My take/strategy for that certain green section (if you don’t know what I mean, TURN BACK NOW). Talks about both the path there and the challenge that follows it.This guide assumes you’ve unlocked all abilities and collected all the collectibles as well.
The Start of a Challenge
A sense of anxious excitement seizes you as the new area loads. The music picks up, and moving to the right you find…
A black box.
Weird. The glitchy texture practically screams danger, so you jump over it. You run underneath some more glitched stuff, and then the camera zooms out.
Dear god. It’s a parkour challenge.
Path of Determination
The first part is a relatively easy wall jump section. Using Orange, double jump over to the right wall and swap to Blue to dash to the wall. Jump off the wall and dash to the opposite section, then rinse and repeat until you get to the top.
Switch to Orange to reach the sling ring and sling your way up (using the line of trajectory to avoid the random glitch box in the middle). Swap to Blue for some more wall climbing, then back to Orange to sling up to a long wall. Try to avoid the glitched floor by angling the sling up and using Orange’s midair jump.
Things get a bit trickier from here. Use Blue’s dash to stick to the left wall and hold the sprint button to run up it. After Blue backflips, quickly switch to Orange and midair jump to the sling ring. You’ll want to position him a little under the lower edge of the glitched box to sling towards the middle of the wall. Swap to Blue and stick to the wall.
This next portion is a pattern of using Orange to sling towards the walls and using Blue to stick to them. Aim for the middle of the wall in order to avoid the top glitched boxes. Additionally, if you fail the first sling of this section, it’s easier to just let Orange fall back down to the sling from the previous section (right before the wall run). Use the last sling ring to stall if you need to compose yourself.
The next section might seem good for a wall run, but I find that it’s easier to control your height by mastering a swap climb. A swap climb is what I call the combo of wall jumping and midair jumping by abusing the dash reset Blue has when sticking to a wall. To pull off the combo, use Blue’s dash to stick to a wall and jump off of it. Quickly swap to Orange and midair jump, then swap back to Blue to dash to the wall. Rinse and repeat to “climb” up the wall until you reach the glitched box on top. Use Orange’s midair jump to reach the sling ring and sling up.
This sling ring is a good place to stall— and trust me, you’re gonna need the break because this upcoming portion is by far the hardest part of the course. Sling to the wall to the far left and jump to squish yourself right below the two walls, swapping to Blue to stick to the left wall. Wall jump to the other wall and sprint up it. At the apex of the backflip, dash to the right wall and wall jump, switching to Orange to midair jump and sling across.
Swap to Blue and dash to the left wall to slow your descent. Jump off and dash to the right wall. This time, allow Blue to let go of the wall and quickly swap to Orange to get to the sling ring. Sling to the middle sling ring, stalling in order to get the angle for the next one right. You’ll want to position Orange in a way where by his midair jump, he’s roughly lined up with that pesky portion of the glitched box that’s sticking out near the middle ring. Sling across the two rings. Use the last of the two to stall if needed.
Stay strong, you’re nearly there! Midair jump to the scary glitched section and quickly swap to Blue to dash to the right wall that’s closest to you. Jump off and switch to Orange to close the gap to the next wall. Swap to Blue and dash to said wall to stick to it. Jump off and switch to Orange to jump to the other side of the wall, swapping back to Blue to stick to it. Repeat until you reach the long wall to the left.
Now it’s just a case of swap climbing and making sure that your nerves don’t screw you over. Technically you’re supposed to use Blue’s wall sprint in this section, but I find that with swap climbing it’s easier to save yourself if you fall or to stall in order to get yourself into the right headspace for the next part. At the end, swap to Orange and midair jump up to the slings, making sure to avoid those pesky glitched boxes as you sling your way through this victory lap. You’ll find the last ring isn’t complete at the top (or maybe you won’t register it because you’re too stressed to care what comes next), and with one final pull—!
Summum (Phase One)
Wait, you can’t die in this game? Oh goodie! That means you can’t lose. Right?
With how many times you get knocked back in this battle, death would seem like a sweet release from this insanely difficult challenge.
Okay, let’s slow down a little. There’s an achievement and a missing green upgrade that suggests that it’s beatable, so the game expects you to defeat Summum.
It’s best to upgrade all of your abilities and collect all of the neutral and health shards first. This guide expects you to have all of these unlocked and collected, as it is difficult to defeat Summum otherwise.
