Tired of dying on Hard Mode in order to get 100% achievement? Maybe this can help you get that 100% and pudding recipe you’ve always wanted.Maps and movement is a core gameplay mechanic, and you should know how to utilize it!
Awaria is not an easy game, let alone on Hard Mode.
This guide will take you through the map and movement you need to know to be able to easily beat Awaria on hard mode.
- Green : Recommended route and safe spots
- Red : Enemy attack pattern and possible hazard
- Purple : Dash direction
(Except for Nikita II, Zmora III, and Zmora IV. I accidentally chose the wrong color.
I’m sorry, I’m colorblind /cry_emoji)
Let’s begin.
1. Zmora
Since it’s only an introduction level, it’s relatively easy.
Zmora will attack in a lunge pattern towards Ula (your character) and in order to avoid her, just make sure to move in a curve or perpendicularly to where she goes.
2. Zmora II
After lunging towards Ula, she will teleport on top of Ula and strike the ground, creating an electric current around her in a shape of a +.
To avoid her, you can simply do the same pattern by moving in a curve or perpendicularly to Zmora.
3. Cutwire
She attacks by throwing her weapon in a straight pattern that gradually will expand to a cone area.
After doing 2 of her throwing attacks, she enters the ground and leave a trap that will eliminates you if you stand on it for too long.
To avoid her, move perpendicularly from her. I also recommend setting her traps off by stepping in and out of her traps quickly as to avoid having the map full of her traps.
4. Cutwire II
This Cutwire will always follow you and eliminates you if she touches you.
There’s also the first Cutwire to worry about, and here’s how to kiss them.
Since Cutwire II is slightly slower than you, you can avoid her by going around in a sphere. And since moving perpendicularly or a curve also works against Cutwire I, you can easily avoid both of them by moving this way. Just make sure to set off Cutwire’s trap to avoid getting overwhelmed if there’s too many left on the map.
5. Nikita
Nikita has 2 attack patterns, she can release a fire energy to areas around her and she also shoots a projectile that will explode after impact and release fire energy as well.
To avoid her attack, simply memorize her pattern so you can position yourself somewhere her fire won’t hit.
The middle wall on this map is useful to avoid getting hit by her fire. I always recommend rotating around it and kite her instead of going straight to her.
When traversing through an area where there is little cover, I recommend baiting her shooting attack since it’s harder to avoid compared to her area attack.
6. Nikita II
The green circle marks spots where you are safe from the fire energy generated by the floor, always use this to your advantage.
You need to do the exact thing you do for level 5 (Nikita), but you also need to avoid getting hit by the fire from the floor.
Since this map is mostly open area, the only thing you can depend on here is your dodging skill.
7. Zmora III
She is accompanied by Cutwire. Their attack patterns are exactly the same, but now you have floors on the map that are electric.
My best advice is to avoid those floor tiles if possible, with dodging Zmora, Cutwire, and setting off Cutwire’s trap being overwhelming, taking a path over those electric floors is just one more thing to pay attention to.
8. Zmora IV
You will also be facing floor that generates fire energy.
Avoiding Zmora and Nikita is basically the same as the last few levels. Just pay attention to the projectiles that will be flying around the map.
The spot near the generator is a safe spot from the floor’s fire energy so you can head there to avoid getting eliminated.
And since the fire energy that are coming from the floor is always predictable, it is sometimes more preferable if you move through the center of the map to avoid Nikita and Zmora.
Zmora V
Since her attack pattern is (lunge>strike,strike,strike>long strike>lightning), you can easily avoid getting hit by moving perpendicularly or in a zigzag pattern.
I would advise to avoid going over the electric tiles when she’s on her lightning attack since the warning sign for her attack and the floor’s activation is the same, so it often overlaps.
10. ???
When you dash you are invincible, so I advise you to more oftenly dash over enemies than away from them. This way you can easily avoid Cutwire’s throwing attack and Nikita’s shooting attack.
11. Dr. Striga
Her attack pattern consist of shooting projectiles, artillery projectiles, and spawning dogs.
Since her dogs dies when they lunges at walls, I recommend you bait the dogs to the nearest wall to limit the amount of dogs on the map. You can also keep 1 dog to avoid Dr. Striga spawning more dogs since she only spawns dogs after all dogs have been eliminated.
For her other attack patterns, you can simply avoid getting hit by dashing through her on her shooting attack and rotating around the pillars that are present on this map to avoid the projectiles.
12. Dr. Striga II
Since the Rhino is your biggest threat, you can easily avoid it by dashing perpendicularly or through it’s body.
You also need to avoid most of the enemies on this level by dashing through them.
There are 2 corners that are marked in the image that is safe from projectiles (most of the time), so I recommend you to always dash there when projectiles are thrown around the map.
13. Dr. Striga III
In this level your dash ability not only makes you invincible, it also allows you to obliterate Dr. Striga‘s minion.
There are a few important points that needs to be noted.
Here they are:
- Always try to eliminate as much minions off the map to not get overwhelmed
- I personally prioritize eliminating skulls and dogs since they are the most annoying to deal with
- At the start of the round, I recommend dashing as shown in the image to eliminate one side of dogs so you can focus on items and generators before dogs from the other side comes to you
- Just like the last level, the 2 corners in this map is mostly safe of projectiles except for the artillery projectiles since it follows wherever Ula goes
- Never go empty handed, always have atleast an item on your hands for efficiency
I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.
Thank you very much for reading this guide, enjoy your Pudding.
And that wraps up our share on Awaria: Utilizing Map and Movement. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by 4NIP, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!