“Are you a fan of Creature Creator? Want to know what updates other players are hoping for? Look no further! In this gaming guide, we will discuss the most desired update concepts for Creature Creator, straight from fellow players. Let’s dive in and see what features may be coming to the game in the future!”
most of the ideas that i haven’t came up with are from this discussion i made
Gimme your update ideas
Feel free to put your own ideas in the comments of this guide or in the discussion
Small warning!
(work in progress)
help is greatly appreciated
New Maps
- Desert map
- arctic map
- forest map
- space map
- ocean/sea map
This would be a relatively large map that would require your creature to have parts that regulate its temperature, adding a temperature system(?) and also potentially having your creatures actually be able to drink water
(example of temperature)(This is only an example! This is an edited screenshot not something actually in game!)
-Current temperature is indicated by a green line the either goes up or down on the scale
(parts such as Fennec fox ears, sails, etc)
The map would be relatively just an average desert, a lot of sand, some cozy oasis’s with palm trees, cactus’s, some dried out shrubbery, etc
With the addition of cactus’s, some new food items such as prickly pear fruit would be a nice addition, along with agave and Stinging nettles
New NPC’s would also be added. NPC’s such as kangaroo rats, foxes, vultures, meerkats, Gila monsters, iguanas, etc.
In multiplayer and single player there would be an option to have the temperature system on or off, along with the need of water.
Another decently sized map that would also have the temperature system, except you would need parts to stay warm (potential addition of adding fur to your creature?)
(This is only an example! This is an edited screenshot not something actually in game!)
-Current temperature is indicated by a green line the either goes up or down on the scale
The map would have multiple sections to it,
Arctic desert, glaciers and frozen over lakes and ocean, and a section of Taiga.
New NPC’s would be stuff such as snowy owls, artic hairs, wolves, and foxes, polar bears, reindeer, Musk Ox, Moose, etc
New food I am unsure about and I don’t feel like doing research of fruit and what not that grow in the Arctic.
Would also have an option to turn on or off temperature
A pretty basic concept that i don’t think needs much explanation
A Zero Gravity map that you spawn in on either a asteroid, space debris, or a moving space ship. Spawns are randomized for every player, choosing a spawn point isn’t an option.
Asteroids and space debris don’t have a spawn pad, you have to choose a specific creature once you join the server and have to get on the space ship to change creatures. If you collect parts while trying to get to a space ship you can hit a specific key or a button on your screen to go ahead and add a part to your creature without the need of a spawn pad, you just can’t change your current creature your playing as.
New cool looking parts will be added to make travel through anti-gravity easier. (Some weird space-dragon parts, robotic parts, etc)
A new diet for some mouths will let you consume space debris.
Speaking of food, on the space ship there are freeze dried foods.
More on the “moving” part of the space ship, the space ship can have multiple specific path it follows that are randomized each time it goes around one of the paths, allowing a nice variation of movement. potentially the space ship can also be controlled by a player.
Also, no, not one of those cheesy red and white space ships, like an actual cool looking space ship.
with the space ship you can do some cool astronaut stuff like have a cord that connects you to it while you fix parts of the space ship.
Oh yeah, your creature can’t breath in anti-gravity unless with a specific part so good luck with that.
(This is only an example! This is an edited screenshot not something actually in game!)–
-Oxygen box appears when you begin losing oxygen or are recovering it
When making a server, the option of randomized spawn points can be turned on or off.
A map that requires your creature to be fully aquatic, or semi-aquatic
Full aquatic requires your creature to be in water for most of the times, semi-aquatic allows land or water though you can’t breath underwater (You can hold your breath for a long amount of tiem however)
an option to make you creature aquatic or semi aquatic is available in the spawn
(This is only an example! This is an edited screenshot not something actually in game!)
This map also provides Proper swimming, such as being able to go underwater and not just float, swimming underwater also has a partial animation and isn’t just like flying but more controllable
This Map has underwater ecosystem’s (Coral reefs and what not), small islands, a shoreline, along with an estuary by the shoreline.
NPC’s include better sharks, randomized fish, sea turtles, varying jellyfish, sea horses, etc
(More maps will be added as more people submit ideas)
New parts
like the custom map but with parts
Acid spitting parts would be something cool
someone before suggested a acid spitting mouth that looked a bit like a pelican eel mouth that does around 1 dps every .01 second or something of the sorts
(idk, design idea i had for it :D)
(Pelican eel/Gulper eel example, image off of google)
pretty self explanatory.
Someone suggested one that had a cheesy name or something like the “Freezer”
yeah you prolly get it
just in general parts that fit those themes
Changes to parts
Another straight forward idea
Being able to change the glow color of parts such as the GlowBlister and DanglerFish (Or AnglerDangler as i call it)
These are all pretty straight forward i’m discovering-
But yeah, having the option to make any part glow
I would also include cash with this but the cash system is going to be removed soooo
Some parts such as the legs and arms I feel have to much complexity, so yeah, some parts could use to have they’re complexity touched down a notch
According to the user, Gecko, Custom parts is something that might already be in the works.
I just thought i would go ahead and include it, but yeah. Custom parts
custom parts with custom attacks and animations, allowing you to do the parry from ultrakill (REALREALREAL)
actually custom parts is coming in the future i think
Changes to creating creatures
Pretty straight forward.
being able to layer parts, allowing more freedom when making creatures without the need of the floating bug (that i hope doesnt get fixed once the game gets an update)
This would in general make things easier and make the building easier.