Let’s break this battle into more manageable chunks.
Before we get into passing the first phase, let’s talk about Summum’s moveset for this round.
Summum’s right hand (the hand that’s closest to the character and in the background) deals physical attacks. Use Blue to block it with Perfect Timing and charge her parries up.
- One line means that it’s a solid pound to the ground.
- Two lines mean that three rock pillars will shoot out of the ground. Be careful of the third pillar, as Summum stalls a bit before hitting you.
Summum’s left hand (the hand furthest from the character and in the foreground) deals magical attacks. Depending on the attack, defend or dodge with Orange.
- Two lines means medium frost attack. Watch out for the stall between attacks— the second hit will come after Summum lowers its hand. Defend with Orange.
- Three lines in this phase mean a laser attack. It’s actually more practical to block with Blue, as defending these attacks with Orange will not charge up Assimilation all the way.
- Four lines can mean a variety of magical attacks. Fire and lightning follow a hit-hit-hit*stall*hit pattern, while wind follows a hit-hit*stall*hit-hit pattern. Defending against the full round of attacks with Orange will fully charge Assimilation.
- One line also has a lot of attacks. The type of attack will determine what you should do, so listen carefully for the audio cues. An ice sound effect and white light indicate a heavy frost attack, so defend with Orange. A fire sound effect and a short stall indicate a heavy fire attack, so also defend with Orange. A laser charging sound effect with green light gathering in Summun’s claw will be a strong laser attack, so dodge with Orange (as blocking it just deals too much damage). A shine sound effect with a quick green flash indicates a blink attack, which is actually something favorable for your character as blocking or defending against it will heal you, no matter what character you use.
Try to use Orange’s laser counter right after the end of each round of attacks to heal a bit. This is achieved through pressing the physical attack button after defending or dodging attacks.
Breaking weaknesses is the name of the game for this phase. Spam strong spells and teleport in front of Summum’s face to pummel it with physical attacks. Try to use as much variety as possible to fill up the weakness gauges, since although the weaknesses get reset the gauge levels will remain the same.
Once Summum gets whittled down to two or less gauges, try using Orange’s Seal attacks to reveal some weaknesses. You’ll want to start working with the spell weaknesses first, as Level III spells take a while to charge and one strong spell will fill up half or all of the gauge. Use Orange’s melee technique a lot as it deals both physical damage and fire damage (which can reveal or fill up both gauges if they do turn out to be weaknesses).
Once you break the weaknesses, it’s time to set loose on Summum. To best optimize your Absorption damage, you’ll want to spam Absorption-heavy attacks.
- If you break with Orange, try to activate his Seal technique before wailing on Summum with Seals (Seals are assigned to his secondary weapon button, so hold it while pressing the technique button or melee attack button to use them).
- If you break with Blue, try to activate the Bow technique and then hitting Summum with physical attacks (Bow is assigned to her first weapon button, so hold it while pressing the technique button). This way, you can wrack up more techniques to use the Bow technique again.
It’s best to build up some techniques beforehand in order to use Absorption-heavy attacks. If you panic and don’t remember these combos, get into the habit of spamming Bow attacks with Blue and Seal attacks with Orange.
Getting Perfect Timing with Blue and defending attacks with Orange will charge up each character’s Parry or Assimilation, respectively. These are crucial to the battle as pulling one off successfully will interrupt Summum’s turn and—more importantly—will keep the current weaknesses revealed. So not only will you successfully avoid damage (or even heal), you’ll also have an easier time filling up the gauges since you already know what some or all of the weakness are.
As the game mentions in the tutorial, Blue can only Parry physical attacks, so watch out for Summum’s right hand. Orange’s Assimilation is a bit more finicky, so here are some tips to best optimize the healing and counterattack:
- For medium frost, block the first hit and then Counterspell.
- For the lasers, it’s best not to use Assimilation because they don’t heal much back. Block with Blue instead.
- For lightning and fire, hold Assimilation for the first three hits and then Counterspell.
- For any of the strong magic attacks (save for the blink), hold for the hit and then immediately Counterspell. If you can react fast enough, try to defend or block against the blink spell instead of using Assimilation, as doing so will heal you anyway.
It is crucial to use Counterspell right after Assimilation because Summum’s turn will not end unless you do so.
