Looking for realism? Other species? Long challenges? Then look no further! These challenges were made to spark a new light into your game :)Feel free to send suggestions and questions! I might attend you.
Things to Note
With that cleared out, go ahead and have fun!
Classic Challenge
• You can’t woof pups inside the den. Squeak if they go in for some reason.
• You can only woof pups in if you are going to leave the den for a while.
• Wherever you go, your mate MUST follow. If you’re at the den, they must go there, if you’re in an excursion, they must be there with you. Make sure to do the secondary howl if your mate is distant at some point.
• Challenge must be played on Challenging with Mate Permadeath on!
• If your mate or all of your current litter dies, the game ends. You must start a new save file (if ironwolf, delete this save file and make a new one).
• You must start off at Amethyst Mountain, and then as soon as you’ve got a mate, click to hang out with them and travel to Slough Creek. Then begin the Territory Quest.
• Your player-wolf can have any coat, but they must keep default eyes and can only have the following body modifications: radio collar, flat ear, left bent ear, torn ear, notched ear. If your wolf has one body modification, they can’t have any others.
• You can’t have age perks.
• You can’t modify your health stat. Other stats can be modified at will.
• You can only have two hexes, one where your den site will be located in and the other for your hunting grounds. Let the other 13 hexes decay after you start raising puppies.
• During winter, you must find an elk herd in that is inside a specific hex and must hunt down 5 cow elk from the herd. That hex will be your hunting grounds from now on.
• You can’t move den sites at all. If fleas reach 100% or the den floods, you must stay there, even though you can’t enter the den.
• You can only choose den 2, 3 or 4 as marked in the map.
• Rivers are extremely dangerous for pups; if they get on the water and stay there for more than 15 seconds, they drown. You must kill them somehow if they do drown.
• You must stay within Classic perimeters. This only doesn’t apply to the claim 15 hexes quest.
• You’re only allowed to hunt adult elk, moose and hares. No hunting spike elk (or elk calves).
• You can’t take chunks from carcasses or carry hares around.
• You can’t pick any collectibles up, only if it’s for a quick achievement, but then let it go and leave it at the same place you found it.
• Predators must be bitten exactly 3 times. After you’ve done that, you can only growl to chase them off. Coyotes must be killed.
• You can sleep normally until your pups all reach 15 pounds. Before moving away from the den and into the rendezvous site, let your wakefulness reach 0% and howl your affinity up to 100%. You can’t sleep during the journey.
• Your wolf can’t drink water at all.
• Backuping a save if a packmember dies is not allowed.
• Bull elk can only be hunted with 2 or more wolves. Otherwise, you can’t hunt them.
• Before even getting a mate, during the learn to hunt quest, you must get 800 experience. How? Hunting elk grants you 80 experience, hunting moose grants you 100, killing coyotes and foxes gives you 50, chasing off bears, cougars and wolves gives you 400. You may even finish the learn to hunt quest, but you can’t find a mate until you have 800 experience. Write in your bio how many you have!
• You can only name your pups if you have atleast 2500 experience. In the meanwhile, name them “Male” or “Female”.
• You can’t enter stranger wolf territory, except during the journey to the rendezvous site.
• You can’t mark carcasses in any way.
• Everytime your wolf dies, they lose 300 experience.
• To complete the Territory Quest, you can claim an extra den, but do not use it for anything.
• You win the challenge once the pack reaches rendezvous site #29 as listed in the map. You can play loaf at rendezvous site and endless summer, but there’s not really much to do after that (for now).
• Once you get to the rendezvous site, claim the hex for your pack and let your previous two hexes decay.
• Make it so that sick pups can’t die and keep unknown fates off.
• Everytime your litter grows up, during the fall, you must bring the pack to Tower Falls and hunt 2 bison with them. During winter, return to Slough Creek. (Since Tower Falls isn’t released yet, hunt 2 bison in Slough Creek).
Realism Challenge [Part 1]
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section One: Wolf Customization
• Start off with a blank wolf. This means you can only customize its coat, eye color, body/tail thickness and size. All wolves start off with no radio collar or scars.
