Welcome to a detailed guide on completing all achievements in Far Cry 3!We will cover every achievement, from the simplest to the most challenging, and share effective strategies to help you reach your ultimate goal. In this guide, you will find helpful tips for completing main and side quests, finding collectibles, and overcoming all the challenges this tropical paradise has in store for you.
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Number of achievements: 44
Offline achievements: 44
Minimum number of playthroughs for 100%: 1
Difficulty of achievements: 3/10 (Depends on skills and difficulty level)
Estimated time to unlock all achievements: 15 ~ 30 hours
Missable achievements: None
Achievements related to difficulty level: None
Glitched achievements: None
Escape the pirates and survive in the wilderness.
We leave the pirates and find ourselves right at Denis’ place. Magic Mushroom
Return to the doctor with the cave mushrooms.
We collect mushrooms and head back to the doctor. Worst Date Ever
Escape the burning hotel.
We escape from the hotel with Liza and run away from the pirates. One of Us
Complete the Rakyat initiation.
We join the Rak’yat tribe. Hands Off My Stoner
Rescue your friend before he is sold as a slave.
We take on the roles of a sniper and a machine gunner to save Oliver. Retake Wall Street
Rescue your friend from torture.
We kill Buck in a one-on-one fight and free Keith. Have I Told You?
Discover the definition of insanity.
“We die” and “respawn”. Taken for Granted
Survive Vaas’s attack in the compound.
Kill Vaas’s. Higher Than a Kite
Reach the South Island alive.
With the help of Agent Willis, we make our way to the southern island. Deep Cover
Don’t blow cover during the interrogation.
Complete Riley’s interrogation (younger brother). Poker Night
Win the poker game.
Kill Hoyt. What a Trip
Attend the final ceremony.
Participate in the final ceremony.
Hunt and skin a rare animal.
While completing the achievement on the ‘Hunter’s Path,’ you will encounter a contract for a rare animal. Your task is to kill it and skin it.
Bagged and Tagged
Complete a Path of the Hunter quest.
You will have to complete a contract to kill an animal, which can be found near outposts. Your task is to kill it. ㅤ
Road Trip
Complete a Supply Drop quest.
We get on one of these vehicles and race to the finish. ㅤ
In Cold Blood
Complete a WANTED Dead quest.
You will need to complete a contract to kill an enemy, which can be found near outposts. ㅤ
Let the Trials Begin
Beat any Trials of the Rakyat score.
Find this rock and beat the record set there.
Lure and kill a predator.
You need to kill an animal that attacks you from behind (a scripted event must occur). After that, you can eliminate it. For example, in the water near the blue flower, there is a crocodile that attacks you—kill it. You can also try to kill any animal that is chasing another animal. A grenade launcher can be used! Toxophilite
Kill a target from 70m or more with the bow.
Find or purchase a bow, equip it with a ‘sniper scope’ for precise aiming, and then set out to find your target. If the target is more than 70 meters away, that works to your advantage. Never Saw it Coming?
Kill an enemy with a takedown from above from a glider, zipline or parachute.
You need to wait until you are given a parachute. Then climb a mountain near the outpost, jump off it onto the base with the parachute, and close it when you are directly above an enemy.
Love the Boom
Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with one explosion.
Find an outpost with a large group of enemies. Throw a rock in their direction to draw all the enemies’ attention to one spot. Then, using the ‘Grenadier’ skill, prepare to throw a grenade. A couple of seconds before it explodes, toss it into the center of the enemy group. (In fact, this achievement is easy to unlock during the story campaign). Heartless Pyro
Kill 50 enemies with the flamethrower.
Simply buy a flamethrower and burn everyone who gets in your way! 🙂 Unheard
Liberate an outpost without triggering an alarm.
It’s simple: choose any starting outpost, attack it, and immediately disable the alarm to prevent an alert. Rebel With a Cause
Liberate 3 outposts.
Just go to the location and kill everyone. Done. Island Liberator
Liberate all outposts.
Do the same thing, but this time you need to liberate absolutely everything.
Fully distract 25 enemies with rocks.
You just need to make sure that the distracted enemy returns to their position safe and sound. This trick can be repeated with the same enemy, as long as they don’t spot you. Island Paparazzi
Tag 25 enemies using the camera.
Take out the camera (default key ‘Z’) and tag all the enemies you see. Full Bars
Activate 9 radio towers.
Simply activate all the radio towers. Jungle Journal
Unlock 50 entries in the Survival Guide.
