In this gaming guide, we will show you how to efficiently unlock all 58 achievements in Rain of Reflections. Follow our straightforward instructions and you’ll be on your way to achieving success in no time.
Two playthroughs + clean up should be the minimum number of playthroughs required to beat the game. It would be:
1. Pacifist/Living saint achievements playthrough
2. Serial killer/I am the Reaper achievements playthrough
But these achievements are the easiest to mess up so doing the bare minimum is recommended.
Make backups at various checkpoints during your playthroughs for clean up. The game has no chapter select, and using backups to clean up miscellaneous achievements would be best.
You want one:
- Outside your apartment
- In the lobby
- At the trench
- At the temple
- At the waste plant
- In the lab
Full Game Achievements

Ace hacker
Solved all hacks on first try.
Self-explanatory but easily missable. Failing a node does voids the achievement. Hacks don’t change between playthroughs, so better to do this one on a second playthrough and ignore the optional hacks (e.g. hacking practice, both gate controls, etc.)
Got through all encounters without resorting to violence.
Serial killer
Ended up killing all enemies in the first Chapter.
These achievements refer only to the Urban fight and the two Waste Plant encounters. They unlock during the cutscene immediately after the second waste plant encounter.
Pacifist means not using the attack command at all. Not even to destroy a generator. I’m not sure if you can be detected (cause a confrontation), but I full-stealthed all the enounters.
Serial killer is self-explanatory. Demotivate then kill everyone as they flee. You need six kills, no esacapees. I let Urban kill Luca too in my run.
It would be appropriate to combine these with Living saint/I am the Reaper respectively.
Living saint
Everybody who could survive during the first Chapter survived.
I am the Reaper
Everybody who could die during the first Chapter died.
These two achievements may require fairly specific choices to unlock. All information below was provided by shep7000. Other achievements you’ll unlock are in brackets.
Living saint:
- In your apartment, defy your mother. (The rebellion begins/Free of home)
- Argue with your mother in the cab about your independance. (This isn’t over)
- At the temple, make sure Luca survives, don’t destroy Gwen and make Urban run out of ammo. (Disarmed situation)
- Sneak past everyone during the Waste Plant encounters.
I am the Reaper:
- In your apartment, be nice to your mother. (Mother’s daughter/Walked right out)
- Lie to your mother in the cab that you went for a walk. (Straight-faced)
- At the temple, make sure Luca dies, destroy Gwen and kill Urban as he escapes. (With you all the way/No more Gwen/Show’s over)
- Kill everyone during the Waste Plant encounters.
Follow these instructions exactly for the remainder of both playthroughs:
During the first conversation with father, when he offers you a way out say:
- I can’t. Mother has seized my apartment.
- You can’t make it about work, dad.
- Survival at what cost?
- Surely there must be other ways than experimenting on innocent children.
- Well… Consider this my resignation.
- I’ve made up my mind.
After the Bolts show up:
- Just don’t hurt the children.
- Protect children
If going for Living saint, your mother should stop the arrest and you are allowed to go free.
If going for I am the Reaper, The Arbiter comes and kills everyone (i.e. the Red Carpet ending).
The achievements unlock after leaving the lab.
Part 1 – The Stem
Keen listener
Listened through all BraceCom messages.
At the very beginning of the game. Listen to all 4 messages under Voice Messages.
Classically Trained
Played all notes on Piano.
Interact with the keyboard in your bedroom. Click Play Composition, then play the entire piece.
Well prepared
Finished all tutorial hacks on Wilona’s computer.
Interact with the computer in your bedroom. Log in and complete all 9 stages in the Hacking Practice section.
The rebellion begins
Defied Mother.
Mother’s daughter
Calmed Mother.
During the conversation with your mother in your apartment:
- Defy her by disagreeing with her on everything.
- Calm her by being nice and saying Phexus sounds like paradise.
Avid reader
Read all notes and book covers in Wilona’s Apartment.
- 2x pictures and 2x notes on the computer.
- Book on the coffee table.
- Doodle and book on the chair at the work table.
