In “Farm Together 2,” there are a variety of achievements to unlock. Some can be obtained individually, while others are connected to each other. This means that as you work towards certain achievements, others will also be completed. Let’s get started on our 100% achievement guide (which is still in progress)!
Plant & Harvest
Achievement: As green as a gourd
Criteria: Plant your first crop
Description: Simple enough – plough the land and plant your first crop in your farm.
Achievement: The apple never falls far from the tree
Criteria: Plant your first tree
Description: Buy a tree from your shops (Q) and plant it.
Achievement: No garden without its weeds
Criteria: Plant your first flower
Description: From your shops menu (Q) buy and plant your first flower.
Achievement: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Criteria: Buy your first animal
Description: Buy any animal from the shop (Q); a chicken will be least costly.
Achievement: Bigger fish to fry
Criteria: Buy your first pond
Description: Buy your first fish from the shop (Q) and place the tile.
Achievement: Never do things by halves
Criteria: Harvest 10,000 items
Description: By harvesting 10k of any item like crop / tree /. flower / animal / fish or a mix of it you will get this.
Achievement: Everything is good in its season
Criteria: Harvest 50,000 items
Description: By harvesting 50k of any item like crop / tree /. flower / animal / fish or a mix of it you will get this.
Achievement: He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree
Criteria: Harvest 25,000 trees
Description: Any tree counts – when 25k will be done, you get this.
Achievement: Who goes barefoot must not plant thorns
Criteria: Harvest 25,000 flowers
Description: Any flower counts – when 25k will be done, you get this.
Achievement: Never fry a fish till it’s caught
Criteria: Harvest 25,000 ponds
Description: You will get this after catching 25k fishes.
Achievement: It is a good horse that never stumbles
Criteria: Harvest 25,000 animals
Description: You will get this when you will finish harvesting 25k animals.
Achievement: He who plants a garden plants happiness
Criteria: Harvest 25,000 crops
Description: Harvest total 25k crops to get this.
Achievement: All good things come to him who waits
Criteria: Harvest any crop or flower that takes a day or more to grow
Description: You should harvest at least any one… among flowers Salamanca Carnation (2d) or White Liberty Carnation (1d) and among crops Red Spinach (1d 12h) / Pumpkin (1d) / Brussels Sprouts (2d) / Common Spinach (1d) / Bany Boo Pumpkin (2d) / Acorn Pumpkin (1d 12h)
Achievement: There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments
Criteria: Plow 100,000 tiles
Description: As the description says, keep ploughing the land of your farm until count reaches to 100k tiles.
Achievement: It’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease
Criteria: Use the tractor on 500,000 tiles
Description: Plough or harvest – whatever on any item type will count but will take time, stay patient.
Achievement: Honesty is the best policy
Criteria: Finish your first quest
Description: As the description says – finish the first 1 quest in your farm.
Achievement: Do as you would be done by
Criteria: Finish 10 quests
Description: Simply finish 10 quests in your farm.
Achievement: Deeds, not words
Criteria: Finish 50 quests
Description: You get this after finishing the 50th quest in your farm.
Achievement: Fortune favours the bold
Criteria: Discard any quest
Description: When in the farm press ESC for hover menu. Click -> Quest Log. You will see your available quest-list at the left and one quest description at right. So, at the right, below the quest description click the Discard (Z) button. Game will ask you for confirmation and when done you get this.
Achievement: Talk is cheap
Criteria: Complete any townsfolk errand
Description: “Errand” means “a short and quick trip to accomplish a specific purpose” or simply – a task going somewhere. So, going to the town do a business with a npc there… give something to get something as they ask for.
Achievement: Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Criteria: Complete 50 townsfolk errands
Description: Do 50 business with the npcs going to the town.
Achievement: All is well that ends well
Criteria: Finish an errand of a seasonal event
Description: (Seasonal events will come later.)
Achievement: If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well
Criteria: Finish all errands of a seasonal event
Description: (will come later)
Achievement: Faith will move mountains
Criteria: Perform a terraform action for the first time
Description: Detailed descriptions here will come later.
Achievement: No stone unturned
Criteria: Perform 100 Terraform actions
Description: Detailed descriptions here will come later in details.
