Welcome to “The Moment of Silence: Ultimate Guide”! In this article, you will find a complete step-by-step walkthrough for this highly acclaimed game. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, this guide will help you navigate through the game successfully. Let’s dive in!

This guide will have easy to follow step-by-step points sectioned by the in-game date. I also set it up so you do not need to double back to places or talk too much to be more efficient, though there are times where the game makes you do it anyway.
This is actually a fairly short game especially if you know what to do or use this guide. It just ends up being far longer due to the really slow movement and long dialogues.
I recommend deviating from this guide and go around talking to everyone and examining everything to get the full story and commentary the game is conveying. There is a deeper message in this game so I urge you to explore the world and the dialogue.
Items that can be picked up or found in the inventory are bolded
World interactables are underlined
- Double click to make Peter run
- Right click to examine items and interactables (doesn’t always say anything)
- Left click to use / pick up / interact
- Inventory is at the bottom of the screen
- If you have subtitles turned on in the options it will show up at the top of the screen
- Magnifying Glass means to look closer
- Hand is to pick up / interact
- Press and hold H to see where you can go, people to talk to, and things you can interact or pick up
(doesn’t show everything though)
September 29, 2044 – Prologue
2. Examine the nameplate and destroyed door
3. Go into Peter’s apartment

4. Open the bottom left drawer of the cupboard and take the red action figure
5. Go into the main room and check the bedside drawer to get the messenger
6. Examine the messenger in your inventory and it will bring it up
7. Find the Info-Center and ask for the Oswald’s number
8. Use the arrows to find the Mrs. Oswald’s number and go through the dialogue
9. Go outside and knock on the Oswald’s door
10. Talk to Mrs. Oswald
11. Go back to Peter’s apartment
12. Use your messenger to call the Info-Center to get the number for the Police
13. Go through all the dialogue with the Police
14. Open the computer desk top drawer and pick up business card
15. Use the computer and talk with Christine
16. Use your messenger to call the Oswald’s again
September 30, 2044
2. Talk to Mrs. Oswald
3. Talk to Tommy and get a picture of Mr. Oswald
4. Trade the action figure to get the alien doll

5. Go outside into the hall and use the elevator switch beside it
6. Once outside go right and go into the Brooklyn Park
7. Go past the bridge and to the back of the park
8. Go up towards the crazy shouting guy and check the place to sleep
9. There is a wire you can grab
10. Speak to the Guru
11. Go south and speak to the Guitar Player
12. Exit the park and go back to the kiosk you passed going to Brooklyn Park
13. Speak with Bob and get through the dialogue
14. Show Bob the alien doll
15. Take the Satcar to Lower Eastside
1. After arriving go to the “park” with the burnt car
2. Talk to Juan and he will steal your messenger
3. Talk to Big Mike
4. Follow where Juan went down the road
5. Try knocking on the door
6. Talk to Rita on the opposite side of the road
7. Go back and try the knock code
8. Talk to Lou to get your messenger back
9. Take the messenger on the table behind Peter
10. Show Graham Oswald’s picture to Lou
11. Go into the backroom to speak to Cypher
12. After talking Peter will make a deal and Cypher will give you a Disk
13. Go back to the Satcar and travel to Downtown Manhattan
1. Walk to the door and check the terminal
2. Use the messenger to gain access
3. Go to the middle and talk to InfoBot Claire, you can mess around with the robot but it doesn’t lead anywhere. You eventually will talk to Mr. Greenberg to get a new password (pl56t9olp4r), tell Claire the password again to be able to use the elevator
4. Use the elevator to go up to the office
5. Go left and up the staircase to speak to your boss Mr. Greenberg
6. Keep talking to him until he agrees to give Peter more time off
7. Go back down and examine one of the cubicles and take a magnet
8. From the entrance go towards the camera and talk to Brian
9. Go to the right side and talk to Bill standing in front of a terminal
10. Go outside and take a Satcar to Brooklyn
11. Go to Bob’s kiosk and buy a Litelife meal
12. Take a Satcar back to Downtown Manhattan
13. Go inside and up to the office
14. Go to the kitchen
15. Check right beside the doorway a disconnected plug
16. Go to the entrance of the office near the reception desk and open the fuse box, flip the “off” breaker
17. Go back to the kitchen and put the Lifelite meal in the microwave and set the timer to 2 minutes and start it
18. You don’t have to wait for the microwave to finish just go to Bill and tell him his lunch is ready
19. Use the terminal and put the disk Cypher gave you into the terminal