Additionally, you can reduce the damage dealt by spells by activating Blue’s Axe technique before the turn ends (Axe is assigned to her secondary weapon button, so hold it while pressing the technique button). This, paired with Orange defending, will lessen the damage you take even further. It can also help you heal when Summum hits you with a lightning attack.
Summum (Phase Two)
Boom! You’ve gotten Summum’s Absorption level up to around a fourth of the triangle. Looks like it’s actually taking you seriously now, because it’s straightened its posture. Now for round—
Hold up. Why’s it reaching towards you with that black light?
If you made it this far, you’re in for a nasty surprise. The beginning of Summum’s second phase has it steal one of your character’s counterparts. And you wanna know the worse part? Summum actually knows how to use them, and it will make you suffer as much damage as possible before you wretch your counterpart away from its grubby little claws.
The good news is that you can actually choose who Summum steals. Summum will always steal the character you are currently playing as, so when you see it adjust its posture quickly swap to the one you want to be stolen. I would personally recommend swapping to the character with the least techniques/defense abilities, but the best thing to do overall is to swap to a character you’re the most familiar with the timing for.
- When facing against Blue, she will always start with her Sword technique if a technique is prepared. Other than that, she will cycle between a melee combo, an Axe combo, two charged bow shots, and a heavy lightning spell. Start with a heavy wind spell (as she is weak to wind) and then teleport to her while she is airborne. If you have a technique ready, divebomb with said technique and smack her a few times. Charge up another heavy wind attack when she’s airborne again if you have the time. Watch out for her Parry if she has one charged— if you always start with a spell, it shouldn’t bother you too much.
- When facing against Orange, he will always start with his ground melee technique (two fire punches) if a technique is prepared. You can actually counter this with a Parry if you have one charged. Other than that, he will cycle between a melee combo, a Whip combo, a medium fire spell (hit-hit-hit*stall*hit), and a strong fire spell (wait until after his starting animation). Start with two charged Bow shots (firing one and then releasing on time to fire an extra shot), then fire a strong lightning spell (since he’s weak to lightning). Teleport to him midair and do an aerial combo. If you have a technique ready, divebomb with said technique and smack him a few times. Alternate between strong lightning spells and sword techniques to finish him off. Watch out for his Assimilation if he has one charged— if you always start with the Bow, it shouldn’t bother you too much.
Perfect Timing with both characters will help you immensely as it awards you extra time to reduce the amount of turns you have to face your counterpart. Try to save your Parry or Assimilation, as it makes the beginning of the next part easier.
Now that you’ve severed the puppet strings and have reunited with your buddy, it’s actually time for round two. Most of it is the same thing as before, but with a few caveats.
These little shi— I mean, shines, will home in on top of you before crashing down to kamikaze in your face. They’re not too hard to avoid, but if you don’t keep track of their timing they will make you want to choke something as the knockback animation eats into your precious time.
The phase will start with only one of the stars chasing you, but once you reach a certain point both of them will chase after you. You can get a single charged attack in (like a strong spell or one of the ranged weapons) before you are forced to teleport towards Summum to evade the star’s crash. If a star is going to crash down while you’re in Summum’s face, end your combo and use your character’s ranged option to quickly move away (Bow for Blue, Whip for Orange).
The two-lined physical attack from Summum’s right hand will now only shoot up two pillars— however, the last attack will now be a charged magical face laser, so block accordingly.
Summum (Phase Three)
That solid pound to the ground earlier? Now it’s an Almighty attack as Summum tries its best to pummel you into a fine sparkly paste. It’s best to have a Parry ready to counter this, but if you don’t it’s best to use Perfect Timing with Blue’s shield to charge one up.
The double-pillar-to-laser attack is also an Almighty attack now. Same thing as before, block the attacks with the corresponding blocks, but make sure to have Perfect Timing.
I’m not actually sure if that’s the actual name of the spell, but I call it as such because the ‘o’ reminds me of the trigger for this attack.
You might’ve spotted Summum charging a green spark in its left hand, circles moving inwards towards the spark. It will then slam its hand into the ground, and the camera will pan to your character being trapped in a slowly shrinking circle.
I don’t think I have to tell you that this is bad.
Your only hope in saving yourself is to use Orange’s defensive abilities. If you have an Assimilation charged, then great, you just earned yourself a free heal! If you don’t, well, pray to God that you get the dodge timing right or else you’ll see the blinding flash of light before your character is obliterated. A very beautiful animation for an awe-inspiring moment, save for the fact that the entire fight has been reset and you’re back to square one.
