Welcome to the ultimate Vernal Edge achievement guide! This guide will help you unlock every achievement in the game. Be warned, there may be mild spoilers ahead. With this quick and easy guide, you’ll become a Vernal Edge achievement master in no time!
Vernal Edge is a cool game with lots of hidden surprises to find and some achievements to earn. You can discover many of them by exploring the floating islands thoroughly, like finishing side quests or mini games, or getting everything 100% done. But some achievements are more challenging to get. Check out this easy guide to learn how to unlock all the achievements in Vernal Edge!
Note: This guide may reveal some mild spoilers.

Beat the game
Pretty straightforward. Just beat the final boss to finish the game and unlock the achievement.
Beat the game on Vicious difficulty
This is also straightforward. To earn another achievement, complete the game by defeating the final boss on the hardest difficulty level. Vicious difficulty is usually available after beating the game once. However, if you want to start on Vicious difficulty from the beginning, there’s a secret code that can unlock it. Simply go to the settings and enter the secret code provided below:

After entering the code, a message should appear confirming that Vicious difficulty has been unlocked. Best of luck on your playthrough!
Enter Unreality of your own accord
You can earn this achievement by just playing through the game normally. When you’re about halfway through the game, you’ll gain the power to open peculiar rifts found on some islands. To get this achievement, just open one of these rifts and enter inside.
New Look
Find the hidden palette
To unlock this achievement, you’ll need to have the Wall Run and Pulse Fly upgrades. Start by heading to the left of where the airship docks on Mossy Isle, where you’ll find a locked door. To open it, you’ll need to explore in Unreality. Go to the Unreality Crossroads, which you can access through the Barren Cave, and take the right path from the central room. You’ll soon come across a large room with green upside-down trees. Use Pulse Fly to reach the top of the room, where you’ll find a secret path.
Follow the path to the area where you were first sent to Unreality. Keep going and enter the pink and green door, then immediately go to the left and use Wall Run to go up to a new section. This section has some tricky platforming with spinning projectiles, so equip the Reflection and Swift Slice Memories to make it easier. At the end of the path, you’ll face a secret boss named Patche. Defeat them to earn the ??? Key.
Now, return to the locked door on Mossy Isle and use the key to open it. You’ll find something strange inside, as well as a new color palette for Vernal that you can toggle in the settings menu. And don’t forget to claim your new achievement!

Big Spender
Purchase every item from every shop
There are three shops you can buy stuff from. The first one is called the Church soldier in Pyrena, and they sell new combat moves. The other two shops are in Pyrena and Rosalis, and they sell Spells, Memories, and Memory Points. If you’re not sure which shop to buy from first, I’d recommend going to Pyrena because the Memories they sell are really helpful for fighting and exploring.
To buy everything, you’re going to need a lot of money. But don’t worry, if you fight all the bad guys and search for treasure, you should be able to earn enough money without too much trouble. And if you find the “Money” Memory, you can use it to make enemies drop more money when you defeat them. Once you buy everything from all three shops, you’ll unlock an achievement.
Parry Master
Parry 8 hits without taking damage
This one is a bit tricky. To get it, you’ll need to buy the “Deflection” Memory from the Pyrena shopkeeper.When you activate it, you press [DOWN] right before an enemy attacks you to parry it and send the damage back at them. But be careful, you only have a small window to do this and a regular block won’t count. To make it easier, try practicing with the basic enemy grunts that are pictured below. They only have two types of attacks, so it’s easier to predict when they’re going to strike.

It might take a few tries, and you might even die before succeeding, but if you can successfully parry an attack eight times in a row without getting hit, the achievement is all yours! So keep practicing and you’ll get there eventually!
Treasure Hunter
Acquire Treasure Sense
You’ll need the Wall Run upgrade for this one. In Pyrena, you’ll meet an NPC named Sen who’s selling a really useful Memory for a crazy high price. But don’t worry, she’s willing to give it for free if you bring her a special medicinal powder.
To get the powder, you’ll need to head over to Rosalis and talk to an NPC that looks like a goat on the far right side of town. He has the medicine you need, but he’ll only give it to you if you give him a special plant in return. To find the plant, you ‘ll need to go to the Arboretum.
