This Guide is intended to be a beginner’s tutorial on Ship building complete with video walkthroughs of 5 Class A ships, one at each of the 5 major shipyards in Starfield. Each of the 5 ship tutorials occupies its own Section in this guide which also includes a complete parts list.No mod should be necessary for the building of these ships, but one mod may make the ship building more convenient and easier and that is a All ship parts unlocked mod of which we have links to in this guide.
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Thank you for your support and enjoy!
The first ship listed in this guide, the Deimos Class A, should be able to be built with a level 10 to 17 character who has around 75,000 credits on hand and has unlocked the skill Starship Design Rank 1. This ship can be built at the Deimos Staryard orbiting Phobos a Moon of Mars in the Sol System.
The other 4 ships
For the rest of the ships in this guide you’ll ideally need to build an Outpost and place the landing pad which needs to be the one titled “Landing Pad with Ship Builder”. The only requirement should be Starship design 1 so as long as you have built an outpost and have the materials to do so which are: 18 Adaptive Frames, 2 Beryllium, 30 Iron, and 2 Zero Wire.
*Two useful optional mods
Again, it should be noted that the Ships can be built at their respective Staryards if you follow the additional suggestions within the parts listed in this guide for each ship, otherwise you can use the Creations mod ALL Ship Parts Unlocked[] from the in-game mod menu or you can use the Nexus mod All ship parts unlevelled at all vendors[] which also unlocks all ship parts. For installation of the Nexus mod install as you normally would with your mod manager or see the “Feedback & Questions” section down below.
IF you should ever run into a situation where in the middle of your ship build a part you need is not available at that vendor – do not panic. Simply add any similar part (or sometimes any part) as a temporary solution so the ship builder will allow you to save your ship until you get to the next ship vendor/staryard (see link in this section for a list of all vendors).
Also, for those who use mods but still want the ability to earn achievements as you normally would I suggest: Starfield Achievement Enabler[] which has no requirements other than the base game.
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For a complete list of all ship parts (except empty habs) stats, level requirements, where to purchase, etc. See this hand google doc Starfield Ship Parts & Stats List[]
Please feel free to post your feedback and any questions you may have down in the comment section of this guide or start a thread on the Steam Starfield forums.
The Deimos Class A Vanilla Ship Build
Parts List Daimos vanilla A class Parts can be found at the Ship Tech on Cydonia and the cockpit is found at the Deimos staryard orbiting phobos. unless otherwise noted 🙂
1 Deimos 120LD Landing Bay
2 Deimos Companionway 1×1
1 Deimos Living Quarters 2×1
1 Deimos 100DP Slim Docker – Top
1 Deimos All-in-One Berth 3×1
1 Deimos Living Quarters 3×1
1 Tokamak X-200 Reactor available at level 27 at Hopetown, for lower level availability and found
right here at Cydonia I suggest a switch to the 134 MM Toroidal Reactor.
