Help you find where the locked doors are (which required keys received from completing tasks) and how to unlock new weapons.
Locked doors and new weapons
After finding (the hard part) and open the locked door, you will find a computer in there. Interact with the computer and collect the disk, then successfully extract alive with the disk will let you bring it back home. Go to the Task Lady building and use a terminal there (on the right side) to unlock a new weapon.
Office map -> AR (Assault rifle)
Inside there it should look like this:Activate the computer, wait a bit and collect the disk will also summon floating TVs around the map until you extract. These TVs are harmless on their own, but they obstruct your visions and make it harder to see and shoot enemies.
Now go home (alive) and use the terminal to unlock your first weapon (Which is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 10-round mag rifle that worse than your handgun, until you find some magazine mods to upgrade it, then it’s the best!).
Drainage Sewer map -> SG (Shotgun)
Walk around it until you find a door (It should be closed. I already open it in my screenshot for visibility)
Inside it should look like this:
Activate this computer and collect the disk will darken the map and everything turn quiet. Look like a horror game now. Don’t panic, turn on your flashlight and pay attention to the new type of enemy (you will need to kill them for tasks too), They have black bodies with white mask, quiet squishy so it shouldn’t be hard to kill, just stay calm. Just kill them, take it slow and move back to extract point (ideally you should find it before trying to find the locked door).
Apartment map -> SR (Sniper rifle)
Go through it and walk to the upper floor (you should see elevators on the left):
Move forward and turn right, you should see a door with some candles:
Get in there and you will find a cursed-looking room with a computer. I recommended locate and prepare an exit point before get the disk. After you activate and collect the disk, the sky will darken and a new type of enemy will spawn. This enemy look like a dancing statue and has the ability to shake your camera when you look at them (thus make it hard to kill them. They are still kill-able though and drop 1000$). Bring the disk home and unlock the powerful but clunky to use Sniper Rifle (which can instakill anyone in the game with a headshot)
Thanks for reading
And that wraps up our share on HOLE: [HOLE] Locked doors/disks/weapons location. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Tempetus, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!