• Everytime your wolf ages, roll a D6. Above 2 means your wolf stays the same, while 0 or 1 means your wolf has gotten a radio collar this year. Reroll if you got 3, and don’t roll this anymore if your wolf already got a radio collar once.
• If you choose a coat with the young/old toggle, you must start with your wolf’s coat being the younger version.
• Optional, but if you want more challenge, you can randomize your wolf’s stats.
• Let’s talk about personality now. If your wolf is. . .
• Bold: They can target animals with any health. • Cautious: They can only target animals with below half health.
• Energetic: During their free days, they spend almost all day playing. They would also rather canter other than trotting. • Lazy: During their free days, they spend almost all day laying down. They sit and lay down extremely often. They would rather walk and trot than canter.
• Social: They always join excursions and love to spend time with their packmates. • Loner: They would rather go on excursions alone and would rather spend more time on lonely excursions than with their family pack.
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section Two: Battle Scars
• Every time you get a major injury, roll a D6. 0 or 1 means your wolf stays the same, but 2 or more means your wolf got scarred.
• If your wolf has every scar possible, they are no longer able to sprint or jump, age doesn’t matter.
• If you get a “(Left/Right)” scar, then roll a D2 (or D4 for crooked tails). 1 means you add a left scar while 2 means you add the right scar.
• Jaw Injury (Roll a D9)
Life is Rough Face Scar (reroll if your wolf’s initial coat doesn’t correspond to a Life is Rough one)
Missing Eye (Left/Right)
Corneal Edema (Left/Right)
Torn Ear (Left/Right)
Bent Ear (Left/Right)
Flat Ear
Notched Ear (Left/Right)
Torn Inner Ear (Left/Right)
Snaggletooth (Left/Right)
• Body or Leg Injury (Roll a D5)
Life is Rough Body Scar (reroll if your wolf’s initial coat doesn’t correspond to a Life is Rough one)
Back Curve
Mange Tail
Cut Off Tail
Crooked Tail (Left/Right/Inward/Outward)
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section Three: Basics
• Here’s an explanation for Unknown Fate if you keep it on. Wolf pups are very curious, and it takes one false step to fall in the jaws or talons of a predator or being swept away by a river.
• If you hunt prey, you can only hunt again 3 days later. Doesn’t count for Growing Pups.
• If your wolf didn’t eat anything this sleep, you must drink water.
• You can only take stranger wolf hexes if they’re in the Weak stage.
• You can only stay awake during the dawn and dusk, since wolves are crepuscular. Once the sun or moon fully rises, sleep and only wake up once you see it’s sunrise or sunset.
• When eating, don’t eat directly from the carcass. Wolves usually take chunks off of it and swallow them whole. Take chunks off the carcass and eat them instead!
• Wolves are usually exhausted after hunting. After you’re done hunting, you (and your packmates) can lay down by the carcass until it’s time to sleep, and then return to the homesite (if there is one) upon waking up. If a predator comes by to steal the carcass, if you don’t manage to chase them away, lay down by a tree or somewhere with shade.
• When hunting elk, you must tire out the herd for a few minutes and and then lock onto the slowest one or the one that’s falling behind the most.
• Optional. Everytime you wake up from a sleep, visit a random weather generator. If it’s way too hot or way too cold, your wolf can’t sprint.
• Especially in large wolfpacks, sometimes there is some kind of dominant-submissive hierarchy within the subordinates. Observe their behaviors. Dominant wolves are more likely to snarl at their packmates while submissive are more likely to tuck down their tails, ears and roll. Treat your pack accordingly to your status (dominant/submissive).
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section Four: Learn to Hunt
• As a young dispersal, you’re extremely confident that you can take on anything (especially if you’re bold) but you’re still quite unexperienced. During your first day as a dispersal, you must bite anything you see before you. At the second day, you learn that not everything is easy when you’re alone and lose some boldness, for the best.
• If you’re a 1 or 2 year old dispersal, you can’t hunt elk, moose or bison since young, alone wolves know better than to hunt big prey that can trample them to death. The only exception is the 2 elk needed to complete the quest. If you’re a 3 year old or older dispersal, you can start targeting large prey.
