This is a 100% walk-through and categorised achievement guide for Sun Haven!
My Personal Notes
First up, hi i’m Soulhunter and i’m not a native English speaker, so please excuse my English
I created this guide because i didn’t find any English guides on completing all 181 Achievements in the game.
This guide was created in December 2024.
Feel free to leave your opinion down below or correct any mistakes i did – Enjoy 😉
Information To This Guide
This guide might contain UNMARKED Spoilers
1. It’s separated into Story and Non-Story
2. The Non-Story are also categorised or summed up in my personal subdivision
3. There are a few decision you need to make: Usually you can only pick ONE choice -> you only get ONE Achievement per game file/ play through
3.1 They are specifically mentioned in another category -> if you find yourself wondering if you’ve already seen this specific in another category the Either-Or Achievements might be in two categories
Pictures from Steam achievements or truesteamachievements
Enjoy and leave a comment!
Either-Or/ Decision Achievements (MISSABLE)
Either-Or Achievements – most are main story related
Withergate – Dynus
Note: You can get both IF you (after getting the “Confront Dynus” Quest) just focus on finishing all altars (minimum 7 out of 9). After completing those 7, there is a new Quest telling you to go and talk to the Altar Keeper. DON’T do the quest, instead go directly to Dynus and talk to him. Hope this helps 🙂
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Appease the Moon Dragon
Appease Dynus through an offering
Defeat the Moon Dragon
Defeat Dynus in combat
Sun Haven – Miners
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Made of Money
Pay your way out of the Glorite Miners. IMPORTANT: You only get this achievement if you make Stephen leave and pay 500 Gold to the other two miners.
Defender of the Forest
Fight The Glorite Miners
Sun Haven – Stephen
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
A Second Chance
Give Stephen a second chance
Send Stephen to Jail
Season and Years
Season and Years Achievements
Achievement Name
Achievement Desciption
Sizzlin’ Summer
Reach the summer season
Falling Down
Reach the fall season
Tis’ the Season
Reach the winter season
Achievement Name
Achievement Desciption
Teleport Achievements
You get those spells as soon as you unlock a new area (you might need to do a few quests/ dialogues before obtaining this, but if you play the story you get those)
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Teleport: Sun Haven
Obtain the Sun Haven Teleport Spell
Teleport: Nel’Vari
Obtain the Nel’Vari Teleport Spell
Teleport: Withergate
Obtain the Withergate Teleport Spell
Teleport: Brinestone Deeps
Obtain the Brinestone Deeps Teleport Spell
Side Story/ Side Quests
Brinestone Side Story Quest
Achievement Name
Achievement Desciption
The Deeps
Unlocks after entering the Whirlpool Portal
Slime Squisher
Unlocks after completing the Story in Brinestone. After talking to the King and freeing him from the Mindcontrol Slimes
Withergate Side Story Quest
Achievement Name
Achievement Desciption
Defeat the Heat Viper
Defeat the Heat Viper, just follow the Quest
Monster House
Unlock Withergate. Unlocks after defeating the Heat Viper and entering the City properly
Nel’Vari Side Story Quest
Achievement Name
Achievement Desciption
Tree House
Unlock Nel’Vari
An Unexpected Friend
Reach Commonality with Wesley. Follow the Quest, the Nature Dragon gives you.
Sun Haven Side Story Quest
They DO NOT show up as quests, but you’ll stumble upon the empty buildings eventually
Achievement Name
Achievement Desciption
Wholesome Neighbor
Restore the neighborhood dog house.
Fashion Icon
Restore the Clothing Store
Just a Trim
Restore the Salon
Good Samaritan
Restore the Cafe
Not Story Related ( some Missable)
Skill Achievements
Skill Related Achievements
There are 5 main skill categories a player can level up.
1. Farming
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Novice Farmer
Reach level 5 Farming
Adept Farmer
Reach level 15 Farming
Expert Farmer
Reach level 30 Farming
Advanced Farmer
Reach level 50 Farming
Master Farmer
Unlock every skill point in Farming
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Novice Explorer
Reach level 5 Exploration
Adept Explorer
Reach level 15 Exploration
Expert Explorer
Reach level 30 Exploration
Advanced Explorer
Reach level 50 Exploration
Master Explorer
Unlock every skill point in Exploration
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Novice Miner
Reach level 5 Mining
Adept Miner
Reach level 15 Mining
Expert Miner
Reach level 30 Mining
Advanced Miner
Reach level 50 Mining
Master Miner
Unlock every skill point in Mining
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Novice Fighter
Reach level 5 Combat
Adept Fighter
Reach level 15 Combat
Expert Fighter
Reach level 30 Combat
Advanced Fighter
Reach level 50 Combat
Master Fighter
Unlock every skill point in Combat
5. Fishing
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Novice Angler
Reach level 5 fishing
Adept Angler
Reach level 15 fishing
Expert Angler
Reach level 30 Fishing
Advanced Angler
Reach level 50 Fishing
Master Angler
Unlock every skill point in Fishingg
Farming Achievements
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
With a Cluck Cluck Here
Place your first chicken (in a coop or on the grass at your farm)
And a Moo Moo There
Place your first cow
Chef’s Kiss
Feed the Farm Snaccoon. Note: You need to feed the Snacoon to the north of your farm blocking your way to the Bakery and Kitty. It spawns in Spring. Feeding a placed Snaccoon-Barn- Animal doesn’t count.
