Welcome. This guide will walk you through how to get every achievement in the game “Until Dawn”.
This guide will be split into 1 Playthrough. Once you complete the game, you can use Chapter Select to get the remaining achievements. Remember, once you go back to a chapter, you must complete the game from that point.
Important Notes
– You cannot kill everyone if you collect the journal in Chapter 10
– Once you go back in Chapter Select, you must complete the game for it to count ( Chapter Select does not save )
More images are on the way
Optional Achievement :
In Playthrough 1, We will be killing everyone and missing 1 Clue to make it easier to go back in Chapter Select. It is recommended that you skip “The Tale of Two Sisters” in this playthrough.
Death Totem ( 1 / 1 )
Once you gain control, walk out the double door next to Chris, turn right and walk out the other door and walk down the stairs. Find this totem on the floor in front of the fence.
New Interactable ( 1 / 2 )
Head back into the kitchen and turn right into the dining area, find a small camera on the window side of the table.
New Interactable ( 2 / 2 )
Walk over to the glowing laptop on the kitchen island and interact with it.
Prepare for “We Need To Talk About Josh”
When talking to Dr.Hill, choose the option “Uneasy” > “Not Sure” > “It’s in the house” > “It’s Alive” > “Not Human”
Chapter 1
Guidance Totem ( 1 / 1 )
Once arriving, turn left and find this totem next to the broken fence.
Mystery Man Clue ( 1 / 1 )
When walking with Chris, interact with the wanted poster on the wall.
Important Choice
Do not shoot the squirrel
Preparation for Lodge Fever
When Ashley is looking through the scope, choose “Encourage” to allow Matt to have a look
Prepare for “We Need To Talk About Josh”
When talking to Dr.Hill, choose the option “Men” > “Crowds” > “Drowning” > “Snakes” > “Guns” > “Snakes” > “Clowns” > “Gore” > “Snakes” > “Gore” > “Clowns” > “Gore” > “Gore”
Chapter 2
Mystery Man Clue ( 1 / 8 )
When walking around the back of the house with Josh, interact with the Axe Holder on the wall.
Loss Totem ( 1 / 6 )
After climbing in the window, turn “left” > “right” > “right” and find this totem on the floor.
Mystery Man Clue ( 2 / 8 )
Head into the small room on the opposite side of the room and find a newspaper fragment on the shelf.
The Twins Clue ( 1 / 6 )
Head through the main door and find the family portrait at the end of the hall.
Mystery Man Clue ( 3 / 8 )
Once in the living room, walk into the room on the left back wall and interact with the phone on the right side.
The Twins Clue ( 2 / 6 )
Head back into the living room and turn left, keep walking until you reach the table with the photo on it.
The Twins Clue ( 3 / 6 )
Head down the stairs and find the photo directly in front of you.
The Twins Clue ( 4 / 6 )
Head up the 2 sets of stairs and walk to the end of the hall where the window slammed to find a trophy on the shelf.
Guidance Totem ( 2 / 6 )
Go into the room with the skull above the frame, head into the room to the left and find the totem on the other side of the balcony.
Lodge Fever
When everyone is in the Lodge, As Matt, Choose “Challenge”. Then when the girls start to argue, choose “Defuse” > “Defuse”.
Danger Totem ( 3 / 6 )
When outside as Matt, before going down the stairs, head around them and find the totem on the floor.
One Hour Selfie
Follow Jess down the stairs and interact with her, when taking the photo, aim the camera up so they are not in frame and take the photo.
Fortune Totem ( 4 / 6 )
When in the mines, go in the right direction, and find the totem on the floor in front of the rubble.
Mystery Man Clue ( 4 / 8 )
At the top of the stairs, turn right to find a cigar stub on top of a barrel.
Mystery Man Clue ( 5 / 8 )
To the right of the cigar stub, interact with the symbol on the wall.
1952 Clue ( 1 / 1 )
After the cutscene, interact with the map on the table to the right.
Loss Totem ( 5 / 6 )
After the cutscene where Jess scares Mike, turn around and find this totem on the floor to the left.
Mystery Man Clue ( 6 / 8 )
As Sam in the lodge, head along the left side and into the bedroom, find a postcard on the night stand to your left.
The Twins Clue ( 5 / 6 )
Interact with the tattoo card on the table next to the TV.
The Twins Clue ( 6 / 6 )
Head into the walk in closet and find this clue on the floor in the back.
