Get ready to embark on a journey through the world of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Enhanced Edition! Whether you’re a new player looking for some guidance with the game mechanics, or a returning player seeking advice for a more challenging playthrough, this step-by-step walkthrough guide has got you covered. Written by a seasoned veteran, this guide will assist you with every decision, every fight, and every puzzle as you progress through the game. From the prologue to the final showdown, follow along and conquer every aspect of this blind-friendly, unfair-viable game. Keep checking back as this guide is still a work in progress, but for now, it covers only the prologue. So let’s dive in and conquer Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Enhanced Edition together!
Before we start couple of things about what this guide is and what it isn’t it.
What Will This Guide Cover And What Wont it?
My guide is Unfair, Sadistic Game Design and Last Azlanti viable.
This guide will be written with spoilers in mind and be as complimentary to blind playthrough as possible with spoiler usage to cater to those who want all the information however as this is guide you will be spoiled to small degree.
I am good at this game and have beaten it on unfair, but I am not the best and little rusty as returning player so while this guide will get you through unfair its not 100% minmaxed.
This guide also isn’t a build guide. While I will touch on different builds and classes and offering advice on feats. This isn’t unfair build guide unless you mirror what I will be playing (STR Vital Strike Sword Saint Trickster to Legend (minimal spoiler on mythic paths) which I wouldn’t recommend as greatest fun of this game is playing character that interest you.
I will however cover companion builds and recommend you follow them if you are new.
This isn’t achievement focused guide however you will unlock many and some of the hardest if you so decide as the guide is written viable for unfair difficulty and sadistic game design/Last Azlanti achievements in mind. I will attempt remind you about other achievements but expect me to miss some.
DLC Campaings and the Rewards
This guide will warn you when those moment approach so if you wish you can pause and finish the DLC to get the rewards. You do not necessarily need to complete them before starting the main story.
This guide doesn’t contain walkthroughs for the DLC campaigns but I will give you spoiler free descriptions, talk about the rewards, quick run down on the chronology and recommend completion order.
Through the Ashes is low level mini adventure that runs chronologically alongside the prologue ending in Act 1 featuring new MC and new cast of characters. Through the Ashes probably easiest of the DLC and gives the smallest reward for completion which is only really notable to ice themed mage.
I would recommend this doing it after the tutorial section or little bit after you get into Act 1.
Sequel to Through the Ashes that finishes the story started in that DLC. Relatively easy to complete difficulty wise it chronologically starts at Act 2 and runs in time skips close to the end. I would recommend doing this DLC much later in main campaign in Act 3 or so as it contains small spoilers if you pay close attention.
Reward wise it is probably worth completion as it unlocks something more than its predecessor in the main game .
Inevitable Excess should be played after the main game for story reasons however the rewards for completion are the biggest gameplay wise giving you powerful items way sooner than they would normally appear in the main game.
Be careful if you are considering playing it first as I found it far more harder than the main game and also you are incentivized play it on unfair to get the best rewards.
If you do decide to play it I would recommend doing so as (spoiler for mythic path) Lich as you get extra reward in your next Lich playthrough
Prologue of main game until you want to switch before the cut of point in Act 1 > Through the Ashes > Act 2 and 3 > Lord of Nothing > Complete Main Story > Inevitable Excess
Before Character Creation
First order of business be sure to download Toybox[] before starting the game. It gives you many more tools for convenience (among which is option to allow multiple romances for the thirsty among you) and tools to help you in case the game bugs out.
Second is you should take time to think what type of character you want to play as and what mythic path would compliment or the other way around what mythic path you want to experience and what class would compliment it.
(I did not consider the above spoilers as mythic paths are mentioned in the steam store page. Below in spoilers are available mythic paths and what they lean towards both gameplay and story wise. I will be go into more detail later in the guide.)