Sun Haven – Mining Related Achievements
Achievement Name
Achievement Desciption
Novice Spelunker
Reach Treasure Room 1 in the mines.
Adept Spelunker
Reach Treasure Room 2 in the mines
Advanced Spelunker
Reach Treasure Room 3 in the mines.
Expert Spelunker
Reach Treasure Room 4 in the mines
Combat related Achievements
Seasonal Bosses
You will be notified in game when they spawn 😉
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Weed Killer
Defeat Weedil Alone
One More Thyme
Defeat Weedil with the help of a NPC (Baker Girls)
Rocky Road
Defeat Krusty by yourself (don’t ask any NPC for help)
Rock and Roll
Defeat Krusty with the help of 2 NPC (just foloow the quest it gives you)
Defeat Qwiz’lothra
Defeat this boss. This is the LAST PART OF BRINESTONE STORY. You will start the boss fight at the last Quest
Defeat King Slimius XVII
You will encounter this slime boss if you go to the left of your farm, into the forest. Eventually you will see a big slime, blocking the path. Just defeat it
To the Bottom
Defeat Dizzy. A big chump of crystals at the end of the Sun Haven mines
Boss Arena
This is the area to the north, right before you enter the quarry/ mines area. Just defeat the different bosses on different levels.
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Candy Crushed I
Defeat the level 20 Candy Slime in the Boss Arena
Candy Crushed Il
Defeat the level 30 Candy Slime in the Boss Arena
Candy Crushed Ill
Defeat the level 40 Candy Slime in the Boss Arena
Candy Crushed IV
Defeat the level 50 Candy Slime in the Boss Arena
Lumberjacked l – lV
Defeat the level 20/30/40/50 Tree Guardian in the Boss Arena
Snake Slayer l-lV
Defeat the level 20/30/40/50 Tyrantviper in the Boss Arena
Note, for the last 2 listed Achievements, you unlock 1 achievement per Boss Level (i was just to lazy)
Combat Dungeon
This is the area to your left. You unlock it after defeating the Slime Boss blocking it.
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Dungeoneer I
Beat Floor 5 in the Combat Dungeon
Dungeoneer Il
Beat Floor 15 in the Combat Dungeon
Dungeoneer Ill
Beat Floor 30 in the Combat Dungeon
Fishing related Achievements
Catching + Fishing Nets
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Legendary Fisherman
Catch a legendary fish
Small Catch
Harvest a small fishing net
Large Catch
Harvest a large fishing net
Relationship Achievements
As a quick head start note: As far as i know you can only see the progress for Romanceable Characters in the “Relationship Menu in game”. Other NPCs Relationship are irrelevant for the achievements. You gain hearts by: giving loved gifts, chatting or doing requests.
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
I Do
Get Married. Buy a wedding ring from the town Hall and choose a character with 20 hearts. Unlocks the character after giving them the love letter and reaching 20 Hearts
Get divorced. Also available at the town hall
Characters from Brinestone
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
To Woo a Hero
Reach 10 hearts with Karish
Heroic Love
Reach 20 hearts with Karish
To Woo a Corsair
Reach 10 hearts with Zaria
Bucket of Love
Reach 20 hearts with Zaria
Characters from Sun Haven
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
To Woo an Angel
Reach 10 hearts with Miyeon
Angelic Love
Reach 20 hearts with Miyeon
To Woo a Warrior
Reach 10 hearts with Shang
Valiant Love
Reach 20 hearts with Shang
To Woo the Forgetful
Reach 10 hearts with Kai
Long Lost Love
Reach 20 hearts with Kai
To Woo a Merchant
Reach 10 hearts with Anne
Golden Love
Reach 20 hearts with Anne
To Woo the Archmage
Reach 10 hearts with Lucia
Fiery Love
Reach 20 hearts with Lucia
To Woo a Blacksmith
Reach 10 hearts with Lynn
Love at First Sight
Reach 20 hearts with Lynn
To Woo a Doctor
Reach 10 hearts with Wornhardt
Heartfelt Love
Reach 20 hearts with Wornhardt
An Apple a day…
Gift an apple to Wornhardt
To Woo a Witch
Reach 10 hearts with Catherine
Hopping Love
Reach 20 hearts with Catherine
To Woo a Baker
Reach 10 hearts with Liam
Sweet Love
Reach 20 hearts with Liam
To Woo a Counselor
Reach 10 hearts with Jun
Artistic Love
Reach 20 hearts with Jun
To Woo a Seamstress
Reach 10 hearts with Kitty
Nya Love
Reach 20 hearts with Kitty
To Woo the Captain
Reach 10 hearts with Nathaniel
Protective Love
Reach 20 hearts with Nathaniel
To Woo a Musician
Reach 10 hearts with Claude
Symphonic Love
Reach 20 hearts with Claude
Relationship Part 2
Characters from Withergate
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
To Woo an Assassin
Reach 10 hearts with Vivi
To Woo an Assasin
Reach 20 hearts with Vivi
To Woo an Adventurer
Reach 10 hearts with Donovan
Freeing Love
Reach 20 hearts with Donovan
To Woo a Prince
Reach 10 hearts with Darius
Princely Love
Reach 20 hearts with Darius
To Woo an Architect
Reach 10 hearts with Xyla
Demonic Love
Reach 20 hearts with Xyla
Characters from Nel’Vari (Elves to the left of farm)
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
To Woo the Moon
Reach 10 hearts with Lucius
Cosmic Love
Reach 20 hearts with Lucius
To Woo the Assistant
Reach 10 hearts with Wesley
Sprouting Love
Reach 20 hearts with Wesley
To Woo an Enchantress
Reach 10 hearts with Iris
Magical Love
Reach 20 hearts with Iris
To Woo a Wind Mage
Reach 10 hearts with Vaan
Worldly Love
Reach 20 hearts with Vaan
Character Creation
Character Creation and Race
This is fairly EASY to obtain. Just create a character as follow in the Character Creation:
As the hair type already implies, there are two different themed hairstyles.
