Welcome to our gaming guide for Borderlands 2! In this article, we will provide you with basic information on how to check weapon parts using mods or outside resources. We will also share some tips on which parts are considered good or bad. This guide is perfect for beginners looking to improve their gameplay. So let’s dive in and learn all about weapon parts in Borderlands 2!
Weapon Part Tips
Knowing a few basic things can make it easier to decide what drops to keep and what to sell.
In general if a gun does more DPS it is better but there are a few things to keep in mind while looting.
For instance Dahl guns with Dahl parts will get an extra burst when firing while aiming down sights. (all brands of parts get a little bonuses if the part itself matches the main body of the gun, for Dahl specifically “firing in a burst while aiming down sights” is the specialty of Dahl weapons and the bonus from using other Dahl parts is an extra burst fired.)
Tediore barrels are pretty meh overall almost anything else would be better. except for….
Hyperion pistol barrels , which are usually the worst option for a pistol , they give some crit and accuracy but reduce base damage which means you crit and do ok damage or you don’t crit and do worse damage than other barrels, it’s not worth it even if your aim is good so look for a different barrel.
Maliwan parts over all are good for elemental effects chance (seems obvious right ?) They are not useful for non-elemental or explosive “element” so you want something else for those two.
Jakobs stocks have really crappy recoil recovery, after a few shots you will be waving all over the place. A sniper or AR with a jakobs stock can be near useless for headshots unless you fire slow which goes against the entire jakobs specialty of firing as fast as you click.
Bayonets are always sh!t unless you very specifically are playing a melee build, a bayonet is a wasted accessory slot that could have been something useful instead.
Bandit stocks and scopes are the worst option. Avoid them when you can. More details can be found in the Resources links but in general these are things to keep in mind while trying to decide what to keep or sell.
Heres an example , say you wanted an unkempt harold , what parts do you want on it ? Well you could just look up what a “god roll” looks like https://www.lootlemon.com/weapon/unkempt-harold-bl2 but it’s good to have an idea of what a decent gun is and what makes it so.
A double accessory Is the best choice adding an extra projectile. ( the other options being a Bayonet a Damage or Fire Rate accessory ) if you know a little more about parts you might know that a Torgue grip gets a stat bonus since unkempt harold is a Torgue weapon so it would increases damage , mag size and reload speed making it the best choice.
Meanwhile a maliwan grip would be totally useless on an unkempt harold because it increases elemental status chance but explosive element doesn’t benefit from that.
Next , It’s a pistol so you don’t want a powerful scope which would make it hard to aim in close/medium range , you can compare the different pistol scopes visually here to see what works best for you https://bl2.parts/pistols/zoom/ Torgue , jakobs , maliwan and Dahl would all be decent choices because they don’t block out your peripheral vision like the others do. This is mostly a preferential choice so just take whatever you get or like best.
Knowing just those few things can let you sort out what to look , you want a double penetrating unkempt harold , you want to avoid a maliwan grip, and the best would be a Torgue grip.
It doesn’t matter too much what scope you get as long as it’s easy to use at close range.
So just farm savage Lee until you get a “double” unkempt harold and as long as it doesn’t have one of the annoying scopes or a maliwan grip it will be good to go.
There are mods that help with that though.
https://bl-sdk.github.io/mods/PythonPartNotifier/ is the mod I use to see weapon parts.
To use SDK mods you would need to install phython SDK but there is a guide for that https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3149494216
If you just want to know if the gun you are using is a god roll (or compare it to a god roll to see how good yours is) you can look it up on https://www.lootlemon.com/db/borderlands-2/weapons
If you look at the picture with the stats you can see if it is the God Roll , for example on the Sand-hawk page https://www.lootlemon.com/weapon/sand-hawk-bl2 it’s the confirmed god roll with a check mark beside the picture.
If you don’t want to waste time farming you can instead click the “copy sandhawk code” on the Lootlemon page and then paste that code in “gibbed save editor” to make your own gun.
Download for gibbed save editor https://www.nexusmods.com/borderlands2/mods/21?tab=description
There are also guides and websites that will tell you what the parts do if you want to look them up individually. ( Better resolution version of steam guide
https://imgur.com/gallery/borderlands-2-parts-spotter-8xsH0 )
https://bl2.parts/ Is good for looking up parts to find out what they do to effect damage calculations.
Maybe all that stuff seems like too much work , just download the files that have the guns or characters you want instead of trying to farm or Gibbed save edit them.
Download and place in your save folder C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\SaveData\8098128012819208 (Random numbers)
Make sure you are not overwriting your own save files , you may need to rename the downloaded save files to something else , the save file naming starts with Save0001 but you can rename them Save999 or anything in between to avoid overwriting.
And that wraps up our share on Borderlands 2: Basic tips and weapon parts resources. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Radiowavehero, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!