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section Five: Find a Mate
• In real life, wolves spend more than years looking for the right mate for them and sometimes they’re left with less than perfect options. You can only look for mates in 5 prospective groups per map. If you don’t find a suitable mate after searching in 5 dispersal groups, travel to another map. Search again. If you don’t find one, travel again, and keep going until you come across a suitable mate. If you don’t find one, you’ll have to spend most of this year alone – sorry! Doesn’t count for Lost River.
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section Six: Territory Quest & Find a Den
• You can’t press the “Find Dens” button. You must find them yourself.
• Once you set a scent post in a hex, evaluate well where it should be, since you won’t be allowed to change its location later.
• During the winter, you MUST sleep when your wakefulness reaches 50%. Cold environments tend to tire out animals quicker.
• You must stay 3 days in Early Spring and then settle into a den.
• You can’t choose your perks. They must be chosen by a RNG or dice roll.
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section Seven: Raise Pups – Growing Pups
• Optional. Sometimes, female subordinates may breed with rogue males but not leave the pack, and instead share dens with the breeding female. If you have atleast 1 subordinate female in your pack and the new litter is born, roll a D6. If it falls in 0 or 1, then some of the puppies are hers. You can decide or roll what puppies are from the breeding pair and what puppies are from the subordinate.
• Optional, but if you wanna know more, roll a 1-[number of females over 1 year] dice. The number it falls in is the wolfess who had some of the pups. Then, roll a 1-[number of pups in the litter]. That number is how many pups are from the subordinate(s).
• Once your litter is born, if it’s a large litter (6-7 pups), you can roll a dice or RNG to check if one of the pups has any mutations (lethal or non-lethal). I usually roll a 0-100 for this. If it falls on 10 or less, then the last-born puppy has a mutation. Here are the mutations that a puppy can be born with.
Congetinal Heart Defect: This puppy was born with some abnormalities in its heart. Has a very low chance of surviving. Everytime the pack wakes up from a sleep, roll a D10 dice. If it rolls 6 or lower, it means the puppy had a heart attack and died in its sleep. You must abandon them to simulate it. (If you’re playing as a Congenital Heart Defect dispersed pup, if your health gets to 30% or lower, you must fall asleep on spot)
Cleft Palate: This puppy was born with a gap in the roof of its mouth, making it very hard to breathe. Might survive. However, they also have difficulties with eating. If they’re a puppy, when their hunger is 50-60%, you must pick them up until all the food is…
Realism Challenge [Part 2]
Weak Legs: This puppy was born with its back legs almost paralyzed, limiting movement. Has an extremely low chance of surviving. You must carry them around all the time. If they fall behind or get lost, their fate is already sealed. You can’t come back for them. (If you’re playing as a Weak Legs dispersed pup, you can only crawl and walk)
Weak Immune System: This puppy was born with very low immunity, and any minor illness, like the flu, can be fatal for them. If this puppy gets an illness, you must abandon them to simulate they died. (If you’re playing as a Weak Immune System dispersed pup, if any of your pups get a contagious illness, roll a dice to see if you caught it. If you did, you can’t leave the densite for 3 days to recover)
Blindness: This puppy was born unable to see. They always tumble and fall around. They’ll survive, but they cannot ever join pack excursions and during puphood, you must carry them around all the time. By the rendezvous site stage, they’ll have learned to follow the pack by scent, so there’s no need to carry them from that point on. (If you play as a blind dispersed pup, you must be in scent view all the time, except for fights and hunts)
Deafness: This puppy was born with complications with hearing, making it unable to hear. They’ll survive, but won’t ever be able to join excursions. If they engage in one, woof at them. (Note: if you play as a deaf dispersed pup, turn off audio and don’t ever howl.)
• During times of famine, prioritize feeding the largest puppies.
• If one of your packmates dies, you must relocate dens/rendezvous sites. In real life, wolves do this because they feel it might be risky to stay in a dangerous shelter and risk more death. If one dies while you’re traveling, no actions need to be taken.
• If your mate dies while you are raising your litter, you need to find a new one within 5 days. If you don’t, your pack will slowly “disband” and you will raise your pups alone, not being able to search for a mate again for the rest of the year.