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Customize your Character l
Either pick from character creation menu (or go to the hair saloon) and pick a hairstyle from the “cool” category
Customize your Character ll
Either pick from character creation menu (or go to the hair saloon) and pick a hairstyle from the “cute” category
This cannot be changed after beginning the game, But simply enjoy your first play through and afterwards just pick every other race that you still haven’t pick and voila, the achievement will pop after loading into the game
Create an Elemental Character
Create an Angel Character
Create an Amari Character
Keepsakes must be obtained the same way, as races. Keepsakes are selected at the first cutscene in the train. Select one of each and for the Time Keepsake, skip the cutscene.
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
A Dream of Romance
Select the Romance Keepsake
A Dream of Peace
Select the Peace Keepsake
A Dream of Adventure
Select the Adventure Keepsake
A Dream of Riches
Select the Riches Keepsake
Train Skipper
Skip Sun Haven’s intro and receive the Time Keepsake
Money Related
There are 3 main “currencies” in the game. There are corresponding achievements to all of them:
Gold Related Achievements
You MUST have the required amount on you for the achievement to pop
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Pocket Change
Collect 10.000 Gold
A Small Fortune
Collect 50.000 Gold
Deep Pockets
Collect 10.000 Gold
Collect 500.000 Gold
Collect 1.000.000 Gold
Ticket Related Achievements
You can obtain Tickets by by doing errands. For example: Selling Withergate crops, completing Withergate Bulletin Bords or through foraging
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Collect 1.000 Tickets
Collect 10.000 Tickets
Mana Orbs Related Achievements
You can obtain Mana Orbs by by doing chores or through fishing. For example: Selling Forest Fish
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Mana in Hand
Collect 1.000 Mana Orbs
Mana Out of Hand
Collect 10.000 Mana Orbs
Collection Achievements
Collection Achievement
Complete the Museum “A complete Collection”
Achievement Name
Achievement Desciption
Dynus’s Gems
Complete the Mining Altar
Dynus’s Harvest
Complete the Farming Altar
Dynus’s World
Complete the Exploration Altar
Dynus’s Hoard
Complete the Gold Altar
Dynus’s City
Complete the Tickets Altar
Dynus’s Orchard
Complete the Fruit Altar
Dynus’s Feast
Complete the Meals Altar
Dynus’s Future
Complete the Keepsake Altar
Dynus’s Fish
Complete the Fishing Altar
Multiplayer Achievements
How do i obtain this without friends 😉
There is a discord server for Sun Haven. The invite link is available on the Sun Haven Intro Screen. Just click on the Discord Button: 
After that, find a tab in the server called: #looking-for-game and connect with other players. Need to be lucky and coordinated haha!
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
Better with a Friend
Play Sun Haven with 1 friend
Better with a Group
Play Sun Haven with 2 friends
Better with a Team
Play Sun Haven with 3 friends
Better with a Party
Play Sun Haven with minimum 4 friends (yourself PLUS 4 more)
Other Achievements
Cleanup Achievements
Achievement Name
Achievement Description
We Have a Winner!
Win a carnival Game. Follow the Withergate Questline. Eventaully you’ll stumble across the open-world area, where you can play those games. Win one.
Spell Booster
Purchase a staff from the Brinestone staff shop
Big Heart
Reach 100 Health
Extra Big Heart
Reach 200 Health
Faint by reaching 0 health
Jump 100 Times
Jump 100 Times
Jump 1000 Times
Jump 1000 Times
Magic Touch
Reach 100 Mana
Overflowing with Magic
Reach 300 Mana
Past Your Bedtime
Pass out by being awake at 12:00am
Riding into the Sunset
Ride a mount. Buy one and click equip
Your New Best Friend
Leash a pet
A Hop, Skip, and a Jump
Cast Air Skip 100 times (Ability unlocked in the Exploration Skill Tree)
Blast Off
Cast Air Skip 1000 times
And that wraps up our share on Sun Haven: 100% Achievement Guide – Sun Haven. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Soulhunter, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!