Work in Progress – English guide for Uwagakiai covering how to get each ending and how to find the memories in gameこの攻略は英語だけど(母語が英語)、質問があったら日本語/英語で答えることが頑張ります。間違ったら、ごめんね~ 興味があったら、シンプルな日本語の攻略を書くと思います。
Intro – BAD END 1/2
My subtitled playthrough of the intro/ Bad End 2
Begin the game in a strange research facility playing as an unnamed boy. He mentions his discomfort as he stands from the chair you begin in. After this, the game then runs over the general directions of how to play:
MOVE: You cannot move freely yet. You will have to select the MOVE command and then a location listed among your choices to go there. This will be how you decide where to move for now.
MEMORY: Where you can save. You can’t save yet, so ignore this for now.
OTHER OPTIONS: Complete gibberish for now. You’ll see what these are in other endings.
Settings are as follows (Gear icon):
設定 – Settings
タイトル画面に戻る – Return to title
ゲームに戻る – Return to the game
常時ダッシュ – Perma dash
BGM/BGS/ME/SE音量 – Sound settings for each particular sound (click to adjust the volume)
Now it’s time to explore. Hit the MOVE command and select doors 1-4, the chair, or do nothing. If you attempt to open doors 2-4, it will mention they are locked. Door 4 specifically is locked with a code which we will learn this ending, allowing us to get other endings. The chair is not necessary yet.
Use the MOVE command to select Door 1. Go inside this room and select the MOVE command again to see your options:
Investigate the following (Top to bottom)
書類 – Check out the documents
パスコン – Check the computer
奥の扉 – Check the door to the back (of the room)
電光掲示板 – Check the electronic bulletin board
前の部屋に戻る – Return to the previous room
何もしない – Don’t do anything
As far as the bulletin board goes, the main character only mentions the text on the board is somewhat unsettling (One offender, punishment determined). Nothing else to note there.
The door to the back of the room is locked and will not allow you access at this time. It uses a scanner (like hand scanner) to enter.
Instead of returning to the previous room, instead select to check out the documents. You will see the following document about Mitsuki:
On the page:
淡井 美月
あわい みつき – Mitsuki Awai
3月15日生(満18歳)- March 15th (18 yo)
男・(女)- Man / (Woman)
This tells us Mitsuki (first name) is an eighteen year old woman born March 15th. Strangely, this person looks like the main character, doesn’t it?
After checking the documents, now it’s time to check the computer. As you try to use the computer, you are prompted to login under ‘Mitsuki’, the same person as the one in the file folder. Enter Mitsuki’s birthday as the password to unlock it (315).
Using the computer, you will see a strange face on the webcam. The main character will talk a bit here, wondering if this person really is him (he refutes this, saying this body isn’t his), but before he can ponder that too long, the screen flashes, and you see the MC’s face change in a very creepy, distorted fashion.
At this time, the MEMORY option has become corrupted, and you can no longer save. When you try to leave this room, all the options are overwritten except for returning to the previous room, which you are forced to do so to progress.
This time, select MOVE again and be forced to now investigate that chair. Interestingly, the MC will say that there is a name on the chair, his name. He will repeat “my name…” before your final command, MOVE, is corrupted, and the person in your head (if you can call them that) tells you that enough is enough, you’ve failed. You are now to be disposed of, and you lose control of the body to the end to “her”.
This second person will take control and grab the knife you were previously unable to touch. At this time, they walk up to the 4th door and enter the code 1217, which is said by “her” to be your birthday, which you can no longer remember.
“She” will take you body and enter this room, where a woman in a lab coat is laying, bleeding on the ground. The woman and “her” speak, and “she” says that the MC is no longer in control of the body, which means that this woman has lost her value (time to kill her).
For BAD END 1:
Instead of letting this person die, resist by clicking the top row of green flashing boxes at the top of the screen. Keep clicking until the word “kill” appears on your screen. Click it, and the main character will stop and then stab themself instead of harming this woman, earning you BAD END 1.
