This is a guide to showcase all camo challenges for zombies. Hopefully this will be able to help you to get that delicious and yummy nebula camo.

This is a guide to showcase all camo challenges for zombies. Hopefully this will be able to help you to get that delicious and yummy nebula camo.
This guide provides information and details for every collectible in every region within the game for you to collect. Every weapon, weapon accessory, skill point, medal, kingslayer file, and even Ricky Sandoval file will be listed in this guide with its location and type being given as well. Hope this guide helps!
A complete achievement guide to earn all Far Cry 4 achievements!
The first guide in steam that tells you how to get inaccessible achievements in PVZ GW 2
[The guide is currently under development, and some information may be incomplete or subject to updates.]Discover the ultimate guide to mastering Hunt: Showdown with our comprehensive walkthrough! Dive into the game’s intricate mechanics, from tracking monstrous bosses to surviving intense PvP and PvE encounters.
Short guide how to get 7 Eltane Flowers from daily quests.
This guide (WIP) will show you how to fix all complaints and problems coming from buildings. Once this guide is complete I will remove all remarks that it is under construction. v1.0
In this guide, I’ll explain how to acquire every sake and booze, which allow us to listen to some interesting side stories from a few NPCs.
A collection of some thematic builds I’ve made for tank characters! Suitable for Core difficulty or below. Includes 3 mercenary options and builds for Camellia and Seelah. Beginner-friendly!
Simple achievement guide
This is a guide to show all the general locations for ALL the flowers in herbs found in the game while explaining a bit about what they do and what they can craft. The guide is in alphabetically ordered chapters to aid you in finding what you’re looking for.
I hope you enjoyed my guide. Please like it and share it if it’s not too much difficult for you. You’ll help me a lot
All Achievements and Badges in DF
This guide will explain all 17 achievements, and provide some strategies to get them faster if you’re just playing to achievement hunt rather than as a studying tool.
Complete guide of all characters of game include Dlcs.
Guide for Christmas skins in deadlock. I’ve compiled everything you need to know about unlocking these limited-time skins.
Summary of the postgame content and compiled information regarding the caps on various mechanics needed for max stats. Also includes some early game advice cause why not?Spoilers, obviously.
A detailed achievement guide and walkthrough to get you your 100% as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Step by step instructions.
A detailed achievement guide and walkthrough to get you your 100% as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Step by step instructions.
This is a comprehensive 100% Achievement guide detailing a step-by-step walkthrough to take you from 0 all the way to 100%. If you are looking for a particular Achievement or Collectible, use Ctrl+F & type it into the search bar for more direct help. I run support & debug help on all my guides. If you have any questions, problems, or find errors in the guide itself, do not hesitate to leave me a comment & I will get back to you as soon as I am able to. Happy Hunting!
This guide aims to aid you in achieving 100% completion rate for Necropolis Halls.
UnlockingThere are currently 17 characters and to unlock each of them you need to complete a specific task in the game. The unlock requirements are as follows:REGULAR CHARACTERSIsaac: None, unlocked by default;Magdalene: Have 7 or more Red Heart Containers at once;Cain: Hold 55 coins at once;Judas: Defeat Satan;???(Blue Baby): Defeat Mom’s Heart 10 times;Eve: Don’t get a Heart for 2 floors in a row;Samson: Complete 2 floors in a row without taking damage;Azazel: Make 3 deals with the devil in one run;Lazarus: Have 4 or more Soul Hearts at once;Eden: Complete Chapter 4;The Lost: Die in a Sacrifice Room while holding the Missing Poster (defeat The Lamb as Isaac)Lilith: Defeat Ultra Greed as Azazel;Keeper: In Greed mode, donate 1000 coins to the Greed Donation Machine after defeating the Final Boss.Apollyon: Defeat Mega Satan;The Forgotten:Unlocking The ForgottenThe Lamb must have been defeated previously before The Forgotten can be unlocked, and unlocking The Forgotten can be done in both Normal and Hard difficulty. Having The Negative unlocked is recommended.