If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to the lesser-known game, UGG, look no further. We’ve got you covered with all the information you need to become a pro player. From mechanics and items to ghosts and achievements, this guide has everything you need to know to master the game. So, let’s dive in and level up your gameplay!
It was made by Dubscr, who did a great job while creating this game. He added a quick in-game tutorial [Play -> Tutorial] and journal that explains every single ghost type and their usual behavior, which is very helpful, if you want to learn more about the ghosts.
This game isn’t finished and Dubscr said specifically it won’t be finished, but you can still play and have a blast with your friends. UGG is interesting and you can feel like a Scooby-Doo Gang on their way to solve some mysteries.
Psssst… There will be mods added in the future, which means more content and maybe even mechanics.
What is the game’s purpose?
Fun, of course! But other than that, you can learn how to read traces and connect dots, while discovering ghost types.
Okay, but what if I never played a game like this before?
It’s alright. I just need to clarify, this game won’t be for everyone. If you’re easily scared, have major panic attacks, can’t stand things coming right at you – don’t play the game. If there’s a possibility of you getting hurt, avoid it.
But other than that, it’s one of many game types. Very simply: survive, escape danger, find traces, discover ghosts. Not much of a problem, but can get complicated! For this game you’ll need headphones or speaker; microphone is optional, in my opinion playing without it makes the game clearer and simpler. You can play on keyboard+mouse or controller, both are supported.
Why do I have to get those things to play?
Headphones? Yes. In-game there are lots of noises that can help you indentify the ghost. While using spiritbox, you’ll get response that you will hear, which will tell you if that’s ghost’s trait. Hunts are also hinted by noises, especially heart beating and loud breathing – you will hear it all across the map and can hide faster, before the ghost kills you.
Are there jumpscares in the game?
No. Indeed, ghost coming to you is scary at first. It’s up to you whether you will continue playing. But don’t worry, there aren’t any gore-including and scary cutscenes even if you die. After you die, you get a screen saying “You have died”, statistics are shown, and if you’re the last one in server (last one standing), you’ll also get the answer what ghost it was and how much money+xp you’ve gained. If you’re in coop and you die, you’ll get “You selected wrong ghost!” or “Correct ghost type: x”, depending on your guess.
Okay, I lauched the game, what now?
You have few options, I’d recommend heading to options first, where you’ll learn binding keys.
WSAD / Left Stick – moving
E / A – interaction
F / LB – flashlight
J / ☰ – journal
G / RB – throw item (place it on the ground)
I can move now, but what to do next?
I’d recommend going through the tutorial. Then host the game (singleplayer or multiplayer) and pick any map and difficulty. Head to the table, there you’ll find items that you can use. They will be used to gather evidence. You have one hand slot, if you’re done using the tool, drop it on the ground. Naturally, in a coop, up to 4 different items can be used at the same time. Remember, it can mean investigation’s faster, but playing alone is also fun!
After you get the item you want to use, head to the door, unlock it and start investigating! You need to find clues that will lead you to ghost. There is one thing you need to remember.
Items and how to use them
So 9 items in total are found in the tutorial:
Fun fact: sometimes even reaching negative numbers (if you have just what jumped into a hiding spot and hunt has just started)
EMF Reader – When an emitter is near (= when you’re near ghost room), colors will light up. You don’t need to wait for it to detect all the range, if you see that colors go bright (green, yellow, red), throw item on the ground and run to get another object. When it’s not that clue, colors won’t change, no matter how many objects are destroyed nor when ghost is near.
Thermometer – Normal range is 12-22, don’t get fooled. If temperature is between -5 – 12, ghost prefers cold temperature. The opposite is 22-30 for ghosts who prefer the hot temps. All ghosts have one (or two if it’s Poltergeist) preferred temperature, but it’s quite hard to get as a clue. Sometimes you will sit in one room for x minutes and thermometer will show 12-22 all the time. I recommend switching to different item and gathering other evidences first, then hiding and checking. It needs patience tho, be prepared to guess if it doesn’t work in time.
Luigi Board – Heaven’s item. Stay in one room for some time and you’ll get one of two options avaiable (blue text on the bottom of the screen) “No response…” or “I’m here”. While at first option, run to other room and repeat until you get all the rooms. No response everywhere means this ghost doesn’t use this as evidence. Second option means only good thing: you’ve found the ghost room! Congratulations! Now you don’t need to search anymore, grab your tools, run to that room and find the correct ghost type!