Mystery Man Clue ( 7 / 8 )
Once you gain control of Matt, turn around and walk around the building. A cigar stub can be found on a rock next to some windows.
New Interactable ( 1 / 1 )
Before heading to the small gate, turn left to the swing and find the interactable on the floor behind it.
Death Totem ( 6 / 6 )
When at the picnic table, turn around and find it behind the tree.
Mystery Man Clue ( 8 / 8 )
When you see the pigs head, make sure to flip the note over.
Prepare for “We Need To Talk About Josh”
When talking to Dr.Hill, choose the option “Yes” > “Honesty” > “Charity”.
Chapter 3
Hunger Totem ( 1 / 3 )
As Mike, You will find a car covered in snow, go left and find the totem at the top of the slope.
Guidance Totem ( 2 / 3 )
As Mike, you will walk past a tree with a heart on it, take the left path and turn left again to find this totem in front of the fallen tree.
New Interactable ( 1 / 1 )
Walk up to the bridge, on the right is the item in front of a little seat.
1952 Clue ( 1 / 1 )
Head into the little shed to find a mask to the right on a shelf.
Mystery Man Clue ( 1 / 4 )
In the cabin as Mike, head over to the rocking chair and find a book on the table next to it.
The Twins Clue ( 1 / 3 )
Head into the hallway to find a photo at the end of the hall.
The Twins Clue ( 2 / 3 )
As Ashley, turn around before going down the stairs and turn right to find this clue on a table.
Guidance Totem ( 3 / 3 )
Head down the stairs and find the totem under them.
Mystery Man Clue ( 2 / 4 )
Leave the room with the totem and turn left to find light coming from a vent.
The Twins Clue ( 3 / 3 )
In the room behind the book shelf, find a photo on the shelf.
Mystery Man Clue ( 3 / 4 )
Turn over the photo of the twins found in the secret room.
Mystery Man Clue ( 4 / 4 )
After leaving the library, turn left and go down the hallway. At the end will be a table with a letter.
Prepare for “We Need To Talk About Josh”
When talking to Dr.Hill, choose the option “Sam” > “Emily” > “Chris” > “Jess” > “Matt” > “Ashley” > “Josh”
Chapter 4
Drag Me Through Hell
After Jessica is taken, choose all the fast options and hit every QTE ( you will have time to get the totem ) This achievement will unlock in a later chapter.
Fortune Totem ( 1 / 3 )
As Mike chasing Jessica, when you reach the bottom of some stairs, go to the right to find this totem of the floor ( you can still reach her in time for “Drag Me Through Hell” )
New Interactable ( 1 / 1 )
After sliding under a closing gate, head to the table in the small room to the right to find a letter
Hunger Totem ( 2 / 3 )
Head up the first set of steps and turn left and find this totem in front of the rubble.
Mystery Man Clue ( 1 / 1 )
When Chris is out running in the snow, take a turn left to find a pigs head behind the scarecrow
Death Totem ( 3 / 3 )
Continue towards the shed but when you can see it, turn right up a slop to find this totem.
Prepare for “We Need To Talk About Josh”
When talking to Dr.Hill, choose the option “No” > “Who are you?” > “You’re freaking me out” > ” You’re real”.
Chapter 5
Danger Totem ( 1 / 4 )
As Mike, head to the other side of the fountain and find the totem behind the small wall
1952 Clue ( 1 / 11 )
When inside the Sanatorium, head towards the front door and grab the notes from the table to the left.
1952 Clue ( 2 / 11 )
Inside the admin room, check inside the safe for this clue.
1952 Clue ( 3 / 11 )
Head to the left corner of the room to find a camera on a set of drawers.
1952 Clue ( 4 / 11 )
After the bird flies past mike, head into the room on the right at the end of the hall. Find this clue on the desk.
New Interactable ( 1 / 1 )
Head into the room where the bird flew out, find this interactable on the sink to the right.
1952 Clue ( 5 / 11 )
Head down the hallway and go into the room on the right to find some notes on a desk.
1952 Clue ( 6 / 11 )
After getting the machete, go into the room on the right and interact with the curtain.
Guidance Totem ( 2 / 4 )
Go back into the previous room and find the totem on the floor to the left.
1952 Clue ( 7 / 11 )
After seeing the wolf run past the door, head in the small door to find this clue on a small table.