In the vertical room of the Arboretum, Wall Run up the left side to find a stock of broccoli. Grab it and take it back to the goat in Rosalis to get the medicinal powder. Take the powder back to Sen in Pyrena and give it to her.
After a short cutscene and a secret boss fight against Sen herself, you’ll get the “Treasure Seeker” Memory. This Memory is super useful as it allows you to see how many pickups/secrets you’ve collected on every island. And getting this Memory will also give you the achievement! So go out there and get that Memory and achievement!
Acquire Pacifist’s Curse
This achievement can be earned right at the start of the game. In the first room, you will find a training dummy that you can practice your moves on. If you keep attacking it, you will notice that its health bar slowly decreases. If you manage to destroy the dummy, you will receive the “Pacifist’s Curse” Memory. This Memory doesn’t really help you in combat, as it reduces the damage you deal to enemies. However, if you want to make the game harder for yourself, you can equip it. Plus, you will earn an achievement for getting it, so it’s worth trying!
Deeply Rooted
Discover your roots
To get this achievement, you need to learn how to read in the game. You’ll find small rooms with bookshelves scattered throughout the islands, and you can interact with them. Once you acquire the Read ability from the Hidden Facility, you can see what’s on these bookshelves. They contain additional backstory and lore about the game, providing more insight into Vernal’s family and what happened before the game began.
There are several hidden bookshelves around the world, and I’ve listed their locations below. After you read each entry, you’ll unlock a new conversation on the airship. Trigger it to hear a conversation between Vernal and Chervil and earn the achievement.
- Aloe Air Fortress: In the blue steam-filled room, on the right side of the short hallway on the upper right area of the Air Fortress.
- Arboretum: In the room where you got the Airstep upgrade, the bookshelf is on the left near a treasure chest.
- Debris Field: Enter the large tower through the door on the upper area of the Debris Field, and go left to find the bookshelf in a room.
- Fungal Ruins: In the top-most small, rectangular room of the center of the upper-right section of the Fungal Ruins.
- Jungle: On the upper platform inside the Hermit’s cabin.
- Peony’s Letter: Read the letter from Vernal’s mother in your inventory.
- Pyrena: Wall jump up a vertical section in the training yard to the left of Sen to reach an alcove with the bookshelf.
After you’ve read all the entries, don’t forget to trigger the conversation on the airship to get the achievement.
Fisher Queen
Win the fishing minigame
This challenge can be a tough one, but it’s definitely doable with some patience and practice. Head down to the very bottom of the Debris Field to find an NPC next to his fishing hole. He’ll ask you to catch 75kg worth of fish, but it’s not as simple as just reeling them in. You’ll need to knock them out of the air and into the net to score points.
There are three types of fish: blue, pink, and orange. Blue fish are worth 5kg each and can be blocked to knock them out of the air. Pink fish are worth 6kg each and require a Pulse throw to knock them out of the air. Orange fish are worth 7kg each and need to be hit with a charged attack to knock them out of the air. Remember to aim carefully and hit the fish into the net, or they’ll flop back into the water.
It might take a few tries to get the hang of it, but don’t give up! The fish will appear in the same order each time you attempt the challenge, so try to memorize their patterns. Once you catch 75kg worth of fish, you’ll earn a Mana Piece and the achievement. Good luck!
Win the baseball minigame
I found this one easier than the fishing minigame. There’s a betting cage located on a small island called Outfield Island next to Rosalis. The goal is to score 1000 points to win the minigame and get your reward.
The game is pretty simple. A cannon will shoot large baseballs at you and you need to hit them with a charged attack to hit the net on the other side of the room and score points. If you hit the top of the net, you earn more points. But here’s the trick: you can juggle the baseballs in the air with a normal attack and gain a bonus score multiplier of up to x4.0 for each baseball that you juggle.
To win the game, you need to keep calm and stay focused to keep up the rhythm. Juggle multiple baseballs at the same time and hit them with charged attacks to score points. If you can hit a baseball with a x4.0 multiplier into the top net, that’s an easy 200 points for you.
Once you score 1000 points, you’ll win the minigame and get the “Defensive Stance” Memory and the Slugger achievement.
Green Thumb
Tend to the lonely flower
To get this achievement, you will need the Wall Run and Pulse Fly upgrades. This side quest is all about gardening. In Pyrena, an NPC talks about a rare type of flower that can grow tall. The flower can be found on a small, remote island called Little Flower. All you need to do is find some fertile soil to help it grow.
