Welcome to the ultimate guide for No one lives under the lighthouse! Whether you’re a new player or looking to complete all 23 achievements, this comprehensive walkthrough will cover everything you need to know. From basic gameplay to step-by-step instructions, this guide will help you replicate any missed achievements. Let’s get started!
![No one lives under the lighthouse: 100% Achievement Guide [No one lives under the lighthouse]](https://gamepro.tips/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/F928D3CC48A1991BD5E7B698523CA65320AEACB7.png)
Total Achievements: (23)
100% completion time: ~4 hours.
Difficulty modes:
- None
New Game+: No (Chapter Select)
Missables: Yes
Mode: Single-Player, Horror
Achievement Types:
1) Story Related: (6)
2) Miscellaneous: (17)
This requires one walkthrough only, mostly in an orderly but sorted day specific tarot cards achievements which is why they’re missable as well as you will be missing other needed prerequisites to earn any achievements, this means you need to activate and interact with tasks to make sure this achievement is attainable. There is no difficulty related achievements so you should be good to go.
I will also list solutions for you to progress the story but it is a good mention and idea to credit the different 3 authors who had done a nice job on their respective 3 guides as they provided details but in here it will be an abridged version all combined despite almost the same.
There is one thing that is very important: Make sure in no circumstance should you ever use the lamp, it is optional and you will just do fine without it, plus there’s a missable tarot card achievement involving with it. Even if they claimed it to be buggy try to set your brightness a little bit high but your settings should be good to go, I only changed the look of the game so not any control tampering.
Disclaimer: While playing through the game, do not use chapter select because it will reset the progress so I suggest playing through the game first time while not missing things to do that requires an unlock to achievements. We will use chapter select when we have completed the game.
!! Warning: Spoilers ahead !!
Part 1: A Lighthouse in an island
2) Achievements: 5/23
You’ve listened to no warnings.
Achievement #1: Get inside the storage room, you will need to check the hatch down and upon entering, the achievement will pop and you can follow the ghostly figure which will lead to a dead end.
Recorder #1: Interact to the music recorder for Tower: 1/3.
Next, turn the crank and move back to the lamp to fill the fuel slot, ending the day.
Medallion #1: Bring your suitcase, go to the abode where you unpack your suitcase, get the medallion and insert it into the slot of chest for Magician: 1/3.
Cross #2: Fix the cross for Hierophant: 1/2.
Sweep #1: Grab your broom and mop up 1 back spillage on the floor near you for Emperor: 1/3.
Recorder #2: Next, go to the lighthouse. Interact with the music recorder for Tower: 2/3.
Do your job, pick up the fuel near the fuel slot. Refill the can to then fill the fuel slot near the lighthouse lamp.
Next is to get to the balcony on the wooden door you exit out, there is a shiny white figure which means you can go down to the dock of the shore.
The Hanged Man
Then, your fate was revealed.
Achievement #X: After you attempt to get close to the shiny white figure, you will fall down and after getting up after few seconds the achievement unlocks.
Now, go back to the lighthouse to then be able to interact with the crank, this ends the day.
Sweep #2: When you wake up, grab your things (not the lamp for reminder) go ahead and mop 6 black spillages for Emperor: 2/3.
Medallion #2: Go to where from the cutscene a boat was overturned, grab the medallion and go back to your house to insert it into the chest slot for Magician: 2/3.
Next, go ahead and refill your fuel can, do not forget to interact with the music recorder for Tower: 3/3.
Grab the cloth near the crank to clean up the big glass panels of black stains. Go back to refill the fuel slot, then you will go back to the crank to see a missing rope and 3 sandbags so you will need to do some work to fix it, pick up the remnants of the sandbags also.
You will have access to the tool shed where you can be able to fix the crank. First, grab a sandbag and use the rope and one sandbag at the lighthouse crank, then do the same back and forth with the second sandbag. Finally, you will be able to grab the next third sandbag but at the middle between the tool shed and lighthouse, a spider monster will appear.
The Hermit
You’ve found the shelter where no one could.
Achievement #2: Get to the outhouse to hide away from the spider monster, unlocking the achievement.