Aeon – One of the more weirder mythic paths with no clear class to pair it with other than summoning builds which are weak and I do not recommend playing them or inquisitors which fit atleast thematically. It however provides you with some good support abilities and few abilities that are amazingly powerful if you know what you are doing. Story wise its one of the strongest with some of my favorite endings
Angel – We all know what to expect from angel story wise so I wont dwell on it. Gameplay wise its first mythic on this list that can spell book merge (meaning you get access to more powerful spells faster and your spells in general are stronger) incidentally making it one of the strongest mythic paths available if you are playing (full) divine caster (Cleric, Oracle, Shaman, Druid…). Which is why I don’t recommend playing this mythic path as martial class since the perks you get are not as strong however if you want to do mix of both oracle with battle mystery is my (strong) recommendation.
Azata – More chaotic good than angel with disney/anime vibe. It is well suited to all play styles both (ray spammer) spell caster and martials.
Demon – First evil mythic path of this list and the one for you if you are want to do the power trip run. Perk and abilities wise its even more varied than Azata helping kineticist, casters and martials being especially great if you want to make INT based DC caster.
Trickster – If you have played Kingmaker and were expecting Trickster in that tone you are welcome to be disappointed with me. Duality of trickster is XD LOL RLY story, but very strong and fun mythic abilities Trickster shines with martial classes (including ranged!) or maybe with those who just want make their enemies kill themselves?
Lich – The other Mythic capable of spell book merging this time covering (full) arcane casters (Wizard, Sorcerer, Arcanist, Witch..). Are you prepared to sacrifice your penis for the ultimate magical power? Also great for alchemists and kineticist.
I hope this helps you narrow down your build, but of course feel free to ignore this especially on lower difficulties and go for combination that calls to you!
Read at your own risks. Contains spoilers about mythic paths. Nothing lost if you skip.
You can change from your “early” mythic paths to certain “late” mythic paths later on in the story if you have unlocked them by fulfilling the requirements.
Legend – Unlocking of this path will be covered in the guide. Trade your mythic powers for power. All around great for every build and story wise excellent if you want to do redemption story from evil to good.
Gold Dragon – Unlocking of this path will be covered in the guide. Good fit for those whose mythic path just didn’t work for and want to trade those for raw bonuses or those who want to do it for RP reasons.
Swarm that Walks – The REAL evil path, become the crisis. Unlocking of this path will be covered in the guide. Either this is for you or it isn’t but mechanics wise you will be creating clones of yourself so I imagine classes that dont need gear as much eg your vivisectionist scaled fist dip monster would do well. I haven’t yet gotten around to test it however.
Devil – Not worth it, sorry to tell you hell knight enjoyers. Unlocking of this path wont be covered in this guide and it is only available to Azatas and Aeons. I strongly recommend not doing it as its weak in both gameplay and story terms. Only for RP.
Difficulty Settings & Character Creation
If you are new player stick to normal or core if want little more challenging time. Take into account how your powerful your build is when you are deciding your difficulty (Section above is good place to start).
If you are returning player, do run on core or unfair if you crave challenge. If you can do run on hard you should be able to pull off unfair which is why its not mentioned.
On side note. I do not recommend turning on crusade automode as it will lock your out some items and (read at your own peril) and secret ending
Large amount of achievements are locked behind core.
This guide is written based on my playthrough of unfair difficulty. Meaning enemy amount or strength might differ from yours.
Finally we are here! I do not know why I use the word we as none have it this far. I will not go for too long here as this isn’t build guide. Read careful what you pick and if you are struggling here are few recommendations.
For class I will be going with Magus – Sword Saint
Backgrounds provide relatively small bonuses, you are usually either looking for proficiency in case your class doesn’t let you use equipment you want to use or to switch around what attribute you use for skill. Here is the list of meta Picks if you are Interested
I personally went with bounty hunter for roleplay reasons and to be able to wear light armor for looks.
Generally speaking you want to pick race that boosts ability scores your class uses. Aasimar is strongest pick giving you two points to two ability scores and ability to pick wings as feat (2 bonus to AC).
However sometimes you may wish to pick human for extra feat if your build is feat heavy. Which is why I am picking human this run.
I like to go full minmaxx here with boosting the ability scores my character uses which would be in this case Strength and Intelligence whilst ignoring others. However I would recommend ever so slightly even approach of making your primary ability score 19 or 20, with rest being more equal and one being only slightly higher.