For BAD END 2:
The text will move fast here before “she” approaches the woman before she says:
“Big brother.” (Onii-chan specifically). This gives us a hint that the person (or the main character himself) occupying part of this body is most likely this researcher’s brother, or his consciousness placed in another body, not his own.
The game will roast you for losing this early in, but without any guides online or other helping hints, I had to find this all on my own. Anyway, keep that code 1217 for the 4th door in mind, because we’ll need that to get Bad End 3/4 or the Good Ending, all which hinge on your decisions later in game.
Route to Bad End 3/4 and Good End (Part 1)
To continue on this route, you can directly start by opening the door and entering 1217. Aoi will ask if you’re there to kill her before she passes out. For now, all you can do is leave and go to the first room.
Enter the first room and you can explore the options (don’t enter the computer password yet):
書類 – Check out the documents
パスコン – Check the computer
奥の扉 – Check the door to the back (of the room)
電光掲示板 – Check the electronic bulletin board
前の部屋に戻る – Return to the previous room
何もしない – Don’t do anything
Go up to the door to the back of the room (the director’s office) first. When you try to open the door, the main character will use both hands and successfully open the door, allowing you entry into the office. There’s nothing important here yet, so go ahead and explore, then leave this room to enter the computer password on Mitsuki’s computer.
Again, enter 315. You will have a conversation with the other person occupying the body, but this time, they will not take over and will instead allow you to keep it, if you resist by pressing the action prompt. Otherwise the lines will repeat until you hit action.
After taking back your body, go outside and check out the chair. You will read it and learn your name is Ren Aihara. Cool. The other person occupying the body will also tell you that the memory card for the camcorder is in your pocket. Find it, and let’s watch the film on it!
Watching this tells us you are fighting to occupy this body with someone else, someone who wants to overwrite your will (hence the title). “She” (the other person) tells you that you can access all areas of the institution safely and save yourself and Aoi, the girl in the 4th room. The girl in the body does warn you that you can lose your will in the body and have it retaken by her, so you should be careful.
After this, you will unlock all your commands, including MOVE (freely move around and interact with things by using your keyboard/ space or enter, or by using your mouse), MEMORY (Save), ITEM (use items), and ACTION (allows us to fight back against *her*).
Green colored commands are the main character’s (Ren’s). Purple commands are *her’s*. When you do the wrong things later on, you can lose this and they will turn purple. We’ll discuss that more later, but if they all turn purple, it’s game over.
Don’t worry, they can be “uncorrupted” later.
For now, go back to Room 4 and talk to Aoi, the researcher, again. Aoi’s unconscious, so she won’t say anything, but this interaction will trigger a fight with “her”, the other person in your body. “She’ll” attempt to fight you for control of the body by making you accept or reject red lines of text.
In short, the game says this:
If statement is significant (to you), press the Action button to refute it.
You can respond with a rebuttal only when the action button is lit. If you want to cancel your rebuttal, press the action button twice while it is lit.
*You cannot refute a command if the command is overwritten (turned purple)
For this interaction: Click ACTION to retain Ren’s will before the interaction ends.
Once this passes, you can pick up the keycard, which will allow us access to the rest of the areas in the lab. Woo, you must be excited….
Let’s go back to the first room before we move on. Go into the lab director’s office and watch a brief cut scene with the lab director mentioning the outside. Ren will suggest checking the phone in the room, but you’ll find it isn’t working. Make sure you check the documents on the lab director’s table before you leave, particularly the document about Aoi.
Get out of there and pick up the knife by the 4th door before you head into the second room. Use the keycard to unlock the door.
Once inside, you’ll notice two doors. The door to the right is the bathroom, the door to the left is the employee break room/ locker room. Check the area if you’d like and then enter the break room. Inside, you’ll watch a brief cut scene with Ren, Aoi, and the other lab workers.
They are discussing Ren’s laptop password, which is something about his favorite person (apparently not his birthday). Keep this in mind for later.
