This is a comprehensive 100% Achievement guide detailing a step-by-step walkthrough to take you from 0 all the way to 100%. If you are looking for a particular Achievement or Collectible, use Ctrl+F & type it into the search bar for more direct help. I run support & debug help on all my guides. If you have any questions, problems, or find errors in the guide itself, do not hesitate to leave me a comment & I will get back to you as soon as I am able to. Happy Hunting!
Achievement Breakdown: (48)
Story Related: (16)
Missable: (24)
Collectibles: (8)
This guide only pertains to the original The Waking Dead – The Final Season & not the Definitive Edition! Only the original has the Missable & Collectible related Achievements. In the Definitive Edition, all Achievements are purely Story Related & does not require a guide for 100%. I also very strongly recommend playing the first three Seasons of The Walking Dead as well before playing this game as your decisions compound across each game & will make this one that much better… All Achievements for those games are solely Story Related as well & do not require a guide to 100% either.
For some of the Missable Achievements, we will be required to replay different Acts in some of the Episodes to play out alternative scenarios (each alternative giving us an Achievement).
Due to the nature of Telltale games, these are extremely story driven games. Unfortunately, a lot of the Achievements require very specific decisions to unlock & can spoil certain events though I will do my absolute best to make the guide as spoiler free as I can while still having it make sense to follow along with.
For the safest playthrough, I actually recommend you complete the game completely blind without using this guide. You will unlock all Story Related Achievements along with potentially some of the Missable Achievements. Then after witnessing the series conclusion with your own decisions, load up the guide & bang off any Achievements you are still missing. Means more playthroughs potentially, but it also means that you have experienced the game unspoiled. Completely your decision…
This guide was made as spoiler free as possible; there still may be minor spoilers present*.
Sequence 1: New Beginnings
2. Episode #1 – Collectibles: 4/6
3. Achievements: 4/48
Collectible #1 – Deer Skull: Act 1 will begin with Clem & AJ driving a car looking for food & shelter. When we exit the car, we will approach a house & our first Walker of the game will appear. Deal with it, & our next task will be entering into the house.
Before we do that, head left around the house past some benches along its walls & around the corner to find a Deer Skull resting on a barrel at a dead end. Collect it.
There are no Collectibles or Achievement related decisions during these Objectives.
Collectible #2 – Plastic Flowers: After some story, we will find ourselves at the Ericson Boarding School. After we escape our room & speak with the leader of the group we encounter, Marlon, we will enter into the main school building & have to find AJ. Before we head down the hall to our right (following the music) head straight ahead towards the stairs & walk in behind them to find some Plastic Flowers on a school table underneath them. Collect them.
Achievement #1 – Tickle Monster: Tickled AJ.
Missable. Follow the music down the hallway to our right now & enter into the piano room to find AJ. After you hug him in the cutscene, you will receive your first set of dialogue options: Choose the bottom “Tickle him” option to unlock the Achievement.
Achievement #2 – Nothing Wasted: Used ALL Traps.
Missable. When the scene with Louis & AJ ends in the piano room, we will be shortly tasked with helping the survivors clear out some Walkers outside the school. Deal with the initial two Walkers in front of us, & Louis will introduce us to “Traps”.
There are four Traps in total, & we need to kill at least one Walker with each of them. There are also two waves of four Walkers we need to defeat. Lure a Walker into the faint circle while standing next to one of the Trap trees & quickly activate it to kill the Walker. The circle will go from white to red when the Trap will kill a Walker…
Walkers do not stop when we are using a Trap & will keep moving towards us. Take advantage of the Stun mechanic when necessary to keep the Walkers away.
If possible, I recommend just kiting the first wave of four Walkers in the area & using the Traps to kill them for the Achievement. If you miss a Trap & it doesn’t kill a Walker, quit the game & reload your Checkpoint to try again…
Collectible #3 – Real Flowers: When we return back to the school, it will be dinner time, & Clem will want to help AJ fit in more with the survivors here. There are a few tasks we need to do during this Objective; talking to Marlon will progress to the next scene so save that for last!
From where we start as Clem, head over to the far-right corner of the yard, in between the two survivors tending the cooking pot & the two survivors sitting on couches. Pass under an overhanging from the school & head left to the far corner to find some Real Flowers on a stone bench against the school wall.
Achievement #3 – Social Butterfly: Talked to EVERYONE at dinner.
