Monsters of Royal Quest with Info and Drops
Drops Chances along with Loot Dropped is an Experience of a single person which is the author of this guide so it could not be 100% correct (meaning there could be some information missing or being wrong)
It’s provided as is without any quarantees, as the things in the game are probably subject to change at any moment.
Author of the Guide is :
NiyuMiya from the Pyrros Server.
The Level of the Monster along with it’s name it’s on the provided Screenshot
Then when it comes to drops of the monsters, it’s separated by Common / Uncommon / Rare whenever it was possible to distinguish these rarities (These are based on a whim, it doesn’t need to hold any factual meaning; could be just wrong… It’s only based on assumption)
Then there’s an Item Name with the Type of it mentioned and Secondary Type when it’s viable (for example it could be an Equipment drop, but the item could be Amulet so it would be : (Equipment; Amulet) next is the Gold Value given by the game and then the possible quantity of said item that could be dropped (but it’s only mentioned if it’s applicable to some items, and if it’s happen often or regularly)
If the item is also an Collectible item which you can add to your Collection Book then there will be a {} added.
Taskona Valley [1-10]
There’s an Steam Achievement for Killing 1000 Dewdrops!
– Dew (Loot) {} [1g] (1-3)
– Jelly (Loot) {} [2g] (1-2)
Uncommon (Everything Uncommon for Dewdrop seems to be just Stolen Items… Dewdrops are known for stealing items, so there’s just a few of the things I managed to get from them but it’s not like they drop those items, they can steal and drop items specified to the Monster that are nearby them.)
– Gold (1 to 2)
– Dry Leaf (Loot) {} [20g]
– Wood Chip (Loot) [3g]
– Clover (Loot) {} [32g]
– Dewdrop Pendant (Equipment, Amulet) (78g) (1)
– Bumblebuzz Carapace (Loot) [3g]
– Bumblebuzz Wings (Consumables, Special Item) {} [10g]
– Transparent Wings (Loot) {} [30g]
– Gold (1 to 2)
– Bumblebuzz Pendant (Equipment, Amulet)
Drops Seems to be None. It’s special Monster appearing in a small number with a somewhat of a slow spawn needed for a Quest.
Drops Seems to be None. It’s special Boss Monster needed for a Quest.
– Wood Chip (Loot) [3g]
– Dry Leaf (Loot) {} [20g]
– Green Leaf (Consumables; Food) [1g]
Mandrake Leaflet (Consumables; Special Item) [200g] (1)
– Venom Gland (Loot) [13g]
– Transparent Wings (Loot) {} [30g]
And that wraps up our share on Royal Quest Online: Monsters of Royal Quest (Work in Progress). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by NiyuMiya, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!