20. Go outside and take a Satcar to Lower East Side
1. Go to the Nuclear Cafe and talk to Cypher
2. Use your messenger to call Mrs. Oswald
3. Use a Satcar to go back to Downtown Manhattan
4. Go back up into the office
5. Go up to Mr. Greenberg and he will not be at his desk, examine the desk
6. Open the rubber pad to find a key then use it on the drawer and take the flight check book
7. Leave the office and take a Satcar to the JFK Airport
8. Go inside and up the stairs
9. Find terminal B and use the flight check book on the checkpoint
October 1, 2044 – Investigation
This is a very long day so it has been separated into 2 parts
1. Go left and enter the SETI Research Center
2. Talk to the scientist Dr. Price
3. Go to the left and pass all the displays toward the other exit
4. Go to the giftshop
5. Go up to the door and you’ll be thrown Graham Oswald’s bag
6. Examine the bag and you will receive a knife, thread, and a videocamera
7. Examine the thread in your inventory
8. Go back to where you first arrived at the SETI and take a Satcar to JFK Airport
9. Exit JFK Airport and take a Satcar to Brooklyn
10. Go to the Oswald’s apartment and talk to Mrs. Oswald
11. Talk to Tommy and ask for his teddy bear
12. Use the knife and rip that teddy bear in front of Tommy, you’ll find a video tape
13. Talk to Mrs. Oswald again
14. Take the key on the table right beside you
15. Go outside and take a Satcar to Downtown Manhattan
16. Go in and up to the office and talk to Bill
17. Go outside and take a Satcar to Greenwich Village
18. Walk towards the Antique Shop doors on the right side
19. Combine the wire and thread you got before to makeshift a fishing rod then attach the magnet as well
20. Use the fishing rod on the mail box to grab the fallen sign
21. Examine the sign in your inventory to obtain the number for Huntington Antiques
22. Use your messenger to call Mr. Huntington and he will open the door for you
23. Talk with Mr. Huntington
24. Pick up the War of the Worlds radio play from the shelf of books by Mr. Huntington
25. I recommend looking around the shop to find where the chandellier and pigeons are as you’ll need them later
26. On the far right side of the shop you can find the VCR
27. Go outside and take the Satcar to the Lower East Side
28. Got to the Nuclear Cafe and to the backroom where Cypher is
29. Give Cypher the War of the Worlds radio play
30. Go and look at the work bench at the right side and take the video cables
31. Go outside and take a Satcar back to Brooklyn
32. Go back to Peter’s apartment
33. Place the VCR on the table in front of the telescreen
34. Use the video cables on the telescreen to connect the VCR
35. Put the videotape into the VCR
36. The telescreen will show a few pictures but the most important are a string of numbers, so take a screenshot here or take a look below
37. Go outside and take a Satcar to JFK Airport
38. Go inside and use the flight checkbook on check-in terminal B to go back to the SETI
39. Go to the back of Arecibo near the gift shop and go inside the observatory
40. Use any of the little virtual telescope in the middle of the observatory
41. Enter the numbers from before and be sure to check the telescope to make sure you got it right, if you see a satellite then print the picture. Do this for both
- 8227.9347
- 2234.6621
42. Go back to the Arecibo entrance and take a Satcar to JFK Airport
43. As you arrive go left and enter the Information Center
44. Talk to Ms. Evans at the desk
45. Go near the door and look out the window, Peter will comment on the homeless and Ms. Evans will leave to deal with them
46. Go back to the desk and go behind it through the right side
47. Take a look at the surveillance system and see Graham walk towards the lockers and get the combination
48. Go out and go all the way to the right side to get to the lockers
49. Examine locker 2367, use the locker key on the key hole and enter the combination 2543 using the numbered buttons
50. Take Graham Oswald’s diary
October 1, 2044 – Conspiracies
2. Go outside and take a Satcar to the Lower East Side
3. Go to the Nuclear Cafe and show the pictures to Cypher
4. Go back out and take a Satcar to Greenwich Village
5. Use the messenger to call Mr. Huntington to be let in his shop
6. Talk to Mr. Huntington and he will then open a door to the backroom, follow him

7. Examine the dark area behind the shelves
8. Turn on the light switch and inspect all the newspaper cuttings
9. Talk to Mr. Huntington
10. Go out to the main shop area and go to the pigeon cage, take a pigeon
11. Go outside and take a Satcar to Brooklyn
12. Go into the apartment building and Peter will automatically go up to his apartment
October 2, 2044
1. After getting up use the computer to speak with Christine
2. Go to the Oswald’s apartment and speak to Mrs. Oswald
3. Go back to Peter’s apartment
4. Use the computer to speak with Christine again, do this twice until Peter gets angry at Christine
5. Call back Christine to apologize
6. Someone will ring the doorbell
