Hey gamers! Are you tired of searching for a comprehensive guide to help you achieve all the achievements in Knight Squad? Look no further, because we’ve got you covered! As a fellow gamer, I was disappointed to find that there was no guide available for this game. So, I’ve taken it upon myself to create a 100% achievements guide just for you. Get ready to conquer Knight Squad and earn all the bragging rights. Let’s dive in!
Challenges achievements
Nest Exterminator
Complete the Lightning Rampage challenge
Vanquisher of worms
Complete the Worms Attack challenge
Trolling the trolls
Complete the Attack of the trolls challenge
Crystalor, not Chris Taylor
Complete the Crystalor Challenge
Playing with Fire
Complete the Dragon Alert challenge
Darkness Awaits
Defeat a single dark knight in the Dark Knights Army challenge
Collectables-related achievements
Running at Crazy Speeds
Stack the boots power up to max level (3)
Pretty self explanatory, just play a random game and try to stay alive as long as you have your 3 pair of boots
Hula Hooprang
Swing a single boomerang around for 5 seconds
Once you have your boomerangs, send one and try to avoid it
Laser Trio
Kill 3 knights in a single laser shot
For this one, I went into deathmatch against bots on easy difficulty. They often gather in groups of 3 or 4, so you’ll need a bit of luck to get them lined up and you’ll just have to shoot!
Ride the Rainbow
Ride a unicorn by stacking 2 horse power ups
True Master
Possess 8 minions at once
The technique is the same for both:
- If, like me, you don’t have any friends, you connect a controller to your PC,
- go to versus mode
- put two players in local mode
- disable the bots, chose deathmatch, put the timer to 5 minutes
- when the game starts you put the player with the controller in a corner, and with the other you roam around and get the objects until you stack up two horses and two armies of minions.
- you get the achievements
- you’re happy 🥳
(if you don’t have any controller but you have friends, the technique remains valid)
Grind achievements
Kill 7 persons in a row to obtain an Extermination
I have to confess that I didn’t know where to put this one, just play a deathmatch game against easy bot you’ll have it in a single play
Crystal Prospector
Destroy 20 crystals in the Crystal Rush game mode
Play The Crystal Rush game mode and set the bot to the easy difficulty and crystals’ life to 5 and restart over and over
Grim Reaper
Accumulate a total of 1000 kills
Play 5-minutes deathmatch against easy bots and you can easily have 100+ kills per game
Master Excavator
Destroy a total of 5000 walls
Remember the controller technique ? Do that again and grind this configuration (without bots):
You will have something like 700 walls per game
And voilàààààààà you’ll have your 100% for the game in a short time!
I hope I could have been useful to some of you 😊
And that wraps up our share on Knight Squad: 100% Achievements guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Salade Girouard, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!