Hi! this is a guide made by players for players to know the Secrets & Eastereggs of new deathrun maps.This Guide was made because we wanted an updated guide of new DR maps and i want to share them with the community.Enjoy
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The first secret is the secret trail which is in the bathroom before the lasers trap.
Breaking the door on the right and going in will give you a trail.
The Second Secret is the Shrink potion located at the Tom and Jerry trap. After it’s been enabled, you have 5 seconds to fall in the hole and the sewer will teleport you to the zone.
The Third Secret is the Tom and jerry room, enter the vent on the dissapearing platform trap, go further in and press the button with the Tom face.
After that you will need to reach the teleport that advances you to the second stage. Don’t go in, see the door to your left, open it.
Climb the boxes to the left, go inside the door which will lead you to the credits room. Here, press the first face to the left. After that, the sign should say “Available”. Break the vent and jump in.
Break the door on the left at spawn, and hit the invisible button in this corner
The room will open, hitting the button at the end of it will make it stay on permanently for other rounds.
NOTE: Breaking the invisible button here also has a chance of unlocking the sex room, while allowing you to proceed with the music secret.
This one is a bit tricky you need to jump on this block and pass the parkour. At the end there will be a red button, press it to enable respawn.
If the block doesnt appear that means someone else enabled respawn.
If the sex room has been made permanent, then you will be able to unlock humiliation at the end by using this invisible stair right at the start.
You must open the door, and a teleporter will appear, use it.
Further ahead, break the wall infront of the teleporter
next breakable is right before the quake stage teleporter, in the right corner.
final one is after the bridge, you will see it clearly since it has a custom texture
if all have been broken, then the humiliation button should appear at the end.
At spawn, you must hit this wall.
After that, you will be able to break the previously unbreakable door.
A wall with open, allowing you to go outside and get the potion.
In the usual room to the left, you can break the wall, inside there is a cactus, which will turn you into it if you touch.
At spawn, break the door on the left, enter the room and break the invisible button here
NOTE: If the button in the Sex room has been pressed and the room is now permanent, you can skip this step.
In the same room, an invisible button has been unlocked, its located here. Hit it.
The second button is in the cactus area, if you dont wish to become a cactus, just shoot where the button is outlined.
Next, move up ahead on the run until you get to the first lasers part, there is an invisible button where i outlined it. Damage it.
If all has been done correctly, a secret song should play.
If nightmare mode has been beaten once, respawn should be automatically enabled for every new round, meaning you won’t need to do the respawn challenge anymore.
After the bread color trap, you will have to do some jumps and get ontop of the ceiling light, where you will be given a secret trail.
After the elevator ride, to the right you will find a framed picture of an older breadland version. Jumping into it will give you a red trail.
At the vine platforms, you can jump on the sofa then to the bookcase and get up to the vent.Break the vent, go further ahead in it until you come across 2 paths, choose the left one. The right one will kill you.
After the doge bread trap, you must go here and fall down and strafe to avoid the bread
Stay crouched, and follow this line.
At the end you will go to the left where you will enter a secret room, a button inside will enable a random song (Most common being the pumpernickel bread song). Most players use it to skip the 2 traps at this section completely.
At spawn, hit the creator’s logo and outside to the right you will be able to break a wall.
Inside there is a small button you can hit.
Doing so will activate a small trigger in the spikes pit. jumping in the corner will teleport you to the secret.
Collecting all of the gremlins will unlock respawn permanently for every other new round!
IMPORTANT: You will need to be shrunk down if you want to collect all the gremlins by yourself, follow the previous secret!
First Gremlin
Not much of a secret, but it’s in the activator’s room, it’s best you ask the activator to get it.
Second Gremlin
For this one you will need to be shrunk down. You will find a hole in the fence where you will be able to go through. At the end, you can break the fence and collect the gremlin.
Third Gremlin
For this one, you’ll need the doomguy trap to be activated. You will be able to go out the window, look to the left and go in a straight line to find the gremlin.
Fourth Gremlin
Hit the top secret logo on the doomguy door, after that back down to the crate right before the wario trap and it will magically move, giving you access to the vent. Going in it will teleport you further ahead to another trap and give you access to the 4th gremlin.
Fifth Gremlin
Right after leaving the place you found the fourth gremlin, go through the door nearby and you will find this spot.
Go up and follow the path, it will lead you to the fifth gremlin.
Make sure you dont go back from the vents, as they will break further ahead, killing you. Jump down and do the platforming.
Sixth Gremlin
This one is tricky, as you will need to do some platforming and sacrifice some health.
After the cacodemon trap, you can break this part of the fence. Inside you will find a picture of garfield which you must hit.