7. Go open the front door
8. Peter will receive a ticket to Lunar 5
9. Go outside and take a Satcar to JFK Airport
10. Go to the left side near the Information Center to find Check-In terminal A
11. Use the ticket to Lunar 5 on the Check-In terminal
October 3, 2044 – Lunar 5
2. Peter will be transported to his cabin number 28

3. Examine the washing facility
4. Take the towel and toothbrush glass
5. On the left side of there is a telescreen with numbered buttons
- 1 – Plays an ad, there’s quite a few to listen to
- 2 – Puts on background music
- 3 – Informs you of the cabin status, remember this for later
6. Leave the cabin and walk all the way to the entrance then pass it to the pools
7. If Dr. Jenkins is present speak to him, he can also be found in the far side of the pool sitting in the bar but he won’t talk to you when he’s there
If he isn’t by the pool go back to the entrance and come back to change his position
8. Speak to Mrs. Winters
9. Continue moving towards the back to the bar
10. Inspect the tray and pick up one of the cocktails
11. Go to the left side and talk to Mr. Stiller
12. Go all the way back to the entrance and speak to Hostess Linda
13. Go back to your cabin and use the handheld scanner to gain access
14. Look at the table
15. Place the toothbrush glass on the table
16. Use the towel on the toothbrush glass
17. Pour the cocktail into the toothbrush glass and there will be capsules left behind
18. Pick up the capsules and the towel
19. Use the knife on the capsules to open them
20. Use the towel on the airshaft above the doorway
21. Go to the buttons under the telescreen and press 3
22. The computer will warn you of the air composition, write it down
23. Go back to the pool area
- If Dr. Jenkins is near the pool continue going to the back and towards the bar and to the right side
- If he isn’t near the pool go back to the entrance and come back
24. Look at the place Dr. Jenkins likes to sit to find his coffee cup
25. Put the capsule contents into the coffee cup
26. Go all the way back to the entrance and then back to the bar to see Dr. Jenkins drink the laced coffee and he will not feel good and leave
27. He will have left behind his radio transmitter
28. Go back to the entrance of the cabins by the little bridge and check the hidden door on the right
29. Use the radio transmitter on the small cover beside the door and it will open it, press the touch switch
30. On the left side check the blue display
31. Use the parameters to the same optimal conditions the computer told you previously
- 21% Oxygen
- 1% Carbon Dioxide
- 78% Nitrogen
The 1 button with 3 dots denotes it uses the 3rd number
32. Go inside the elevator
33. You’re now in a robot factory
34. Go forwards and to the right side to examine the discarded object
35. Take the tool and the energy stick
36. Go near the moving conveyors and wait until the finished robots are awaiting deployment
Once they stop use the energy stick on the middle one and Peter will do the rest
38. Go back up the elevator and out of the maintenance area and Peter will be evacuated from Lunar 5
October 4, 2044
1. Arriving back at JFK Airport you’ll see Lou, go talk to him
2. Go into the airport lounge
3. Talk to Gerald the Mechanic (dudes kinda insufferable)
4. Go out and take a Satcar to Lower East Side
5. Find Rita and ask her about Gerald to get his ID card
6. Use the Satcar to go back to JFK Airport
7. Go to the lockers and open Graham’s safety deposit box, Peter will store most of his items
8. Use the locker key with the pigeon
9. Go outside and Peter will release the pigeon
10. Go back inside the all the way to the right past the lockers to find Check-in terminal C
11. Use the ID card with the check-in terminal
October 5, 2044 – Platform

2. Go to the elevator further back and examine the control unit
3. To use the elevator you need to figure out how the switch works, check Grahams diary for the code (took me awhile to figure out what the letters mean)
4. Enter the elevator and press the touch switch, it will take you to the bottom of the platform by the sea
5. Use the control unit to input the same code and press the touch switch to send the elevator up
6. Examine the elevator shaft and on the left side there is a opening
7. Take the dive gear
8. Go down the ladder and hop in the boat
9. Go to the 2nd pillar
10. Use the dive gear on Peter
11. Dive near the pillar and approach the switch box, open the flap and pull the switch
12. Swim back up to the boat
13. Ride the boat to the 3rd pillar near the mine and move it, Peter will automatically move the mine and himself back up the platform
14. Go back to the main area of the platform and input the same code into the yellow control unit and use the elevator to go up
15. Approach the door and Peter can go right in
16. Take the rope by the door
17. Look at the coordinates display
18. Go back down and go to where Peter left the mine
19. Use the rope on the mine and the zeppelin
20. In the zeppelin move to the back and open the flap on the roof then enter the cavity