1 R-3000 Alpha Grav Drive
2 HopeTech Hab Cross Brace Found at hopetown in the Polvo system
4 Dogstar M30 Ulysses He3 Fuel Tank
1 Marduk 1020-A Shield Generator requires level 19. FOr lower level I suggest the Marduk 1010-A
1 Deimos Workkshop 2×1
1 Deimos Captain’s Quarters 2×1
2 Deimos Hull A (structural)
2 Deimos Cowling – Fore (structural)
1 Deimos DS30.1 Ares Bridge Located at the Deimos Staryard near mars.
1 Deimos 220CB Landing Gear – Stbd
1 Deimos 220CB Landing Gear – Port
2 Deimos 320CB Landing Gear (under upper pt and stbd engines)
4 White Dwarf 3000 Engine
2 Horizon Weapon Mount
1 Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher
2 KE-20 Cannon
2 Disruptor 3310 Proton Beam available at level 20 for lower leve I suggest the PB-30 Electron
beam. (or 4 depending on what you can power)
The HopeTech Class A Vanilla Ship Build
Parts List HopeTech Vanilla A class (Parts avaliable at Hopetown in the polvo system Unless noted as elsewhere)
1 Hope 4 Landing Bay
1 Tokamak X-150 Reactor
1 R-3000 Alpha Grav Drive
1 Hope 6 Landing Gear Port Fore
1 Hope 6 Landing Gear Stbd Fore
1 Hope 6 Landing Gear Port Mid
1 Hope 6 Landing Gear Stbd Mid
1 Hope 6 Landing Gear Port Aft
1 Hope 6 Landing Gear Stbd Aft
1 Deimos Belly (structural) Aft
4 White Dwarf 3000 Engines
6 M30 Ulysses He3 Tank
1 HopeTech Engineering Bay 3×1
1 HopeTech Companionway 1×1
2 HopeTech Hab Cross Brace
1 HopeTech Science Lab 2×1
1 HopeTech Workshop 2×1
1 HopeTech Companionway Fuselage A
3 Deimos Hull A (structural) *Found At Cydonia on Mars
1 Deimos Cowling Fore (structural) *Found at Cydona on Mars
2 20T Hauler Cargo Hold Requires level 20. For lower level use the 10T Hauler Cargo Hold found
on Deimos or Titan. or replace with an appropriate cargo hold Found at Hopetown.
1 Deflector SG-30 Shield Generator
1 Hope 11 Docker – Stbd (z flip from port)
1 da Gama 1010 Cargo Hold
2 HopeTech Thruster (structural)
2 Horizon Weapon Mount (structural)
1 HopeTech Armstrong 20R Cockpit
1 Atlatl 270-A Missile Launcher (small change from video for availability at Hopetown)
2 PB-30 electron Beam (small change from video for availability at Hopetown)
2 KE-20 Cannon
The Taiyo Class A Vanilla Ship Build
Parts List Taiyo Vanilla A class All parts available at the ship tech on Neon in the Volii system except where otherwise noted
1 Ship Bed 200 Landing Bay
1 Marduk 1020-A Shield Generator available at level 19 on Titan at New Homestead (For
availability at Neon switch to the Bastille SB2 Shield Generaator).
1 Taiyo Engineering Bay Empty 3×1 Top B
1 Taiyo Companionway 1×1 Top B
1 Taiyo Extender Port 200 Docker – Top
1 Taiyo Himeji Bridge
1 Taiyo Captains Quarters 2×1 Top B
2 Galleon S204 Cargo Hold (for ease of availability switch to S201 Cargo Hold)
1 Taiyo All-in-One Berth 2×1 Top B
1 Taiyo Workshop 2×1 Top B
1 Taiyo Living Quarters 2×1 Top B
2 Nova Weapon Mount (Nova Galactic Found at Titan in the Sol system)
1 Taiyo Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear – Stbd Fore
1 Taiyo Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear – Port Fore
3 Taiyo Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear – Stbd Mid
3 Taiyo Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear – Port Mid
2 Stroud Engine Bracer A
6 Slayton Aerospace SA-4110 (Available at level 27 or for lower level I suggest you use 4 white
dwarf 3000 engines).
1 Tokamak X-150 Reactor
1 R-3000 Alpha Grav Drive
2 M30 Ulysses He3 Fuel Tank
2 Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher
2 KE-20 Cannon
2 PB-30 Electron Beam (change from video for ease of availability)
The Nova Galactic Class A Vanilla Ship Build
Parts List Nova Galactic Vanilla A Class Parts available on Titan at New Homestead unless otherwise noted.
1 Nova NG-6 Landing Bay
1 Nova Comppanionway 1×1
1 Marduk 1020-A Shield Generator Available at level 19 (for level 10 switch to Marduk 1010-A
Shield Generator).
1 Nova Mess Hall 2×3
4 Nova Cross Passage
5 Nova 2×1 Habs of Any type (your choice)
2 Galleon S202 Cargo holds Port and starboard oriented Available at level 20 (For quicker
availability switch to 2 Galleon S201 Cargo Holds).
1 R-3000 Alpha Grav Drive
1 Tokamak X-200 Reactor Needs level 19 For availability at New Homestead on Titon switch to:
134 MM Toroidal .
1 Nova Cowling 1L-TF
1 NG-2 Docker – Top
1 Cabot C3X Bridge requires level 19 for lower level use the Cabot C3 Bridge.
6 Slayton Aerospace SA-4110 Engine available on Neon at level 27 I suggest at lower level and
available here at New homestead 4 white dwarf 3000 engines.