Once the cut scene passes, you’ll find lots of blood and Ren’s OG body. Ren is sad, but mentions he wants to find out what’s going on. At this time, interact with Ren’s dead body to find the small key. The other items in here are not important yet. Check the right most locker for info on Mikoto and Hitomi, two other researchers.
Leave the break room and head into the bathroom. Here, you can’t do much, but what you can do is look in the mirror and examine your current body. Check yourself over and head out, as there’s not much we can do in here yet.
Now it’s time to use that small key. Go back (yes, again), to the director’s office. If you didn’t go before, you can go now to access the cut scene. Walk to the right of the door and use the small key on the metal box. Using this will allow us access to the third room, the most important room (arguably).
There will be a brief cut scene here before you can walk up to the door. This door requires two different people (hand prints) to open it. If you open the small metal trash bin next to the door, you’ll find a hand inside. You can carry it around, but you can’t leave with it.
Route to Bad End 3/4 and Good End (Part 2)
Enter the lab and walk by the body on the surgical table. There will be a brief cut scene here with *her*. You can choose the following:
調べない – Don’t investigate it
調べる – Investigate it
Choose to investigate it, and Ren’s body will fight you to move, which then prompts:
調べたくない – Don’t investigate
無理やり身体を動かす – Force your body to move
This makes you choose from the following dialogue as a result:
どうしてそこにいるんだ? – Why are you here? (Ren)
どうしてそんなに驚くの? – Why are you so surprised? (Her)
(I know, so many decisions)
Now you can investigate the girl’s body, the girl we saw in the cut scene in the office. You can choose to investigate various body parts, but most will lead to a battle of wills between you and *her*.
For the sake of being brief, I will just put the body part and the specific decision. If you want more story info, please check my play through directly when it’s done.
顔を調べる – Investigate her face – Click action
身体を調べる – Investigate the body – No action needed
頭部を調べる – Examine the head – Click action
Through this interaction, we learn that the body here is the lab director’s. We also learn the blonde haired person’s body is not the lab director’s. Remember the file? It’s Mitsuki’s head at least. But, is Mitsuki occupying this body too? We’ll find out.
Now check the two bodies on the floor. The short haired one is Mikoto, the long haired one is Hitomi. Both are bleeding and have suture marks throughout the body along with various gun shots. Obviously, someone had to have operated on them too.
Check the lab director’s body one more time before you’re prompted to talk to Aoi in the 4th room.
Route to Bad End 3/4 and Good End (Part 3)
At this point, you can give Aoi the knife, and she can help you deal with your corruption level by smacking you (?) with it. If you are at one point of corruption or above, you can talk to her and she will return Ren’s will completely (setting all settings back to green, essentially).
Once that’s over, Aoi mentions Hitomi had the spare gate key. If you find it, you can escape.
You can find the spare gate key by going back to the surgical suite in the third room and talking to the “lab director” which we find out is actually Mitsuki (the original owner of Ren’s current body). There will be a fight of will with the girl in the body and Ren. If your will is high enough, you should keep the body and she will lose part of her own will.
Once you talk to Mitsuki, walk over to the two dead bodies and talk to Hitomi (on the left) and check her pockets. There’s no key. This is when Ren mentions she most likely left it somewhere she often goes… the bathroom.
Go to the second room and enter the door closest to the exit door. When you enter here, you will be prompted into a cut scene. Follow the cut scene to properly learn how to use Memory. This will show you that the shutter key is under the flower pot by the break room door (right side).
Interact with the pot to retrieve the key. Once you have it, this is the last step before the ending.
“She” will try to take control of the body again, so you send Aoi outside and begin a series of choices. Note that if you get overwritten completely by her, it’s just game over and you can try again. Make sure you save before this happens, as this is long and full of plot.
The first choices are as follows:
皆の命を使った実験だから – Because this experiment used everyone’s life – O
異常で無意味な実験だから – Because this experiment is strange and meaningless – X
所長の自己満足の実験だから – Because this experiment is for the lab director’s own self-satisfaction – X
Second choice:
皆を素材としか見てなかったのに – Even though you only saw everyone as materials – X
その”日常”が大切だったはず – That “everyday life” must’ve been important to you – O
Forced choice:
所長が皆を殺した時か? – And when the lab director (her) killed everyone?
