Welcome to the Cat Lady Achievement/Walkthrough Guide! If you’re looking to complete all the achievements in one go, you’re in luck! It’s possible, except for A Flower That Bent Towards the Sun which is a bit trickier and requires certain pre-requisites to be fulfilled. Make sure to keep an eye out for my notes on when to save/load files to avoid missing anything. Let’s get started!
Chapter 1 House in the Woods
Go back to the right until you see a crow. Follow the crow through several screens until you find a dead reindeer. Pull out the knife, then unbolt the door on the right and go through. Use the knife to cut the rope, then look closer at the body and take the key.
Go right until you reach a locked gate, then unlock it with your key and go through. Talk to the Queen of Maggots and you will end up inside the house. Talk to her again here, then go right and talk yet again. Eventually you will be out in a corn field; follow the woman to the left. Pull out the crowbar, then save your game.
Talk to the woman again, and you will be offered a decision. Select “Fine. I’ll do what you want.” Follow the Maggots.
Load your game and now select “I take orders from nobody. I’ll do it my way.” I’ll Do It My Way.
Back in the house, blow out the first candle on the left, then head left to leave the house. Outside, go right until you reach the shed, and head inside. Use your crowbar on the planks, then reach inside the hole. Go right but the door shuts on you, so go left to the machine until it starts, then return right through the open door. Keep going right to the exit.Chapter 1 Completed!.
Chapter 2 Second First Breath
Return to the right and talk to the patient, but she won’t talk to you unless you know her mother’s name. Keep going right and open the door to enter the bathroom. Search through the bin to get a medication pot. Look at the mirror and take the shard of glass. Turn the hot water tap on in the sink, then wait until the letters EIL appear in the mirror. Press the bell for assistance, and when the nurse arrives say “I’m feeling a bit woozy…”, then give your name and agree to take the drugs. After a while you will see a complete name in the mirrors. Head left to the reception, where you will see a large narcotic heart. Use your shard of glass on it, then catch some of the red narcotic with your medication pot. Return right and enter the door to your room, then lie down on the bed.
Back out in the hallway, talk to the patient again, saying her mother’s name is Sheila. Ask to swap name bands, then finish the conversation and give her the red drug. Head right and into the bathroom again. Go over to the toilet and open the lid, then put the gloves in the toilet and flush it. Press the bell for assistance, then after the nurse arrives head left. Go to the reception desk and take the discharge letter, then continue left past the guards. Keep going left but you will be stopped by the doctor.
In the dream sequence, go right, then left, then left and along the corridor. Go to the far left and wait, then return right and go along another corridor when indicated. Press the button to call the lift, then get inside. Go left and talk to Liz on the roof:
- This is a bad idea. Come down and we’ll talk.
- Yeah. She smoked a cigarette and burned in bed.
- She’s a stripper.
- On Valentines Day.
I Listened – this is required for the Flower Bent achievement (1/6)
After another talk with the doctor you will arrive at a stage. Walk left and pull the cord, then return to the right to see 2 doors and 2 dolls. Ask either doll “Which door would the other doll point me to?”, then go through the other door The Great Reward – this is required for the Flower Bent achievement (3/7). Take the flowers on the table, then continue right and go through the next door. Blow out the second candle, then go right and open the body bag (twice).
In the padded cell, take the iron bar from the body on the right. Open the door on the left and go through. Head left past the Mona Lisa and enter the next door to find a workroom. Take the bolt from the shelves and examine the workbench – you will need to assemble a weapon here. Go back out to the corridor and head to the far left to see Doctor X. Return right and open the locker, then take the wrench from inside. Go to the right until you find a chair; pick it up to get a chair leg. Go through the door to the right. Take the soap from the far right, then turn on the hot water tap and use the soap in the hot water to make it lather. Before leaving, take the saw blade from the shelf. Outside this room, continue right. Take the doll’s head from the painting, then go to the far right and let the body down to get another iron bar. Return left twice and look at the hand of the Venus statue. Use your wet soap on the hand to get the nut. Finally return right and into the workroom. Examine the bench and use your gathered items to form a mace and a spear. Now leave the workroom and go to the far left, then save your game.
Use the mace on Doctor X.A Lady With A Mace.
Load your game and use the spear on Doctor X.Sharp Scratch.
Untie the girl Chapter 2 Completed!.
Chapter 3 River
Head to the far left and open the bedroom door then go through. Keep going left, then search the bag to get some change and cigarettes – you will also discover some bills (red gauge 1). Now head to the far right and open the door to your apartment. Just outside, use your coins on the electric meter (blue gauge 1).
Go back inside and take the hat, then turn on the light just to the left. Open the bathroom door here, then enter the bathroom, turn on the light and take a shower (blue gauge 2).
Leave the bathroom and go into the kitchen just to the right. Turn on the light switch here. Open the cupboard and take the box of matches and tinned cat food. Open the fridge and take the cheeseburger, then examine it to see the cooking instructions. Use the cheeseburger in the microwave and set it for 60 seconds, then eat the burger (blue gauge 3). Leave the kitchen and go left, then turn on the light. Go to the left and head out through the balcony door. Take the mug, then return to the kitchen. Fill up the kettle, turn it on and make coffee. Now open the cupboard and use the “Coffee Friend” drink whitener, then drink the white coffee.