You’ll want to dodge right before the three dots touch each other. The animation will take a while to finish, but once you hear the stars moving and the bar under your character appears you can start attacking again even as the overlay fades.
You’ve just dealt a whole lot of damage to the weakness gauge, and you’re confident that this next attack will break it…
… until Summum’s halo glows and undos all of your hard work by removing a third from all of the weakness gauges. Oh joy.
There’s not much to do about this, other than to grit your teeth and continue your assault. Parries and Counterspells (after a successful Assimilation) will help greatly in this section because the weaknesses stay the same.
Despite your instincts telling you otherwise, try not to speed through this phase too fast. You’ll want to hang a smidge before the halfway point (or when Summum only regenerates with two weaknesses) because of a very certain attack— Complete Annihilation.
Unlike Oblivion, you cannot avoid nor prevent this attack. I’m not entirely sure how much health you need in order to tank this attack (the lowest I was able to tank it with was around 70% of the last health bar) but if you are able to take it, it will reduce you to practically 1 HP. That makes a stressful fight even more stressful when done once…
… but of course, we can’t have an easy secret boss, so Summum uses it again in the next phase. And let me tell you, you won’t be so lucky next time.
There is a way to stop the first one however. If you stall long enough in the second half of the third phase, breaking its weaknesses will stop Summum from charging the attack. You’ll know that Summum is charging it when it raises both of its hands and stomps down, light gathering around its singular eye. You get two rounds to break its weaknesses, and Summum will not attack you while it is charging. Watch out for the stars during the second round as they may waste your time if you don’t avoid them.
Summum (Phase Four & Five)
So you’ve successfully avoided Complete Annihilation. Congratulations! And hey, it looks like Summum’s tiring out because it went back to phase one and the weaknesses are automatically revealed. Huzzah!
Don’t let your mini victories get to your head though, as you’re only halfway through the Absorption Meter. One small mistake can ruin your entire run, so you’ll have to focus up now more than ever.
Most of its attacks are the same from the beginning, save for a few changes.
The two lasers will now be followed by a swipe of Summum’s hand. The swipe is a physical attack, so either dodge or defend.
Additionally, Summum will also use a strong lightning attack instead of a strong frost attack. You can defend with Orange like before, but do note that he is weak to lightning, so if you’re low on HP swap to Blue and block it instead. If you’re able to, you can also abuse Blue Axe technique to absorb the damage instead.
Summum uses its second phase rendition of the pillar attack. Block accordingly.
You’ve breezed by the repeat phase one, and the absorption meter’s looking pretty high. It seems like nothing can stop you now.
*charging laser noises*
Oh yeah. That thing.
Unfortunately, breaking the weaknesses will not save you this time. Summum will fire its laser, and it will hurt like heaven above. It’s best to optimize this time by dealing as much Absorption damage as possible and wracking up some techniques for both characters. You might want to swap one of your techniques for a Parry for Blue as well (which can be achieved by charging up the Axe).
Prior to the charge, try to save an Assimilation on Orange to ensure some heals post-Annihilation.
Great. Now a gust of wind might be all it takes to knock you off your feet.
No, seriously. Watch out for those wind attacks.
Jokes aside, this is by far the hardest part of the run— that is, if you haven’t mastered Perfect Timing. If you don’t have an Assimilation to give you heals, your best bet is to block both the physical and magical attack using Blue’s shield, as not getting the timing right and holding down the button will give you a window of safety (that is, until the shield breaks).
You’ll need to act fast as Summum can and will charge up another laser when it’s ready. Spam Bow techniques and use the boost the Seal technique gives you to finish it off. Once that meter is full—!
Well… you’ll just have to see for yourself now, hm?
Most of this is coming from my memory, so please tell me if I mixed up any of the attacks or if I just got something downright wrong. I will update this guide with the official terms and some helpful pictures sometime in the future, so please be patient!
Other than that, tell me what you think! Was this guide helpful? Harmful? The cipher to some unknown law of the universe? (I’m kidding, of course. Or am I?)
Have a wonderful day! 🙂
And that wraps up our share on Worldless: How to defeat a certain green goober (and how to get there in the first place). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by vblu6, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!