• You can only abandon a den if it has atleast 60% fleas, if it flooded or if a packmate died there.
• Optional. Everytime a pup gets sick, go to a Random Sickness Generator site and roll it. The first one that shows up is what your puppy has. Then search up “[insert illness] in animals” and see the symptoms. This is mainly for lore reasons and also to make you happier to see your pup survive from a fatal illness such as rabies.
• In real life, predators can very easily snatch pups from the den. Because of this, you can’t send your pups inside the den if there’s a predator, but you can bark to gather the pups close to you. However, you may woof them in when you reached rendezvous site stage or are traveling.
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section Eight: Young Hunters
• This is the time where you’re gonna want to steal as many hexes from other packs as possible, just keep in mind the “only steal if under 40% rule”.
• If any of your young hunters’ health falls to 40% or under, you must woof them.
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section Nine: Aging
• If your wolf is 5 years old or more, they are officially a senior! Senior wolves are not that bold and playful anymore, and will spend quite some time resting and relaxing instead of hunting and frolicking. Which means that if the playing cooldown shows up, you must lay down and stop playing with the pack. As a younger wolf, you can ignore that cooldown and keep socializing.
• Senior wolves are wise enough not to invade a rival pack’s turf. Because of this, you can only visit 2 stranger hexes per sleep.
• If your wolf makes it to 8 years old, they are officialy an elder! Elder wolves can’t sprint at all, they can only in the maximum canter. You can no longer do the bouncy trot or play chase with your packmates. You can no longer invade stranger territory at all.
• The best way to find food as an elder is to search for carcasses through the scent view, as you aren’t as tough and quick to hunt down elk anymore.
• Optional. When your wolf gets their death dream, roll a D6. 1 or 2 means your wolf died peacefully (hold R while laying down), but any number other than that means they died of natural causes (press Z).
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section Ten: Wild Mode
Wild Mode is made to add some extra fun and challenge into this! Keep in mind that this can cut your wolf’s life short. I once tried this on Challenging, before the Saga. I had 7 pups and ended with 1, who also died later.
• You must play with the HUD turned off. When you’re away from the den/rendezvous site, you can turn it on if you’d like.
• Turn off the game music.
• Turn off nametags.
• Turn off damage display on the settings.
• You can’t open the map.
• You must find your lost pups through scent.
• You will have to learn to do everything based on your scent and hearing, which are the two skills wolves most rely on for survival. Good luck!
┏━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━┓ 🌙 Section Eleven: Settings
Difficulty: Challenging or Accurate
Ironwolf: Recommended
Mate Permadeath: On
Sick Pups Can Die: On (Unknown Fate is optional)
Lion Challenge [Part 1]
• Try to make a wolf that looks atleast slightly like a lion. You can achieve that look with tan-yellow coats, a slightly mangy tail, adjusting body mass and half-bent ears (since they look like feline ears). Look at references!
• This is optional, but in order to have pups with lion-like coats, tint your wolf’s coat orange-ish and try to get a mate with around the same tinting.
• Pick a howl that sounds slightly like a roar. Examples: Howl 21 and 46.
—————~—————~——————~ >>
Lions have it way tougher than wolves do, so let’s set this up accordingly!
• Difficulty: Challenging OR Accurate.
• Mate Permadeath: ON
• Sick Pups Can Die: ON
• Territory Settings: Smallest Non-Claimed Hexes as Possible
—————~—————~——————~ >>
• When hunting, you must crouch and crawl to the prey’s direction until you are roughly 3-5 meters away from them, then you can begin the actual hunt. However, if you’re spotted before getting close, you can start the chase early.
• You must drink water extremely often.
• When your lion dies, if you were playing as a male, if you choose to continue the story of the pride as a male, you must kill off all young male cubs (younger than young hunters phase). If you choose to continue as a female, once you get a mate/new dominant, they will kill off all young cubs (younger than young hunters). To simulate that, abandon them, make other animals kill them, etc.
• When on a fight against other pride, you should focus on killing their cubs to eliminate future competition.
• If you come across a male nomad or young male lion from other pride in your turf, you MUST chase them off, no matter what.
• The dry season is during fall and winter while wet season is during spring and summer.