Insome cases it might be smart to go for more even spread if you are AC maxing by finding ways to convert your other ability scores to AC. (Scaled Fist, Instinctual Warrior)
My ability score layout and first picture of this guide!
(Reminder for bow users that strength adds to damage with composite bows!)
You either have many points to spend here or few. Important things to remember is if you are melee character put points into mobility until 3. (If you are doing intimidation build, more on that below level up your persuasion.)
Start thinking what skills you want to handle yourself and what to dedicate to other party members, play to your characters strengths. Perception is good to have on multiple characters alongside magic device.
Keep your characters role in party mind. Are they front liner? Pick feats that increase AC and survivability. Is your character warrior with two handed weapon? Pick feats that increase your attack and damage. Is your character archer? Pick archery feats. Is your Character mage? Pick feats that boost your chosen magic specialty alongside metamagic and spell pen.
To make it even more simpler lot of the perks function like trees. Make sure to keep this in mind and check the feats that you don’t yet qualify for!
Some common great feat options.
I picked power attack and cleave.
And with that we are done with character creation! If you picked mage and are wondering what to pick. I will talk more about this when we level our mage companions.
*last section ran out of room lol which is why this is separated.
(Start) Welcome to Kenabres!
It seems chaos has arrived with demons and vescavors in toe and so we arrive at the first decision you must make. Fight or flee? Which way crusader?
(From now on I will talk about consequence of decision in spoiler below the decision. Read at your own risk)
Pick fight if are aiming for the secret ending.
Nothing to do expect to move forwards, but before you do that let me tell power gamers among you little optional exp trick. Go to difficulty setting and turn on only active companions receive experience.
Make your choice whether to use the trick or not and continue moving forward.
You will be stopped by Anevia and Seelah perceptive among you might have spotted her earlier and those who used the exp trick congratulations on getting 750 experience where normally you get 125 experience.
We are confronted by our first skill checks. I hope you have brain or brawn. Those among you who like to quick load until you get your way I might suggest turning on take 20 out of combat. (control+f10)
Your options are to be ♥♥♥♥. Athletics 16 skill check or Knowledge (World) 16 skill check and diplomacy 16 skill check.
All skill check progress you onward but evil gives you 200 coins which is very nice early game.
If you are using the exp trick before you hit end dialogue button press esc and turn only active companions receive experience off. This way Seelah joins you party with same amount of experience!
Continue heading onward and pick up your confiscated gear (remember to equip) that Seelah points out and Terendelevs scale that lays couple more steps ahead. Turn on only active companions receive experience again if you are using the trick.
Very useful item that functions as raise dead spell! Try to save these and always keep one with you especially on higher difficulties!
No way to go but forward and it just so happens we run into fair lady. Talk to her and as you get the experience turn off only active companions receive experience if you are using the trick then turn it back on.
This is good time also to check your formation as the first combat approaches!
(Avoid using spells and limited abilities! You will need them later)
The good old tradition of RPGs. Fighting vermin be careful if you are playing on unfair as with bad luck you could lose this fight. Great cheese is to turn around just before the encounter as Anevia will always stand behind your MC.
Letting crippled woman with bow tank? Are we the good guys?
If you are using Seelah to tank remember to turn on defensive fighting.
Continue onward and pick up the Dragon Scales as we go. Flies should not be a problem, but this is good time to practice playing the game on real time.
Continue forward and go right. Be careful with the spitting centipedes though Anevia should easily be able to take care of them. There is some minor loot at the end, pick it all up and head backwards.
This time take the turn to the left. Vermin should not pose any challenge to you.
However the next foe could cause you grief.
(press y to turn on inspecting and left click enemy to see their stats and abilities! Very useful!)
Luckily for me his initiative roll was low allowing me catch him flat footed (denying his dexterity to AC). Take note of flanking and charging giving me large bonus to hit. Things could not be as rosy for you as single bite can kill you this early in the game (and he has poison to boot) so either use Anevia to tank or bumrush him.