Buildings & Upgrades
Achievement: To travel is a better thing than to arrive
Criteria: Build a quick travel point
Description: Press Q to open your shops menu and then go to “Buildings” tab. Select ‘Quick Travel Post’ (cost: 4 ribbons) and place it at a suitable position in your farm.
Achievement: No song, no supper
Criteria: Build a feeder
Description: Press Q to open your shops menu and then go to “Buildings” tab. Select ‘Feeder’ / ‘Hen Feeder’ / ‘Livestock Feeder’ and place it somewhere in your farm. Cost: 4 ribbons.[/td]
Achievement: When it rains it pours
Criteria: Build a sprinkler
Description: Press Q to open your shops menu and then go to “Buildings” tab. Select ‘Sprinkler’ and place it anywhere on the flowers or at the ploughland land. This Sprinkler will occupy the middle square of a 3 x 3 area to water all the 9 adjacent tiles. Costs 2 ribbons.
Achievement: Good counsel does no harm
Criteria: Build a decorative sign
Description: Press Q to open your shops menu and then go to “Buildings” tab. Select ‘Sign with Arrow’ (Cost: 5 ribbons) / ‘Billboard with Arrows’ (Cost: 8 ribbons) and place it anywhere suitable.
Achievement: Haste makes waste
Criteria: Build a fuel depot
Description: Press Q to open your shops menu and then go to “Buildings” tab. Select ‘Fuel Depot’ (Cost: 4 ribbons) and place it in your farm.
Achievement: Hit the nail on the head
Criteria: Build your first production building
Description: Press Q to open your shops menu and then go to “Buildings” tab. Here you will find 5 types of production buildings. Silo (Cost: 6 ribbons), Jam Factory (Cost: 10 ribbons), juice Extractor (Cost: 15 ribbons), Beehive (Cost: 20 ribbons) and Cheese Factory (Cost: 40 ribbons). Now place any one in your farm.
Achievement: Don’t judge a book by its cover
Criteria: Build a total of 1,000 decorations, roads or fences
Description: This is self-explanatory. As you will decorate your farm this will come naturally.
Achievement: No pain, no gain
Criteria: Build a farmhand stall
Description: Farmhands are the helpers of your farm. They can be maximum of 25. They work within maximum of 17 x 17 tiles. Press Q to open your shops menu and then go to “Buildings” tab. Select Farmhand Stall (Cost: 10 ribbons) and place in your farm. Note that, you can customise their position and work in the specified working range (left click to open customisation). However, they will take 1 ribbon for per hour work and you can pay them maximum for 4 hrs. at a time.
Achievement: If wealth is lost, nothing is lost
Criteria: Build your first shop in town
Description: In your farm press M to open the map and then Z to ‘Travel to Town’. In the town you will notice blue cut-out shop-shaped boards are hanging from different walls. Go there and click to open your shops menu.
You will see maximum of 19 types depending on your current levels. These shops will cost by coins or diamonds or by medals and the amounts varies from shop to shop. Place any one suitable.
Achievement: If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
Criteria: Upgrade any shop to level 10 or more
Description: In the shop if you have started any shop, you can upgrade it. Do it to at least level 10.
Achievement: In for a penny, in for a pound
Criteria: Upgrade any shop to level 50 or more
Description: This will come naturally with time as you will play on and continue upgrading different shops in the town but if you are a typical achievement hunter and looking for the specific task to fulfil your target, then I suggest you to upgrade warehouse, though you can upgrade any other shop as per your wish.
Achievement: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
Criteria: Build the Garage
Description: As said above, go to the town and open your shops menu and place a Garage (Cost: 1 ribbon).
Achievement: There is no such thing as bad publicity
Criteria: Build the quest bazaar
Description: As said above, go to the town and open your shops menu and place a ‘Quest Bazaar’ (Cost: 75 ribbons). You can get additional quests of different lengths from here paying a certain amount.
Achievement: Everyone has their price
Criteria: Build the farmhands union
Description: As said above, go to the town and open your shops menu and place a ‘Farmhands Union’ (Cost: 50 ribbons). You can pay all of your farmhands here at a time instead of individual pay going their stands in the farm.
