Subterrain: Mines of Titan: Remembering the Past Achievement Guide

This one is quite tedious since a few of them are hidden or worse, late game in a one-time area. I’d rather do this in one run rather than multiple easier runs so I decided to take it upon myself to try listing every ID tag I could find. Locations are static but it seems a couple IDs repeat themselves due to possibly developer oversight. I recommend you save often and in different slots if you don’t already do so.Let me know if I missed any while hunting them down.

Vex Clock: Computer Chip Locations

The Computer Chips are as plentiful as they can be very well hidden- this guide intends to help with that by showing amounts and locations per zone.(NOTE: I would’ve had images inserted into the guide for reference, but I couldn’t get the chips to both be easily visible and the images not take up an absurd amount of space.. Hopefully text descriptions will do ^^”)

Borderlands 2: Simple, Clean Sniper Zer0 Build

Simple, minimalistic guide for Zer0. Started as a way to keep notes for me so I would remember what I want without having to open 10 different browser tabs, but decided to share so more people can enjoy. Nothing groundbreaking here, made to be simple and fast to read while providing a build that can handle what the game throws at you. Tweak as you need. This guide was made possible with the help of the great database of Lootlemon.Make sure to check them out and support them.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2: Versus Map Items

Showing where all the items are across all the maps in Versus- Healing Items (Healing Draughts / Medical Supplies)- Bombs (Explosive / Fire)- Potions (Strength, Speed, Concentration)- Ammo (Crates / Pouches)- Barrels (Explosive / Fire)↳ not including objective barrelsAlso going to show how much loot is in each round on each map

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition: How to run Deus Ex in your modern PC 2025 – ULTIMATE GUIDE

Guia em PT-BR clica aqui < Ainda não feito.i know those are already many guides and videos who teaches about it, but i wanted to talk my point of view with many details and real explications + opinions, and which are best mods for you run the game & settings that i do recommend for higher quality possible with improved textures and lightning, be they vanilla original or new models enhancedi'll show you 4 mods how to run the game in better quality without performance loss, seen that game's render to Direct10 is giving some serious issues for performance even if you have a good PC Setup.

Choosing the right render

First of all you will need a render upgrade for can run game in better quality & performance

Garry’s Mod: How to make easy cool swag PNGs of your Gmod ragdolls/playermodels

Noob’s EZ peezy guide to vomiting PNGs out of Gmod ragdolls like a p.r.o. (all fax no printer) 4K HD TV no A.D.D all swagger no jagger full-on Y2K SSStylish posters of your favourite nostlagia gooners (videogame characters from early 2000s) then hit the gangnam style on yo gramma’s yee yee ahh c0rpse (she fumbled. hah lo0ser) Get REKT MLG 420 360 NoScope blaZe it n00b bombacl4t dawg MORE BUTTER ON D4T DAWG YO PIERRE U WAN CoMe OUT ERE SOOOONIIIIC GRACIAS poR Acer mE sonreir WHatS Da SItuAAAAAAshun DJ YUNG CA$H REGISTER AKA LIL BROOMSTICK pooh sheisty Yeezy’s on dat D0pe ImGUr The mom Of Benja Subtext Perchance Guuurl Slayyed Blinge glitterfest Pinterest system of a down BOOWOMP.WAV CHOCOLATE STARFISH Fred Durst my Maneeeee Kiryu Kazuma plays the Kazoo (canon event) WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIiiii i only made this guide to boost my ego #GODCOMPLEX