“Get ready to conquer Helldivers 2 and earn all the achievements with this comprehensive guide! Created by user BEASTESS 🐺, this guide covers all the essential steps to unlock every achievement. From Warbond weapons to the Freedom’s Flame patch, this guide has got you covered. Get started on your journey to 100% completion with Patch 1.001.005.”
Introduction & Key Notes
Based on the original guide by user: BEASTESS 🐺, this is my version of that guide.
The original guide is still relevant on most of the basics achievement however on the harder to get achievement some are outdated, lack of detail, and/or lack of other option in my opinion. Even the user of that guide stated that he will not update the guide unless they added new achievement.
So this is my reversion of the achievement guide and because the original guide still have relevant information, I keeping them or adding detail to them. I will try to make my guide for every type of player (Solo & Playing with Friend, and/or Random)
- Individual: The Player in question who wanted the achievement must do everything themselves to get the achievement.
- Team: Depending on the achievement, the achievement must be done with a team
- Individual or Team: Depending on the achievement, the achievement can be done as an Individual or as a Team. If doing as a Team, the Team still has to follow whatever requirement that achievement requested or it will automatically fail as achievement.
My Achievement Difficulty Level Explanation/Breakdown:
*All Based on Game Experiences, Steam Achievements Stat, Psnprofiles[psnprofiles.com] Achievements Stat, and Different Player Playstyle
- Basic Achievements: You can get these Achievements without even trying. These will be written as if the player are around level 1 thru 10 along with whatever stratagems within those level they could acquire.
- Intermediate Achievements: Some of these Achievements depend on your playstyle while other depend on if your playing with people who are cooperating with you on getting these Achievement. If none of the above then most of those Achievements will count as “Advance Achievements” Difficulty for those player. These will be written as if the player are around level 2 thru 25+ along with whatever selected stratagems within those level they could acquire.
- Advance Achievements: Level Grinding and Gaining Game Experiences to get these Achievements. These will be written as if the player are around level 2 thru 25+ along with the majority or all the current stratagems within those level they could acquire.
- Hard Achievements: With Wealth of Gaming Experiences and Well Planned Attack, You will try to get these Achievements. These are written as if the player have acquire all stratagems the game currently have.
- (?): If I have a question mark next to something then that mean I did not confirm it or could not confirm it but it should be able to do whatever I state it based on my reasoning.
Basic Achievements
*Complete Basic Training.
Acquirement: Individual
Natural Progression; Complete the tutorial at the beginning of Helldiver 2 when you first start the game for the first time.
If you skip the tutorial, click “Esc” to get to the Main Menu and you see the button for the “play tutorial” in the corner. Click it to play it.———————-
*Play 1 Bug Mission.
Acquirement: Individual
Natural Progression; Play any mission against the “Terminid”
*Extract from a mission during nighttime.
Acquirement: Individual
Natural Progression; Play any mission against any foe but on the night time part of the planet of your choices and extract from it after finishing the main objective of your mission.———————-
*Play 1 Bot Mission.
Acquirement: Individual
Natural Progression; Play any mission against the “Automaton”
*Kill 150 enemies during the same mission.
Acquirement: Individual
Natural Progression; You will naturally will get this as you play the game as you unlock higher Difficulty. If not then you more likely get this achievement when doing “Eradicate” mission for the 1st time on any foe “solo”.
*Fly at least 25 meters from the shockwave of an explosion.
Acquirement: Individual
Natural Progression; All player especially newbie player will naturally get this no matter what. They will even have a higher chance of getting this if they are fighting on the “Automaton” side. However if for some reason they did not get this achievement simply by pure luck during their newbie phase, here are some method even as low level player can do. Remember you don’t have to be alive after being launch to get this achievement.
Either find a unstable “Hellbomb” on the map or have a mission that require the player to call down a Hellbomb. Either way; whether you armed the Hellbomb (the one you call down) or shoot the unstable Hellbomb you find on the map. Try to get a little higher on some platform or something while near the Hellbomb before it explode so you can be launch quite far.