1952 Clue ( 8 / 11 )
Head into the backroom of the morgue to find a jar on a shelf.
1952 Clue ( 9 / 11 )
Open the drawer on the left side and pull out the bed to find a name tag.
1952 Clue ( 10 / 11 )
Open the drawer on the other wall to find a death certificate.
Saw That Coming
Head back into the room with the waving hand. Interact with the hand, Choose “Open” > “Open” > “Amputate”.
Prepare for “The Skillful Wolf Man”
When Mike opens the door and the wolf jumps out, DO NOT kick him.
Then walk to the back of the chapel and open the box to feed the wolf a bone.
Mystery Man Clue ( 1 / 4 )
Head up to the alter and find a cirgar box on a barrel.
Mystery Man Clue ( 2 / 4 )
Turn around from the cigar box and head into the room with the pin board.
1952 Clue ( 11 / 11 )
After shooting the lock, Head behind the stairs to find a photo frame on the floor.
Danger Totem ( 3 / 4 )
When outside the cable car shack, find a hole in the right side of the fence to find the totem.
Mystery Man Clue ( 3 / 4 )
Head over to the door to find an axe stuck in it.
Preparation for “Just Breathe”
When in the cable car Shack, Matt must choose “Disagree” when talking to Emily.
Guidance Totem ( 4 / 4 )
When you get to the other side of the wall, turn left to go into a little shed to find the totem in the back.
The Twins Clue ( 1 / 1 )
After heading up some wooden steps, turn left and enter the shed to find this clue.
Mystery Man Clue ( 4 / 4 )
As Sam, head into the living room and go into the room to the left, then turn right to find a business card on a table.
The Psycho Path
When in the theater with the Psycho, choose the option “Throw Vase”.
When a Psycho Calls
Sam must escape the Psycho to access some Chapter 7 collectibles.
Choose “Jump” > “Hit QTE” > “Run” > “Pull” > “Lock Door” > “Hide” > “Hit QTE” > “Succeed Don’t Move”
Chapter 6
Danger Totem ( 1 / 3 )
Before heading up the tower stairs, turn right to find this totem at the end of the path.
New Interactable ( 1 / 2 )
Head from the totem to the edge of the cliff to find the item on top of the fence.
The Twins Clue ( 1 / 2 )
When inside the tower, Open the locker to find a poster.
The Twins Clue ( 2 / 2 )
Head out of the tower and turn on the fuse box, then head back inside to the printer to find another poster.
Loss Totem ( 2 / 3 )
Head back outside, turn left twice to find this totem at the corner.
Just Breathe
Open the box with the flare gun and give it to Matt. When the tower falls choose “Supportive” > “Concerned” > “Save Emily” > “Save Emily”. Matt will wake up and get attacked in the mine, Shoot the monster with the flare gun.
Mystery Man Clue ( 1 / 7 )
In the basement as Ashley, after the jumpscare, turn right to find a book on the table. (You can also take the scissors to attack the Psycho in case you missed ” The Psycho Path ” earlier.
Mystery Man Clue ( 2 / 7 )
Look between the 2 boxes on the other table to find a hidden camera.
Hunger Totem ( 3 / 3 )
When walking in the abandoned hotel, Chris will turn left but if you turn right you can find the totem at the end of the hall.
Mystery Man Clue ( 3 / 7 )
In the room with the broken pillars, head in and get the newspaper from the box on the floor.
Mystery Man Clue ( 4 / 7 )
Continue down the hall and turn left to find the batteries on the floor.
Mystery Man Clue ( 5 / 7 )
After the door shuts in the room, turn around and look at the hooks on the wall.
Mystery Man Clue ( 6 / 7 )
Turn around and interact with the hanging pig.
Mystery Man Clue ( 7 / 7 )
Walk over to the wooden board and look at the photos.
New Interactable ( 2 / 2 )
Walk out into the hallway, turn right twice and find a notebook on a shelf.
Preparation for “Nightmare on Ash Street”
When in the chair with the gun, make sure to shoot Ashley to get this achievement later.
Our Host
The Psycho will also reveal his identity in this scene and you will get the achievement.
Chapter 7
Mystery Man Clue ( 1 / 7 )
As Sam, look at the poster on the wall.
Mystery Man Clue ( 2 / 7 )
Open the desk drawer and look through the folder
Mystery Man Clue ( 3 / 7 )
Turn around and find the phone on the shelf.