Leave the kitchen and go left, then enter the spare bedroom – you will see your teddy bear on the bed (red gauge 2). Take the shirt and leave the room, then go left into your bedroom. Turn on the light, then open the closet door and you will take a volleyball. Go out to the balcony again, and you will see a bird that will annoy you (red gauge 3). Use the shirt, volleyball and hat on the laundry rack. Walk left to scare off the bird. Now smoke a cigarette (blue gauge 4).
Back inside, you will think about your cats (blue gauge 5). Play the piano to summon them. Head out to the balcony and use the cat food on the bowls. Go out to your front door and open it, then talk to your neighbor with these options:
- I suggest you change your tone right now…
- Get lost, you bald ugly man. I’m done talking to you.
Go F**k Yourself
As long as the blue gauge reaches the maximum before the red gauge, you will now receive another achievement Unbreakable – this is required for the Flower Bent achievement (3/6). You will also automatically go to sleep
Chapter 3 Completed!.
Chapter 4 Bullet for Susan
As the cat, go to the left, then run to the right to knock the cage. Repeat this another 3 times to fall to the ground. Now head left into the next room and jump through the hole in the rear wall. Head right along the duct twice to reach a new area. Go left and swallow the key, then return right into the duct when the man is looking down. Go left in the duct to return to Susan, and spit out the key at her.
In the darkness, move right and try to take the gun, but it falls to the ground. Continue right and search the floor to find the gun. Use the gun to shoot yourself.
Talk to Mitzi in your apartment, then go to the kitchen and take the corkscrew from the cupboard. Go back to the living room and take the wine glasses from the cabinet next to the piano. Return to the spare bedroom and give Mitzi the corkscrew and the wine glasses – you will end up talking out on the balcony. In the memory sequence walk to the far left, then continue the conversation on the balcony.
Head right and take the cat grabber then climb the stairs to the foyer. Go left and enter the kitchen. Take a knife, then go right into the dining room and take the painting from the wall. Continue right into a storeroom and you will automatically take some bleach.
Back at the apartment, go down to the ground floor and head outside. Walk all the way to the left, then back to the right and you will be kidnapped.
In the storeroom again, take the cloth from the shelves, then go through the other door. Walk right a bit and look at the bathtub with the body in it. Examine the corpse and try to take the key, then use your cat grabber to get the key. Go all the way back to the foyer, then out through the main doors to the left. Use the spare key to unlock the van, then search it to get a gas mask. Look in the driver’s front window to see a phone, but you can’t get it. Use your blunt knife on the loose bricks to the right of the house’s front door to get a loose brick. Go back to the van’s front window and use your brick to smash it so you can take the mobile phone. Go to the small window to the left of the front door and examine it, then use your painting to block the draft. Now head to the far right and into an orchard. Keep going to the right to eventually receive an achievement Monster In the Fog. Now return to the house by going left.
Go back inside and use your cloth on the two lamps in the foyer to remove their globes. Head right twice to reach a dark room, and use your two globes on the two lamps here to generate some light. Examine the phone on the right to get this house’s number. Try to use the phone to call Susan’s flat, but you don’t remember the number. Examine the books on the left to find a phone book, then search for Susan’s number to find it. Go back through the kitchen to the dining room and stand near the table. Use the mobile phone to call Susan’s flat and ask Mitzi for the other ingredient, then use the mobile phone to call this house and quickly hide under the table. After the nurse walks past, save your game.
Head right, through the room with the baths and into the shed. Take the pesticide from the shelf. Return left to the dining room and hide under the table, waiting for the nurse to go past again. Now continue left, through the kitchen, and down to the cellar. If you get caught by the nurse, load your game.
Sneak in to the room on the right. Wear the gas mask, then pour the bleach and pesticide into the bucket. Walk right and you will get a shotgun. Now head back into the shed and come back out again, and you will take care of the nurse. You will get an achievement for not being killed by the nurse How Very Cleaver, and another for completing the level
Chapter 4 Completed!.
Chapter 5 Some Flowers Never Bend Towards the Sun
When you awaken, go left until you reach a wall, then return right to see a new wall has appeared. Examine this wall, then return left and another wall has appeared. Examine the mirror, then try to open it, but you need something sharp. Move the rag on the table and you will get a knife – use this on the mirror. Pull the lever behind the mirror, then take the mace to the left. Use the mace on the wall to the left, then unlock the door with your key.
Blow out the third candle, and you will see a car rollover.
Back in the building, go right and use your mace on the right wall. Continue right and go through the first door. Walk over to the right, then turn around and stab the monster in the eye with your knife. Leave this room and go outside to the right. Walk along the pier and you will see the numbers 384 in the scenery. Go back inside and open the padlock with this combination, then go through the door. Go to the right and take the lever. Use the lever in the first panel on the left, then operate the panel. Use your mace in the second panel and operate it. Get the lever again and use it in the third panel, then operate it. Get the mace and use it in the fourth panel, then operate it. Finally take the lever and use it in the main panel on the right, then operate it. Leave this room and go outside, then go to the far right and activate the elevator.
