Guide in Spanish
A simple guide to the achievements in Far Cry 3. A clarification, there are officially over 50 achievements in this game, but in the PC version of Steam, there are only 44 achievements. They leave out the achievements that have to do with multiplayer and the cooperative story.
Platinum Difficulty: 3 Out of 10
Estimated Duration for Platinum: 20-30 Hours
Minimum Playthroughs for Platinum: 1 Playthrough
Number of Achievements: 44 Achievements
Escape from the pirates and survive in the jungle.
Magic Mushrooms
Take the mushrooms from the cave to the doctor.
I got burn out of this date
Rescue Liza from the building in flames.
One of us
Complete the Rakyat initiation.
A very high guy
Rescue Oliver from the pirates.
Bank Bailout
Rescue Keith from Dollar.
Did I tell you?
Survive your encounter with Vaas and escape.
Grant would be proud
Kill Vaas.
Clouds.png][/previewimg] A Walk in the Clouds
Use the wingsuit to reach the southern island.
Bully Brother
Complete Riley’s interrogation.
The bank is not winning today
Kill Hoyt.
What a trip
Attend the final ceremony.
Find a total of 60 relics.
There are a total of 120 relics and to get the trophy you have to find half of them, the best way to do this is to buy all the maps with the location of the collectibles in the stores.
Voice of the Dead
Find all the “Letters of the Lost”.
To get the trophy you have to get a total of 20 letters scattered around the map, just like the previous achievement, the best way is to buy the maps in the store.
I have a lot of memory
Get all the memory cards.
There are a total of 20 memory cards, these cards are found inside the houses when we take control of the enemy posts.
Jungle Diary
Unlock 50 entries in the guide.
From the beginning we have a kind of diary in which all the discoveries we have made throughout the game are saved (characters, animals, weapons, transports, etc.) it is simply a matter of playing until the 50 entries come out.
Survive a free fall of more than 100 m.
To get this trophy you have to jump off a hang glider, go to a more or less deep area of the sea and let go. I leave a coordinate with a hang glider at a high altitude (X:442 Y:651)
Begging positions…
Free up 3 positions.
There are a total of 34 positions in the game, just free up 3 and you would have the achievement.
Island Liberator
Liberate all the posts.
Same as the previous trophy but this time we have to take control of the 34 posts.
Unheard of
Liberate a post without activating any alarm.
We must liberate a post by killing all the enemies without being detected or by deactivating the alarm and then killing the enemies.
Good coverage here
Activate 9 radio towers.
There are 18 radio towers scattered around the island, the map shows the location of all of them. When we activate 9, the trophy will appear.
Let the trials begin
Beat the score of any Rakyat trial.
These trials consist of killing as many enemies as we can in a given time and with the weapons they give us. To make the score go up faster, it’s best to kill silently with the knife and try to have the kills follow one another.
Aggressive Poker
Earn $1,500 at poker.
The poke is unlocked after clearing the 11th spot or advancing in the story. The $1500 are cumulative so you don’t have to get them in the same game. To get to win $1500 you have 2 options:
– The first is to simply play, with time, patience and practice, you will end up winning the $1500.
– The second is the easiest way, especially if you don’t know how to play. It consists of saving the game before entering a table, once inside you bet everything you have, if you win you leave the table, save the game and repeat the process, if you lose you leave the game and try again.
Soulful Pyromaniac
Kill 50 enemies with the flamethrower (single player only).
You must buy the flamethrower or it is given away for free after unlocking 8 radio towers. A larger magazine and fireproof syringes are recommended so you don’t burn yourself with the fire. It’s best to clear enemy posts by letting them activate the alarm so reinforcements can come. You can also get quite a few kills in the mission where you have to burn 5 drug fields since there are quite a few enemies. Remember that if you kill them and you didn’t save the game, the kills you made won’t count, so it’s best to manually save every time you burn an enemy just in case.Four servings of mashed potatoes
Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with an explosion.
One way is to throw rocks to try to get 4 of them together (better if you have a grenade launcher or rocket launcher), another place where you can try it is in the Rakyat trials where there are quite a few enemies and it will be easier to see 4 together.
This trophy can also be obtained in the Rakyat trial at the coordinates
X:647.1 Y:763.9.Throw the rock and hide your hand
Distract 25 enemies with rocks.
In order for them to count as distracted enemies when they throw the rock, you have to wait for the enemy to return to their initial position once they have gone to where you threw the rock.
Didn’t see it coming
Use an elimination from a hang glider, zipline or parachute.
The first thing you need is to have purchased the “death from above” skill from the “The Heron” branch. I’m leaving you some videos of locations where it’s easier to get the achievement. use
Kill an enemy with the repair tool.
The repair tool is a kind of blowtorch that you will have available in the shops from the beginning and that is used to fix broken cars
Where the eye goes, the arrow goes
Kill a target with the bow at 70 m or more (single player only).
To make it a little easier, you can use explosive arrows instead of the normal ones, although it is not mandatory and it also works with the normal ones.
There is a paparazzi on the island
Mark 25 enemies using the camera (single player only).
From the beginning of the game we have a camera at our disposal, to get the trophy we just have to mark the enemies.
Either fearless or stupid
Dive from more than 60 m (single player only).
For this trophy you have to dive more than 60 meters. A video to make it easier for you.
Earn 5 skill tattoos.
To unlock the skills of each branch we have to complete missions or anything that gives us xp. Each xp bar that fills is 1 skill point.
Tattooed to the eyebrows
Get all the tattoos by learning all the skills.
Add xp to have more points to unlock. A tip, if we stealthily kill the armored ones, they give us 500xp and if we free camps without anyone seeing us and deactivating the alarm, it gives us 1500xp.
A tourist with money
Spend $5,000 in the store.
Everything in the store, maps, bullets, weapons, etc., counts for this achievement.
Tuned weapon
Buy all the accessories and paints for a weapon.
You have to buy all the accessories and the 6 paints for the same weapon, the cheapest weapon to do so is the STG-90 assault rifle on which we would spend $1750
Create 5 upgrades for your equipment.
To create an upgrade we will need a certain animal skin depending on what we are going to create, this is essential if we want to carry more weapons, money or objects. When we have created 5 upgrades we will have the trophy.
Syringe Exchange
Create 25 syringes.
By cutting plants we get the ingredients to make syringes.
Good Stuff
Create a special syringe.
To create a special syringe the first thing we need is to find 30 relics. Once found, a syringe called “untouchable” will be unlocked, which gives us temporary immunity to damage. To make it we need 2 white sheets, 5 green sheets and 5 blue sheets.
Complete a Hunter’s Path assignment.
These are the special animal contracts that appear after you free up an outpost.
Caution, Driver Friend
Complete a delivery assignment.
These are the blue cross icons that appear on the map. Carry a load within a limited time.
In Cold Blood
Complete a “WANTED: Dead” mission.
These are contracts to eliminate an enemy after liberating an outpost.
Hunted Hunter
Attract and hunt a predator.
Very simple trophy. We have to let a predator (bear, tiger, leopard…) see us and come for us, when we kill it we will have the trophy.
Hunt and skin a rare animal.
We have to skin a rare animal, this is usually done when we make our first hunting contract.
Find the missing Hollywood star.
You have to find a person who is buried in the sand and only his head is visible. He is located exactly at these coordinates X: 619, Y: 559.
And that wraps up our share on Far Cry® 3: ACHIEVEMENTS GUIDE 100% | Far Cry 3 | English
. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Carsman, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!