Throughout the game, you will encounter new types of animals, plants, weapons, territories, people, and other elements. When a notification about new information in the journal appears on the screen, open it and check the updates. Artsy Craftsy
Craft 5 upgrades for your equipment.
Open the pause menu and select the ‘Crafting’ section. Then, go to one of the categories: ‘Gear’, ‘Ammunition’, or ‘Arrows’. Once you know which animal skins you need, head to their habitat, hunt them, and skin them. After that, you’ll be able to craft the required items. Poker Bully
Win $1500 playing poker.
This is not Red Dead Redemption, as mentioned, the trophy is cumulative, not ‘diminishing.’ This means that losing does not reduce the accumulated amount, so there’s no need to worry about this trophy. Money to Burn
Spend $5000 at the shop.
Just spend the money… =))) Inked Up
Earn 5 skill tattoos.
Just upgrade all the necessary skills. Fully Inked
Earn every tattoo by learning all the skills.
Do the same thing as last time, but there is a small problem: to unlock all the skills, certain requirements must be met.
Here are all the requirements that need to be met:
Cold-blooded – Kills with mounted weapons 10
Marathoner – Relics collected 5
Top-down kill – Standard kills 1
Bottom-up kill – Standard kills 2
Double top-down kill – Top-down kills 1
Double bottom-up kill – Quick bottom-up kills 1
Weapon-stealing kill – Kills with handheld weapons 10
Grenade trick – Kills with grenades 5
Heavyweight kill – Killed blunt-nosed sharks 1
Buttons up – Armor vests acquired 3
Adrenaline rush – Completed deliveries 3
Fitness master – Crafted healing remedies 10
Ninja step – Outposts liberated (without being noticed) 2
Tax collector – Bodies examined 10
Trader – Completed “Bounty Hunt” missions 3
Scavenger – Standard kills 3
Knife kill – Close combat kills 3
Trophy collector – Spent money in shops 500
Quick hands – Purchased types of attachments 3 The Good Stuff
Craft a Special syringe.
Simply collect various herbs and craft remedies (25 items). Aftermarket Junkie
Buy all attachments and paint jobs for one weapon.
The easiest way to achieve this is with the first pistol you get through the storyline at the beginning of the game. It’s called the 1911. It has no modifications, only a color change, which makes it the best choice. For this, you will need $1200.
Craft a Special syringe.
After collecting 30 relics, the ability to craft a special remedy will be unlocked. Gather the necessary herbs and create the remedy. Improper Use
Kill an enemy with the Repair Tool.
You will need to obtain a repair tool, which can be found in a weapon locker or a general store. It can be purchased or you can activate a radio tower to get it for free. In the general store, it’s located in the ‘exclusive’ weapons section. After that, find any enemy, get close to them, and use the tool inappropriately. Say Hi to the Internet
Find the lost Hollywood star.
Head to this location, located near the ‘Old Neck’s House’.
Free Fall
Freefall more than 100m and live.
Simply climb the mountain shown in the video and jump down.
Fearless or Stupid
Dive more than 60m.
To unlock this achievement, I recommend using the ‘Diver’ remedy. The best location for this is the one shown in the video.
Archeology 101
Gather a total of 60 relics.
The easiest way to unlock this achievement is by buying all the ‘Items’ cards in the store. Just make sure not to accidentally buy the ‘Treasure’ cards. After purchasing all the cards, all collectible items will appear on your map.
If you don’t have enough money to buy all the necessary cards, or if you just want to save, here’s: interactive map [mapgenie.io] Dead Letters
Gather all “Letters of the Lost”.
The easiest way to unlock this achievement is by buying all the ‘Items’ cards in the store. Just make sure not to accidentally buy the ‘Treasure’ cards. After purchasing all the cards, all collectible items will appear on your map.
If you don’t have enough money to buy all the necessary cards, or if you just want to save, here’s: interactive map [mapgenie.io] Memory to Spare
Gather all the memory cards.
The easiest way to unlock this achievement is by buying all the ‘Items’ cards in the store. Just make sure not to accidentally buy the ‘Treasure’ cards. After purchasing all the cards, all collectible items will appear on your map.
If you don’t have enough money to buy all the necessary cards, or if you just want to save, here’s: interactive map [mapgenie.io]ᅠ
And that wraps up our share on Far Cry® 3: Achievements – Far Cry 3 EN. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by VladMaster [ℿℽℿℂᶙℜ], who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!