Welcome to the Blasting Courier Achievements guide! This guide will help you navigate the simple minesweeper game and earn 100% completion in just about one hour. Let’s get started!
Start a new game
Start a new game on hard difficulty.
I know what I’m doing
Disable tutorial
Click Disable tutorial button on popup. You can enable in back in options.
Get hit by mine debris
Get hit by exploded mine.
Get you health points (red ball) to 0. Entering castle and clicking trees/bushes restore health a little bit. Start a new game after dying.
Reveal 100 squares
Reveal 1000 squares
Reveal couple of squares (Unlocks early)
Here’s your letter
Go into a castle
Enter the castle by clicking it.
Lunch Money
Earn 100 gold
Local Warlord
Earn 1,000 gold
You will get both by Earning 100 gold. Enter castles and open chests.
Place 10 flags
Place 100 flags
You will get both by placing couple of flags and entering a castle. Bugged in a good way.
Hit a mine with a stone
Mine Blaster
Hit 10 mines with stones
Blasting Courier
Hit 100 mines with stones
Pebble collector
Collect 100 stones
Get stones by clicking mountain. Hit mine with it. You will get all 4 after hitting mine with stone.
Flag pirate
Destroy 100 flags
Place and remove flag 100 times. You will get flags after entering a castle.
Stone skipper
Throw 10 stones
Throw 100 stones
Each mountain give 2-3 stones. Throw stone 10 and 100 times at unrevealed areas of the map.
Same day delivery
Play between 4 and 7 am
Start a new or load game between 4 and 7 am. You can change your time on PC to get it anytime you want.
Cozy village
Reach castle 10
This place has fountains!
Reach castle 20
Everything looks so shiny!
Reach castle 50
Welcome home, your highness
Reach castle 50 without dying
Play on easy. You can survive multiple bomb explosions, but don’t forget to heal by clicking trees and bushes. Follow compass and enter castle 49 times.Continental Trader
Earn 10,000 gold
You will get enough by entering 70+ castles. Chests give you some gold but its faster to enter castles using compass.
And that wraps up our share on Blasting Courier: Achievements guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Easy Target, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!