With the beast slain and no chunks missing from you take crack at skinning it and continue forward.
You will run into Lann and Wenduag. Explore the dialogue to your hearts content and enjoy the level up if you did the exp trick!
Oh boy your choices now depend on what you want to do with Seelah and Cam no pressure. Do you want cam as support off tank or turn her into your main tank? Do you want mark of justice for Seelah or are you ready to abandon that plan to get more AC?
Here are my recommendations for Camellias level up
I am going with Stigmatized Witch picking Mage Armor and strand of the Tangled knot as spells.
For Seelah I went with Vivisectionist and rest I will put into paladin until paladin level 11.
If you are interested what I am doing for my characters level up the plan is to stick all twenty levels into Sword Saint.
Explore until you find the sword. If you are following the exp trick just as you are about to end end dialogue turn off only active companions receive experience setting and turn it back on after you finish the dialogue
Both are archers, but both come as level one meaning they are malleable to be turned to what you want to especially Lann who can be turned to great melee character with mutation fighter or even cleric who uses wisdom to shoot! (Zen Archer 3, rest into cleric-ecclesitheurge)
I went Lann Zen Archer 2 and put level in Vivisectionist as Wenduag (dont look at me like that I am going to try wacky throwing axe build). Another option with Wenduag would be rowdy followed by inquisitor-slayer for true strike.
Once you are ready take the skill check to jump over the rubble and then jump back where you came from. Why? You get exp for going back. From now on I will assume you do this and wont mention it. Jump over it again and continue.
Spiders up ahead should not be a problem with extra two archers and Anevia. Focus fire the big one and continue if you are in trouble let Anevia tank.
Continue, but don’t jump over the rubble.
Kill the flies and be careful of the spitting centipedes focus them with your archers. Loot the skeleton and equip the master crossbow on your preferred archer (masterwork gives 1+ to hit)
Now turn your party around so Anevia is facing front and make them hold (select all and press h), make Lann run further in to trigger ambush and run back to rest of party. Let them come to you (Or Anevia) to be specific. Have your tank (yourself, cam or seelah) ready to take her place if she falls.
Now turn and head back to that mobility check we skipped. Climb up
Creep carefully forward until you get visual the stone elemental. Make sure Anevia is facing forward this time you will really need it. Use your buffs and spells now and when you are ready shoot with with your whole party at the elemental.
Another strategy is giving Seelah masterwork greatsword, cast enlargen on her. Then use object bound and cast it on yourself if you are martial. Now you will have longer reach than the elementals thank to your size. Use it your advantage and charge the elementals, pull back before they get in reach and repeat.
Assuming you are victorious go where the stone elementals were and loot the wand of cure light wounds. (Do not use it yet you will get free heal)
Progress to the end of the cave and leave.
Progress into the village and talk with Chief Skull. Where you must make another decision.
This choice is actually very important doubly so if you are playing on unfair. If you show the sword Wenduag will leave you and if you hide the fact that you found it Lann will leave you. Consequences don’t end there hiding the sword makes upcoming boss fight easier and I strongly recommend doing so if you are playing on unfair. You still get opportunity to trade Lann for Wenduag or vice versa later on. (Remember to unequip gear on the person who will leave)
I chose to hide the fact we found the angels sword. After you made your decision save before before leaving though good man Horgus will stop you for talk. Money is good and I strongly suggest taking crack at skill check for the two thousand. This money will help you greatly in future and if you are playing on unfair, it might warrant save scumming.
Afterwards take look around the village. Talk to Anevia and Horgus if you wish. Loot some of minor loot scattered around before talking to Dyra our first vendor! Sell your crap and buy the Quiver of Cold Iron Ammunition.
Before we turn in for the day. Press b to open your characters spell book and check your characters saved spells (Camellia).
Bless, Magic weapon (Doesnt stack with masterwork!) and protection from alignment are good picks for her (use the spirit slot for enlarge).
Now we are ready for our days rest. Next morning accept consequences of your actions. Feel free to check with Anevia and Horgus if you care about how they slept then proceed to head out by boat if you went with my choice earlier or by walking.