• While playing as a lioness, try to focus more on hunting. You can only allow 1 male per hunting patrol as they usually aren’t in charge of hunts like lionesses.
• If you’re going to hunt huge prey (giraffe or buffalo), then you can bring more males to the hunt.
—————~—————~——————~ >>
As a male lion, you’re a nomad that has been recently banished from his birth pride and is now looking to take over an existing one.
• Male lions usually don’t focus on hunting as much as lionesses. Therefore, they have much less experience. You must hunt 3 elk/wildebeest instead of the usual 2.
• Once the Learn to Hunt quest and the additional 1 elk are done, you must takeover a pride. Choose one of the existing packs in the map, kill their male leader/dominant male and wait until the females are ready to find a new leader. When they are ready, court the female leader.
• Once you have taken over a pride, you must kill off (make them starve, take them to dangerous animals, abandon if young, etc etc) all the cubs of the year.
—————~—————~——————~ >>
As a lioness, you have left your birth pride to explore for new opportunities to explore new places and have cubs in a cleaner lineage or your birth pride disbanded, setting you in an uncertain destiny.
• When finding a mate, you can either find dispersals or a young male from a pride who’s around the age to get banished to nomadhood (2-3 years). You can’t take a pride over.
• After you raise your first litter of cubs with this male and they’re in the Young Hunters quest, you can choose if you want to continue in this pride as one of the huntresses led by the dominant male or if you want to set out for greener fields and better, healthier lions. If you choose to leave your pride, start a new game without a mate. If you’re an ironwolf, delete your current save first. Keep in mind that you can only make this decision in the first year. In the following years, you must remain with your pride, no matter what you chose.
—————~—————~——————~ >>
SECTION 6: RAISING CUBS (these rules only count for when you’re in the pup raising arc (Raise Pups-Growing Pups quests))
• When a new litter is born, you must roll dices (1-4) to see how many females had these litters. When multiple females have had litters at the same time, it’s usually one that takes over as the mother and raises them. Then, if you want to, roll what females had the litters and roll whose cubs are whose.
• When the females of the pride are pregnant with the cubs of this year, you must find a sheltered den (preferably wooded). When the cubs are no longer wobbly, you must abandon the den and become nomadic. • If you’re playing as the dominant female, you cannot leave the den for 1 in-game day and must keep the cubs there. After this day passes, leave the den and bring the cubs out to introduce them into the pride. This is because when nursing, lionesses hide away from the pride until her cubs are roughly 1 month old.
• Only the dominant female may sleep inside the temporary den.
• This is optional, but if you want more drama, then add it in. When you’re introducing the cubs to the pride, if some cubs have more negative stats than positive ones, roll a dice for each cub, 0-6. If it falls on 0, the cub must be abandoned. If one of these cubs is also a runt, then they must be abandoned if the dice rolls 0 or 1.
• Generally, there can be up to 5 males in a single pride, those being the dominant male and his offspring he’ll tolerate for a while. However, those young males will eventually mature and become a threat to the young cubs, so if they don’t disperse after 3 years of age, you must start rejecting them. Don’t feed them, don’t allow them on excursions, etc until they disperse to takeover a pride of their own. This counts for every pride male aged 1 year or older.
• When you’re in the Young Hunters quest, if you’re a male, show your cubs the 10 border hexes first and then begin showing them how to hunt, but if you’re a lioness, show your cubs how to hunt first and then do the territory tour.
• Lions aren’t known to regurgitate food for their babies. So when you regurgitate food for them, imagine they’re drinking milk. The moment you get the Hunt Newborn Ungulates quest, you will no longer be able to regurgitate food for them and must bring them meat chunks or newborn prey. The moment you hit the Journey to Summer Site quest, you’ll need to hunt prey and bring your cubs there so that they eat from the carcass.
• If there’s only one cub left in the litter, you must abandon them and hope for the best in the next litter. If you had a litter with one cub, then this doesn’t count.
• If your mate / the dominant male dies and you’re a lioness, you must find another dominant as soon as you can. However, once you’ve found one and introduced him to the pride, he’ll kill all the young cubs (younger than the Young Hunters phase). To simulate that, abandon all the young cubs and then sleep until they’ve all died. If they’re on the Growing Pups stage, travel to a new rendezvous site and sprint ahead until they’ve all been left behind and then sleep.