There are three batches of fertile soil scattered around the islands. The first is in a secret area next to where the airship docks in the Arboretum. The second is on top of a steep wall on Outfield Island, which can be reached using the Wall Run ability. The third is in the far-right area of the Jungle, which can be reached by completing a quick platforming challenge using the Pulse Fly ability.
After collecting each batch of soil, return to Little Flower and spread it around the sprout. The island will slowly come to life with greenery. Once you’ve used all three batches of soil, talk to the NPC in Pyrena again, and then head back to Little Flower to enjoy your new garden and some rewards. Don’t forget to unlock the Green Thumb achievement!
Pyramid Master
Complete the Pyramid without using the shortcut
To get this achievement, you’ll need all the major upgrades in the game. The Pyramid Trial is a challenging platforming challenge on an island. It’s not so much the platforming that’s tough, but the strict time limit you have to complete it. At the very beginning of the trial, there’s a secret passage with a breakable wall that lets you skip the first section of the pyramid. But if you want to earn the achievement, you MUST NOT TAKE THIS SHORTCUT.
It’s still possible to make it to the end of the trial without taking the shortcut, but it’s not easy. You’ll probably need to try multiple times. Memorize the layout of the trial to move efficiently and improve your platforming skills. Using the Wall Run, Water Slide, and Pulse Fly abilities will also help you save time. If you can make it to the top of the pyramid without taking the shortcut, you’ll unlock the achievement. Remember to use all your upgrades and good luck!
Slime Time
Discover Slime’s Summit
To get this achievement, you need to have the Pulse Fly upgrade.
First, go to the Unreality Crossroads through the Barren Cave entrance. Move to the right until you see an Unreality rift on a high ledge (use the “Sense of Direction” Memory to help you find it). Use Pulse Fly to reach the rift and enter the hidden area called Slime’s Summit. You’ll get the achievement just by entering the area for the first time.
Don’t rush out of Slime’s Summit, though! There’s a short side-quest that you can do that gives you some great rewards, including the powerful “Explosion” Spell. You’ll also find a docking point to call Chervil and the airship, so you can easily return to Slime’s Summit from the world map. Good luck!
Knocked Around The Clock
Become a one-note wonder
To unlock this achievement, you need to hit a bell in the Foggy Ruin until it makes a full 360 rotation. There are several bells scattered around the area, and they can be quite tricky to hit, so it might take a few minutes of constant whacking to get it right. You can use charged attacks to make the bells swing faster and hopefully get them to rotate fully.
Once you find a bell, keep hitting it with a combination of normal and charged attacks until it completes a full 360-degree rotation. It doesn’t matter which bell you hit, so just keep trying until you get the achievement.
It’s worth noting that the hitboxes on the bells can be a bit finicky, so don’t get discouraged if it takes a few tries to get it right. With a little persistence and some good timing, you should be able to unlock this achievement in no time!
Hello George
Meet Chervil’s new friend
playthrough after seeing a conversation on the airship where Chervil shows Vernal a training dummy he brought on board.
I’m not exactly sure what you need to do to trigger this conversation, but I have a few theories:
- Maybe you need to destroy a certain number of training dummies. I think it was around 3-5, but I’m not sure.
- There’s a secret area in Rosalis that just has a training dummy in it. Maybe destroying that one will do the trick.
- Another idea is to find a training dummy and move it all the way to the airship dock by whacking it.
Honestly, I don’t know for sure what causes this achievement to unlock, but if you see that conversation with Chervil and the training dummy on the airship, you should get the achievement. If I figure out the exact requirements or someone comments with the real answer, I’ll update this guide.
Congratulations, you’ve now collected all the achievements in Vernal Edge! This game may not be the game of the year, but it’s still a pretty good game to play, especially if you have a lot of free time. It’s perfect for playing through on a lazy weekend. Now that you’ve completed all the achievements, you might want to try a Vicious playthrough for an extra challenge. Good luck and happy hunting, everyone!
Thanks to Starbit for creating this awesome guide! All credits go to him for his hard work. If this guide has been helpful to you, please consider showing your support by rating it on the Steam Community. Have fun playing the game!