- Book by the bed (only available after talk with mother).
Free of home
Hacked Wilona’s Apartment door open.
Walked right out
Left Wilona’s Apartment.
- Defy your mother during the previous conversation and she’ll lock you in. You’ll need to hack your way out.
- Calm your mother during the previous conversation and you can simply walk out.
Tech Support
Repeatedly suggested to try “turning it on and off again”.
This is a two-part achievement. First part is mentioned here, second part mention below. Immediately after exiting your apartment is an Engineer having trouble with her Butler Bots. Say you’re a scientist and ask her if she’s tried turning her bots off and on again.
Science saves the night
Helped Engineer.
Assist the Engineer by hacking the bots.
Into the Song
Listened to the full song “Into the Night”.
After the sequence where you hack into the Bolts’ comms, go left into a hallway with some televisions. Watch the whole song before leaving.
Area cleared
Finished first encounter.
Umissable. It’s immediately after the televisions mentioned above.
Used Mother’s reputation to defuse situation.
Got reported
Caused Nobles to go report Wilona.
After the first encounter, a man and woman will stop and talk to you:
- Tell them it’s none of their busines, that you’re minister Wilde’s daughter and they’ll leave you alone.
- Act stupid. Pretend you know nothing of the Bolt situation.
Art enthusiast
Read descriptions of all the statues.
It’s all bound together
Read descriptions of all the statues in the correct order.
Immediately after dealing with the man and woman, don’t call the elevator yet. Proceed into the room to find 9 statues. From left to right they are numbered: I II | III IV IX VIII VII | VI V. Read them in number order for both achievements.
Th-Th-Thank you!
Picked up all charges in the Lobby encounter.
There are five stations in total each with three charges. You start in front of one and there’s two on each side. As you can only carry 6 charges at a time so you’ll need to waste a bunch.
Used the gate controls on the left side.
Used the gate controls on the right side.
Used both the left and the right gate controls to open both gates.
Self-explanatory. You only need to use one to escape but use both for the achievement. Personally I found the left hack easier.
Smooth operation
Snuck out of Lobby without being discovered.
Self-explanatory. There’s so many cloaks this shouldn’t be a challenge.
It’s all about motivation
Got first Game Over (caused by Wilona getting demotivated).
Self-explanatory. Expose yourself to lose motivation quickly.
Passed Weapons Training
Made Wing accidentally shoot at The Arbiter.
This one is tricky. You need the enemy on the right (the left one didn’t shoot when I played) to shoot at you and The Arbiter. The Arbiter follows you around destroying whatever cover you’re hiding behind, and the Wing circles around to shoot you.
Playing around
Was found out by The Arbiter.
You need to successfully esacape, but be seen while doing it. As the The Arbiter likes to stand by the open gate, just don’t cloack on your final turn and let her see you.
Autopilot activated
Fooled cabbie into believing his vehicle left on autopilot.
Confiscated cab
Fooled cabbie into believing his vehicle was confiscated.
After hacking the cab, you are given two choices. Each unlocks an achievement.
Poked the Bolt bobble one too many times.
Possible when you’re driving.
Working two jobs
Learned more about the driver, Brenner.
Interact with the glove compartment and both items inside. Take the ammo if playing violent.
This isn’t over
Had it out with Mother.
Managed to lie to Mother without her seeing through it.
After contacting Luca, you receive a call from mother.
- Argue about your independance.
- Or lie by telling her you went for a walk.
Part 2 – Northern Trench
Everybody gets a car!
Gave away car to Custodian.
After parking, tell the Custodian you have to leave the car here and let her have it. Unlock it as well. Achievement unlocks after getting on the boat.
Happy to pretend
Encouraged Dollmother.
Reality Check
Discouraged Dollmother.
Talk to Dollmother, the woman with the pram. Achievement unlocks after getting on the boat.
- Encourage her by being nice about her child.
- Discourage her by looking in the pram and insisting her child is a doll.
Improvising insults
Caught the Loudmouth improvising insults.