• When introducing the new dominant male, some pridemembers may not handle the change well. one of your pridemates dispersed 7 or less days into the new leadership, it’s because they couldn’t handle the change or the sudden loss of the young lions affected them deeply and they’ve been too stressed to continue with this pride. If they return later, it’s because they’ve calmed down. If they don’t, it’s because they’ve moved on from your pride now.
• Lions are known to reject sick or weak/injured cubs. If you have a cub whose health is 25% or lower, you must start rejecting them (e.g don’t play with them, don’t carry them around, if they get close to a source of food, pick it up and give it to other cubs (if it’s regurgitated food, eat it and re-regurgitate it closer to other cubs, if it’s a carcass, pick up the cub and don’t let them go until you’re…
Lion Challenge [Part 2]
• Every 4 in-game days, during the cub-raising period (Raise Pups-Growing Pups), roll a 1-2 dice. 1 means these days have been calm but 2 means there are gonna be events called Harsh Times. If you rolled 2, roll a 1-2 RNG. 1 means there are poachers or packs of dangerous predators nearby ready to harm your cubs and you must move away from where you are currently taking shelter in. You must move atleast 5 hexes away. 2 means the herds have migrated somewhere else, causing food to go scarce. You can’t hunt for 3 in-game days and if you really need food during these times, you must scavenge.
• When all your cubs reach 15 lbs, the cub trial period starts. You must lead them through all these lessons in order to learn how to survive when they’re older. (Thanks, @moneyspreadcoral, for this idea. Inspired by your challenge, Pup Survival Challenge! Make sure to check it out.)
Lesson 1: Traveling – you must travel atleast 5 hexes with your cubs through the territory without cubs getting lost or left behind.
Lesson 2: Swimming – take your cubs to a nearby river or large pond to learn how to swim.
Lesson 3: Stalking – during the night, take your cubs to observe prey without being seen.
Lesson 4: Scavenging – travel around the map and find a carcass for your pride to eat with your cubs accompanying you.
Lesson 5: Tackling Small Prey – take your cubs to lakes where dwarf crocodiles (beavers) reside to make them observe you hunting them.
Lesson 6: Stealing Hexes – take your cubs to another pride’s turf and take one of their hexes without being attacked.
Lesson 7: Hunting Large Prey – take your cubs to a hunting excursion to observe you and your pridemates hunting large prey (wildebeest, zebra, impala, giraffe or buffalo). Try not to get them trampled or lost in the process.
Lesson 8: Fighting – take your cubs to another pride’s territory, sleep there and get engaged in a fight. Make sure your cubs observe without getting hurt. Send them into the tall grass if necessary.
Lesson 9: Migrating – take your cubs to the farthest hex on your territory.
After all the lessons are done, you and your pride can finally rest – just without a rendezvous site, of course. You are still nomadic.
—————~—————~——————~ >>
Wolf = Lion
Coyote = Hyena
Foxes = Jackals
Dogs = African Wild Dogs
Cougar = Leopard
Wolverine = Honey Badger
Beaver = Dwarf Crocodile
Bear = Crocodile
Hunters = Poachers
Pack = Pride
Pup(s) = Cub(s)
Dispersal = Nomad
Dispersal Group = Coalition
Elk = Wildebeest
Mule Deer = Zebra
Pronghorn = Impala
Moose = Giraffe
Bison = Buffalo
Eagles = African Fish Eagles
Ravens = Vultures
(note: the following places do exist in real life!) Yellowstone National Park = Serengeti National Park
Amethyst Mountain = Grumechen Hill
Slough Creek = Seronera
Hellroaring Mountain = Lobo
Outside Yellowstone Borders = Grumeti Game Reserve
Lost River = Ambigol
Coyote Challenge
In my opinion, this challenge makes a bit more sense if portrayed in a coywolf that chose to live the coyote lifestyle’s mindset.