Missable. Before we go speak with Marlon we must interact with all groups of survivors; there are 5 in total. What you say to them does not matter so long as you speak with everyone; you only need to speak with them all once as well.
Louis & Friend: From where we collected the Real Flowers, go & speak with Louis & Omar tending the cooking pot over the fire.
Mitch & Willy: Directly below Louis & Omar, we can see Mitch & Willy sitting on some couches.
Ruby: Make your way clockwise around the yard, & directly across from our couch boys, we can see a girl standing beside a fire by herself. Approach her, & we will immediately enter the dialogue.
Violet & Tenn: Continue heading clockwise around the yard, & we can find a side path in the far-left corner leading to two survivors standing in a graveyard. Approach them to enter the dialogue.
Aasim: When we walk back to the yard, we can see Marlon & a girl speaking with one another on the school steps. Ignore them, & run past them over to Aasim who is sitting on a chair writing in a journal.
Speak with him, & if you spoke with all the other survivors (not including Marlon) you will unlock the Achievement).
Speak with Marlon & Brody after the Achievement unlocks to progress the scene…
Collectible #4 – AJ’s Drawing: Missable. After the post dinner card game, Clem & AJ will be shown their room for the night. When you get there, AJ will discover a colouring box full of pencil crayons. Violet will shortly enter into the room & look for the colouring box that belonged to another survivor… that we are now using.
We are given only two choices: choose “You can keep it if you like” to let AJ continue to use the pencil crayons. By choosing this option, AJ will draw a picture, & we will receive the AJ’s Drawing Collectible; it can be hung on the wall right away. If you return the colouring box, we will not receive this Collectible.
Achievement #4 – End of the Road: Complete Act One.
Story Related. Put AJ to bed, & we will complete the first Act of Episode #1.
Sequence 2: Trouble In Paradise
2. Episode #1 – Collectibles: 6/6
3. Achievements: 11/48
Achievement #5 – Good Girl: Rosie.
Missable. Right off the bat at the start of Act 2, there will be a potential Achievement we can miss. After we speak with Tenn in his room, the dog Rosie will enter it & begin barking at us. Marlon will soon enter & get her to stop. He will then ask us if we trust him with Rosie & we will be able to choose “Sorry, I can’t” or “I trust you”.
Choose “I trust you”, & he will teach us who to get to know Rosie better & we will unlock the Achievement.
Fishing Or Hunting?: As we speak with Marlon, he will ask us if we can lend a hand gathering food either with Vi & Brody fishing or with Louis & Aasim hunting. Unfortunately for us, we can only choose one option & both have two Missable Achievements; we cannot get both in a single playthrough.
If you are on PC or savvy with Console Backup Saves, quit immediately to the Main Menu from here before making a decision & make a copy of your Save file so you can instantly reload back to this point to choose the other option later on. If you do not, you will have to replay Episode #1 from the very beginning to get back to this point again.
Regardless of whether or not you decide to Backup your Save, since we are aiming to get all of the Collectibles, choose go help Vi & Brody with fishing first!
Collectible #5 – Cat Skull: After arriving at the fishing hut with Vi & Brody, we will eventually regain control of Clem inside the hut. Before we interact with anything else, look behind where we start in the hut & collect the Cat Skull off the mantle of the brick fireplace.
Achievement #6 – Lost Love: Found heart graffiti.
Missable. Next, head over to AJ & speak to him while he is sitting on a mattress in the fishing hut. Speaking to him will enter us into a dialogue over two names inside a heart craved into the wall; what you say doesn’t matter, but we will unlock the Achievement at the end of the dialogue.
Achievement #7 – Upstream: Spear 3 fish.
Missable. When you are done in the fishing hut, collect the spare fishing spears to continue & we will leave the hut to go fishing. We will now have three separate attempts to catch a fish; line up the crosshairs over a fish, & use the spear when the crosshair turns red. Each fishing attempt will be broken up with us speaking with Vi.
The fish will get faster & faster each attempt so be careful. Move your crosshair near the center of the stream, & let a few fish pass you by so you get a feel for their timing. Figure out what path they take, line up your crosshair, & wait for it to go red as a fish swims through it. If you push the button too soon/late, you will miss the fish, & void the Achievement. If this happens, quit to the Main Menu immediately & reload to try again.