At the cactus, you must jump on the ledge of the window, onto the cactus and then above the door. Follow the invisible path. In the corner there is a secret teleport that will lead you to the sixth gremlin.
You can get out through the portal.
Seventh Gremlin
You’ll need the trap before the final one activated for this one. After the wall breaks, simply go behind the crates and you will find the last gremlin.
If all of them have been collected, they should appear at the end having a picnic.
For this one you will need to be shrunk down. You can find it if the trap before the last one is activated. Simply pass through the broken wall and you can follow this path to the credits room.
This secret requires you to have alot of patience because you will need to wait for the motivator’s door to open, and it’s risky due to it involving alot of platforming.
First step:
Face the back of the spawn and hit the right pillar.
Second step:
Complete the platforming for the sacrifice.
Third step:
The crate back should have disappeared and you will see a fan, use it to catapult up and do the platforming until you’ve reached the right window which you can break. Inside, break the box shown in the image.
Fourth step:
Wait until the door in the back of the spawn opens, it usually takes 4 minutes from the start of each new round. Inside, hit garfield’s nose.
Fifth step:
Make sure the motivator doesn’t catch you. Go further up ahead in the run until you reach the disappearing platforms. I’ve marked in the image where a secret vent is, drop down hugging the wall and you will be able to access it.
Sixth step:
Do the platforming and don’t die. There are two stages.
Seventh Step:
After completing the platforming you should be in a room with a clock, follow the path ahead and ride the elevator to finish this easteregg.
If all has been done correctly, the outside should be night time for the rest of the map.
Bonus: If the map is in night time mode, then this wall in the credits room will become non solid. What lies behind it is for you to find out.
Ever wanted to become a rat and invade the activator? You can do that.
First, you need to be shrunk down and follow the path to the second gremlin, you probably wondered what the portal is for.
Going in it will teleport you to a set of 3 50/50 doors, the last one being a fake since only the left kills you.
Getting to the end will transform you into a rat and alert the activator of your intrusion. Be aware that you will be 1 hp, meaning the activator can kill you in one hit.
As blu, you can hit this button at spawn.Doing so will allow you to pass through an invisible wall up ahead at the potion shop.
Going inside will unlock this door at spawn.
Up ahead is a teleport, you will find yourself in half-life 1.
Complete the parkour course, ride the elevator. After the elevator ride, pass through the door infront of you and you will find yourself in an office.
Ignoring what she says, choosing no will teleport you into a pit at the end of the course, making you stuck. Choosing soon will set your hp to 1 but stun any red player that is near you.
Before the 2nd trap there’s a breakable wall. Breaking it will reveal the potion.
After climbing the stairs of the mansion, you will see a giant diddy png. Behind him is a secret breakable wall which leads to potion that resizes you.
Further ahead in the mansion, right at the elevator, there’s a giant puff daddy image. You can jump on an invisible platform and into the picture to get resized.
Keys have a 1/5 chance to spawn every new round. Finding all of them will unlock the boss.
Here’s the location for every one of them in order.
At the part where there’s three green lasers, you need to jump on the moving platform and then jump onto this yellow pillar with black bars, you will get teleported.
To get the Purple Trail you need to touch the gray projector in the middle of the room. A white and black room will open, go forward until you touch the wall and you will get teleported out with the trail.
Hit this glass at the main jump pad, go to the right and you will see a platform, jump onto it and go forward till the end, you will get teleported to a room with two intelligence cosmetics.
In the arcade room after the first elevator, jump on this arcade machine, the right wall will open as a little gate, enter and you will be teleported with the trail.
Go to this zone and jump on the cliffFollow the path marked in the screenshot
Hit these disposalsGo between this and you will get teleported with the image above your head
For this one you’ll have to hit 6 buttons in order. The following images are in order as you progress through the map from spawn.
The outline of the buttons shows you where they are
The final one is right before the catapults.
If all have been hit, then after the catapults you should see the two blocks visible, meaning you can jump in between them and get teleported to the credits room.
At the end of the credits room there is a teleport that will take you to a place where you will be allowed to choose between 1 randomly activated cosmetic.
Bonus: If you pick up the head, the mouth in the 2nd stage will disappear.
First, you’ll need to find two keys. First key is after the laser after you start
The second key is at the catapults, where you’ll find it hidden behind a crate.
Bonus: If you wish to have a chance at the Neco-Arc easteregg, you must pick up this head key on the way.
Now, at the drop you must stand between those lines infront of you, where you will drop down into a secret trigger.
If you’ve done this correctly, you should be teleported and have access to both rooms.