Achievement: A stitch in time saves nine
Criteria: Upgrade the warehouse to level 25 or more
Description: A warehouse is a shop type which increases the stock capacity of your all items Going to the town start a warehouse and then upgrade it to level 25.
Achievement: No place like home
Criteria: Enter a house
Description: You can enter a house in your farm if and when you will build it. To build a house it will take 4 steps each of 1 hr interval. So, build one and then enter.
Achievement: It is the first step that costs
Criteria: Reach level 10 in your Farm
Description: Simple enough – make your farm level as 10. Farm level is indicated at the right-top of your screen.
Achievement: Hard work pays off
Criteria: Reach level 50 in your Farm
Description: Like the above one – keep working and make your farm as level 50.
Achievement: Time flies when you’re having fun
Criteria: Reach level 100 in your Farm
Description: Work on and make your farm level 100.
Achievement: Give credit where credit is due
Criteria: Reach level 200 in your Farm
Description: Work harder and make your farm level 200.
Player Level…
Achievement: Fake it till you make it
Criteria: Reach Player level 10
Description: Top right of your screen shows your player-level. Get your player level 10. Will come naturally as you will raise your farm level.
Achievement: Fall seven times, stand up eight
Criteria: Reach Player level 25
Description: Same as above, continue to work and you will get this level.
Achievement: Hard work never did anyone any harm
Criteria: Reach Player level 50
Description: Continue your hard work and you will get this level eventually.
Other levels…
Achievement: Sleep like a log
Criteria: Reach level 50 of any tree
Description: Just make any tree as level 50, probably apple tree will reach it first.
Achievement: All hat and no cattle
Criteria: Reach level 50 of any animal
Description: My personal suggestion is to make the Leghorn Chicken as level 50 will be the fastest and cost effective.
Achievement: As welcome as flowers in May
Criteria: Reach level 50 of any flower
Description: Make any flower level 50 harvesting again and again.
Achievement: Still waters run deep
Criteria: Reach level 50 of any pond
Description: In my opinion making the Clownfish as level 50 will be the fastest. Also, Ebony & Amber Clownfishs will also work the same.
Achievement: Make hay while the sun shines
Criteria: Reach level 50 of any crop
Description: You can make any crop as level 50 as per your choice & need but my suggestion goes for “Brussels Sprouts”. The advantage is you can plough this during any season and you can get maximum xp and money during harvest from it. The disadvantage is: this is costly for low level farms and takes full 48 real hrs to grow. However, in the long run this crop can make you a rich farmer. Well. every coin has its 2 sides.
Achievement: You get more flies with honey
Criteria: Reach level 10 or more of any production building
Description: Among the production buildings, make any one as level 10.
Achievement: The sincerest form of flattery
Criteria: Finish a song
Description: You make a song in your house and in the piano. Just make a tune by completing its steps.
Achievement: Practice makes perfect
Criteria: Reach level 10 in a song
Description: You make a song in your house and in the piano. Keep making a particular song (tune) repeatedly until it reaches level 10.
Achievement: Every picture tells a story
Criteria: Finish a painting
Description: In your house use your easel to paint a picture. So, buy an easel to start.
Achievement: Master of the trade
Criteria: Reach level 10 in a painting
Description: In your house use your easel to paint a particular picture until it gets level 10.
Achievement: A watched pot never boils
Criteria: Finish a food recipe
Description: In your house, make one room as kitchen and get 1 stove and cook any recipe.
Achievement: Piece of cake
Criteria: Reach level 10 in a food recipe
Description: In your house, make one room as kitchen and get 1 or 2 stove(s) and start cooking. Repeatedly prepare one recipe to make it level 10.
The following achievements will come with time, don’t worry! Just play on.
Achievement: Easy does it
Criteria: Reach level 30 or more of 40 different items
Description: Among trees / crops / flowers / animals / fishes when the 40th items will reach level 30, you will get it. So, move on.
Achievement: Easier said than done
Criteria: Reach level 50 or more of 50 different items
Description: After the above one, keep patience and you will get this with time when 50th item of your farm will reach level 50.