Talk to Mitzi in the bath tub. In the memory sequence, walk left and answer the phone. Select these options:
- I asked you not to send me anything!
- Stop it. We went to dinner. Once. That’s all.
- It was just a lipstick. They taste like nettles, normally.
Finish the conversation however you like, then take the lilies and head left and into Zoe’s bedroom. Put the lilies on the shelf over on the left, then go back out towards the front door to meet Eric. Take the wine glasses from the cabinet, then return right and answer the phone.
After you are out of the bathtub, leave the bathroom and go left to the living room. Approach the man, who forces you backward, then play the piano. After the cats arrive, push the chair towards Mitzi, then pull her up Chapter 5 Completed!.
Chapter 6 The Legend of Cat Widow
Head down to the ground floor and talk to the Dog Lady. Go left and examine the flowers, then smell them and the vase will break. Take a piece of glass from the broken vase, then head back up to flat 1. Outside the flat, use your piece of glass on the sofa, then reach inside to get the Valerian extract. Walk left and put the rag on the radiator, then use the Valerian extract on it. Go downstairs and talk to the Dog Lady again, then go up to flat 2 and Mitzi will search it for you (flat 2 finished).
Go to the ground floor again. Take the broom, then have Mitzi pick the lock on the mailbox – walk over towards the stairs and she will bring you the mail. Head back upstairs and into flat 1. Use your broom with the hole in the ceiling, and you will get a cat statue. Break this to get a key. Head up to flat 3 and use the key to get inside. Go right, then after Mitzi leaves go left and pick up the phone – it stops ringing first. Go left and try to open the front door, but the doorknob will fall off. Go to the far right and use the doorknob on the 666 door, then head inside. Go to the far right and pick up the power lead. Back away from the man and you will fall through the hole in the floor.
Open the four doors in this order: Devil, Came, Through, Here. Go through the open door. Look at the bloody hand prints around the room to see a pattern. Walk over and talk to Joe, then continue left and talk to the woman in the chair. Come back to the first room and search the bookcase to find the book “Misery” then open it to get a screwdriver. Go back to the room on the left and use the screwdriver to open the panel. Now pull the levers in the panel in this order: Right, Right, Left, Right, Right. Use your power lead on the woman to kill her. You will automatically leave the apartment with Mitzi (flat 3 finished).
Go upstairs to the top floor. Read the two letters in your inventory. Knock on the door to flat 8 and you will end up inside. Go left and talk to Pauline again, then return to the front door and get rid of the real nanny. Go to the far left of the apartment and pick up the scissors, then return to the front door and get rid of the real nanny a second time. Go right and switch off the power with the electric meter. Cut the cable with your scissors, then return to flat 8. As Mitzi, go into the left room and use the laptop, then leave the apartment (flat 8 finished).
After you automatically go back down to your floor, head back up to flat 7. Get Mitzi to pick the lock. Inside, take the hockey mask, then leave again. Head down to the ground floor. Push the cabinet, then go through the door down to the basement. Pick up the extension cord and take the dress from the sewing dummy on the left. Use your bicycle crank on the coal chute to open it, then use the white dress on it to turn it black. Hang the black dress back on the dewing dummy. Use your screwdriver to open the tin of paint, then take the tin of paint. Use your scissors to cut the black dress (on the sewing dummy), then go through the options to scare Bryan (flat 6 finished).
Now go up to the fourth floor and enter flat 7 again. Go and use your extension cord with the socket on the wall, then go down to flat 1. Go to the far right and plug in the cable, then go back up into flat 7 again. Head right and Mitzi will use the laptop You’re Welcome. You will automatically return down to your apartment
Chapter 6 Completed!.
Chapter 7 Don’t Feed the Troll
Open the box and choose to put on the mask Scared of Dying. Head to the far left until you are blocked, then go right to eventually return to the Queen of Maggots. Blow out the left candle. Back in flat 5, head left and talk to Adam, then kill him
Load your game. Open the box and choose to give the mask to Mitzi Sacrifice – this is required for the Flower Bent achievement (4/6). Head right to eventually return to the Queen of Maggots. Refuse to blow out a candle – this is required for the Flower Bent achievement (5/6). Back in flat 5, head left and talk to Adam, then talk Mitzi out of killing him
I Care About You – this is required for the Flower Bent achievement (6/6)
A Flower That Bent Towards the Sun.
Load your game. Open the box and choose to give the mask to Mitzi. Head right to eventually return to the Queen of Maggots. Refuse to blow out a candle. Back in flat 5, head left and talk to Adam, then let Mitzi kill him A Ruthless Killer.
Playing any of these options through to the conclusion will give you the final achievement Chapter 7 Completed!.
And that wraps up our share on The Cat Lady: Full Achievement/Walkthrough Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Lorazep, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!