Hey gamers! Are you struggling to unlock all the achievements in Inspector Schmidt – A Bavarian Tale? Well, look no further. This 100% achievement guide is here to help you out. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions, uncertainties or suggestions. Rest assured, I have personally tested and verified how to unlock each achievement. Let’s dive in and conquer this game together!
General information and a warning
I strongly recommend saving the game regularly to different game states. Firstly, there are decisions you have to make, which can result in missed achievements, as there are different achievements for different decisions and secondly, the game tends to be buggy here and there, which sometimes resulted in me having to start from scratch after a few hours of game progress.
In hindsight, it could even be that this bug was triggered when I started the game. In my savegame, it was possible to start the start sequence (letter from Haller) several times if you went back to the beginning. Afterwards, all tutorial instructions, such as “Press F to look around” or “Press E to take a closer look”, were missing. After I restarted, I was very careful not to start any cutscenes more than once to avoid bugs.
The background colors behind the achievement icons provide a rough indication of the type of achievement involved.
Red backgrounds usually mark the completion of certain quests.
Green backgrounds indicate certain actions in the game.
Blue backgrounds follow the main quest.
All green achievements can generally be missed, as they are side quests that do not need to be completed in order to finish the game.
The beginning

“You help where you can! You helped the boy look for mushrooms.”
This Achievement is easy. The very first person you are likely to meet is a boy who gives you the task of bringing him mushrooms during your first conversation. It doesn’t seem to matter what answer you gave him beforehand. He instructs you to bring him 10 porcini mushrooms. He is located along the path on the left-hand side before the guards. Pick 10 porcini mushrooms and bring them to him.
“Erstmal einen bauen! Crafte die Puppe”
“First of all, build one! Craft the doll”
You will unlock this in the course of the main story after you have collected sticks for the boy. As a thank you, you will receive a recipe for making the doll. Go to the workbench, make the doll and the achievement will be unlocked.
You should save here the first time so that the game can be reloaded afterwards to avoid missing any achievements.
“Verräterischer Hund! Du hast den Jungen bei den Wachen verraten”
“Traitorous dog! You betrayed the boy to the guards”
Again: You should save before this! In the dialog there is the possibility to betray the boy. The conversation then ends immediately and you can go into town. You also get this achievement. I assume that (if you don’t load and continue playing with this decision) it won’t be possible to make the boy your friend later on.
“Hört! Hört! Erster Battledialog gewonnen”
“Listen! Listen! Won the first dialog”
This achievement is also unlocked in the course of the main story. Sometimes there are “battle dialogs” in which a display shows the progress of the dialog. If the pointer is on the right-hand side after the dialog (i.e. over halfway through), you have won the dialog. I got this achievement directly in the conversation with the guards after building the doll. I used as much information as I could (for example the description) and didn’t give the boy away. If you are at the mill beforehand and collect the sticks, you can also examine a small sack. You will find a note from the gang, which will also provide you with information for the conversation.
“Eigentlich wollte ich doch nur noch schlafen! Du hast den Weg in den Ort frei gemacht.”
“Actually, I just wanted to sleep! You cleared the way into the village.”
This achievement is also unlocked with the main story as soon as you clear the barrel behind the guards.
After your first night in the tavern

“You’ll lie down. Get knocked out.”
Surprisingly, I unlocked this achievement after winning against Hansgirgl at skittles. After the first night in the inn, simply follow the path to the mayor that Kathi explains to you. Walked past him as soon as the mayor-cutscene ends and towards the boy from the beginning and Hansgrigl. If you talk to Hansgirgl, he gives you the order to have the miller make skittles. That’s what I did. Watch out, you have to roll the dice for charisma or empathy at the miller. He makes the cones. You can take them straight away on the condition that you beat Hansgirgl at skittles. After I had knocked over all the skittles, the achievement was unlocked.