Spiritbox – At the start of the game you can get a message your microphone isn’t supported, it doesn’t mean exactly that you can’t use it. If that’s the case, you don’t need to say anything and ghost will randomly speak to you – but that’s why you need headphones or speaker. If you have a microphone and it’s supported, there are three things you can say “Hello”, “Are you here?”, “Where are you?” – naturally, if that’s the ghost’s evidence, it will reply to you.
Sketchbook – After you find the area near the ghost, throw it on the ground. It doesn’t have to be in your hand to be used, which is specific for this item. If ghost is around it, there’s a chance of interaction. Usually you don’t have to wait long before black scribbles will be seen.
Fingerprint – “Why can’t I use it?”, well, here’s a quick explanation. You can’t use it, it’s not an item, but it can be found on the map. It can spawn randomly, if you see it, immediately mark it in journal, it’s a big clue! Harder to find on big maps.
Geiger – Last, but not least, Geiger. It doesn’t help you find the ghost, but has an ability to help you find ghost room. It doesn’t work for first few seconds, from what I learned while playing, but after a while it starts making noises, the louder it gets, the closer to the ghost room you are. Really helpfull on bigger maps.
Be sure to read journal entries about the ghosts, Dubscr wrote nice descriptions and they are helpful.
Siren – EMF, Spiritbox, Cold
Trickster – Fingerprints, Luigiboard, Hot
Helper – Clock, Sketchbook, Hot
Harbinger – Fingerprints, Spiritbox, Cold
Jane – Luigiboard, Clock, Cold
Kodama – EMF, Luigiboard, Cold
Obambo – Sketchbook, Fingerprints, Hot
Dybbuk – Fingerprints, EMF, Cold
Dullahan – Sketchbook, Spiritbox, Hot
Mogwai – Luigiboard, EMF, Hot
Poltergeist – Clock, Spiritbox, Hor or Cold
Ecsed – Luigiboard, Spiritbox, Hot
Siren – EMF, Spiritbox, Cold – “loud ghosts, love scaring mortals and like to show up, especially if it makes you scream” (no, screaming won’t help). Quite easy to get EMF and Spiritbox, especially if you don’t get luigiboard response.
Trickster – Fingerprints, Luigiboard, Hot – as the name suggests, they are tricky ghosts. It’s not certain that spiritbox will come into evidence, so your most reliable source is luigiboard and seeking for it’s character. Trickster likes to be playful, but can be dangerous.
Helper – Clock, Sketchbook, Hot – one of the best ghosts and fastest to be certain of. Helper won’t destroy any hiding spots. Very chill ghost that has nice, easy evidences – but don’t get fooled, when it’s hunting, it can still murder you. But overall wait a bit and if really none of the hiding spots are destroyed, you’re ready to go with helper as your choice.
Harbinger – Fingerprints, Spiritbox, Cold – “they are evil ghosts and have disfigured faces, with sharp teeth”. Overall this ghost is quite aggresive, but if you manage to get spiritbox and fingerprints, you’re ready to go.
Jane – Luigiboard, Clock, Cold – “Jane likes to take out frustration on the living, usually breaking stuff in houses and interacting with objects”. Usually I figure out it’s Jane when I got Luigiboard response, but got no EMF and Spiritbox.
Kodama – EMF, Luigiboard, Cold – “this ghost is usually peaceful”. Journal says “they usually walk around bamboo forest and only some of them get stuck inside towns”. Remember, being peaceful does not mean it won’t break objects. Be careful. Luigiboard and EMF is quite easy to get, then check for temperatures.
Dybuk – Fingerprints, EMF, Cold – “very evil ghosts that are incredibly dangerous”. They don’t have much to hunts, acting more like usual ghost, but my advice is to check for luigiboard – since it’s certain evidence – and then if you get EMF, as well as no Spiritbox, search for fingerprints, which might spawn randomly. If you get them, you’re ready to go.
Dullahan – Sketchbook, Spiritbox, Hot – “headless horseman rides through the night, bringing death wherever it may roam.” Aggresive ghosts that will break stuff quite fastly. Be careful. But evidence for this ghost is quite easy to get, try your luck.
Mogwai – Luigiboard, EMF, Hot – Sister from another mister with Kodama. “Incredibly angry and violent ghosts. They are the demon of japan, hunting much more rapidly then the other ghosts”. Be careful, this ghost is very aggresive. It will break stuff very fastly and rapidly. Remember that hiding spots aren’t as safe with this ghost. I had many encounters where I was hiding, ghost came close, broke my hiding spot and killed me. Overall, same advice as for Kodama – EMF, Luigiboard and then try your luck with thermometer.