Shield Maze
If you came by boat walk forwards but do not squeeze through the door yet continue walking and kill the monitor lizard. Its the exact same as we killed before
if you came with Lann you will either have to fight couple of enemies not worth noting down or the same lizard.
Either way our paths converge for now. Time to enter the Shield Maze!
Shield Maze
First room has nothing of note of expect religion check for little exp. Head carefully to the next room
Sadly this room isn’t as easy. We have two mages capable of blasting magic missile (always hits!), pesky archer and Baphomet cultist wielding glaive giving him quite the reach!
So what should our strategy be? Those two mages need to be focused down so make sure Seelah and Cam are at charge distance for Mage and archer in the middle. Position Wenduag so she has clear line of sight to the mage at top right or if you have good stealth on your main sneak up to him.
Now pause the game and sync those charges and wenduags shot. You should be able to almost instantly kill the ones in the middle. Take care of the other mage if Wenduag missed and move to deal with the baphomet cultist. Easy!
Feel free to loot the room if you didn’t already if you took lot of damage you can rest unlimited amount of times in Shield Maze unlike rest of the game so feel free to take advantage of that to cast all buffs before every fight or just to heal.
Now continue into corridor. Beware of the trap and take the left into the library. Be careful of the cultist in the corner. He is stronger than he looks you might wish to avoid him until you level however I managed to take him down by group charging him without buffs.
After you are done loot the library for useful scrolls and Tome of Minotaur: Sermons from the Labyrinth. Make sure to go to your inventory and right click the book and choose info, this will give your character permanent buff!
Continue back into the corridor and into the next room. Set up a group charge and kill the three mongrels.
Open the door closest to the corridor we came from. Disarm the trap, but avoid the cultist champion! We will cover him later so head back.
Head to the door north of the room.This room can be easy or pain depending on your rolls. You got two archers and two melee cultist who can take hit or two. Hug the wall and walk to the Baphomet statue sync a charge and try to take simultaneously down the archer on the right and the melee cultist in the middle. Hopefully you can then quickly mop up the archer in the middle before taking down the right most melee cultist.
(If you struggle with the encounter skip ahead until you level up)
Cultist Champion
Go back and deal with the Cultist Champion. His AC is is high alongside his health, but you should be able to kill him by group charging him.
Head back to the room with baphomet statue and head west to the dining room. Hopefully you manage to perception check to spot the lever to open the store room. Make sure to loot the Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword! Go back to the dinining room and continue heading forwards.
Pew Room Fight
Position yourself so you can see all of the enemies without aggroing them.We have from left to right Cleric (with Sharpshooter above him), Sharpshooter with Mage and Baphomet Cultist and Cultist Fighter (above him).
Luckily for us the cleric has only 8 hit points so Wenduag should be able to take care of him with one shot. Sync wenduags shot and your melee characters charge on the two in the middle. Peel one of your melee characters of from the rest after you killed the pair in middle to kill the remaining sharpshooter. Tie down approaching fighter with your highest AC character (or pack pedal whilst shooting him if your main is ranged) luckily for us the Baphomet Cultist wastes his first turn casting divine favor let him cast it before charging him.
Level 3
For Camellia I went with Vivisectionist and dodge.
For Seelah I went Paladin and chose heavy armor focus. (Probably mistake I am doing a test to compare how high AC Seelah can get in heavy armor) If you are doing pajama tank mirror what I am doing with Camellia (Stigmatized Witch dip is good idea).
For Wenduag I put level into Spawn Slayer and chose throwing axe focus. (I don’t recommend going with dual throwing axes build. Focus on bow)
For myself I picked (Sword Saint) arcane accuracy, and cleaving finish.
Head backwards to the room with bunk beds and take note of the door we havent passed through yet. Choose your party members one by one and carefully avoiding the enemy noticing you.
Cultist Champion and Neophyte Wizard
Kill the wizard with archer while your melee charge the Cultist Champion. After you win make sure to loot the Potion of Resist Cold and Protection From Cold
Head out of the room and south back to the room where we killed 3 mongrels and continue into connecting room we didn’t go to yet and keep moving onwards.
