotgunBullet 1
DropItem AssaultRifleBullet 1
DropItem ExplosiveBullet 1
And that wraps up our share on “Palworld: Console & Command Guide”. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by eltorga, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!