After going down the ladder and going round the corner, talk to Loudmouth in the doorway. Ask him about all the different names for Suprans, and catch him making them up.
Conspiracy theorist
Listened to all of Mr Nobody’s theories about Thaddeus.
Go down the stairs and head right to find Mr Nobody. Ask him about his stuff and listen to the truth. Exhaust all options.
Tech Support
Repeatedly suggested to try “turning it on and off again”.
Second part of this two-part achievement.
Enter the room next to the stairs. Ask Bolthead about his bolt helmet, spare bolt supplies, and suggest turning it off and on again.
In the ranks
Got promoted to a OneForce Bolt superintendent chief inspector assistant second technician.
When talking to Bolthead, successfully hack his helmet for him.
Bridge over troubled water
Managed to reach the Docks from the Asylum side.
Unmissable. Stop the waterwheel, attach the chain to the waterwheel, turn it back on to drag the car into position.
Almost “Game Over”
Had Luca lose his patience waiting.
After crossing to the other side, don’t talk to Luca yet after he sees you. Keep walking back and forth until he calls game over.
Should’ve told me
Confronted Luca about his “shady deal”.
This may be another two-part.
Ask Luca how he got a hold of the boat and persue the conversation.
Got hushed by Lurker.
Don’t enter the temple yet and head right. Ask Lurker who’s out to get you and who’s waiting in the temple.
Should’ve told me
Confronted Luca about his “shady deal”.
Maybe part two.
Ask Urban what Luca owes him. Ask Luca if it’s true. Say you should’ve told me. I also selected the line about trust issues. Achievement unlocks after the conversation.
Another test subject
Learned that Urban was also experimented on.
Tell Urban about your mission. Explain that you’re trying to save some children, and that you work with them everyday. Ask if he’s speaking from experience. I also exhausted the optional topics. Achievement unlocks after the conversation.
Ammo overload
Picked up all ammo in the Temple.
There’s four ammo boxes on your side in the encounter. Grab them all, though I only needed 3 for the achievement.
Disarmed situation
Exhausted Urbans ammo.
Just mess around until he’s out. Don’t destroy Gwen either. If you’re going for Pacifist, make sure to stay in the starting area before the electrified water. Urban will turn off the electricity once he’s out of ammo.
With you all the way
Caused Luca to die.
Self-explanatory. Don’t stand Luca too close to the entrance or else he’ll flee.
No more Gwen
Destroyed Gwen completely.
Destroy the two generators behind Urban. Each takes two shots. Best to combine this with killing him.
Coming back to haunt you…
Let Urban escape.
Show’s over
Killed Urban.
Demotivate Urban (or make him run out of ammo) and he will flee. Let him or kill him.
Part 3 – Northern Hem
No achievements. Only two encounters.
Dysfunctional family
Saw Child’s picture.
After taking the freight elevator down to the labs, raise the pod using the Image Pod Terminal in the centre of the room. Look at the Child’s drawing, ask how she’s feeling, and what she wants to do with her day off. Achievement unlocks after leaving the lab.
Left no trace
Shut off surveillance and deleted the footage.
Go to the terminals in the small room on the left side. Hack your way in, shut off surveillance and delete the footage.
Quit formally
Resigned from work.
Dad’s daughter
Red carpet
This choice comes after opening the Image Pod. Quit or tell dad you’ll sort it out tomorrow. Achievement unlocks after leaving the lab.
Did the research
Opened all Pods and read through all reports.
On your dad’s terminal, read all the reports and hack/unlock all the other pods before attempting to open the Image Pod. There’s another terminal on the right side of the room that you need to go through. Achievement unlocks after leaving the lab.
Red Carpet
Questioned Adrianne’s reasons for killing Bolts.
I honestly don’t know what exactly triggers this ending, but it seems far more common than the one required for Living saint. Following the steps for I am the Reaper will unlock this ending. When you see the ending where The Arbiter kills everyone, ask her why she did it. Achievement unlocks after leaving the lab.
And that wraps up our share on Rain of Reflections: Rain of Reflections Achievement Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by alphabetsoup, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!