Successfully catch a fish all three attempts, & we will unlock the Achievement.
Reconvene with the others… & our collective food hauls will not be great. We will then band together, & head to the train station to find more food.
There are no Collectibles or Achievements during this scene.
Collectible #6 – Tenn’s Drawing: In the aftermath of the train station, we will eventually sit down to eat dinner outside with some of the survivors back at the school. Tenn will be drawing a picture during this time, & he will ask us if we want to be in his picture.
Choose the dialogue option “Sure, draw me in.” & we will receive our final Collectible for Episode 1!
Achievement #8 – Scavenger: Found all 6 Episode #1 Collectibles.
If you have been following along with the guide, & chose to go fishing instead of hunting, we will unlock this Achievement after collecting Tenn’s Drawing.
Achievement #9 – Fitting In: Complete Act Two.
Story Related. Leave the dinner table & head off to bed with AJ to complete the scene as well as Act 2.
Achievement #10 – To Make It All Look Nice: Placed all 6 Episode #1 Collectibles.
Back in our room with AJ, we will get to walk around a bit as Clem & explore it before we go to bed. Walk around the room & look for the icons where we can place our Collectibles. Do not blow out the candle until all Collectibles have been placed as this ends the scene!
The Cat Skull goes on the empty shelf, the Real Flowers go on the table near the candle, the Fake Flowers go on the shelf above the desk, Tenn’s Drawing gets pinned to the wall near AJ’s, look at AJ’s drawing, & the Deer Skull is placed above the door.
Place all 6 of the Collectibles we found throughout Episode #, & we will unlock this Achievement.
When all Collectibles have been placed in your room, it is time for bed. Blow out the candle…. but our sleep will be interrupted. Follow the noise & enter into the basement to… & the plot will thicken… for the worse.
Achievement #11 – Protector: Complete Act Three.
Story Related. To see what we are doing in the basement after we get stuck in it, collect the flashlight, & get out of there… try to sort out this situation we find ourselves in… & Act 3 will end.
Sequence 3: Where the Cold Winds Blow
2. Episode #2 – Collectibles: 3/3
3. Achievements: 20/48
Achievement #12 – We’re Staying: Complete Act One.
Story Related. Not only are there no Collectibles on this Act but there are no Missable Achievements either. Simply play it through as you like, & we will earn this Achievement at the end of the Act.
Collectible #1 – Wild Boar Skull: When we regain control of Clem near the beginning of Act 2, we will need to find a way inside the greenhouse. Before we follow Mitch around the opposite side, look left behind where Ruby is standing & we can find this Collectible on the ground near the wall.
Looking Into the Greenhouse: We now need to take some very Missable steps for earning the Green Thumb Achievement. After collecting the Wild Boar Skull, head over to where Mitch is & we can look in through a foggy window into the greenhouse. Do this before anything else!
Collectible #2 – Mushroom: After we clear out the Walkers in the greenhouse, we will have a chance to walk around. In behind where Ruby is now standing, we can find this Collectible in one of the four garden beds.
Achievement #13 – Edible: How’d it taste?
Missable. After we collect the Mushroom, we can interact with the cluster we took it from again to eat one. Do just that, & we can unlock this Achievement.
Collecting the Greenhouse Items: Search around the greenhouse & interact with the sheers, shovel, lawn mower, garden trowel, & pry bar.
Once you have inspected everything, use the pry bar on the cabinet & we can collect the barbed wire we need along with some fertilizer.
Collectible #3 – Venus Flytrap: When we enter into the science lab portion of the greenhouse next, do not interact with anything. Firstly, look off your left when we enter, & we can collect this Collectible off of a garden bed in the far-left corner of the room.
Achievement #14 – Gatherer: Found all 3 Episode #2 Collectibles.
As far as Collectibles go, this is a very straight forward Episode’s worth. Grab all three Collectibles near/in the greenhouse & we will unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #15 – Botanist: Green thumb.
Missable. While we are in the science lab, inspect the test tubes on a shelf to the left of the garden bed we are at. Then press on to inspect the flask on the table in the center of the room, the beaker further down on the same table, & lastly go to examine the writing on the chalkboard.
If you interacted with all the aforementioned objects in the greenhouse, we will unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #16 – Old Ghost: Complete Act Two.
Story Related. Collect the igniter & propane tank from the greenhouse, & we will complete Act 2.