Find a planet with these plant. Go to that planet. Walk into the Plant. Shoot the Plant while standing in it. ———————-
*Customize your Helldiver with new cape, armor, and helmet.
Acquirement: Individual
You can change your armor at the Armory or during load-out selection when you are about to dive into the selected mission.
You can gain this achievements right away if you have purchased the “HELLDIVERS™ 2 Super Citizen Edition” as that give you a new set of armor at the start of the game. If not, then you need to earn “Metals[helldivers.fandom.com]” (one of helldiver 2 resource/currency) during mission to unlock new armor from a Warbond[helldivers.fandom.com].
*Complete a mission but fail to extract.
Acquirement: Individual
You will naturally get this normally when play on higher difficulty around Hard (5) difficulty or higher. Higher chance of it happening when you or your team fail to clear the map and about to extract and a whole swarm of enemies start showing up at the extraction point, while you and your teammate were waiting for the extraction to come.
Play on Trivial (1) Difficulty mission against any foe. Complete the Main Objective of say mission. Then kill yourself until you run out of reinforcement.
*Kill a target at a distance of over 100m.
Acquirement: Individual
You can uses any weapon or stratagems that can shoot that far or originate from you to get the 100m kill. The following weapon & stratagems are available with the least amount of effort to acquired for newbie player. If you want to know how far a 100m is; tag the location or enemy by pushing “Q” on the target and you get your answer.
AR-23 Liberator[helldivers.fandom.com]: Your Starting Primary Weapon. Not recommend to do this achievement with this weapon but under the right condition it can do it.Anti-Material Rifle[helldivers.fandom.com]: You can unlock this Stratagem when you have enough resource (5000 Requisition) after doing several mission or sometime find this weapon on the map occasionally.
A/MG-43 Machine Gun Sentry[helldivers.fandom.com]: You can unlock this Stratagem when you have enough resource (1500 Requisition) after doing several mission.
Just call down your Sentry gun on a good location and let it do it work. Either your Sentry gun can kill something 100m away on open terrain and/or high elevation or They add whatever distance you are from your Sentry gun plus the distance the Sentry gun killed but it must be in a linear faction. In another sense; you can either drop it somewhere, where the enemies might walk through while you go somewhere else or you throw toward the enemies and you walk/run the opposite way.
Intermediate Achievements
*Play a planet defense mission.
Acquirement: Individual
Not available all the time; Just play on any planet when available that has “Defend” on it.
*Defeat a Hulk.
Acquirement: Individual
*Extract after the timer reaches zero.
Acquirement: Individual or Team
Delay either by teammate or bad luck.
Play a Blitz[helldivers.fandom.com] Mission; After finishing the mission either wait until the timer run out or call in the extraction when it turn 01:59:00 or later.
*Complete a Stalker Hive tactical objective.
Acquirement: Individual
Destroy a Stalker Nest[helldivers.fandom.com] when a Stalker[helldivers.fandom.com] Lair tactical objective are available on the map. This tactical objective will start appearing Challenging (4) difficulty and higher when available.
You can destroy a Stalker Nest like any other bug hole.
You will generally know where a Stalker Nest are when you encounter a Stalker, just follow the direction they are coming from and their nest are usually in that area.
*Complete 10 tactical objectives.
Acquirement: Individual
Just completed 10 tactical objectives[helldivers.fandom.com] or side objectives. These side objective will start appearing on Easy (2) difficulty and higher. They are either visible or invisible on the map as blue icon. If they are invisible on the map, they will on be visible if you find them physically or you complete a “Radar Station” tactical objective.
*Extract with a full team on a Hard difficulty or more mission.
Acquirement: Team
Play normally with anyone (random or friends). It will happen naturally. You just have to be on those difficulty for the first time with a full team to get this achievement.
*Heal another player using stims.
Acquirement: Team
To heal/stims another player they either have to be below 50% of their health or they got a broken limb. When they are, just walk up to them and stims them.