Another thing that puzzles me here is the achievement itself. I think another achievement should actually have been unlocked here, thats called “Kegelbruder. Räume beim Kegeln ab” aka. “Skittle Brother. Clear the bowling”. I have no idea why this was unlocked instead and could imagine that it is a bug that will be fixed in the future.
“Auf die Freundschaft! Der Junge nennt dich seinen Freund”
“To friendship! The boy calls you his friend”
To unlock this achievement, you have to put together a fishing rod for the boy after you have already helped him with the mushrooms. Talk to him after you have slept in the inn for a night and he will tell you about the angler, fish and worm. The answer you give him doesn’t matter, I guess. I have chosen “worm”. He then asks you to make a fishing rod out of string, a stick and a can. To do this, you must have all the ingredients in your inventory. The can is the hardest to find. I looted crates for it. The crate in which I found the can was under a canopy near the crime scene, where the old lady’s house is. The box in question is next to the neighbor’s house. Don’t forget that you have to learn the recipe for the special fishing rod before you can craft it. After the conversation with the boy and after you have collected all the ingredients, it should be in your inventory as a recipe that you can then learn. After that, all you have to do is make the fishing rod at the workbench and then deliver it to the boy. When he asks if you would call him a friend, say “yes”.
“Knacks – sowas macht man nicht! Der Leiche die Hand gebrochen!”
“Knacks – you don’t do that! Broke the corpse’s hand!”
Ideally, save the game before you speak to Lenz’s father on his farm for the first time or directly afterwards before you examine the corpse. There is an option to examine the corpse’s hand more closely. To do this, you have to use physis. You only get the achievement if you fail the roll.
“Oh, komme ich ungelegen?! Finde die Räuber”
“Oh, have I come at a bad time?! Find the robbers”
To unlock this achievement, all you need to do is discover the location of the bandit camp. So you don’t necessarily have to sneak or eliminate or knock out enemies. All you need to do is run through the camp once and leave again. The easiest way to find the camp is to go to the woodcutters first. Just a few meters from there in the direction of Schormayer Hof is a large bush on the right. Run through it and follow the path. (All of this is also a quest that you can get from the woodcutters if you ask them for the schnapps. Be careful, you should save beforehand, because you can also lose the toss)
You reach a small bandit camp, which is not yet the camp we want to go to. Turn right at the crossroads behind the camp. Follow the path up to the distillery. From here, the path becomes foggy. Follow the path further up. Watch out for the guards here, but the large camp is just behind them.
“Bayern, des samma mia! Trinke 7 Bier direkt hintereinander”
“Bavaria, that’s us! Drink 7 beers in a row”
Pretty simple. Just drink all 7 beers in your inventory one after the other. If you don’t have enough beer, you can buy some from Kathi.
“Bierkönig. Trinke 50 Bier”
“Beer King. Drink 50 beers”
Also quite simple, but expensive. Simply save once beforehand, then sell enough stuff from your inventory to Kathi and buy up her entire beer supply. In my case, she had 40 beers in her inventory, which weren’t enough. I then slept one night and bought another 10 beers from her the next day and drank them. However, it will make your life a lot easier if you stand directly in front of the door of the pub after the first 40 beers, because after 40 beers the door is very, very difficult to reach.
“Unangenehme Prognose! Du stinkst!”
“Unpleasant forecast! You stink!”
Once you have gathered enough information to confront Schorsch, you can start a dialog battle against him. At the end, you reconstruct the previous night. While you drunkenly follow the beer bottles, you will be guided behind the pub. Right there on the wall of the shed you can look around by pressing “F”. You will notice a piece of grass, which you can examine more closely by pressing “E”. You roll the dice for Perception and then Dexterity. At the end, you dig in the ground. As far as I know, it is important to have passed the skill roll first so that you know that it is urine. Then you roll on physis. It shouldn’t matter whether you manage the roll or not. You stink of urine and get an achievement for it.
And that wraps up our share on Inspector Schmidt – A Bavarian Tale: 100% Achievement Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Ithesa, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!