Achievement #17 – Personal Touch: Placed all 3 Episode #2 Collectibles.
At the beginning of Act 3 while we are back in our room with AJ, before we do anything else, we must place our three collected Collectibles. Place the Flytrap on the desk near the Real Flowers, then place both the Mushroom & the Wild Boar Skull on the same shelf we placed the Cat Skull. When all three Collectibles are places, we will unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #18 – Be Prepared: Made sure everything was ready.
Missable. After we go to bed… & have a time jump, Clem & AJ will walk out into the courtyard of the school & we will need to finish up our preparations. For the Be Prepared Achievement we need to be sure we complete all preparations; do not speak with anyone until we do these first few tasks, especially Violet as speaking her ends the scene.
To start, investigate the graffiti, flagpole, & mounted Walker head on a post directly in front of us in the center of the courtyard. To the left of the flagpole, we can inspect a wooden stake barricade as well.
Next up head towards the main gate & we can investigate the barbed wire installed on the stone gate pillar, the wooden barricades built into the main gate, & a picnic table we can flip over. To the right of the gate (our left if we’ve turned around) we can investigate a pile of Walker heads close to where Mitch is in front of staked Walker head.
Lastly, we need to head over to where the graveyard is past Mitch to the far-left. As we head there, investigate the ruined rubble of a burnt down building. Lastly, investigate all of the graves present in the graveyard; there are only two we can interact with, but there could be a third depending on your decision in the greenhouse… spitting on one of the graves is a personal choice, & not necessary for any Achievements.
If all these aforementioned things have been investigated, we will unlock this Achievement. If it does not unlock, you have missed something – it does not involve speaking with anyone.
Achievement #19 – Great Girl: Aw, Rosie.
Missable. With the initial investigations complete, it is now time to start interacting with people. While we are in the graveyard, we can find Rosie near one of the graves. Interact with her & choose the “Pet her” option to unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #20 – Sure Shot: Didn’t miss once.
Missable. Next we need to go find Louis who is currently practicing with Marlon’s Bow. He will then give us the bow, & we will get to practice with it ourselves. For this Achievement, we cannot miss a single shot at the target!
We have five arrows & all of them must hit the target. All we have to do is hit the target – no bullseyes are anything. Just aim for the center of the target, & you’ll be guaranteed to hit somewhere on it. When all five of your arrows hit the target, we will unlock this Achievement.
Final Preparations: After seeing Louis, Rosie, & interacting with all the objects around the courtyard, we only have two more stops to make. Head over to where Mitch is sitting at the picnic table & speak with him; what you say does not matter.
Next go up to see AJ & Tenn on the watchtower at the main gate.
When Violet shows up, & we have completed everything prior, go & speak with her. If you have not unlocked the Be Prepared Achievement do not speak with Violet & unlock it first!
We will then play a card game that does not impact our Achievements.
Sequence 4: Love & Violence
2. Achievements: 24/48
Choosing A Romance Arc: Obviously spoilers, but after the card game ends, we will be given a choice to either follow Violet or Louis to complete their tasks. Whoever you decide CAN become your romance for Clem. We have two Missable Achievements involved with our decision, but who you pick does not matter. We cannot however change who we decide to follow, be it Louis or Violet, who you decide to go after will then be “cannon” for your playthrough.
For one decision/Achievement we decide to just stay friends, & Clem does not get a romance arc. For the other decision/Achievement, Clem gets a romance arc. Fortunately with how the Autosaves work for this scene, we can earn both Achievements without any Backup Saves or second playthroughs by quitting & reloading after unlocking an Achievement.
Achievement #21 – Bonded: Platonic.
Missable. For the first Achievement, we will stay friends with Violet/Louis. While we assist them, choose very neutral dialogue & say nothing romantic at all. Silence is a good option choice for our decisions…
At the “end” of the dialogue we will have a choice to say that we have feelings for them or that they are a great friend. Choose the friend zone option, & the moment the Achievement unlocks, pause your game & quit! When we reload our game, we will load back in before we made this decision & can earn the other Achievement.
Achievement #22 – Moving Fast: Teenage romance.
Missable. Reload your Save, & we can choose the opposite dialogue option we chose the first time. For this, we need to confess our feelings for who we chose (or alternatively say we are friends if you prefer your Clem to romance no one & chose this Achievement to do first).