Just tell them your plan and and rest will be a done deal (most of the time)
It never hurt to ask for another player help to get achievement. They either say “yes” or “no”. Most player will help.
Can happen at any difficulty but have a higher chance of it happening on higher difficulty during or around objective in firefight. It entirely up to luck if you want to find someone to heal on the lower difficulty. Either way, try to stick with your team as much as possible with a chance of healing them.
*Kill 25 enemies with one stratagem.
Acquirement: Individual
As long it come from one stratagem that not a support weapon. One big attack (Eagle or Orbital), one area of effect attack (Eagle Napalm Strike or Orbital Gas Strike), or a continuously attack (Gatling Sentry). The question are not whether you have the stratagem; the question are whether you can gather enough enemies for this achievement.
If you cannot get this achievement naturally by playing normally then here how you go about it:
- Foe: Terminid
- Mission: Eradicate
- Difficulty: Challenging (4)
- Map: Hole-like Platform Surrounded by Jagged Rock (if you do not get this map, quit mission and find another one)
- Try to land on a high elevated rock; if you can not then die near one to respawn to land on it.
- If you think you have enough enemies below you then just drop the stratagem (Eagle or Orbital).
*Defeat a Bile Titan.
Acquirement: Individual
*Kill a bug warrior with a shotgun within 1 meter.
Acquirement: Individual
Any Shotgun will do. Just find a “warrior[helldivers.fandom.com]” Terminid and shoot them with a shotgun within 1m or in another word “point-blank”
Identify which Terminid is the Warrior and then shoot it at point-blank with a shotgun.
Just go Shotgun every Terminid at point-blank that not a heavy unit. You don’t have waste time identify anything when you going to kill them anyway.
*Kill 5,000 enemies.
Acquirement: Individual
Self-Explanatory; Just kill 5,000 enemies. It does not matter what the Difficulty level is or who you fighting against as long you get the kill count.
You can check your progress by going to your “Armory” on your ship and click the “Career” tab to see how many enemies you eliminated.
*Play at least 50 missions.
Acquirement: Individual
Self-Explanatory; Just go completed 50 missions. It does not matter what the Difficulty level is or who you fighting against as long you finish the mission. Will not count if it a fail mission or you quit/kick out/log-out of the game.
You can check your progress by going to your “Armory” on your ship and click the “Career” tab to see how many mission you have done.
Advance Achievements
*Extract at least 15 rare samples from a mission as a team.
Acquirement: Individual or Team
You will naturally get this achievement when you play on Extreme (6) Difficulty or Higher.
*Extract with at least 15 common samples.
Acquirement: Individual
It is uncommon to almost rare for a single player to hold this much “Common Sample” naturally while playing with others in a single mission unless it a Suicide Mission (7) Difficulty or Higher where “Common Sample” are numerous or the other player simply drop it off and you pick it up (can happen on any mission and any difficulty).
If you want to do this achievement some other way, follow the link below.
*Fire at least 150 rounds in one burst, killing at least 10 enemies.
Acquirement: Individual
In other word; You need a 10 kill combo while continually holding down the trigger button. Do not let go of the trigger button until it run out of bullet.
- Recommend Stratagem: Stalwart[helldivers.fandom.com]
- Recommend Foe: Terminid
- I recommend go playing on a lower difficulty where the enemies are less armored.
- Chose a mission type where either you know there going to be lot of enemies to get that kill combo or you have to lure/bait the amount you need for the kill combo.
*Throw back a live grenade.
Acquirement: Individual
I recommend you go fight the Automaton on any Difficulty on any mission.
Get into a gunfight that has Trooper[helldivers.fandom.com] and/or Commissar[helldivers.fandom.com]. When you are in the gunfight, make sure you are behind cover which sometime force them to throw a grenade. When they do, you only got a few second to kick/throw that grenade away from you.
Your own grenade or your allies grenade do NOT count toward the achievement.———————-
*Provide assisted reload for a teammate.