6 Dogstar M40 Ulysses He3 Fuel Tank Port and starboard oriented.
1 NG-15 Landing Gear Stbd Fore
1 NG-15 Landing Gear Port Fore
1 NG-15 Landing Gear Stbd
1 NG-15 Landing Gear Port
2 Nova Cowling 2L-SF
2 Nova Cowling 2L-PF
2 Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher
2 KE 20 Cannon
2 Disruptor 3310 Proton Beam available at level 20 on Hopetown. For available at lower level and
on Titan (new homestead) I suggest a switch to PB-30 Electron Beam.
The Stroud-Ecklund Class A Vanilla Ship Build
Parts List Stroud-Ecklund Vanilla A class All parts can be found at the Stroud-Eklund Staryard orbiting Dalvik in the Narion system unless noted otherwise.
1 Stroud-Eklund Stability Pro Landing Bay
3 Stroud Companionway 1×1. (Stacked on each other)
2 Nova Porthole – Fore (structural)
1 Stroud-Eklund Connect-Pro Docker – Top
1 Stroud Captain’s Quarters 2×1
1 Sextant 20T Hauler Cargo Hold Level 20 at Deimos/cydonia For availability at stround-Eklund I
suggest replacing with any appropriate cargo hold available.
1 Sextant 10T Hauler Cargo Hold at Deimos/cydonia For availability at stround-Eklund I suggest
replacing with any appropriate cargo hold available.
1 Tokamak X-200 Reactor Available at level 27 for lower level replace with the X-150.
1 R-3000 Alpha Grav Drive
4 Stroud Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear Port
5 Stroud Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear Stbd
1 Stroud Workshop 2×1
1 Marduk 1020-A Shield Generator For ease of availability I suggest switching this for a Bastille
S82 shield generator.
1 Stroud Mess Hall 2×3
1 Stroud Cap C – Aft Top (structural)
2 Stroud All-in-One Berth 3×1
2 Stroud Nose Cap E (structural)
4 Stroud Cowling 1LB-ST (structural)
4 Stroud Cowling 1LB-PT (structural)
1 Stroud Cowling 3LA-ST (structural)
1 Stroud Cowling 3LA-PT (structural)
6 Slayton Aerospace SA-4110 Engine availab le at level 27 on Neon. For lower level and
availability at stroud I suggest 4 white dwarf 3000 engines.
2 Dogstar M30 Ulysses He3 Fuel Tank
1 Taiyo Equipment Plate Available on neon.
1 Stroud Viking CP-220 Cockpit
2 Stroud Cap A – Stbd Fore Top (structural)
2 Stroud Cap A – Port Fore Top (structural)
1 Atlatl 270A Missile Launcher
2 KE 20 Cannon
2 Disruptor 3310 Proton Beam available at level 20 at cydonia. I suggest 2 PB-30 electron Beam
for easier availability at Stround staryard.
Feedback & Questions
Visit Veer’s YouTube channel 🙂 Like and Subscribe
Other YouTube Channels
Vlad254’s Channel
Veer’s Mods
40mm wooden Duck Gun[] With help from Inquisitor Overhauls. Gun fires Wooden ducks that explode on impact. Can be crafted on the Industrial workbench for 10 structural.
Veer’s Funnies[] With Help from ChrisG. Adds 5 Custom made Magazines with Perks to find in the game. Also available free on Creations[].
Veer’s Ships[] With Help from ChrisG. Adds 15 Custom made Magazines with Perks to find in the game. Also available free on Creations[].
More Mods
HopeTech Hydroponics Habs[] Custom HopeTech Hydroponic Habs For Exquisite Ship Building! Also available free on Creations[].
Unlock all Ship parts
All ship parts unlevelled at all vendors[]
ALL Ship Parts Unlocked[]
And that wraps up our share on Starfield: Veer’s Class A Ship Building Tutorial Walkthroughs. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by veer and 1 collaborators, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!