Mystery Man Clue ( 4 / 7 )
Go to the other side of the shelf and move the box.
New Interactable ( 1 / 1 )
Head out of that room and find a snow globe to the right. Shake it for an achievement
Mystery Man Clue ( 5 / 7 )
Continue down the hall, turn right and then turn left to find a recorder on the table.
Mystery Man Clue ( 6 / 7 )
Head up the steps and into the room on the right to find a video camera on a stand.
Mystery Man Clue ( 7 / 7 )
Look at the dummy with Sam’s clothes.
1952 Clue ( 1 / 3 )
As Emily, Head up the slope and find a photo in a trunk to the left.
Loss Totem ( 1 / 2 )
Continue up the slope and find the totem at the top.
1952 Clue ( 2 / 3 )
In the large room, walk over to the clock in machine and interact with it.
1952 Clue ( 3 / 3 )
After pushing through some wood, turn right to find a box on top of a barrel.
Death Totem ( 2 / 2 )
You will reach a slope wood path, go up the slop to find this totem at the top.
The Twins Clue ( 1 / 6 )
In the area with the opening above you, turn around to find a pair of glasses on the floor.
The Twins Clue ( 2 / 6 )
Turn around and walk over to the barrel to find a photo.
The Twins Clue ( 3 / 6 )
Turn around and walk over to the 2 planks of wood to find markings on the rock.
The Twins Clue ( 4 / 6 )
Walk past the glowing tunner to find a cross on the floor.
The Twins Clue ( 5 / 6 )
Go into the glowing tunnel and walk to the barrel at the end to find a locket.
The Twins Clue ( 6 / 6 )
After moving the door, walk up to the rock and turn the head.
Preparation for later clue.
At the end of the chapter, choose “Hide” to find a clue later
Prepare for “We Need To Talk About Josh”
When talking to Dr.Hill, choose the option “They hurt me” > “I’m so sorry”
Chapter 8
1952 Clue ( 1 / 6 )
Walk into the little room and interact with the card on the shelf.
Fortune Totem ( 1 / 2 )
After jumping down, turn around and find the totem on the other side of the rubble.
Danger Totem ( 2 / 2 )
Emily will reach the end of some tracks and find the totem in front of some fallen wood.
Preparation for Talk to eM
When Emily is being chased by the Wendigo choose “Succeed QTE” > “Succceed QTE” > “Succeed QTE” > “Left” > “Pull Level” > “Hit QTE” > “Hit QTE” > “Hit QTE” > “Leap” > “Lock Door” > “Hit QTE” > “Hit QTE” > “Hit QTE”. Em will have gotten bit.
Later in the basement, DO NOT shoot Emily.
Nightmare on Ash Street
As Chris, Successfully make it back to the lodge by hitting all shots and QTEs.
1952 Clue ( 2 / 6 )
In the basement as Ashley, look at the book
1952 Clue ( 3 / 6 )
Turn the book page back.
1952 Clue ( 4 / 6 )
Turn the book page forward.
1952 Clue ( 5 / 6 )
Turn the book page forward again
1952 ( 6 / 6 )
Turn to the final page in the book.
Talk to eM
After looking in the book choose “Reassure”. This will cause Emily to slap Ashley.
Chapter 9
Loss Totem ( 1 / 7 )
As Mike in the Sanatorium, head around to the door on the other side of the alter to find this totem.
1952 Clue ( 1 / 5 )
Leave the room and enter the cage to the right to go outside. Interact with the crosses for this clue.
Hunter Totem ( 2 / 7 )
Go up the steps and turn right to find this totem next to a grave stone.
1952 Clue ( 2 / 5 )
In the Sanatorium, you will find a long staircase. Head into the room at the bottom with the Detention Area sign outside.
1952 Clue ( 3 / 5 )
After entering the hole in the wall, take 2 lefts to find a film reel in a room.
1952 Clue ( 4 / 5 )
Continue left down the hallway and open a desk drawer in the room at the end of the hallway.
1952 Clue ( 5 / 5 )
In the same room, walk over to the wall to interact with it, shoot the lock and interact with the corpse on the chair.
Death Totem ( 3 / 7 )
You will later be in another hallway, head straight into the bathroom across from where you were to find this totem on the floor.
New Interactable ( 1 / 1 )
In a long hallway, walk into the room on your right and interact with the chess board on the desk.