Regardless of who you decide to romance/friend zone, eventually we will have to fight off the Raiders. Halfway through the fight, we will have to make a decision to save one of our friends; who we decide to save does not matter for Achievements.
Achievement #23 – Deadeye: Protected your turf.
Missable. As we fight the Raiders, we will reach a point where Walkers will begin entering in through our now opened front gates. For this Achievement, we need to kill all Walkers we encounter with headshots using our bow; there are two waves we need to deal with. Shooting a Walker anywhere else than the head will not kill them. If you miss a shot that is alright, but if you have to kill a Walker during a Quick Time Event, then you must reload your last Save & try again.
The Walkers are moving towards us from two different sides from a hole in the wall; be observant. The first wave will have five Walkers in it & the second wave will have seven Walkers in it.
After killing all the Walkers using our bow, we will unlock this Achievement shortly afterwards while we catch our breath…
Achievement #24 – Defender: Complete Act Three.
Story Related. Complete the siege of the school, & we will complete Act 3 of Episode #2…
Sequence 5: The Best Laid Plans
2. Episode #3 – Collectibles: 6/6
3. Achievements: 30/48
Collectible #1 – School Pennant: At the very start of the Episode, we will be heading down into the school basement to interrogate a Raider we captured during the siege. Before we walk through the first archway towards where Rosie is laying, we can collect this red Ericson Academy sticker off of the wall.
Collectible #2 – Sketch Pad: Carry on towards Rosie into the next part of the room, & search along the wall to our left. Past the desk with the Duct Tape on it, but not quite reaching Rosie, we can find this Sketch Pad on top of a cardboard box tucked in a shelf.
Achievement #25 – Best Girl: Rosie!
Missable. Now approach Rosie, & give her a pet to unlock this Achievement.
As A Mouse – Part #1: For a later Achievement, we need to enter onto the Raider Boat by using their passphrase. To get it, we need to do the right things during the interrogation; there are a few different variations you can do to get to this result, but these are at least guaranteed choices…
First, [Shout at Abel] then [Let Abel drink] when AJ offers him a water canteen.
Next tell Abel that “They’ve abandoned you” & “(Censored by Steam) your war”
When Abel gets us to light him a cigarette, we will have a couple option of what to do with it; [Let him smoke] the cigarette.
After he smokes, say “I hope so” then choose to [Let him sweat]. Lastly, tell him “You’ll know soon enough” & Abel will crack. He will tell us what we need is inside his boot, telling us that the passphrase is “Rockingham”.
What you decide to do with Abel afterwards is up to you…
Collectible #3 – Horseshoe: When we reach the Raider’s Boat, we can find two more Collectibles; do this before speaking with anyone. From where we start, turn around to look behind us towards a fallen tree & we can find this Horseshoe on the ground. It is found on a small patch of grass propped up on a small rock beside a large patch of bunchgrass; it can be hard to see.
Collectible #4 – Rabbits Foot: Next, head over to where Willy is to the right of the area, & we can find this Rabbit’s Foot on the ground near a small tree; it will be on a patch grass.
Achievement #26 – All-Seeing: Let nothing slip by.
Missable. Now we need to speak with both Willy, AJ, & Violet/Louis to begin scouting the Raider Boat with binoculars. For this Achievement, you have to view all the points of interest; if you pre-emptively back out of the binoculars without viewing everything it will void the Achievement.
To start, speak with Willy then look at: Torches, Supplies, & Rafts. Then speak with AJ to the far left & look at: Torches & Horses. Lastly, go speak with Violet/Louis & look at: the Pier, the Path, the Entrance, Raiders, & the Pilot House.
If you viewed all points of interest, we will unlock the Achievement after viewing the final one.
Burning the Hay Or the Supplies: This decision is not related to any Achievements; choose whatever you prefer.
Achievement #27 – Mercy: Did no harm.
Missable. While the others are getting ready, we will have to go track down James & ask him for help with the Raiders. When we find him, he will have to go back into his camp to collect his things however he will tell us not to kill any Walkers!
We need to distract the Walkers, but cannot kill any, or it will void the Achievement. If a Walker grabs us, we have to reload our Save as performing the Quick Time Event to rescue ourselves will result in us killing the Walker. We can still stun Walkers though. We need to hold out for around 20 seconds. Stun the first two Walkers, walk past them & stun the next Walker coming at us, then turn around back the way we came to re-stun the first two Walkers. Get as far back as you can, getting ready to keep stunning the Walkers as they get closer.