Something that would be pretty useful for making larger creatures (Ex: accurately size sauropods)
Changes to the NPC’s
When making a server, you can have the option to swap some NPC spawns, whether it be a individual NPC, or all of the same kind of NPC.
You can swap them with pre-existing NPC’s or with some of your own creatures.
I think we all know the models could use some improvements tbh.
Our current NPC’s are kinda plain behavior wise, they could use some more uniqueness.
Multiplayer changes
The chat system as most of know is kinda meh.
A chat system kinda like The Isle’s would be nice.
Stuff such as proximity chat, global, etc.
What I mean by a The Isle-esc chat system is there being a chat box in a corner of the screen or something so you can read previously sent messages by someone so missing a message won’t be as annoying.
Stuff such as a chat between a group in game would also be nice.
If the chat system were to get overhauled, more people per-server would also be nice.
I would say 15-20 people in each server max or a thing where the amount of people per-server depends on what map you are making a server on.
(Ex: Farm and City are the largest currently in-game maps so they would have the largest server count. Island is the smallest map so it would have the least amount of people)
i would say that for the example Farm and city could have about 20-25 or 20-30 people max and island would have 9-10 people max
If there were to be more people per-server there should also be a way to pick multiple spawn points. like lets say for a Axo Likes Oranges server i would pick the P6 and P0 as the two spawn points if it were a 20 people server
If it were a 30 person server I could pick three spawn points so lets say P6 P0 and P14
idk, but you prolly get the point.
This is something i feel we desperately need, that way we don’t have to rehost to change server settings.
Lets say someone accidentally left PVP on and they wan’t to change it, they could just hit tab or something and select a gear option to open server settings
(This is only an example! This is an edited screenshot not something actually in game!)
If its worded weirdly, i mean options such as being able to mute people in servers, heal people, banning, and kicking.
currently we only have the option to “kick” people, though it is the definition of banning, not kicking, so kicking needs to be changed with more options.
Kicking • Kicking will have more options, such as a depletion time for how long it last, Ex: you can kick someone for a minute before they can regoin.
Banning • Banning will be how kicking currently is in CC, the person can’t rejoin or anything, what so ever.
Muting • Muting people will also have a depletion rate like kicking, that way you can shut people up for a minute without having to kick them.
Healing • If you have PvP or PvE on, there would be an option to heal players, that way people can’t just one shot them if they just got out of a fight.
Disabling attacks • If you have a particularly combat prone player who keeps interrupting a conversation between players, you can temporarily disable a players attacks if they a being a nuisance. works in PvP or non-PvP servers and has a cool down.
Pretty straight forward, being able to make permanent servers instead of the temporary servers.
These servers could have an optional discord server option.
They would also have a larger player count then normal and can work with mods once stuff like custom maps is added
The server would also have admins in it to keep the server managed.
Being able to transfer the host of a temporary server!
a way to keep the servers up longer.
Infinite complexity but for Multiplayer.
If you have this on the server count would be touched down a notch
Changes to the community/CC extras
A proper mascot is something fun Creature Creator could include
the original submission for this idea was saying to make Sloom’s the mascots so yeah, do with that information what you will, they probably are already popular enough to be fitting for it considering their reign in popularity they had a month or so after i joiend cc lol
I feel like we can all agree the current “mascots” are kinda bad such as the creatures on the merch and in the merch advertisement pop up or in the CC animation, so yeah, a properly designed mascot could be of use.
The current home screen is quite fun and just a little thing that is already unique enough as it is, but i feel like it could use some improvements.
things i thought of are stuff such as,
- changeable home screen lay out
- changeable home screen map
- option to turn off the tread/the tube that dispenses your creatures
- (if perma bans/muting/blocking is actually implemented) tab (like friends list) to view who you have muted, perma banned from all your servers, or blocked.
More ambiance
CC’s background noise and ambiance is kinda dead.
It could use some small features such as swaying trees, wind blowing in tall areas, distant animals etc
Some passing by images such as distant flying birds would also be nice. as well as a day and night cycle plus weatherUpcoming updates tab———————–
This would be a good way to let people without discord know future plans for the game once they are ready to be announced
Please, we need this.Combat details———————–
Options in the settings such as the addition of a blood effect and what not
New additions to maps
Pretty sure this is already planned but yeah, you get the point
Submission credits
Turn Slooms into the official mascot of CC.
Oh, yeah, and add an ice-shooting body part, with a cringe name like the “Freezer.”
Spider legs that ACTUALLY work
Desert map, arctic map, forest map and space map
Respawning NPC creatures
Infinite complexity mode in multiplayer
The ability to put parts on other parts
Complete overhaul of the chat system
A day-night cycle, as well as weather
We also need little things that add to the ambience of the game, like trees swaying slightly, wind blowing every now and then, and the occasional chirping of birds. Yk, stuff to add to the game’s feel.
what about changing the fires color tho
custom parts with custom attacks and animations, allowing you to do the parry from ultrakill (REALREALREAL)
letting me actually fly
1. creature size scaling
2. more patterns/skins
3. more parts
4. bigger complexitiy
5. custom maps
6. etc
RAINFOREST MAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GET 2000 health with infinite clomplexity AND CASH
yeah im on creature creator B.A
what about the ablity to curl into a ball like a rolly polly aka pill bug
i have an ideal that you can tame all NPCS
And that wraps up our share on Creature Creator: Creature Creator Updates we want. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Madisaurus, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!