Poltergeist – Clock, Spiritbox, Hot or Cold – tricky ghost that can change temperatures to fool you. “Fairly normal ghosts that can be hot or cold, causing confusion upon ghosts hunters”. For this ghost you have to get patient and check for temperature, as well as temperature.
Ecsed – Luigiboard, Spiritbox, Hot – “One of the most infamous ghost types. This ghost calls with a unique voice, unlike any other”. Quite easy to get since Luigiboard is certain evidence and spiritbox is quite easy to get. Don’t worry, you won’t usually misindentify Trickster, since from my experience it just doesn’t say anything on spiritbox.
Launch – Launched the game | As the description suggest, launch the game.
Level up – Surpass level 1 and become an official ghost hunter | You get it after launching the game.
Stroke of Luck – Identify a ghost correctly for the first time | Can be done quite easily with this guide and some rng.
Ghost hunting is my passion – Identify a ghost correctly 10 times | Can be done quite easily with this guide, rng and patience.
Certified Professional – Identify a ghost correctly 50 times | Can be done quite easily with this guide, rng and patience.
Master of the hunt – Identify a ghost correctly 100 times | Can be done quite easily with this guide, rng and patience.
Dubs courage – Identify a ghost correctly on max difficulty | Play on doom difficulty (5x) on any map and get the ghost correctly. Can be done quite easily with this guide and rng.
Shop cleanser – Buy 3 things from from the shop | If you want it the easy way – buy from shop skins called Clark, Paul, Stavros. You will need 350 gold for that. You get gold after succesfully indentifying a ghost. Long way – get enough coins to buy any three skins you want.Sodageist – Find the radio | Go to the map “Spooky mall”, head inside and immediately go left. At the end of the first room, on the left, there is a radio. Stand near it a few seconds and you’ll get it.
Get a Friend – Play multiplayer with 1 or more people | Play with a friend in multiplayer. And if you don’t have friends, host a game for yourself, but through a “multiplayer” tab instead of “singleplayer”, as the description suggests.
Solid, Stone-Cold Gold – Obtain a total of 1000 Dubcoins | Be patient, play games, identify ghosts. Can be done quickly with this guide.
Bad Omen – Use the Mirror in any difficulty | On maps there are mirrors, while you’re choosing a map, there is a white block, which is a mirror. Once in game, go to the mirror location and hold it. Once hunt starts, mirror will break and hunt will be over.
Good Gamer – Get to level 25 | Takes some time, practise, patience. Can be done with help of this guide.
Absolute Gamer – Get to level 100 | Takes a lot of time and patience. Can be done with help of this guide, but at that point you’ll have everything memorised. Good luck. As for now, only 6 players got this achievement (or at least 6 got it fairly). I’m trying to get this achievement, but it’s a matter of time and imo this game is fun, even while playing alone, so I don’t mind.Mischevous – Let one of your friends die in a match | As description says, play in multiplayer, this time you have to be in at least 2 player lobby. When hunt starts, other player has to die.
Bad Intentions – Let one of your friends die in a match and also still guess the ghost right after, using their death as a step ladder to help you win (which is bad). | Guess the ghost correctly after other player in multiplayer dies (or guessed right before you! which is suggested way. Collect all evidence, go outside and guess ghost. Player leaving the game after guess is in this achievement considered dying.)
Gaming hour – Play Untitled Ghost Game at 3am in the Morning | Fast way: make your time into 3 AM and launch the game, long way: wait until 3 AM and launch the game.
DOGGIE WOOF WOOF – OMG IS THAT A DOG IMAGE HOLY CRAP NOW WAY | Generate a dog image in options.Grant Theft Auto – Get in the 2004 Toyota Tacoma | Go to the map “Mario’s cottage”, head inside and turn right, there will be car. Hold “E” (if you’re playing on keyboard and “A” if you’re playing on controller) and get into the car.
Sus – Get the silly little red guy easter egg | When you get into the game (load into the map), go right-down immediately. You might get an achievement, but it’s about among us red guy, just running away. Be fast and you’ll get this!
Tips and tricks
- DO NOT go into the game and blind guess. It was already thought of and game is programmed to actually get xp away from you if you do this. Also, get some fun while playing – no need to blind-guess.