When enough time has passed, the scene will progress, & we will slip away. But it’s not over yet. We now need to push a cart, & when we do, we will be attacked by a final Walker. Do not kill it, & instead only stun it.
After this is done, if we have not killed any Walkers, we will unlock the Achievement once we get to safety.
Collectible #5 – Windchime: James will lead us to an old barn & our objective will change. Before we speak with him, there are a few things we need to do first. To start, head over to where AJ is crouching near a salt block & we can hear some Windchimes further past him to the right; they are pinned to the barn wall with an arrow. Collect the Windchimes.
Achievement #28 – Did You Lick It?: Remembered the good times.
Missable. Now go over & examine the salt block that AJ is beside. When he asks us what it is, tell him to “Go ahead, lick it” & we will unlock this Achievement.
Collectible #6 – Toy: Walk over to where James is leaning against the barn now & some bales of hay. Walk around one of the bales near him & we can find this Toy on the ground.
Achievement #29 – Hunter: Found all 6 Episode #3 Collectibles.
If you have been following along with the guide, we will unlock this Achievement after collecting our final Collectible for this Episode.
Achievement #30 – Whispers: Complete Act One.
Story Related. Speak with James, & he will give us a… small task to complete as a gesture of good faith towards him. Get his help, & the Act will end, unlocking the Achievement.
Sequence 6: In the Name of Vengeance
2. Achievements: 37/48
Achievement #31 – Feels Like Mine: Placed all 6 Episode #3 Collectibles.
At the start of the Act, we will be back in our room with AJ. Before collecting the Coffee Heater for Ruby, be sure to place all 6 of the Collectibles we found in the previous Act.
Hang the Rabbit’s Foot off the bunkbed, place Beet-Nick by AJ on the desk, hang the Horseshoe on the bedroom door, the Sketch Toy on the shelf (you can draw something with it if you want), hang the School Pennant on the wall above Clem’s bed, & lastly hang the Windchimes from the ceiling fan.
Place all 6 Collectibles & we can unlock this Achievement.
Starting the Party: When you are ready to continue, grab the Coffee Heater & speak with AJ to start the party at the school. None of the dialogue for the rest of this Act is important, so you can sit back & enjoy the story as you choose it.
Achievement #32 – Nightlight: Made sure they slept tight.
Story Related. Interact with everyone during the party (what you say does not matter) & eventually one of the kids will sing a song for the others. When the performance is done, the party will end, & AJ will blow out the candle ending the scene as well as unlocking this Achievement.
The next day will begin our attack on the Raider Boat. Speak with our friends, smear ourselves in Walker guts, & we will use an approaching horde to get close to the boat. Use the Walkers to evade the spotlights; only certain Walkers can be used as shields & if you run too far ahead, you will be unable to defend yourself & get shot down. Find a Walker that you can use as a shield, then stay behind them until we need to use them as cover. When they are shot down, find a new one, & slowly make your way towards the boat; you will need to use 5 Walkers as cover before the distraction we chose takes effect, & the scene progresses.
Achievement #33 – Personal Space: Kept your distance.
Missable. Once you get over to the boat exterior, we will then need to evade the spotlights by dashing from cover to cover. Just before we are about to enter the boat, four Walkers will appear behind us. For this Achievement, we need to kill them all using Marlon’s Bow; if they get too close, it will trigger a Quick Time Event & void our Achievement. If this happens, you need quit to the Main Menu & reload your game.
The first Walker is very close to us & will be the hardest to take out; we must kill the Walkers with Headshots! Kill all four Walkers using the bow & we will unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #34 – Shoreline: Complete Act Two.
Story Related. After the four Walkers are eliminated, we will rush onto the Raider Boat & complete Act 2 – unlocking this Achievement.
Achievement #35 – As A Mouse: Was very sneaky.
Missable. As we make our way towards the boiler onboard the boat, we will be spotted by one of the Raiders who will spot us & ask who is there. If you retrieved the passphrase from Abel at the start of Episode #3 in Act 1, shout out “Rockingham” & we will unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #36 – Tally: Counted the days.
Missable. When the Bomb has been placed into the boat’s boiler, it will now be time to rescue our captured friends from the siege at the school… but we will get caught. We will then be placed in a cell with one of our friends.