Some early run enders lay down here so start preparing mentally. Open the door carefully and one by one head into the next room hugging the wall. You know the drill at this point. the 3 mongrels are nothing worth talking about unless rolls fail you.
Afterwards check the door to the east and loot the small store room.
Head south and kill the two corrupted mongrels. Be careful as these two are tougher than ones we have faced so far the Corrupted Mongrel Guard especially has relatively high AC for our party.
After you emerge victorious be wary of the door before as behind lies one of the hardest fight in this dungeon.
Make sure to fully buff and rush the Corrupted Mongrel Brute. If luck (or true strike) is on your side loot your reward Ring of Protection +1! Make sure to give it to yours tank now lets head back to where we came from and go through the door next to small store room.
Head to the room carefully one by one yada yada. Keep the archer hiding beyond your sight in your mind. Charging the Hand and fighter is your best bet strategy wise.
Go through the door near where Neophyte Sharpshooter was.
The hardest fight in this dungeon. You will be facing Corrupted Mongrel, Corrupted Mongrel Guard, Corrupted Mongrel Brute and Corrupted Mongrel Ranger. What makes this fight hard is there are two high threat enemies those being the brute and the ranger. Former has high health pool, good ac and high attack whilst the later has good ac and capacity to pick off your party members.
So what strategy should you pick? Charging might work, but is prone to few reloads. If you go that route kill the brute fast and move to stand near ranger to get attack of opportunities.
Other option is to be to put grease entangle spells on and luring the enemy through them to you piece meal. Remember you can be coward so if you go with luring strategy you can kill one and run away to deaggro and return to deal with the those who survived. If you went with rowdy inquisitor slayer Wenduag feel free to laugh your way to the bank with true strike vital strike.
After winning or being filtered go to the locked door (or not so locked if you picked Wenduag). Hopefully you managed the perception to check to spot Crypt Raiders Armor.
Now head back toward room with where you fought Hand of Hosilla and to the only room we haven’t explored in the basement yet.
Shield Maze Part 2
I find this fight over hyped and easy compared to mongrels we had to fight before. AC is nothing special compared to what we have seen before though if gets hit it will hurt (and potential take down multiple party members with great cleave!).
So what are we to do? Its good time to bust all our potions on our tank. (This is where those potions against cold come in hand!)
For strategy engage with your tank and cycle charge (eg move backward and charge again) in RTWP mode. Make sure to have used enlarge on your melee for this to work!
He didnt have chance at all. If you are playing on core and above enjoy your achievement! Loot the room for ring Flow of Water (If you miss the perception check dont fret its almost useless)
(There is also 100% guaranteed way to cheese her. Put your squad far away and kite the elemental with archer. You can use the round table in the room where we killed the first mongrels.)
Now with the basement dealt with its time to head back to the pew room. Pull the torch and head through the door you just opened. Go down the stairs and through the door waiting in front of you.
Easy fight, but beware of the Clerics as they have ability to channel negative energy (read AoE damage). Either take out the clerics first with your initial charge or focus down Hand of Hosilla first either way you should win easily.
Open the door to the connecting room.
You will see bunch of Monitor Lizards be wary of the ferocious one. Aggro them with ranged attack and use the door to funnel them. This way you can get by fighting only one or two at a time. Make sure to have either reach weapon or enlarged buff on to be able to hit over your tank.
Time to return to the corridor we came from and head further in.
This time we face four Cambions separated into two pairs, each pair has one archer. Position yourself like in the picture.
Your goal is to tie lower group with your tank whilst you quickly attempt to clear the upper group. Charge the bow wielder of the lower group with your tank and the melee Cambion of the upper group with your melee. Mop up quickly and hopefully relief your tank before they die.
(Remember Seelahs smite and protection against evil!)
Loot the “secret room” and northwards.
Big brothers of the elementals we killed earlier. Nothing much to say here than they got relatively high attack so try to take one out quickly, remember to cycle charge. Once only one is left you can spam Strand of Tangled Knot to avoid any hits.
Afterwards head one room back and go through the eastern door.
