Having trouble finding players to play against in XCOM 2’s multiplayer mode? Or struggling with a language barrier when trying to join ranked matches? Look no further, because our guide will help you navigate the search for players and the new XCOM Modern Mod in PvP mode.
Detailed guide on the new XCOM 2 Ranked mode.
This is a bot made specially for our Virtual Bar Discord server https://discord.gg/z3BdhrBKp9.
When you first join the server you’ll be asked whether you want to play XCOM or some other games (XCOM 2 MP is so absorbing you won’t have time or desire for anything else 😉 ).
Old residents of the Virtual Bar can simply react to the XCOM symbol in the role channel.
The one with most votes is XCOM.
After that you’ll get access to the section of the server that revolves around our favourite game: guides, game search, mod download links, fresh patch notes and, naturally, the Ranked mode.
So, here’s the guide:
After entering this channel you’ll see this window.
Main page is divided into segments: Command list, Top 10 Players and Searching for a game.
Bot command list is very simple. “/player start” registers you in the bot’s system. “/player go” puts you in the “Searching for a game” section for others to invite you. “/player history” shows a history of your last 10 games. “/player invite” invites a player “searching for a game” to a match between you two. “/player leave” removes you from “Searching for a game”, inversely to /player go. “/player rank” shows your rank in the ratings.
You must type the commands in the “Рейтинговый режим” channel, otherwise they’ll have no effect.
You can use, for example, /go instead of /player go, but you’ll have to manually select the command from the list.
Top 10 Players is self-explanatory.
Again, to check your personal rank (and see others near your position) type /player rank.
The given message is only visible to you and will eventually disappear.
After you register yourself in the bot using /player start, you can start matchmaking.
1. search
When the message disappears (in about 30 seconds) you will appear in the “Searching for a game” segment.
This is what a person eager for a fight looks like.
When you will be invited to a game you’ll receive a private message from the bot.
(PLAYER invites YOU into a game. | Confirm | Cancel)
After accepting the invite the bot will send you this notification:
(Game invitation from PLAYER. Map: “Small Town Arid” (for example) | Join the voice channel)
The notification will have the map you will be playing on and a link to the voice chat of the game. Only you two will be able to join it.
2. If you see a player “searching for a game”…
…use /player invite “player username”
All commands, as usual, can be selected from a dropdown menu.
If the other player accepts the invitation, you’ll receive a PM notification from the bot, same as above.
Something’s weirdly familiar about all this…
!!! The host (hosts of the game move first) is selected by a coin bot (integrated coin is in development).
3. Post the results
This button right here
Here you see Victory\Lose\Draw
Each player selects the result they ended up with, after which the channel closes (in case of misinput, like both selecting “victory”, the bot will ask again).
That’s it! Now you can join a new game!
4. Numbers.
There are 6 ranks, and each rank difference gives/takes 2 points.
For example, if a Neophyte (rank 1) defeats an Adept (rank 2) they will gain 14 points, and if they lose to an Adept they will lose 10. With an Officer (rank 3) it will be 16 and 8 respectively, and so on.
Top 10 is updated every hour, Searching… – every 30 seconds.
To play you need to have all XCOM 2 DLCs and an enabled ModernMultiplayerMod .
Let the great battle commence! Good luck, commanders.
P.S. Thanks to Garr_Inc for the translation
And that wraps up our share on XCOM 2: PvP search for players and ranked mode XCOM Modern Mod. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Strazh_zhizni, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!