October 6 – 7, 2044 – Governor’s Island
After blowing up the platform Peter is being hunted. Going back to his apartment it is swarming with agents so he goes to Greenwich instead
1. Carefully listen / read what’s said by Mr. Huntington there is a critical piece of information for later
2. Get through the dialogue with officer Burton and the cut scene
3. After having your cell inspected by officer Smith keep going right until you find Brett
4. Talk to Brett inviting him to the yard
5. Go back to Peter’s cell and sleep on the plank bed
6. After getting up and officer Smith checks your cell again go into Brett’s cell
If Brett is there go back to Peter’s cell and sleep on the plank bed to change his location
7.Check the table and take his ketchup
8. Go back to Peter’s cell and sleep on the plank bed
9. When officer Smith is checking Peter’s cell use the ketchup on his hat he placed on the plank bed
10. Officer Smith will then faint, take his key
11. Go left and use the key on the trellised gate
12. Enter the guard room and go to the window
13. Examine Mr. Longneck, you will get thread and Mr. Longneck
14. Go back out and close the trellised gate
15. Return the key to officer Smith
16. Return to Peter’s cell and sleep on the plank bed again
17. Before the cell bars open use the thread on it
18. The pulled out tooth is now in the inventory
19. Go all the way to the right past Brett’s cell and out into the yard
20. Try to catch the magpie
21. Go left until you see the other side of the yard and look at the watchtower
22. Go left again until you find a tree and try grabbing it
23. Go back inside to Peter’s cell and take the bread then sleep on the plank bed
24. Go back out into the yard it should be night time and use the bread on the magpie
25. Tie the tooth to the magpie
26. Release the magpie
26. Go to the left side of the prison yard and grab the tree to escape Governor’s Island
Best funniest overreaction but I’m sure it’s really more symbolism
October 8, 2044
1. Talk to Bob and ask for a magtrain ticket
2. Use the magtrain ticket on the magtrain station behind where the Satcars are parked (this was annoying to find)
3. Peter will go to Greenwich Village, go inside Huntington Antiques. Mr. Huntington has been taken by the NYPD and his shop is left unlocked.
4. Remember when Mr. Huntington was taken he mentions something about “the light” he means the chandelier so go take a look at it
5. You will find the locker key you sent with the pigeon from JFK Airport
6. Go outside and Peter will automatically go to JFK Airport
7. Go to the lockers and use the locker key on the safety deposit box to get all your items back
8. Peter will mention a voicemail left by Mr. Huntington on his messenger so check it as Peter mentions an important bit
9. Go outside and use a Satcar to automatically go to Brooklyn
10. Make your way to Brooklyn Park
11. You’ll find the Guitar Player here and if you remember he is deaf and can read lips so show him the messenger
October 9, 2044 – Sewers

The sewers isn’t too bad just kind of annoying and a big time waster if you’re wandering around as most areas are dead ends
Follow the arrows from my screenshots to get out as quickly as possible as there’s not much to do or anyone to really to talk to until the last part
1. As Peter first enters the sewer just go forward
2. You’ll come to a small bridge, cross it
3. Just go all the way down the hall and don’t turn into any side entrances
4. Go down the big staircase and go through the door at the bottom
5. You’re now in an old abandoned subway station Fulton St
6. Flip the light switch right beside the door you just came through then run all the way down
7. You’ll come across an old showcase examine it and take the subway map
8. Make your way all the way back and go through the door to the sewer and up the stairs again
9. Backtrack your way to the first area where you crossed the small bridge
10. Now you want to go the other direction into another path
11. There will be a shoe sitting on the floor by a side entrance, pick it up but don’t go through the other path just keep going forwards
12. Keep following the path and go down the stairs and you’ll find yourself in another subway station Lafayette Avenue
13. Continue down the station to find Charlie sitting by a pillar, try to talk to him
14. Walk further down and talk to Juri
15. Go back to the train car and enter it then talk to the Professor
16. Go behind the curtain to find Graham Oswald and talk to him
17. Go back to the Professor and ask how to get to your apartment
18. Exit the train car and talk to Charlie and he refuses to help you
19. Use the thread on the shoe to fix it and give it to Juri and he will tell you where to go
20. Peter will be instantly transported to an underground area beneath his apartment
21. Use the plank by the wall and Peter will move it to the railing to create a makeshift stepladder
22. Get on top and open the air shaft cover grill
23. Climb up into the air shaft