Difficulty: Your Choice Map: Hellroaring Mountain or Lost River RNG Pup Death: Your Choice Mate Permadeath: ON
Your wolf must be very small. They must have one of the following coats:
Boltz (with some orange tint)
Life is Rough 1 Tawny
Life is Rough Tawny Mange
Classic Coat 1
Classic Coat 4
Buffy (with some orange tint)
Your wolf must have -2 strength and -2 health. Give them a squeaky or out-of-tune howl, like howls 36 and 37! The rest is optional. I do recommend you making your coyote’s tail a bit fluffy!
Coyotes are seen like pests and are always the first target by hunters. If you’re on Hellroaring Mountain, always be inside the hunting area. It will only be risky during fall, but atleast you’ve got yourself some extra realism.
If you’re on Lost River, visit the cattle ranch every once in a while. In real life, coyotes tend to lure dogs away from their owners using friendliness, and when the dog is far from human contact, the pack kills said dog. When you have a decent pack, you can chase dogs away from any human-made places and then ambush them.
If you don’t have any of these DLCs or simply wanna live life as a coyote in a “protected” place, you can choose another place to live in or travel there later in your life.
Coyotes tend to get sick with scratching diseases very early in their lives. 80% of coyotes get fleas or mange at 2 years of age. So whenever a season passes by, roll a RNG. I usually do a 0-6. If it falls on 4 or less, it means your coyote got mange. When you’ve got mange, if possible, change your coat to a mangy version of it (if it’s not available for your coat, keep your current one). Mangy coyotes are way weaker. Take away two attributes from your stats. You also must back off from fights or hunts if your health reaches 70% or less. Once the season passes, you’ll be mostly cured. You can choose if you want to keep the mangy version of your coat as scars from the scratching. Make your attributes normal again, and in the next season timeskip, roll the RNG again.
Coyotes unfortunately also go rabid, and it isn’t uncommon. When you get a minor injury by a bite or scratch, roll a D6 again. If it rolls 1, your coyote got infected with rabies! When you have rabies, you must bite and try to kill anything that you find. You also can no longer open the map. If your coyote doesn’t die within this time frame, you must kill them off in 7 in-game days after getting infected. Rest in peace! If you’re not playing on ironwolf, you can start a new save file after dying of rabies.
Coyotes are curious fellas. An interesting challenge to bring into this one is bringing all skulls, antlers and collectibles back to your densite. When your coyote gets its death dream, you must choose a random death.
You can’t hunt any large prey, so you can only hunt hares, pronghorn and mule deer. This rule doesn’t count for the Learn to Hunt quest. However, you can hunt all types of newborn ungulates. You just can’t carry around elk or moose calves since they’d be too heavy for you.
Even though you can hunt, try to live life as more of a scavenger. You can eat other types of prey if it’s a carcass, already killed by a bigger predator.
When approaching prey, you must lower yourself (either crouch or walk) until you’re in a decent distance and then begin chasing them. Grab the slowest.
Wolves are extremely dangerous for coyotes. Avoid messing with them as much as you’d avoid messing with bears in a normal gameplay. If you do decide to fight a wolf, you can’t kill it unless its health was already pretty low when you found it.
In most of the times, you can’t actually latch onto opponents – instead, you must only do quick bites to stress them and latch when they’re distracted. You must flee a conflict if your health goes below 60%.
In the Find a Den quest, you can only use abandoned coyote dens. Your puppies must stay most of their time inside the den with you. You can only leave the den for small hunting trips and then return to stay with them. Once they’re about 8 lbs, you can start bringing them out of the den daily but they must return there once they’re tired. Once they’re all 10 lbs or more, you can start bringing individual pups to watch your hunting trips and no longer be in the den for most of the time. (or you can bring all of them, if you’re traveling).
Once the pups reach 8 lbs, you can’t regurgitate for them anymore and must bring either a hare, a meat chunk or, if it’s the season, a newborn ungulate back for them. Once the pack grows bigger, coyotes tend to get food aggressive very often. When eating from a carcass with your pack, you can growl and snarl at the pups to get your fill from the food (since coyotes hunt pretty small prey and the carcasses are usually gone pretty quick).
And that wraps up our share on WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition: A Collection of Fresh Long Challenges. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Glowstone, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!