Are you looking to improve your high kill rounds in gaming? Look no further! Check out this guide for tips and tricks on achieving consistent high kill rounds and the current world record of 4754 kills after the Dec 2nd patch. Discover the best weapon, showdown, and perks for any difficulty. Let’s get started!
BUILD – Target Showdown
SHOWDOWN – Cursed Gaze
PASSIVE 1 – Strange Locket
PASSIVE 2 – Shot Glass
Watch the build in action here or at the bottom of this guide:
REVOLVER – Peacebringer is my personal favorite weapon for its best overall use-cases. The other weapons have pros and cons but when it comes down to it, your playstyle matters most.
I like reliability and the Peacebringer has good reload time, allows for quick shooting during reload, good amount of ammo, and perfect accuracy.
SHOWDOWN – Cursed Gaze I think is the best choice for Showdown, second to none. The ability to choose your targets and kill them behind any amount of walls is crazy powerful, especially on the new patch with the ‘magician’ enemy type that likes to keep a distance and buff enemies.
Picking the most lethal and priority targets is a must in order to simplify your kill order and sometimes those enemies are out of sight, but Cursed Gaze ignores that and lets you get any target on your screen.
PASSIVE 1 – Strange Locket (Recovers Showdown energy on 5 kills or more with Showdown)
PASSIVE 2 – Shot Glass (Increases the number of Showdown charges, decreases Showdown energy over time)
Our passive are aiming to constantly keep a Showdown on charge so we can continuously pick off the most dangerous enemy types. Shot Glass is the third to last passive perk so you’ll have to do the challenges until this is unlocked but is well worth it.
We’ll also want to use our Showdown hopefully when we can kill 5 targets as this will give us back a half charge of Showdown meaning that we can use it more often!
1. Your line of sight vastly outscales the enemies, giving you a bit more time to prioritize targets and get early shots off.
2. Easy getaway spots with both entrances of the hedges or the maze-like broken cabin on the left side.
3. Once you play around in this spot you can find the sneaky shooting angles that allow you to get shots off before your enemy initiates their attacks. This is especially true when we use our ‘Cursed Gaze’ showdown as the enemies cannot attack behind walls but we can.
So as long as we prioritize the right enemies, this can make this spot on the map great!
1. Sniper
2. Magician
3. Bombers
4. Enforcer
5. Hunters
6. Specters
7. Basic Shooters
8. Basic Melees
9. Wooden Shields
1. Snipers are a players nightmare, being able to shoot accurately from a distance giving you not a lot of time to either take them down or get out of the way. They are a big enemy so they are easier to hit, but you want to take them out as quickly as possible before they take aim and cause chaos.
2. Magicians are the only enemy type currently that buffs other units, giving them a ‘second life’ as a basic melee unit if they are killed while the magician lives. This means more bullets have to be used and more evading attacks. Kill them primarily with Showdown as they like to set up far from the player.
3. Bombers are both good and bad for you, you can use them to explode other enemy units, but if they get close and launch at you then you have to gain enough distance fast of face the wrath of their AOE. Killing them can usually get other clumped up enemies at the same time so they are good to get first.
4. Enforces are buffed up Basic Shooters equipped with Shotguns and move a bit faster. Their shotguns give you less area to dodge out of the way and they move fast for a big enemy so get them before they can get their shot off.
5. Hunters are buffed Basic Melees that move in sporadic, fast patterns. They usually come in packs to overwhelm the player so make sure you keep your distance and clear one side first for an easy escape path.
6. Specters are fairly easy to deal with but can be annoying since you are unable to kill them until they are right next to you. Should too many enemies swarm you, they can sneak up on your and get you. However, alone they are the easiest as you can walk up to them yourself and shoot much faster than them.
7. Basic Shooters while not difficult, still shot bullets and with enough spawning, they drastically limit where you can move. Dodging their attacks can be simple, but just their range and numbers alone can make things difficult.
8. Basic Melees are there to keep your on your toes in great numbers. Their only attack is a close-range melee which itself is easy enough to dodge out of the way. Just don’t forget about them while you are prioritizing because they’ll close the distance soon enough.
9. Wooden Shields are the weakest enemy type to me, usually their shields are of no concern because they are the slowest enemy type, thus no one is ever behind their shield except for them. They are usually the last ones alive in each wave and you just have to dodge past them and shoot them in the back. Easy as can be.
Boss – CROWS
This was the original boss that you used to have to kill ever 100 kills no matter how high you went. In order to break his ‘shield’ you must kill the green crows that surround him. Use the southern hedges to shoot his crows and get cover from his attacks. Don’t be afraid to take this slow as as only summons Basic Melee enemies which are fairly easy. One his shield is down you’ll have to either 1. get behind is sword shield wall and shoot him or 2. with our Cursed Gaze showdown we can easy just kill him from anywhere.
This is the ‘electricity’ boss whose shield can be broken by destroying the blue diamonds found on the outer rim of his circle. Presumably you should be at the southern hedges so you will destroy the bottom diamond first, then move to the right (counter-clockwise) and destroy each diamond until you can target the boss. Keep moving as his first attack pattern will shoot bolts of lightning at your current position so as long you keep moving you will not be hit. By the time you reach the final diamond (near the broken cabin), you can use its cover to avoid the lightning shots.
Probably the most difficult boss out of the three, this Hunter is fast and is consistently closing the distance between you and its claws. You break its shield by hunting down the ‘blood bats’ it releases at the start of the fight. I ALWAYS start this fight in the broken cabins on the left side of the map to avoid its first attack which is when it lunges at you, requiring a good timed dodge. But if you are in the cabins, then that first attack usually misses outright. After that, move quickly to where the ‘blood bats’ went and destroy them. You want this fight to be over ASAP as it is fast and its attack are seriously dangerous. Its secondary attack plants mines close to where you are, but they can be destroyed if you shoot them.
1. Reload constantly. With the Peacebringer weapon, we can shoot between reloads so we never have a ‘wait time’. After you shoot, if you have a half second, reload another bullet because that could be the difference between life and death.
2. Showdown priority. Cursed Gaze is crazy powerful and allows us to cut down the most dangerous enemies immediately. No Need to deal with snipers, magicians, bombers, and enforcers if you simply delete them before they become lethal. HOWEVER, we will want to try to always get 5 kills at a time so we can activate ‘Strange Locket’ and get back Showdown energy.
3. Be AGGRESSIVE. One of the biggest game changers I realized was finding the ‘lulls’ in-between battles but you have to work for them. Use showdown proactively to wipe out the powerful enemies, then gun down the rest. Don’t wait for them to come to you, if you are able take the fight to them using the angles just north of the southern hedges to dominate the enemies. Go towards the wooden shields and specters if you are able, limit the number of highly lethal enemies that are attacking you.
4. Southern hedges. The south side of the map gives you plenty of escape routes and angles to work with to simplify fights. If you are being overwhelmed, you’ll have to make a split second decision on which of the four routes to take in order to escape. I personally like the left-most side as if I can get out that way, then I have the broken cabin next which provides just as much cover from attacks. However, each of the four entrances has its pros and cons in the moment.
5. Find your playstyle. Most of all, this guide may not be best fitting for you. Maybe a different gun works better for you or maybe you work better with a different showdown and passives. Try out everything to see what you like and what you dislike! Highest priority of all, have fun cause this game is AWESOME!
This was my first guide so I apologize if its not the best but hopefully you can find something useful from it! Thanks for reading!
-Ideal Theory
And that wraps up our share on “Kill The Crows: High Kill Build Guide – WR 4754 – Post Dec 2 Patch”. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Ideal Theory, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!