Acquirement: Team
Reload another player’s stratagem using any of the following stratagem we currently have at the time of this was written:
- Recoilless Rifle[helldivers.fandom.com]
- Autocannon[helldivers.fandom.com]
- Airburst Rocket Launcher[helldivers.fandom.com]
- Spear[helldivers.fandom.com]
Just ask them to help. They will use whatever stratagem that has a weapon backpack and you reload for them after they use up it ammo.
The most common stratagem that people uses to reload another player is the Autocannon. I recommend unlocking/purchasing that stratagem. It doesn’t matter if no one on your team have the Autocannon on their load-out as long you have it. Just drop them down on the planet once the cool-down are over and “Hope” another player pick it up. When they do pick it up, just be sure you reload for them while carrying your own Autocannon backpack ammo when you guy get into a firefight.
*Kill 100 enemies using fire damage during the same mission.
Acquirement: Individual
Any weapon or stratagem that has the weapon trait of “Incendiary” will count, just make sure they are kill by fire and not by anything else. The best example of this are the Shotgun; Breaker Incendiary[helldivers.fandom.com] and SG-451 Cookout[helldivers.fandom.com]. If you shoot them normally on low armor enemies, they will simply die from the first shot but if you aim somewhere else on the body, then it will catch on fire and then die from fire.
- Recommend Stratagem: Flamethrower[helldivers.fandom.com]
- Recommend Foe: Terminid
- Recommend Difficulty: Easy (2) or Medium (3)
- Recommend Planet or Terrain: Any open space terrain
*Be injured in all limbs at the same time.
Acquirement: Individual
*Complete at least 100 missions.
Acquirement: Individual
Self-Explanatory; Just go completed 100 missions. It does not matter what the Difficulty level is or who you fighting against as long you finish the mission. Will not count if it a fail mission or you quit/kick out/log-out of the game.
You can check your progress by going to your “Armory” on your ship and click the “Career” tab to see how many mission you have done.
*Upgrade all ship modules at least 1 level.
Acquirement: Individual
Basically upgrade every ship modules at least once. Require “Common Sample” and “Rare Sample” to do so.
*Shoot off both arms on a Hulk and then extract while it’s alive.
Acquirement: Individual or Team (?)
*While using a jump pack, knock yourself into a ragdoll state.
Acquirement: Individual
*Reach max level on one ship module.
Acquirement: Individual
Basically upgrade everything on one ship module to get this achievement. The costs to upgrade your ship module require “samples” and later “requisition”. The amount (cost) vary depending on which ship module you want to upgrade fully.
Note: I like to add that the number of ship module to fully upgraded may increase in the future when the game add new content.
Hard Achievements
*Complete An Extreme Difficulty Mission Or Higher Without Anyone Dying.
Acquirement: Individual or Team
*Kill A Charger With A Resupply Pod
Acquirement: Individual
*Have 6 Orbital Barrage Stratagems In The Same Place At The Same Time.
Acquirement: Team
*Complete a full Hard difficulty mission or higher without anyone firing their primary or support weapon.
Acquirement: Individual or Team
If you are a Solo Player or a 2-Men Team, follow the link below. If you are a 3 Player Team or Full 4 Player Team; just do an Eradicate[helldivers.fandom.com] Mission on the Terminid Side with just Sentry loadout. Stay together and keep behind the Sentry, but keep at least one Sentry ready when all the Sentry uses up it ammo or get destroyed. If for some reason everyone Sentry Stratagems are on cool down and all the Sentry on the field are uses up or destroy. The player can only wait or runaway from the enemies until the cool down are over.
*Complete a full Extreme difficulty Blitz mission and extract in under 6 minutes.
Acquirement: Individual or Team
Achievements Guide (Made by Other User)
Helldivers 2 Trophy Guide[psnprofiles.com]
And that wraps up our share on HELLDIVERS™ 2: Helldivers 2 – 100% Achievements Guide (Complicated Guide v1.5). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by IAmTheTarget, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!