Music Room Notes: If you’ve chosen a song, the room will have cooldown for a round, where you will be not be able to pick up the pink key.
if you’ve picked up the secret head key before, you will have this button unlocked in the music room.
Pressing it will have a 1/5 chance for the Neco-Arc song to play. Otherwise, it will just play its normal song.
IMPORTANT: You need to unlock the art museum if you want to access this easteregg. This secret has a 1/5 chance to work.
This easteregg will change the ending section right before the church.
To activate it, you must pass through 3 triggers along the course.
They require Strafing. Triggers have been marked in white.
First trigger:
Second trigger:
Third Trigger:
If someone has already activated the third trigger, you will not get teleported back up and get stuck.
Now in the art museum, you must shoot Zaty.
The outcome will depend on the Neco-Arc voiceline, should be obvious which is which.
In the second stage of the map at the jump pad, right above it there’s a secret teleport. If you hit it you will be teleported to a secret room where you can pick up a set of wings.
For this one you’ll need to unlock the credits room and art museum. At the end of the credits room, you can find a hidden key behind a pillar, pick it up.
After that, you must go to the art museum, where you will need to hit the first image to the left.
This will unlock the arena boss, which is the door to the left at the end of the map.
The map contains 3 hidden buttons that can make the respawn button available at the end. Only one of them will work per new round.
First button:
After the spawn door has opened, you will have to break the pipe shown in the image below
This will allow you to follow this path without being hurt by the steam
Go further ahead, make your way past the 2 breakable floors and follow the vents
You will eventually find the first button in here.
Second button:
This button isn’t really hidden since you can see it through the glass in this section
You will have to use the last catapult to jump up here
Breaking the vent will allow you to go inside the room and use the button.
Third button:
This one is at the surf part where you can clearly see it
NOTE: The floor below the button has a 1/12 chance of falling down and killing you.
By breaking 2 pipes, it will allow you to access the music room.
First one:
Second one:
IMPORTANT: Death must activate the trap where the pipe is or else you won’t be able to break it!
After you’ve broken these two pipes, progress up ahead and take this path
until you get here, where you should break where the rope is being held.
This will make the box fall down and break the vent, where you will be able to access the music room.
You can find the songs by taking a right turn
You’ll have to eat this burger, it only works with +use
You will eventually find this mini platforming section over here
Get to the other side, break the door and you’ll find two additional songs.
First, this trap needs to be activated.
Break the vents and progress up ahead until you face this door, which you will be able to break.
Inside the room you will find this guy, hit him 6 times. (And be prepared for some mildly uncomfortable sounds, which will play on every successful hit.) If you hit him more than 6 times, you will die.
Then go back and this door will unlock, go inside. (Don’t ignore the warning, seriously.)
Note: There is a random chance that you will die inside, so count it as a sacrifice.
Further up ahead, you will need the 2nd route to be unlocked, or else you won’t be able to complete this secret.
On the second route, you can enable this secret in 2 ways. Either by choosing the right cigarette pack at the trap
or by hitting this brick further up ahead.
By doing either of those, Chester Stone will appear, thus enabling the secret.
Now, when you get to the end, there should be no more obstructions here.
I’m not sure how you can get to this place without noclip, but there is a secret trigger in the area near the end and the different route paths:
Going into it will teleport you to an odd place.
You can also get there by jumping into this secret trigger on the second route.Although, you will get softlocked and stuck unlike the previous trigger.
At spawn, you can go behind the buildings infront of you by taking the route to the right. You will find a shrink potion there.
Doing this secret will kill you, so contemplate your decision before doing it.
On every new round, there is a 1/3 chance that a green light will appear at the door. If it does, then you’re able to proceed with the secret.
Right before the first trap, you can go into the secret teleporter in the corner of the door.
If the green light wasn’t turned on, you will get pushed to your demise.
Inside, press the button and enjoy the song.
Credits to Rammy for the screenshots of first secret
Jump on this jump pad and go where the glass bridge is. touch the jump pad that is on the platform after the glass bridge and touch this wall
When u are on the rainbow path just go foward and at the end is the next stage of the map
You can find 4 different buttons that will unlock the boss at the end (the gate in the ground.)
First one, you’ll have to climb up on the logs at spawn and strafe to this window, i’ve marked an invisible platform in the image.
You’ll need to jump on the windows and progress up ahead until you reach the first button.
Second one is right after the 2nd trap.
Third one is after the retractable platforms trap.
The last one is before the rocket trap.
Note: There is a time limit in which you will be able to break the gate at the end, or else it will become locked.
And that wraps up our share on Team Fortress 2: Deathrun Secrets & EasterEggs [UPDATED VERSION]. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Spooky Whites and 1 collaborators, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!