The Skillful Wolf Man
You will walk into a caged room, as Mike “Do not shoot the can” > “Shoot Wendigo” > “Straight Ahead” > “Close Gate” > “Shoot Wendigo” > “Open the gate” > “Shoot Wendigo” > “Shoot Again” > “Block Door” > Hit QTE” > “Lock Door” > “Succeed Don’t Move” > “Hit QTE” > “Shoot” > “Hit QTE” > “Hit QTE” > “Shoot” > “Hit QTE” > “Shoot” > “Hit QTE” > “Shoot” > “Shoot” > “Hit QTE” > “Pull Barrel” > “Hit QTE” > “Shoot Gas Can” > “Lock Door”.
In another chase with the wendigos “Shoot the door” > “Barricade” to unlock the achievement.
An American Survivor In Canada
Escape the Sanatorium in Chapter 9
Loss Totem ( 4 / 7 )
As Ashley, when the group takes a break, turn around to find this totem on the floor.
Fortune Totem ( 5 / 7 )
As Ashley, choose to ” Investigate Voice”. DO NOT open the trap door. You will find this totem when you enter the room and turn left.
You Let The Wrong One In!
Head back to the trap door as Ashley and open it
Death Totem ( 6 / 7 )
As Sam, after climbing the wall. Turn left and find this totem in the little room.
Hunger Totem ( 7 / 7 )
After dropping down, follow the path and take the left path when it splits to find this totem.
Chapter 10
The Twins Clue ( 1 / 2 )
After the cutscene with Mike and Sam talking. Before dropping into the water, turn left to find a watch on the ground.
The Twins Clue ( 2 / 2 )
Avoid this clue if you want to kill everyone, you can come back to get it later in Chapter Select.
When walking through the water, go left and climb up to find a journal on the floor.
Danger Totem ( 1 / 4 )
After reaching the other side, Turn to Sam’s left and walk up the wooden path to find this totem at the end of the path.
Fortune Totem ( 2 / 4 )
When playing as Josh with Mike, Turn around and find it on the floor to the left.
Kill Josh
If you did not find “The Twins Clue ( 2 / 2 )” Josh will die in the water.
Fortune Totem ( 3 / 4 )
As Matt, enter the left tunnel to find this totem in a room to the left.
Kill Matt & Jess
When being chased, choose “Hide” > “Succeed Don’t Move” > “Fail QTE”
Hunger Totem ( 4 / 4 )
As Sam, after walking through the water. Turn left to find the final totem on the ground.
Kill Emily, Mike & Sam
When the Wendigos attack the lodge, “Fail Don’t Move” > “Succeed Don’t Move” > “Choose Nothing” > “Succeed Don’t Move” > “Choose Nothing”
Chapter 10
Kill Josh
If you did not find “The Twins Clue ( 2 / 2 )” Josh will die in the water.
Only Others Left Alive
As Matt in the mines, Choose “Hide” > “Succeed Don’t Move” > “Succeed QTE” > ” Hide” > “Succeed Don’t Move”.
Kill Emily, Mike & Sam
When the Wendigos attack the lodge, “Fail Don’t Move” > “Succeed Don’t Move” > “Choose Nothing” > “Succeed Don’t Move” > “Choose Nothing”
Chapter 6
They All Live
In Chapter 6, you must choose to shoot Chris instead of Ashley, this will make Ashley open the door for him in Chapter 8
Now just continue the game and keep everyone alive ( Hit QTEs, Succeed Don’t Move )
Don’t forget when talking to Dr.Hill in Chapter 7 to choose these options.
The Tale of The Two Sisters
Later in Chapter 10, find the notebook you missed in Playthrough 1.
We Need To Talk About Josh
If you chose all the options earlier when talking to Dr. Hill and found the final Twins Clue then you will get this ending.
Fatal Destination
Now head back to the prologue and complete it but when the twins are hanging off the edge, choose the opposite option to what you chose originally. Then you will get a special Dr. Hill cutscene and unlock the achievement.
A Symphony of Horror Achievements
After unlocking every other achievement, you will get this one.
Feel free to leave some feedback or any problems in the comments.
Sources :
Jumpin Jonny Gaming
Until Dawn Fandom[until-dawn.fandom.com]
And that wraps up our share on Until Dawn™: Until Dawn — Collectibles & Achievements Guide. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Something Lataina, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!