(in Repentance and Repentance+) Step 1 and Step 2 can be circumvented entirely if the player manages to use Spindown Dice on Mucormycosis, as it will reroll into the completed Shovel. In addition, the Myosotis trinket can be used to carry the Broken Shovel pickup across floors until Depths II as long as it is not picked up and there is not too many other pickups on the floor.First, start a new unseeded run as any character. Defeat the first floor’s boss within 1 minute. If done correctly, Mom will yell and the sound of running footsteps will play, then a large shadow of a shovel handle will loom over the floor of the starting room. Bombing anywhere in the starting room will spawn the Broken Shovel. Initially the shovel piece behaves like a pickup, laying on the floor, and turns into an active collectible only when touched for the first time.Holding the Broken Shovel will cause Mom to continually try to stomp Isaac. Using the Broken Shovel will stop the stomping for the current room, but will only stop the stomping for the current boss wave in the Boss Rush.The stomps won’t happen in the Mom fight.(except in Repentance and Repentance+) Stomps count as explosions, so Pyromaniac or Host Hat provide immunity to them.Stomps break rocks and damage enemies. If the player has Gnawed Leaf and a lot of patience, the stomps will eventually clear most rooms.Stomps will open secret rooms.On XL floors, only the last boss must be defeated. IV – The Emperor Card allows the first boss to be skipped.Once the Broken Shovel is picked up, it must not be replaced by another active item. If it is on an item pedestal when Isaac leaves the room, it will disappear.If Isaac has Schoolbag, another active item can still be carried safely.(in Repentance and Repentance+) Mom still stomps if the Broken Shovel is carried in either Schoolbag slot.The stomps can be prevented if Broken Shovel is carried inside Moving Box and then unpacked right before the Mom fight.If playing in Co-op, Mom will only target the player with the Broken Shovel. If this character dies, the stomps will still continue, targeting only the dead player. If Mom is defeated while the character holding the Broken Shovel is dead, the Boss Rush door will still open after resurrection and the womb entrance will be sealed. However the player holding the shovel cannot die during boss rush or else the second piece of the shovel will not spawn. If playing Co-op to unlock the forgotten and the player holding the shovel was resurrected it is recommended to have that player only focus on dodging, or better, if there is an active item in boss rush to replace the shovel (make sure to pick it up again before completing boss rush).(in Repentance and Repentance+) Mama Mega! can also be used to spawn the Broken Shovel.Next, clear Boss Rush. This will grant the second piece of the Broken Shovel, completing Mom’s Shovel.(in Repentance and Repentance+) The player should be careful if they are playing as Tainted Isaac, due to the fact that the 2nd piece of the broken shovel will be shifting between the shovel piece and a random item.The Broken Shovel must be held when the boss rush is beaten. Otherwise, only a normal boss rush completion item will drop.After defeating Mom, if it is unlocked, only The Negative will spawn, otherwise a standard boss item will spawn.If The Negative is not unlocked, the player must use a Sacrifice Room to proceed to Dark Room, this is not guaranteed to happen on every run.The normal 20-minute time limit to reach Boss Rush does not apply. The hole to Womb after Mom will be sealed until the Boss Rush is completed.After Mom’s Shovel is acquired, Mom’s feet will stop attempting to stomp Isaac.Finally, a single Grave Room with a Dirt Patch in its center will appear in the Dark Room. Using Mom’s Shovel while standing on the Dirt Patch unlocks The Forgotten.If the Grave Room is exited before the soul reaches the top of the screen, The Forgotten may not unlock.Holding Mom’s Shovel prevents the beam of light to the Cathedral from appearing, forcing Isaac into the trapdoor to Sheol.If stuck, confused, or frustrated, check the Broken Shovel page for tips and help.Bethany: Defeat Mom’s Heart/It Lives! on Hard Mode as Lazarus, without dying;Jacob and Esau: Defeat Mother;TAINTED CHARACTERSTainted versions are new skins for the characters that bring new items to be unlocked.To unlock the Tainted versions you must:1 – Defeat Mother on the “Corpse” Floor to unlock the “Home” Floor.2 – Open the Mom Chest on the “Home” Floor to unlock the Red Key.3 – With each character, use the Red Key to open the hidden closet on the “Home” Floor.
My detailed notes on completing Honour mod, what to do, what to avoid, how to make the whole thing easier, bugs I saw, all the fights, my mistakes and what I did to correct them, etc.
The achievements were made for entertainment purposes, this guide does not intend to offend anyone, just a creative idea of what the achievements at Five Nights at Freddy’s would look like.The greater inspiration for making a remake of my old guide, was this guide. – At the time of creating the guide, I came up with ideas for achievements and their visual style myself, naturally based on the aforementioned guide.