This guide will show you how to unlock all the achievements in Tower 57. Just a heads up, it contains spoilers that reveal parts of the game’s story. I suggest playing through the game at least once without using this guide to enjoy the story. You can check out the first section before playing for some helpful tips. Lets dive in.
You can mix the characters anyway you want, but i would recommend to chose the spy on the second run, as she will be helpful with collecting some crates.
Game mechanics related achievements
You revived a dead character.
To get this one, you have to revive anyone. Before reviving, one of yours characters obviously have to die. You can revive at this guy, who can be found at the beginning of most of the floors.
To do so, you will need at least one of these yellow balls. You will get them during playing the game, you can also buy them for 500$
Expert Reanimator
You revived all characters at least once.
Do the same thing as in previous one, just with every character. This doesn’t have to be done in one playthrough, you can also reload save after dying and reviving a character. I would recommend to do this as fast as possible with all your three characters during both playthroughs.
You’re Special
You used your special attack 50 times.
Just use your special attack 50 times. You don’t have to do it with one character. While using it every time as soon as you can, you should easily get it even in one playthrough.
You have completed the game with all characters.
Complete the game with all 6 characters. You don’t have to play the game 6 times! Just after ending the game reload your save, and do it with next character. This way you could do this in two playthrougs.When you enter the last room with the mother in it, your character might switch. Don’t care about that – you can change it again during the last 5 seconds of your life.
Multiple personalities
You’ve played at least once with every character.
You will have to play as every character at least twice to get the previous achievements, so you will get this one as well.
Story related achievements
The Canal
You have unlocked the Canal.
Pristine Pools
You have unlocked Pristine Pools.
The Sweatshop
You have unlocked the Sweatshop.
The Ministry of Rehabilitation
You have unlocked the Ministry of Rehabilitation.
The Biolab
You have unlocked the Biolab.
The Upper Floors
You have unlocked the Upper Floors.
Tower Savior
You have completed the game.
Crates achievements

Canal Loot Crates
You found all the loot crates in the Canal.
Just stand on that green tile, the crate will spawn. Then you have to go around to get back up.
Just destroy the middle wall here:
Destroy a wall here(it should be destroyed by the red barrels):
Destroy a wall here:
You will have to get into that locked room. To do that, you will need to hack the door with hacking tool (a glove). Spy has that item from beginning, i also read that you can find it somewhere in the canals, however i wasn’t able to do that. So if you know where the glove is, please let me know.
After opening the door, you will have to destroy the altar and stand on the tile.
Pristine Pools Loot Crates
You found all the loot crates in Pristine Pools.
Destroy the wall here, right at the beginning:
Defeat all the enemies in this room.
Light all 12 these vases here (it can be done with this orange barrel, which should drop from an enemy):
The crate will appear on top of the room.
Destroy wall over here:
Destroy toilet here. Once again you will need to have the hacking tool.
Sweatshop Loot Crates
You found all the loot crates in the Sweatshop.
Not sure how to get this one – just go into every corner in that room and it will spawn here:
Just stand right there, crate will spawn:
Stand over here, the crate will spawn. To get there, just jump here from the higher place, going left after the stairs.
Hack door to get into that room. Then destroy all the crates on the right and stand on the tile. Crate will spwan on the left.
Ministry Loot Crates
You found all the loot crates in the Ministry of Rehabilitation.
Hack the door here, right at the beginning:
Destroy the wall here:
Destroy the wall here:
For next two crates, firstly hack the door here:
Destroy wall over here:
Destroy wall over here:
Crates achievements part 2
Biolab Loot Crates
You found all the loot crates in the Biolab.
Click on the sphere in the middle of this room. The crate will spawn:
Open next spheres at the third part (there should be 4 spheres). Two here:
And next two here:
After gaining access to all three platforms, set them in middle row:
Then set them to the last row and destroy wall here:
Upper Floors Loot Crates
You found all the loot crates in the Upper Floors.
Do not enter the last room until you haven’t got all the crates!
Destroy that car:
Stand on that tile, the crate will appear:
Go into that room, crate will appear:
Defeat enemies in that room – crate will appear on top of it:
Use the stairs that can be found here to get to the room:
Mini games achievements

You gambled, you won!
You have to win any money on the slotting machine. To get to the machine you have to go there:
And go to the right, on the brown tiles.
Cup Champion
You won over 10 Cup Games.
In order to gain this achievement, you have to win 10 Cup Games. You can play them after talking to a man in Amor’s Den, over here:
Winning these games is pretty easy, playing with smaller amount is also easier.
Gambling Addict
You lost over $500 playing the Cup Game.
Same place as previous achievement, this time you have to loose (5 times, if betting 100$). It would be recommended to exit and start the game after that, 500$ is surely some money.
Nagel Champion
You won over 10 Nagel Games.
Another minigame, that could be found over here. Have to win 10 times:
You can play for fun (without betting money), it still counts.
Darts Champion
You won over 10 Darts Games.
Last minigame, can be played in same place as previous one, at that guy:
Also 10 wins, also you don’t have to bet money. Good luck with this one, AI’s half of throwes will be 60s, so it will take some time…
Multiplayer achievements
Hitch a Ride
You have been carried by another player.
To do it, you have to loose your legs. There is a place on the canals which guarantee you that:
If you are doing it on offline multiplayer, then player one’s character have to lose the legs. You should go in the room showed above as that player firstly then.
Good Samaritan
You have carried a legless player on your back.
Same thing, just lose legs as second player, and then carry him as player one.
In online game, you should consider yourself as player one.
Secrets and other achievements

You killed the train conductor.
You can get that achievement on the train station floor.
Firstly, you have to open crate with your weapons, which is here:
Then kill the conductor, who can be found here, just a little below the room with weapons crate:
White Knight
You rescued the princess!
You can get that one in biolabs. Firstly, find this room and destroy the four pillars in corners:
Then you should be able to destroy that tube in the middle, with princess inside of it:
Secret ending
You are the true savior of Tower 57!
To get that achievement, you have to kill the mother in the last room, during the last 5 seconds of your life. It could be done with fully upgraded minigun.
You can get the minigun on the baths level – right after the start chose the left path:
Keep going that way, there will be some though enemies to fight. After defeating all of them, you will get the minigun here:
To do it, you will have to obtain the pants in the canals. You can buy them there, in the machine with meds and ammo. You will also get pants from the last crate in the canals.
Never give up
Never surrender!
Go to menu and open credits. Keep going to next page till you get the achievements (there will be some empty pages midtime).
And that wraps up our share on Tower 57: 100% Achievements guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Krzysztof Krawczyk[*], who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!