- Doom difficulty isn’t so different from others and grants you way better rewards. The only difference is no chests for hiding (chests are objects that you can hide in and cannot be broken). Don’t be scared and hop on doom difficulty, it’s a life changer.
- While playing alone, you might wanna go into Mario’s Cottage on doom difficulty, since it’s way faster to find a ghost that way. This also works on any map, but mind you, on larger ones it’s way slower to find a ghost, but rewards are better. In coop (2-3 people) you might wanna go on Leonardo Villa.
- Not all evidence are needed to choose a ghost type. Go for the fastest evidence objects. If you know some evidence that won’t be there, make a check list and guess.
- There is a method called Looping. Find an object that you can loop around and then go loop some ghosts! That way you will be safe from hunts, even if ghost finds you.
For example: Looping can be done in Mario’s Cottage around the car and around the cupboard. Other maps have various different objects that you can loop the ghost with!
- The more player you have, the faster evidences can be found. If you have a 4 player coop, you will have really fast games. That’s when you go on bigger maps and get good rewards in short amount of time.
- Can’t see? There is a breaker on every map. Turn it on and you can light up rooms. Breaker is shown as a green box (in map picker) and mirrors are white boxes. That way you can easily navigate through maps.
- If you want to level up quickly, get one/two games per day. There are three quests daily which you can complete in about 5-10 minutes. That grants 1500 XP easily. Repeat the process and in some time you will level up.
- There are NO JUMPSCARES! The only scary thing can be ghost spawning near you and getting aggro asap. But it’s not so bad. This game doesn’t have much loud noises (only breaking objects if you have game’s settings on loud). So don’t be scared!
- Play around and find out! Have fun at the game! Enjoy it alone or with friends.
- If you don’t have friends and want to play in multiplayer, go to the discord server. Link is on the title screen, there are some people that will want to help you out. I’m on this server as well.
- Dying isn’t the end of the world, it’s fun! Just go and enjoy, find the evidence, get some ghost hunter fun going!
- This game won’t be updated, as Dubscr stated, but it’s still good. Learn the game mechanics and play around them. Psst… there will be mods added soon. Be all ears on some yummy rumors.
- No. You will NOT get told what ghost it is when you die first in coop. Don’t try to die and tell your friends what ghost it is. That wouldn’t be so fair too.
Objects order (shortened version): Sketchbook (throw on the ground near center) -> Luigiboard / Geiger -> Spiritbox / EMF -> Thermometer / Clock
Grab a Sketchbook and throw it on the ground, somewhere around the center of the map – since this object doesn’t need to be in your hand to work. Then go back and get Luigiboard, since this is one of the fastest items to use. Let’s pretend we didn’t get response anywhere, you might want to use Geiger, since right now it will show you (by sound) where the ghost room is. Check for EMF near the ghost room. Then it’s up to you what to use, but I prefer to hide and check Spiritbox. Then it’s time for more time-consuming objects, such as Clock and Thermometer. I personally go with Thermometer lastly and only if I have to, since it’s up to rng how long it will take before showing you the answer. I don’t usually use Clock, but it’s because it’s an order for singleplayer. Usually I don’t use it, because by that time I already have all the evidence and don’t need to use it. Also Clock shows evidence for little ghosts and sometimes it’s just not worth it, since other evidences can be found faster.
It’s a little different when you’re playing in multiplayer. Sketchbook comes first, just throw it somewhere near center of the map. Then grab Luigiboard, since it’s still one of the fastest ways to check for ghost room. If you’re playing on big map, use Geiger and wait until it shows you ghost room location. Then I recommend switch – go for Spiritbox and EMF. Then Clock and Thermometer. -
List of specific evidences for nerds: (if there is no x then the ghost can’t be y)
EMF: Spirit, Kodama, Dybuk, Mogwai
Spiritbox: Siren, Trickster (might not show, tricky), Harbringer, Dullahan, Poltergeist, Ecsed
Fingerprints: Trickster, Harbringer, Obambo, Dybuk
Sketchbook: Helper, Obambo, Dullahan
Hot: Trickster, Helper, Obambo, Dullahan, Mogwai, Poltergeist, Ecsed
Cold: Siren, Harbringer, Jane, Kodama, Dybuk, Poltergeist
Luigiboard: Trickster, Jane, Kodama, Mogwai, Ecsed
Clock: Helper, Jane, Poltergeist
And that wraps up our share on Untitled Ghost Game: Ultimate guide for Untitled Ghost Game + 100% Achievements guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by rozaxa, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!