Fourth choice:
成功だ – It’s a success – X
失敗だ – It’s a failure – O
Final Choice:
本当はもう死んでいるから – Because the truth is, I’m already dead – X
大切な人だから – Because she’s important to me – O
Proceed to meet with Aoi and clear the ending by tapping the shutter.
BADEND3 「カクシ アイ」
Bad End 3 – kakushi ai
*means secret, hidden and 藍 is most likely dye, as in the “woman” in the body. This infers she’s taken control of the body still
Summary: Get ready to play the whole game to the entire end
Follow all of the steps above in ending 3, but once you get the shutter key, do not give it to Aoi and escape. Instead, hold onto it, we need to get into Ren’s laptop first and use our new Memory function.
Start now by standing in front of the laptop and using the Memory function. This will show a cutscene where Aoi and Mikoto are talking about Ren’s laptop password, and Mikoto mentions the password is the birthday of someone special to Ren. Who could that be?
Watching this cutscene will add one point of corruption, but keep that in mind for later as you can continuously trigger this event if needed. Read the bulletin board and note that the director’s birthday is 1217. Use this code as the password and you will gain access to the laptop.
Inside the laptop, there are two notes. The first is about lab rules, and the other is a note where Ren discusses how he hid the “director’s plan” and the key to his locker in a place she’ll never figure out. He doesn’t directly mention where, but you can find it by playing the “game” on the laptop.
Wonderful, boot up the game, called “Void of Color” (my artistic interpretation) and play as a young girl trapped in a house with a dead man named “Ren”, who raised her after she was abandoned.
Read all the notes on the walls first, then walk up to the chest and open it to find a knife. Pick it up and take it over to the bed with the dead corpse. The man mentions he swallowed the key to the exit, so you quite literally have to gut him to get it. Fortunately, we don’t see the gore, but we get the key which allows us to escape. Go to the door with the key and escape, ending the game.
Now you know how to obtain the key. If you gave the knife to Aoi, go back to the fourth room and retrieve it before we move on.
Now, walk up to Ren’s corpse and use the knife in your item bar on him. This will lead to “her” getting angry at you, but you get Ren’s locker key, so it’s well worth it. Take the bloody key and go to the middle locker, Ren’s, and unlock it.
Inside, you’ll find two things: the SAVE Plan and a note with a child’s profile on it (personal info). We find out the horrific plans by the director (it’s pretty grotesque), as well as find out information on ‘Ai Kamijo’, a two year old girl, which we can presume is the director at this point.
After finding those things, your prompted to explore this room using your Memory function to find more clues. If you step on the blood pool to the left of the room, you’ll trigger a short dialog about Ren’s death.
Here are the below memory locations, including the one we already found:
Middle of the pool of blood by the bulletin board: -2 will, find locker key
By Ren’s laptop (found): -1 will
By the vending machine: Director and Ren flashback, -0 will
Once you do the prompted cutscene on the blood stains, you’ll find the location of another locker key (under the table). Go to the table and interact with the shiny spot. You’ll obtain someone’s locker key. Clear your corruption and use the key. Go to the bloody locker labeled “Kamijo” and unlock it with the key.
Inside the locker you’ll find a photo of everyone that says 「ずっと一緒に」or Forever Together (LOL). This leads to a discussion with “her” (who we now know as Ai) about the save plan and the significance of life. After your discussion ends, you’ll be prompted by Ren to go to her office.
This is a good time to trigger some memories, however, if you would like. Those are listed before the “good ending” if you would like to find more plot points, otherwise, we’re moving on to the office.
Without access to the good ending, you’ll only be able to wander this room normally. So search around the room while “she” tells you details about the items you tap in the room (trying to find the right “item” essentially). Get your will down to 0, and then you’ll regain it back in a show of strength by Ren.
