Where to find the reasons for asking your questions in order to become the all-knowing clerk.
Every Question (10)
Welcome back to the capital building, Yellow clerk…![](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/24301870547767176/175BE6A9F753FD3BA0870774D0E5D4F2F78193B7/)
1. The fish presence
2. Air cans? Why not oxygen tanks?
3. What justifies that wall?
4. What happened to Ni?
5. Is the water drinkable?
6. What is in the train?
7. Why Mount _____?
8. What’s the job really?
9. Can I trust Mo?
10. Strange sound from the tunnel
1. The fish presence
2. Air cans? Why not oxygen tanks?
3. What justifies that wall?
4. What happened to Ni?
5. Is the water drinkable?
6. What is in the train?
7. Why Mount _____?
8. What’s the job really?
9. Can I trust Mo?
10. Strange sound from the tunnel
The fish presence
In order to activate this question, you must wait until after the train completely stops. Go down to the filter at the end of the stream and stare at one of the dead fish.
Air cans? Why not oxygen tanks?
To activate this question all you need to do is use about three air cans.
What justifies that wall?
Stare at the recycling building over the wall and this question will activate.
What happened to Ni?
This question can be activated in multiple ways. The easiest one is asking Mo about the trunk when he first offers to answer any questions, but you can also get this question from any dialogue that has Ni’s name in it.
Is the water drinkable?
You can activate this question two different ways. Either stare into the pipe where the water comes from until you get the zoom-in on your face, or wade around the white gunk at the end of the filter a second time.
What is in the train?
Walk up to the train and inspect it, this question will then promptly activate.
Why Mount _____?
Look at the drawing of the mountain in Building Two and this question will activate.
(Mount Logan from Canada)
(Mount Logan from Canada)
What’s the job really?
This is another question that has multiple ways of activating. You can get by simply collecting a multitude of tickets.
Can I trust Mo?
This question will activate once you’re done talking to Mo the first time.
Strange sound from the tunnel
You must wait for the train to slow down, but a specific squeaking noise must play, then look at the train and the question will activate. This has potential to take a while, but isn’t hard.
And that wraps up our share on THRESHOLD: All Questions (and where to find them). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by StrangeSeven, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!