Ever wondered how the scoring works on the boardwalk/arcade shooting gallery? Now you can know!
Western Shootout (Boardwalk)
The scoring in this game is affected by distance, and accuracy. Targets will grant bonus points if you hit bullseyes.
- Hitting anywhere on the target (including the black ring) will net you 10-22 points.
- Hitting the smallest red circle or white dot will count as a bullseye, which will net you 60-72 points.
The further away a target is from you, the more points you will get.
If you feel confident enough, you should try and aim for bullseyes as they provide 3x-6x score.
There are two possible patterns, which I’ll call “Pop up” and “Conga line”.
This pattern can only appear in the back row.
There will be a line of targets that appear in random order and positions. They will stay up for a few seconds before hiding themselves again. Aim for bullseyes if you’re confident enough, otherwise go crazy on the fire button to hit as many targets as you can.
This pattern can appear in both the front and back row.
A line of 10 targets will reveal themselves in order, moving from left to right, or right to left, while bobbing up and down. Hitting bullseyes will be difficult, so I wouldn’t stress too much about it. If you struggle to hit the targets at all, I’d advise keeping your mouse still at the median height of the targets and simply fire when the targets line up.
Each play will cost 50 tokens, which equates to 500 units.
Your crosshair will be hidden during the duration of the minigame. If you struggle to hit targets, I’d suggest using your monitor’s crosshair feature if it has one.
The game will last roughly 50 seconds, during which various targets will appear in either of the two patterns above, often overlapping. After the time is up, you will be granted your score as tickets, and half of that as boardwalk XP.
This minigame features 2 achievements which grant a total of 30,000 units. If you’re skilled enough, you could get both first try! Best of luck!
The Day The Corn Stood Still (Arcade)
This shootout game is also proximity and accuracy based. Only some targets will grant bonus points if you hit “bullseyes”. This game has multiple different targets, listed below.
- Score varies by distance
- Grants 11-30 points, breaks immediately
- Grants 61-80 points if you shoot the center
Obvious target, shoot these!
- Score unchanged by distance
- Grants 150 points, breaks immediately
- Grants 150 points if you shoot the center
Varies in colour. Consistent points, if you can hit its tiny hitbox.
- Penalty unchanged by distance
- Deducts 50 points, breaks immediately
- No bullseye bonus
Pretty obvious cutout, shooting it will penalise you.
- Penalty unchanged by distance
- Deducts 50 points, breaks immediately
- Deducts 50 points if you shoot the center
These look very similar to cans from afar! Avoid shooting!
- Score unchanged by distance
- Grants 200 points, takes 3 hits to break
- No bullseye bonus
Not really worth shooting unless you’re bad at hitting cans.
- Score unchanged by distance, except for final hit
- Grants 15 points per hit, takes 20 hits to break (total 300 points)
- No bullseye bonus except for final hit
- Final hit gives +13-63 points, affected by distance and bullseye bonus
Aim for the eyes! The eye closest to the center is the easiest to hit.
Each play will cost 70 tokens, which equates to 700 units.
Your crosshair will be hidden during the duration of the minigame. If you struggle to hit targets, I’d suggest using your monitor’s crosshair feature if it has one.
The game consists of 3 rounds, procederally getting more hectic.
Round 1 will consist of corn, cans, and birds.
Round 2 will introduce UFOs, and Round 3 will have the boss.
There are no scoring differences between the rounds, and the game will last roughly 1m30s.
You will be granted your score as tickets, and half of that as arcade XP. Team score does not affect anything.
This minigame features 1 achievement which grants 2,500 units. Shouldn’t be too difficult as you get 3 rounds to rack up score.
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And that wraps up our share on Tower Unite: Shooting Gallery Scoring Guide! (Boardwalk/Arcade). If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Dex, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!