Achievement: If you want a thing well done, do it yourself
Criteria: Reach level 100 of any item
Description: As the criteria says, make anything to level 100 in your farm.
Achievement: Money does not grow on trees
Criteria: Have 1 million coins in your farm at any given time
Description: Not very hard to make it. You get coins from various harvests. So, keep doing it.
Achievement: Another day, another dollar
Criteria: Have 100 million coins in your farm at any given time
Description: Well, I agree that this is not an easy task. So, be patient and continue hard work. As I said before, “Brussels Sprouts” crop can fulfil this fastest if you believe me specially players who get in the farm infrequent like me.
Achievement: Business before pleasure
Criteria: Earn a total of 1,000 medals
Description: One great way to earn this from completing quests. Another way is from the npcs in the town by errands. But in my opinion best way is if you have started “Restaurant” in the town then you can get 4 ribbons for each 150 spices. And just harvesting Clove Tree, Cassia Cinnamon Tree and Ceylon Cinnamon Tree you can get spices as free. Also, among crops Coriander, Flat Parsley, Curley Parsley, Pink / White / Green / Black Peppercorn plants can give you spices. Also, in the town you can get medals by money exchange from the “Money Exchange” shop if you have started it already.
Land Expansion
Achievement: Failing to plan is planning to fail
Criteria: Unlock your first land expansion
Description: Go to any one side boundary wall and click and it will show you the level and cost needed for expanding your firm for the first time. Note that, the farm has total of 7 x 7 rectangular plots in which each plot’s width / height is: 40 / 20 tiles. The number of plots may increase in the future.
Achievement: Many a little makes a mickle
Criteria: Unlock 25 land expansions
Description: Will add.
Achievement: Well done is better than well said
Criteria: Unlock 49 land expansions
Description: The final expansion will unlock at farm level 193.
Achievement: Beauty is only skin deep
Criteria: Customize your farmer
Description: Go to Main Menu -> click Farmer; you will see several customisation options. Just tweak anything and press Esc to be back; game will ask for a confirmation and click “Yes”.
Achievement: Easy rider
Criteria: Customize your tractor
Description: Go to Main Menu -> click Tractor; you will see several customisation options. Just tweak anything and press Esc to be back; game will ask for a confirmation and click “Yes”.
Achievement: The world is made of faith, trust, and pixie dust
Criteria: Customize your fairy
Description: Go to Main Menu -> click Fairy; you will see several customisation options. Just tweak anything and press Esc to be back; game will ask for a confirmation and click “Yes”. The utility of this fairy is to give you light during night time.
Achievement: Fair exchange is no robbery
Criteria: Use the money exchange shop
Description: If you have started “Money Exchange” shop in the town, go there and do any conversion between (coins / diamonds / medals).
Achievement: Appearances can be deceptive
Criteria: Purchase 25 house decorations
Description: Purchase any 25 home decorations and decorate your house. You get this menu once you enter into your house.
Achievement: Picture-Perfect
Criteria: Open photo mode
Description: Will come later.
Achievement: It takes two to tango
Criteria: Join the farm of another player
Description: In the Main Menu -> click “Join Farm” and you will see a list of available online games. Join any 1 game clicking on it.
Achievement: The only way to find a friend is to be one
Criteria: Sign a guestbook
Description: After joining another farm sign their guest book.
Achievement: It is better to give than to receive
Criteria: Earn 25 favor points
Description: At the left-top of your screen you see your avatar. Beside it there is 1 circle which indicates your fuel level. Beside fuel level, there will appear another circle which will show your current favour points as ?? / ##. You start to get favour points after a certain level. When you get the capacity to hold at least 25 (##) favour points then join someone other and harvest into their farm to get this. The favour meter will not show if you don’t have any. Also, note that you get 2 per day as daily reward.
Achievement: One good turn deserves another
Criteria: Earn 2,500 favor points
Description: As said above, continue earning and spending favour points. You can redeem your favours in the town shop Collaboration Hub if you have started it already. Continue helping others and when you will get 2500, you will get this.
And that wraps up our share on Farm Together 2: 100% Achievement Guide (Under Progress). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by CGFW, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!