Starfield: Veer’s Class A Ship Building Tutorial Walkthroughs

This Guide is intended to be a beginner’s tutorial on Ship building complete with video walkthroughs of 5 Class A ships, one at each of the 5 major shipyards in Starfield. Each of the 5 ship tutorials occupies its own Section in this guide which also includes a complete parts list.No mod should be necessary for the building of these ships, but one mod may make the ship building more convenient and easier and that is a All ship parts unlocked mod of which we have links to in this guide.

Starfield: Starfield Bug Fixing Guide

Looking to play Starfield with the least amount of bugs? This guide will help you squash as many bugs as possible while keeping the game’s vanilla experience intact. Whether you’re a first-time player or looking to create a modded load order, this guide is your go-to for a stable base.

Starfield: How to build the Rocinante / Tachi from The Expanse

Are you a fan of The Expanse and want to bring a piece of it into your Starfield game? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll show you how to build the iconic Rocinante/Tachi, the independent gunship and legitimate salvage ship featured in The Expanse novels and show. Follow our step-by-step instructions to recreate this powerful ship and take on the challenges of the universe.

Starfield: Protect Starfield from Updates

Welcome to our gaming guide for protecting your game, Starfield, from updates. This guide will provide you with the necessary steps to safeguard your game until you are ready to update it. Please note that modding is always a risk, so it is important to follow the appropriate steps to ensure the safety of your game. Let’s dive in and learn how to protect your Starfield game from updates.