Next, go back to doing your job to then use the third and final sandbag, turn the crank and go up the ladder to then watch flying moths swarming soon your cleaned glass panels, you will end day 2 here after that.
Go ahead and clean up 5 black spillages for Emperor: 3/3.
Recorder #1: Here is the next part, follow this in order for easy tracking, first go to the tool shed for the shovel for the following digging area:
Alternatively, here is a guide by humito68.
1. Near the tool shed, dig up the mound on your left side exiting after.
2. At your right most, the edge and the rock surrounding the buried mound spot.
3. Behind the lighthouse is another buried mound spot and also Medalion #3:, go back to your abode to use the medallion on the chest slot for Magician: 3/3.
4. Between the house behind and outhouse is another mound to dig up.
5. Facing to another rock is a mound behind it.
6. Move forward to the right edge for another rock and a mound on it.
7. Move forward to the next few rocks surrounding on the left side the mound is, almost near behind the tool shed.
8. On the left most is a wooden wheeled cart.
You will need to proceed to another area which means a monster chasing you, go inside the tool shed and after that exit out to proceed where the monster started chasing you.
9. At the middle where three trees are, a mound is on the ground. This will then shift the day to night cycle, grab the key and fuel can on the dug up mound.
10. Going back is a mound near the front house where you follow the road down as opposite to the lighthouse or the right side.
You were patient to continue your search.
Achievement #4: After digging up all 10 mounds, you unlock this achievement.
Do your job, refill the fuel can and go up to interact the music recorder
The Tower
From day to day, you’ve fought the silence in the tower.
Achievement #5: After turning on all music recorders 4 times, you unlock this achievement. If you did not get this then try again from the Prologue.
Now go back to then crank the machine, refill the fuel slot on the lighthouse lamp. Screen will fade to black after that, do also exit out to the balcony and make sure to wait until the lamp will run out of fuel so you can fill it again like before.
Turn the crank on to the max, go down to the fuel canisters inside the storage but check the hatch down after the second time the lighthouse lamp goes out and the storage before the hatch are all gone
Turn the crank for the last time and refill the lamp fuel slot to end the day which means a cutscene.
Part 2: The day of looming loneliness
2) Achievements: 10/23
After a cutscene of the roof being walked by someone, pick up the key to your right and go to the kitchen and pick up the dead seagull and the remnants of the broken roof pieces and mopping one patch of black spillage, also interact with the remaining mess of your kitchen until you can’t.
Go outside to the tool shed while it’s foggy, we need the tools (ladder, hammer, nails, and a wooden plank) to repair our abode and burying the dead seagull with a shovel.
The High Priestess
You’ve performed the ceremony.
Achievement #6: Go to your front right of the house where you can bury the dead seagull, after that’s done the achievement unlocks.
Now continue repairing your house, place a ladder on the right of the front house to repair the roof with 4 planks and nails, it will be dark after completely repairing the roof. After that, get inside your abode and then fix/ clean everything.
You also get the medallion inside at the kitchen where the hole from the roof is, pick it up and use it on the chest later since we need to fix our house. Continuing forward, use your hammer on the two shelves, and pick up the kitchen items on the ground.
The Magician
You’ve followed the signs.
Achievement #7: After cleaning the kitchen, proceed to finish the last slot with your medallion, this will open up the chest by pressing it again and unlocking the achievement. Inside the chest will contain of things such as a double barrel shotgun, ammo holder and two shells, and a picture, pick them up.
Put the picture on the middle table beside the chest. Reloading your double barrel shotgun and never fire until you see danger or something which I will mention when to shoot at it.
The Emperor
As expected, you’ve kept your domain clean.
Achievement #8: After cleaning your house and mopping all black spillages from previous days, you unlock this achievement after getting out of your house. Make sure to pick up the last metal spoon if it didn’t pop and do not worry about the pot with food in it we will carry it with us.
Enter inside the lighthouse, do not ever pick up the lamp which I accidentally did due to the placement of it but upon playing to reach this point, restart the level after you pick it up when you do the same as me. Continuing on, pick up the fuel can and then refill it.
The Fool
You’ve picked the wrong target.