Once you regain your will, you’ll be prompted to search around the room using “Action” and “Memory”. Find the right memory by stopping in front of the computer desk and using the “Memory” function. This shows a memory from “Ai”, where she details information about the “SAVE Plan”, finding out what it means for her and her friends in the lab.
(SAVE Plan details will be put in my video translation. Putting it here is too much to type out D: )
After reading all 5 pages of the SAVE Plan, you will lose your ability to read memories, so it’s important to run around and do that beforehand.
At this point, there’s nothing else to do but to go out into the main hall area and approach your “self” on the chair. You and Ai will have one final “will battle” so to speak here. I will translate the conversation in my video walkthrough when it’s complete, but for now, I’ll just put the proper answers to get the 4th BAD END.
Before you make these decisions, you’ll be prompted to save in case you mess up, so don’t worry. The RED text is purposely neutral and can either be “Ren” or “Ai”. It’s your job to click action if the question sounds like something “Ai” would say or do.
1: もう、何処にもない (It’s nowhere/not anywhere anymore) – Don’t resist
2: Start by clicking ACTION once the answers appear, then select 上条 愛 (Ai Kamijo)
3: 皆を殺し、愛を「保存」する為の実験だから (Because the purpose of the experiment is killing everyone and “preserving” love)
After completing this bit, “Ai’s” presence in the body disappears (literally says overwritten) and you regain movement again. Go and let Aoi out after you defeat Ai, so Aoi can escape. You will stay, leading to the game over. BAD END 4
Good End
Summary: This is hyper specific and difficult to do on your own in my opinion, but ah well.
NOTE: DO NOT use the key with the red bar on the bloody locker (Ai Kamijo’s locker). You will be blocked from this ending otherwise!!
Start by following all of the steps in BAD END 3 and 4 (finding the shutter key and unlocking the laptop. Make sure to get Ren’s locker key and find the SAVE Plan before you start this).
Make sure you have -3 will and either check the water glass in the bathroom using your memory function, or use memory with -3 will in front of Ren’s computer. After this, you will need to go to Makoto’s dead corpse in the lab with -3 will and watch the cutscene there before you can move on. Make sure you regain your will with Aoi before going back to the lab in Room 3.
Get the knife back from Aoi if you don’t already have it and use it on “Mitsuki’s corpse”. There will be a battle with Ai again here, so do the following for each “round” so to speak:
First battle: Press ACTION
Second battle: Don’t press ACTION
Third battle: Press ACTION
After this, go to the break room (Room 2) and check the flower pot to get another locker key to read more on the plot.
This list will be marked by room with notes for will loss
*This list will be updated as more locations are found*
Main hall:
In front of the chair:
- Scene between the new director and Ren: -0 will
Prompts you to find the paper in Ren’s locker
Room 1:
- Nothing to note
Director’s room:
- (Good ending) In front of the director’s computer
Memory of the director with the SAVE plan: -0 will - (Good ending) in front of the dresser/ by the phone
Memory of the director calling for help
Room 2:
- By the plant
Watch a memory about the director between Mikoto and Ren
Choose to continue watching the memory when prompted: -1 will
- (With -3 will) Cup in the bathroom
Watch a cutscene with the director – used for the good ending - By the sink:
Cut scene with Hitomi leading to the key location: -0 will
Break room:
- (With -3 will) In front of Ren’s laptop
The director makes a comment – used for the good ending
-0 will - In front of the laptop
Find Ren’s laptop password: -1 will - Blood puddle in front of the bulletin board
Find the bloody locker key: -2 will - In front of the vending machine
Nostalgic scene with Ren and the director: -0 will
Room 3:
- None outside the lab area
Surgical suite/ First Lab:
- (With -3 will) Flashback in front of Mikoto’s corpse
Used for the good ending: -0 will
Room 4:
- Nothing to note
And that wraps up our share on ウワガキアイ: ウワガキアイ – 英語の攻略 l Uwagakiai – English Walkthrough (WIP). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Naisume ナイスメ, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!