One of the more trickier fights. We got huge square room with pit in the middle and the enemies are put in such way its hard to win quickly. Two melee cambions are on the sides of pit blocking our access to the archers and if we engage one of the melee cambions archers will very likely catching us flat footed (with the other cambion on flanking us)
So what are we to do? Put your team up the stairs behind a corner and shoot enemy with crossbow equiped Cam quickly switch back to her shield and run back to rest of your team with Camellia closest to the corner.
Pray the Cambions don’t roll the crit luckily for us enemy doesn’t have precision shot meaning they get huge -4 penalty for shooting into melee! Use this to your advantage and kill the enemy melee characters and quickly afterwards engage enemy archers one at the time.
First puzzle of the game and they only get harder. Can you guess or brute force the answer?
Paintings at the room where we killed our first mongrels.
Enjoy your new reward. Be careful not to sell it.
Head back to the pew room and time to take the door we havent opened yet. Be careful of the trap!
Our first demonic enemy. Remember to use cold iron weaponry (there is one cold iron javelin you should have looted) Do not waste our cold iron arrows yet these guys arent worth it.
I aggroed them by throwing javelin with Wenduag and withdrew back through the door way into pew room. Dretches cast stinking cloud but you can just keep moving backwards until they run out and then engage them.
Make sure to rest afterwards and head up the stairs but make sure to fully buff yourself half way through! (Make sure to enlargen your melee dps characters and give them reach weapon if they use STR!)
You find yourself at the crossroads again. What will you choose to do?
IIRC I might be wrong so take what I am about to say with grain of salt. If you went with Lann and succumbed to demonic rage you can choose to recruit either Lann or Wenduag. If you chose Wenduag you can pick either no matter what you did. Either way spare to other person.
This is it! We are at the boss fight! Hosilla is and isn’t that scary at the same time. If she lucks out and manages to hit you its reload time. if you are enlargened and have reach weapon equipped on your melee gang you can just cycle charge her. (Dont forget about Seelahs smite)
Problems come from the quasit she summons in phase 2. These bastards will flank you and can poison you warranting a reload. This is why I recommended what I did as Lann might distract the other one for few rounds and you don’t have to deal with Wenduag shooting at you.
Either way make your choice and afterwards sell to Dyra was conveniently arrived. If there is loot you left behind go to exit and click it once. Do not click collect all instead click each item one by one. This method is faster than running all over the dungeon to collect them. Sell to Dyra and proceed “upstairs”.
(No need to rest your health and spell slots will be restored once you proceed)
Gray Garrison
In my playthrough this did not happen, but no reason not to be careful. Let you allies handle it and after your enemies are hugging ground take crack at the locked door. (Dont worry if you fail to lockpick it) Loot everything, buff yourself and go upstairs.
After a brief cut scene we will be faced down with two groups of cultist. Luckily for us Irabeth and her group has one side covered thus it seems like we should face the other group yet paradoxically the best way is actually rush the other group with Irabeth and afterwards letting her face the other group whilst we cover behind her.
If you decide to fight the other group of cultists head on it is possible even on unfair but be wary of their magic caster who will cast magic missile and burning hands, the Horde of glaive wielding cultist can also be dangerous just because of the amount of attacks coming your way, but after you have dealt with them don’t rush the enemy archers as this will trigger the enemy group behind them.
Loot everything (and I mean everything don’t worry about party encumbrance), heal/buff yourself and head up
Abrikandilu and Cultists
I wont say much about this fight as Irabeth like Anevia in the caves will take care most of the heavy lifting for you. Only thing of note is the dretch casting stinking cloud so consider sniping him (feel free to waste couple of cold iron ammunition’s here)
Afterwards loot everything, take crack at the religion check and do the mobility check which is where I will leave you on your own for little while!
(Act 1) Defenders Heart
There is lot to do at the Defenders Heart before we can get back to adventuring.
And that wraps up our share on Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Enhanced Edition: Step by Step Walkthrough-Guide for New and Returning Players (Blind Friendly, Unfair Viable) (Still In Progress!). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by sonicfani, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!