Achievement #9: Go to the lighthouse balcony to find 4 seagulls, two will stay and then you can shoot it with your double barrel shotgun, unlocking the achievement. You now have one shell so save it at the end.
Move on to do your job, refill the fuel slot and then crank the machine. Make sure to go back up to have a fade in black which your fuel can stays. Then go down to the storage to realise you drop your key.
To end this day, we must run forward which means so will the monster behind you, do not shoot at it because he is invinsible at the moment so keep running until you reach to a broken wall on the left, enter and drop down the hole.
This section is straight-forward so skip to the part where you’re at the lighthouse lamp if you want but otherwise here is a solution. Move without the lamp, seeing a walled spike turn right and reach to the end until you see a broken walled spike to enter through.
Go left from there and you will be seeing insect flies swarming the rotten meat to which you can grab it so you can go down the stairs, turn the crank wheel clockwise automatically and hook your rotten meat to the hook.
Move to the right after the stairs while hearing howls and upon following linearly, you will see a statue with the dagger, pick it up and this ends the section.
Now you wake up from the shore to then a different island, proceed to your house to find a cross on the ground, hang it the same way you did previous for Hierophant: 2/2. Pick up the key after which will shift the atmosphere. You will find a person mentioning about the new keeper’s disappearance, get inside the lighthouse.
After entering inside the storage, wait for a moment and exit out the storage.
You will suddenly see a shift into something sinister containing a satanic circle in front of you, also you still have your shotgun with you evidently holding the ammo holder, continue linearly and then go back out to which you turn right and to another tight corridor and front pit between, you will be ending up with meat hooks hanging while making your way towards the front.
At the T-path you are at the center, go left to pick up the dagger then move forward to find a body, slice the stomach open to pick up an orb ball to then go back to the meat hook center using the orb ball so the triangular doorway is opening, put back the sacrificial dagger to the same statue after the stairs and then you’re done with this section.
At the lighthouse you spawn at the top where the lamp is, get out to the balcony for a short cutscene. Go to the tool shed and pick up the shovel, exit out after.
There will be a church behind the tool shed so go there, while moving forward you will see few people on the grave which will then shift the weather to daytime.
The Star
Then came a sign brought through a blurry vision.
Achievement #10: Dig the grave, then open the casket to see a swarm of moths coming out from it, unlocking the achievement.
Part 3: The day a keeper disappeared
2) Achievements: 15/23
Continue forward to your house but pick up the picture of a shovel in front of your house, proceed inside to then once again shift back to the same place but you can enter either through inside your house or the lighthouse, either way it’s the same thing.
Once again, we begin at the satanic circle but at the previous spot we’ve been, go to your right and drop down into the hole, move forward to grab the medallion. In this section, we will spawn a monster after picking the medallion but we need to die to the monster three times, go straight and get killed by it.
The Chariot
You’ve went through the dangers.
Achievement #11: Skipping a level 3 times will allow you to unlock this achievement, otherwise when doing this legit you put all four medallions into the slot and get teleported back to the lighthouse lamp.
You will be in this section shortly while feeling drunk from the bottle you drinked from the fuel slot and at the floor, proceed down to the storage room to shortly fall unconscious.
You wake up suddenly in the temple with your double barrel shotgun ready, proceed down and forward until you reach a wheel to turn clockwise, you will be going down on the arena.
In this arena, before the monster spawns you must grab the shells from skeleton corpses to prepare to which the arena will become darkened so you fight the monster. One important thing is how this will affect the ending.
And if you could not – you’ve still held the urge.
Achievement #12: Story Related. Do not kill the monster but shooting it one time means you can move on. However, if you get hit you won’t get the Wheel of Fortune Achievement so either restart or move on to do this next time. After that, go fall down to the center pit to shift to another scene, unlocking the achievement.
Not long, keep going to any houses trying to knock doors while you keep shifting to the place where you’ve fallen and rowing the boat.
Sometimes there’s only one way to get away from the darkness.
Achievement #13: Story Related. This achievement unlocks after you are done with that section.
Walk to your house while you’re coughing, enter inside and put on the cross at the same wall when it falls.
The Hierophant
You knew that faith will guide and protect you.
