Welcome to the ultimate achievement and photo guide for “This is a Ghost”! This guide is designed to help you achieve 100% completion in the game without having to navigate through the cryptic and confusing aspects of it, or rely on information from the game’s Discord channel. Let’s dive in and make your gaming experience easier and more enjoyable!
I’m not talking about every single achievement
60 Photos grind…
This is why the unlocking the 6 different Photo Achievements is definitely the hardest part about 100% beating the game.
Luckily im about to tell you most photos in this game though a really big spreedsheet. Telling you in which map is the interactions you need. (+ some theory photos/photos i havent unlocked).
get it
Old Housing
Wood Clinic
Ghost Event
Drawing #1-9
60 PHOTOS PART 2!!!!!!
get it
Old Housing
Wood Clinic
bird cage
with candle
cash register
Please don’t make 70 photos achievement i beg you.
Photo Related Achievements
All are present in the above spreedsheet and the photos name are placed below them.
(#0 What the f**k)
This achievement is unlocked by taking a photo of a Very Rare Ghost Event.
The event looks like a lot of ghost models in various event positions. (i don’t have personal footage)
Said by the game developer on discord:
The event happens in addition to a regular event. Its very RNG dependant. There’s some ways to increase your chances of it appearing:
1. Entity Type
2. Entities Speed (Faster > Slower)
3. “Show Yourself” Voice.
Angering the entity like using the wrong rune/using ouija increases your chances.
This is the only secret achievement i haven’t completed myself and the achievement that keeps me from the 100% goal even after spending 50 hours playing.
This will probably be the last achievement you get before 100%. Unless you’re really lucky.
(#58 We take care of you!)
This achievement is exclusive to the WitchWood Clinic Map and you need to input a randomized code that appears in a randomized room. This random room is told to you on the Pharmacy on the table right next to the computer you need to input the code in:
This random room shows itself scrambled and you need to piece it together to know where the code is.
For example the room i got:(This room could be any room in the map, for example: Technical services or even the Pharmacy).
After you get the room the code is in you’re going to go to that room and look for the code.
For example my code appeared in this spot of the Laboratory:(This code is randomized for every time you start the map so it won’t be the same as the photo shown).
Now that code is going to be inputed in the computer in the Pharmacy, right next to the scrambled room from before.
Right click on the computer. Analyze System. Input Code. Open Room. All done.
Now a secret room will open on the same room you’re in. It is located on the corner of the room.
Then just go across the hallway into the secret room.
Then you should find these guys on the glass and you just take a photo of them and you get the photo unlocked and achievement.
(# 62 In memory…)
This achievement is exclusive to the new map Tormented House it is obtained by pressing a secret button behind a painting and opening a closed gate on the Garden.
First you need to kill the ghost. This is required because the painting doesn’t reveal the button before killing the ghost.
Once the ghost is dead a painting in the Living Room would have come off slightly revealing a button behind of it.(To the right of the lamp you can see the painting with the button behind it).
Once you press the button a previously closed gate on the Garden would have now opened.(Seen from the Terrace Entrance)
When you follow the path you should see a monument that’s dedicated to unskilled hunters.
Just take the photo and that should be it.
Strategy for 15 Hunter Medals in a game
Im only going to give the strategy for 15 medals and not 10 since you could get the 10 medals achievement and the 15 in the same game. (And with the calculations you could just math yourself how to get 10 in a game)
Medals are calculated by difficulty. x1 = Easy. x2 = Medium and x3 = Hard. So that means if you’re playing on hard the medals you get on the mission are multiplied by 3. So that would mean you need 5 or 6 medals in a game to have more or equal to 15 medals. (Small, Medium or Large map And Entities Unlocked don’t matter)
That means there is a lot of possibilities. but the ones that i like the most are the 2 below:(This will work with any combination that grants 5 medals).
Mini Achievement
Do not touch is an achievement that requires you to touch a broken breaker.
This achievement is only here because there could be people that don’t know that this is exclusive to the oneiroi ability, that being breaking the breaker. Not a single other ghost can break the breaker.
After the oneiroi breaks it the breaker starts throwing sparks and electricity. and when you try to turn it on or off it will shock you and deal a little bit of damage.
The end… For now i guess
If you find something that is wrong or information that is missing (like photos or a missing detail on an achievement) then tell me in the comment section and ill fix it as soon as i can.
And that wraps up our share on “This is a Ghost: Ultimate Achievement & Photo Guide”. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Zeffox300, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!