When we regain control of Clem, our objective will change to Escape. Before we do anything, approach the cell door then look down to its right to see Scratches on the wall next to it. Investigate them & we will unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #37 – Leader: Complete Act Three.
Story Related. Escape from our cell, & track down where AJ is on the Raider Boat. Decide the fate of the Raider Leader, & we will destroy the boat… ending Episode #3…
Note that depending on how you choose to deal with the Raider Leader will alter how we receive one of the Collectibles in Episode #4…
Sequence 7: Never Go Alone
2. Episode #4 – Collectibles: 4/4
3. Achievements: 45/48
Collectible #1 – Skin Mask (Option A): If you told AJ to spare the Raider Leader, escape the exploding Raider Boat, & make your way over to the pier where we will be attacked by a Raider who is holding Marlon’s Bow.
Deal with them, & once we have the bow back, we will spot this Collectible & automatically collect it.
Collectible #2 – Crystal: Regardless of what happened to the Raider Leader, progress past the wooden pier after collecting Marlon’s Bow & we will regroup with our friends. Hold off the Walkers, & we will escape to a nearby cave. Inside, we will need to craft a Torch to make some light. Before we do this, there are two Collectibles to find in here; we can find the Crystal on the ground close to where the stream waterfall enters the cave.
Collectible #3 – Toy: Head into a side section of the cave over to where AJ & a dead Walker are, & we can find this next Collectible to the right of the Walker.
Collectible #1 – Skin Mask (Option B): If AJ killed the Raider Leader, we will have the other option for obtaining the Skin Mask Collectible – this is where it becomes Missable as it involves specific dialogue with one of our friends.
After we are able to make a Torch, cross over the stream to the opposite side, & we will be finally safe from the Walkers. For now.
Once we settle down, an argument will break out between us & our friend as they are unhappy about how we dealt with the Raider Leader. Unfortunately, we need to choose “Bad” Dialogue options with them during the argument to drive them from the group to obtain the Collectible; resolving the argument “nicely” will void us collecting it which is why it is Missable.
Choose Dialogue options such as: “Let him go, or I’ll kill you”, “You don’t get to judge us”, “It’s a childish fantasy”. What we say to AJ is inconsequential for the Collectible… however it is very important for a completely different reason.
Similar to Episode #1, we will have two alternate timeline decisions that have their own Achievements; when AJ asks us if we trust him, these two decisions have Missable Achievements as well. If you want to earn both without too much hassle, quit the game before making a decision & make a Backup Save to reload back to this point…
Make your choice on whether or not you trust AJ to make tough calls, & after our friend leaves (& did not take the Skin Mask with him), AJ will find this Collectible on floor & hand it to us.
Achievement #38 – Red Water: Complete Act One.
Story Related. Make your decision regarding AJ, & we will all escape the cave completing the Act & unlocking this Achievement.
Achievement #39 – Goodbye: Did all you could.
Missable. If you told AJ that you trust him, we will be set down this arc of the Episode; you will unlock the Came Full Circle Achievement if you told AJ you do not trust him to make hard calls….
As we make our way back to the school, we will have to cross an old bridge. When we near the end, we will need to hold off the Walker horde as our friends cross the bridge will evading gunfire; the Raider shoots at us in bursts of 4-5. Pick out the Raider amongst the Walkers when they are about to fire, & shoot at them to drive them off.
Play out the rest of the next scene with AJ’s decisions, & we will unlock this Achievement after the two of you begin making your way back to the school.
Achievement #40 – Final Lesson: Complete Act Two.
Story Related. Clem & AJ will become trapped inside a barn trying to escape the horde surrounding them. Cycle between playing as Clem & AJ to seal off the barn from Walkers. We will unlock the Achievement once we are safe…
Achievement #41 – Better Life: Trusted someone else.
Story Related. At the start of Act 3, we will be witnessing a flashback of “the ranch” where we find AJ immediately after the events of Season 3. Search the ranch, & find AJ; escape with him in a car to complete the scene & unlock this Achievement.
Collectible #4 – Skull Fragment: After the flashback, we will be playing as AJ back at the fishing hut near the school. Complete the spear fishing mini-game (it doesn’t matter if you miss fish) & we will walk back to the hut to put the fishing spear away. From where we enter the hut, look off our right & we can see an stove oven; look beside it on the ground to find the Skull Fragment.