Achievement #14: If you hang all crosses 3 times correctly on the same wall you unlock this achievement.
Move to your bed and you’ll become the horror. Next is you controlling the horror, you are at the lighthouse and the controls are fairly simple, all you must do is crawl from the wall to where the record player in order to cut the rope you can’t use the stairs to go back down but again crawl through the wall and then go back down to where you destroy three sandbags I guess you’re eating judging by the sounds.
Enter inside the storage room. From there, after entering inside the hatch you will be greeted with a maze, enter left automatically > right, left and left > straight, there is an unlit candle there.
There will be three preys or lighthouse keepers you must devour before they get to safety:
1st: Run to him asap, he might be close to his house but you catch him by staying a little to the right.
2nd: On the tool shed he goes, go to it while staying on the right side and then chase him, he’s easy to catch.
3rd: In the hallowed ground, as you go back to the main area of the lighthouse the prey will appear, run towards him for the last time don’t stop, try to cut to the right path a little instead of following the dirt path otherwise he will get to the lighthouse safely.
The Lovers
When it called for you, you’ve answered.
Achievement #15: After all three lighthouse keeper preys caught, you should unlock this achievement.
Part 4: A long forgotten Island at rest
2) Achievements: 23/23
Enter inside the storage room and down the hatch. Follow the path linearly after turning around to the arena.
Once again, in this arena you now need to face against the lighthouse keeper, you must avoid his fire without getting hit (restart when you get hit you will identify it by a red screen) which I found to be easily dealt with by facing him, when he stops to shoot strafe and move to left or right and when he shoots keep cutting path to get close to him.
The Devil
Once fallen, you would not allow another one to fall.
Achievement #16: Do not get hit by the lighthouse keeper.
The Moon
You thought you’ve lost the way.
Achievement #17: Story Related. After getting to the prey and devouring him you unlock this achievement.
You will be teleported to an area where a rotten meat that can be interactable along with 6 tarot cards on the wall and lastly a hatch, since we didn’t get the Wheel of Fortune Achievement we will exit out from the door behind. All tarot cards shown are as follows: The Emperor, The Lovers, Wheel of Fortune, The Hanged Man, The Star, and The Moon.
Ending #1: Start to refill the slot with your fuel can and a cutscene will play out.
The Sun
Your inner light is enough.
Achievement #18: After completing the game without picking up the lamp, you unlock this achievement. Resetting the level when you accidentally pick it up never voids the achievement hence the achievement is easily done on first playthrough.
We will be getting two more endings, this means selecting chapters to finally clean up those achievements and experiencing all endings before the end.
Go back to Day 5, follow what you did until the arena, this time we will be not getting hit by the monster. We can rush through the game up until the arena fight. This is also easily dealt with as the strategy is to move back running when you see him and tries to lunge at you, shoot on his head few times until he drops dead.
Wheel of Fortune
And yet both your fortune and doom are your own achievement.
Achievement #19: Don’t get hit by the monster, you will know when you don’t get the red screen.
The Empress
You’ve proved your courage.
Achievement #20: Story Related. This is when you killed the monster.
You are back at the altar, now since you earn the Wheel of Fortune Achievement, you can proceed inside the trapdoor, plus there is no more rotten meat.
Ending #2: Entering back to the Island, you will see a skeleton corpse, pick it up and get to the lighthouse balcony to grab the shovel around it outside. After exiting the ruined lighthouse, go pass your ruined house and to the hallowed ground, there you will be able to bury the skeleton corpse on the spot.
Now, when you’ve accepted the burden.
Achievement #21: Bury the skeleton corpse and this achievement unlocks.
The World
The isolation ended.
Achievement #22: Story Related. Exit the island by the boat and the game ends.
The Major Arcana
Now, you rest in peace.
Achievement #23: Story Related. After you unlock previous 22 achievements, this will unlock.
Like shorter games, it comes with a nice set of achievements for you to use so make it into consideration. Tarot Cards are nice to have.
100% finished, keep it up people and good luck 🙂
And that wraps up our share on No one lives under the lighthouse: 100% Achievement Guide [No one lives under the lighthouse]. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Division, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!