24. After climbing up you’ll be at the WC of your apartment floor
25. Go to the door and Peter will start talking to Tommy
1. You’re now Mrs. Oswald
2. Use the computer to get the coordinates
3. Go to Tommy’s room and look at the table on the far end and take the jelly beans
4. Go inside the bathroom and drop the jelly beans in the toilet
5. Leave and come back then press the flush
6. Talk to Number 1 by the dining table and ask to use the WC outside
October 10, 2044
1. Go towards the building but stop right behind it and instead go to the piles of wood to the side
2. Use the pile of planks to throw one into the river
3. Watching it very slowly it will trigger the fishing rod you passed earlier and the shopkeeper will run out to check
4. Go into the shop and look behind the counter for a small key box
5. Open it and take the jet sleigh key
6. Go outside and use the jet sleigh key with the red jet sleigh
7. After arriving at the dome check the snowmobile first and open it’s front cover
8. Inside you’ll find a gas canister and under it a rag, pick up both
9. Make your way around the left side of the dome to find that the entrance is snowed in
10. Put the gas canister on the snow and then use the rag on it, after light it with the lighter Peter’s been carrying around all this time
11. After the gas canister goes boom the entrance is now open to you so go near the door and wave at the camera to gain access
12. Go down the long corridor then look to the right recess and there will be a door and a body
13. Inspect the body of Johnson and take the CD and folded paper from the pocket
14. Continue going all the way down the long hallway towards the bulkhead at the end
15. Enter the large computer room and go inside the middle glass section
16. Speak to the computer
17. It has now locked you inside the dome, make your way back to where the body of Johnson is but look at the opposite recess
18. Use the lighter on the paper to make out a code
NA – EU – AF – AU – SA
North America – Eurasia – Africa – Australia – South America
19. Press the countries on the door following the code
20. Go inside after opening the door
You will be in a huge room with a parabolic dish
This area is basically a donut and there are a total of 5 parabolic dishes
Take note of the numbers on the wall to know where you are and use the switch panel to change the dish alignment
Use the staircases to move between the 5 parabolic dish
This part is rather complicated and takes a lot from everything that has happened before and Graham’s diary
The platform Peter blew up is the one in the Bermuda Triangle and is responsible for listening in to North America
What you need to do is to completely cut off the computer from receiving any signal / data
Since the platform in the Bermuda Triangle is no longer active there is no signal coming from North America and as noted by Graham you only need to shut off 3 of the 5
So realign all the dishes either away from any continent or toward North America
The parabolic dishes start off aligned as such
These monitors show a specific dish to where they are aligned to
Here is the parabolic dish positions and which monitors show where they are aligned to
Get the dishes to be aligned to the following numbers
If Peter says “that’s as far as it goes” continue to the next dish and come back to it later
Go counter clockwise so you only need to go in 1 rotation 1-3-5-2-4-1-3
Dish 1, 2, and 3 will be aligned to North America now and will cause the computer to suffer a crash
1. Run all the way back to Johnsons body and go through the open evacuation door
2. Follow the path all the way until you find a missile silo and keep going until the last evacuation pod
3. Look at the lever closely and pull it to open the evacuation pod and get inside
There is surprisingly 2 endings depending if you do things right
Pull the middle lever and press the touch switch to evacuate Peter
1. Run all the way back to Johnsons body and go through the open evacuation door
2. Follow the path all the way until you find a missile silo and keep going until the last evacuation pod
3. Look at the lever closely and pull it to open the evacuation pod and get inside
For the next part there is surprisingly 2 endings depending if you do things right
The game will revert back to before you evacuated so don’t worry if you just want to see the cutscene
Pull the middle lever and press the touch switch to evacuate Peter saving only himself
You will then get to watch New York get obliterated by 3 nukes
Before pulling the lever look at the computer on the side with information of the nukes being launched and the coordinates it has locked on
Insert the disk you picked up from Johnson and put it in the disk slot to change the target coordinates
The nukes will divert back to Alaska and obliterate the dome
And that wraps up our share on “The Moment of Silence: Ultimate Guide”. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Dodolidot, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!