Achievement #42 – Survivor: Found all 4 Episode #4 Collectibles.
If you have been following along with the guide, we will unlock this Achievement after collecting the final Collectible in Episode #4.
Achievement #43 – Time Bomb: Covered up the crime.
Story Related. When we exit the fishing hut after putting the spear away, we will go to pick up our bucket of fish. Before we walk away, we will see Clem’s Hat that she lost during the bridge scene in Act 2, flowing down the stream.
Collect it from the water, & we will unlock the Achievement at the very end of the scene (not after you pick it up). Note that if you miss grabbing the hat as it flows by, Rosie will grab it for us making this unmissable.
Achievement #44 – Home At Last: Placed all 4 Episode #4 Collectibles.
Witness the ending you received through your decision of trusting or not trusting AJ to make hard choices, & we will walk back to our room at the school. Before we place Clem’s Hat on the dresser (which ends the Act) make sure you:
Place the Skull on the shelf with all the other skulls beside the Mushroom, the Mask on the coat hanger near the bedroom door, the Crystal on the desk, & the Calypso Cauliflower toy on AJ’s bed with his other toys. When all four Collectibles have been placed, we will unlock the Achievement.
Achievement #45 – Savior: Complete Act Three.
Story Related. Place Clem’s Hat on the dresser near the Flytrap & Dead Flowers to complete Act 3… & beat the game.
Sequence 8: What If…
2. Episode #4: Act 1, Act 2
3. Achievements: 45/48
As of now, all that is left for us to do is reload Episode #1 & Episode #4 to play out the opposite choices we did not make during our first playthrough. If you kept Back Up Saves of your game file, you can replace the files to bring you back to those decisions to speed up the clean up. If you have no Back Ups, you will have to replay the Episodes from the beginning to get back to these decision points.
Going Hunting: Restart Episode #1, & blast through Act 1 as quick as you can. When we reach Act 2, we will have to make a choice about whether we go fishing with Brody & Violet or hunting with Louis & Aasim. For these next two Achievements, we need to choose to go hunting for rabbits!
As we walk with Louis & Aasim, we encounter a hanging Walker. Louis will want to stay around & mess with it, while Aasim wants us to come with him to hunt the rabbits. Unfortunately, we will once again be faced with two diverging choices while hunting that also both have associated Achievements; we can however immediately quit our game after unlocking one Achievement, & reload our game to try the other without backing our Save up twice!
Achievement #46 – Where’s the Candy?: Hit all piñata swings.
Missable. If you choose to stay with Louis, we will have to complete a small mini-game beating the hanging Walker with Louis’ table leg club. The Walker will sway, & we must time our swings & strike it 3 times to unlock this Achievement.
If you miss a swing, quit immediately, & reload your Save to try again.
As soon as the Achievement unlocks, immediately quit your game to the Main Menu & reload your Save to select the second option you did not pick.
Achievement #47 – Rabbit Season: Shot all rabbits.
Missable. When given the choice of what to do while hunting, choose to accompany Aasim. For this Achievement, we need to shoot a rabbit during both hunting mini-games. We will have two opportunities, & we need to shoot a rabbit first try during both of them; unlike what the Achievement suggest, you CAN’T shoot ALL of the rabbits. Just make sure you shoot one first try during both attempts.
Aasim will scare out the rabbits, so wait for them to come out & stop before shooting at them. If you miss your shot, quit your game to the Main Menu & try again.
After we have unlocked both Achievements for the alternative Act 2 in Episode #1, you can just quit to the Main Menu…
Achievement #48 – You & Me: Came full circle.
Missable. Replay Episode #4 now or reload your Back Up Save to this point in Act 1 where we are in the cave hiding from the Walkers after we have crossed the stream using the log. For this Achievement, you need to tell AJ that you do not trust him which will result in a different outcome when we are on the bridge during Act 2.
The bridge scene will play out differently, & we will then unlock this Achievement at the end of the scene after we climb up the cliff to escape the Walkers…
If this guide helped you achieve 100%, rate the guide or let me know in the comments. Helps me know if I am doing things right!
100% Complete
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And that wraps up our share on The Walking Dead: The Final Season: 100% Achievement Guide: The Walking Dead – The Final Season. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Cynic 0055, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!